Seek External Hard Drive advice

Been looking to pick up one of these and I was just wondering if anyone had suggestions. I'm not looking to pay more than $150. I also don't know how good or bad these can be. Anything that makes a HDD "good" or "bad"? Or would pretty much any random HDD do?
I found this one at, which seems to be pretty damn huge for the price, but that usually means it's shitty..
Any suggestions are welcome, thanks
I found this one at, which seems to be pretty damn huge for the price, but that usually means it's shitty..
Any suggestions are welcome, thanks

Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North."
Post edited by Unknown User on
i went with this one over a year ago. i had never heard comstar and a google search at the time wasnt much help. it does get hot but its been running day and night for over a year with no problems yet. i would highly recommend it but im sure the one you are looking at is just as good.
Thank you. I figured as much but thought I may be missing something. Appreciate the help
Dont know how big of a harddrive you need, but right now best buy has a nice 250 gig (the same exact one I have) for $130
Hope this helps.
Here's a link to their top selling external hdds.