Help! Fatal Exception 06

Does anybody know anything about the Fatal Exception 06 error in Windows? I got this error a couple of weeks ago on my laptop, it basically incapacitates the computer with the blue screen that alerts you of the error, it then says to press any key to continue, but always just goes right back to the error. I did a search of the error on Microsoft's website and it said something about having to do with my antivirus program, so I did what they told me to do, (removed a line of code somewhere through the comand prompt) was able to get the desktop up and running again, so I uninstalled the antivirus (at my own risk, of course) and thought I had fixed it for a moment, now I can access everything except the internet. As soon as I open up explorer it goes to the blue error screen, I ran an up to date virus scan before uninstalling and it said I didn't have any viruses, but I don't really know a lot about the technical side of stuff. Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this? If anyone could help me out, I would be forever in your debt. I'm dieing without my laptop. Thanks.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Tell me if that does the trick.
Oh man you beat me to it. I figured that out this weekend. Who would have ever thought Microsoft would be the cause of so many problems? I'm glad you got fixed up too! Thanks for the concern.