
chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
edited November 2007 in All Encompassing Trip
life is.

i just found out someone who used to work for years in our lab died yesterday in a car accident. people here are like family, so it's gonna mess folks up for sure. i have to break the news to my boss when she gets back :(

so yeah, just tell those that you care about that you love them every chance you get, cuz you just never know.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    it's amazing how life can change in an sorry about your friend.....:(
  • I am so sorry!

    my thoughts are with you and everyone involved.
  • Ahhh chiqs, I am sorry :(

    We are are truly lucky for every day we have.
  • thanks guys. yeah it's just such a loss...worked with him for over 10 years. he'll be seriously missed.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,588
    sorry chiqui ....:(
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • thanks jose. and of course as i was about to leave work i noticed a pic of him on this bulletin board we have by the door of everybody, and i just lost it :(
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    That's such a nasty blow...I'm very sorry for your loss....

    But yeah, you never know when these things are gonna happen. That's what sucks....Hug your friends everyone!
    be philanthropic
  • i feel *really* bad for his family, i can't imagine what they're going through right now. they know they can count on us for help so hopefully that with help a little bit.

    but absolutely, hug and love on those that matter to you!
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    i feel *really* bad for his family, i can't imagine what they're going through right now. they know they can count on us for help so hopefully that with help a little bit.

    but absolutely, hug and love on those that matter to you!

    damn. i'm sorry. it's apparent it has affected you even though it's not a flesh and bllod relative. really speaks to how close all you are.

    true. don't take family or friends for granted...they can be snuffed away in an instance time as i have found out 2 in the last 2 year.

    again, sorry.

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • brainofPJ wrote:
    damn. i'm sorry. it's apparent it has affected you even though it's not a flesh and bllod relative. really speaks to how close all you are.

    true. don't take family or friends for granted...they can be snuffed away in an instance time as i have found out 2 in the last 2 year.

    again, sorry.
    i've worked with my boss for 15 years and i never saw her as upset as when i had to break the news to her. that hurt to do that. neither of us has lost a colleague like that, so yeah, it's a blow. i'm gonna have to keep an extra eye on her because i wonder how she's going to cope. the folks we've worked with are like family. i knew his kids growing up, his wife who is such a nice lady.

    yeah you can't take anything for granted for sure, appreciate everything.
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    Yeah...I had a friend I let slip away...we were such good friends through high school, middle school, and elementary school...we lost touch, but reconnected in 1998...communicated for a bit...then he disappeared. When I read his obit in the paper three years ago, I bawled and bawled. Meningits. And I really miss him...

    So yeah, if you think of a friend that you miss, give them a call or send an least you'd have tried to make a connection...

    But take care've got a lot of support from the Pit...
    be philanthropic
  • Yeah...I had a friend I let slip away...we were such good friends through high school, middle school, and elementary school...we lost touch, but reconnected in 1998...communicated for a bit...then he disappeared. When I read his obit in the paper three years ago, I bawled and bawled. Meningits. And I really miss him...

    So yeah, if you think of a friend that you miss, give them a call or send an least you'd have tried to make a connection...

    But take care've got a lot of support from the Pit...
    aw i'm sorry about your friend. yeah i know me and a lot of people are going ot miss him. i guess that says something wonderful about his life really....his impact on so many, and how much this will affect people. it's sad to see people hurt though.

    definitely, i'll be sending some notes out and makign a few calls for sure. i talked to my grandparents (my grandma had surgery on tuesday), and it felt good to just say i love you.

    thanks a lot, i appreciate it. i think i'll be okay, it's just come as such a shock. i'll have to get something ready tomorrow to send out to everybody that's worked with him, it'll have to be an email, i can't make those kind of calls, i don't have the heart.
  • i don't ask this much, if at all ever here, but keep some good thoughts coming westward if you can. a bunch of folks myself included could use them :(
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    i don't ask this much, if at all ever here, but keep some good thoughts coming westward if you can. a bunch of folks myself included could use them :(

    i'll give ya all i can.....{{Hugs}}
  • cutback wrote:
    i'll give ya all i can.....{{Hugs}}
    thank you sweetie
  • QuarterToTenQuarterToTen Cincinnati, Ohio Posts: 3,642
    big hugs and good thoughts to you my always.
    Nice shirt.
  • big hugs and good thoughts to you my always.
    aw man, thank you. i'll have to watch that at home, i'll start crying if i watch it now :(
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Oh chiq. :(

    That's just awful. I'm so sorry.

    I've lost a few school friends and work colleagues and it never gets any easier. There's really nothing I can say that will take away the shock and grief. Just know that I'm thinking of you, I'm so very sorry, I love you dearly and hope it will feel better soon.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • thanks jeanie. we just found out when the funeral will be, so we'll be going next wednesday. there is also going to be a viewing but i can't do that. i went to one for a friend's sister when she passed and that image was burned in my brain, i'd rather remember him as he was in life, really full of life.

    my boss just started a memorial fellowship fund in his honor which i think is a beautiful idea, it's something he would have loved.
  • JDE-PJJDE-PJ Posts: 721
    sending some positive thoughts your way chiqui, I hope his family and all of you who knew him, get through this time in as good as shape as possible.

    take care
    I know someday you will have a beautiful Life

  • JDE-PJ wrote:
    sending some positive thoughts your way chiqui, I hope his family and all of you who knew him, get through this time in as good as shape as possible.

    take care
    thanks so much jason, i appreciate it.

    also need some good vibes for my grandma, she had surgery tuesday night and has biopsy results coming in on monday. i'm trying real hard to stay positive.
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    thanks jeanie. we just found out when the funeral will be, so we'll be going next wednesday. there is also going to be a viewing but i can't do that. i went to one for a friend's sister when she passed and that image was burned in my brain, i'd rather remember him as he was in life, really full of life.

    my boss just started a memorial fellowship fund in his honor which i think is a beautiful idea, it's something he would have loved.

    Oh that's good chiq. I mean knowing when the funeral will be.
    Viewing is such a personal choice, if you're not comfortable then don't do it. I think you're wise to know that. It can make things so much worse. It's a funny thing, I've viewed some loved ones and it's been an awful thing and I wished I hadn't and there have been other times when it's been very cathartic and helped me immensly. And then there have been people, my Gran in particular where there just wasn't time and I missed out, and I'm kinda sad I did but it's done now and I can't change it, so I just have to live with it. I think you just have to be guided by how you're feeling at the time.

    The memorial in his honor sounds fabulous. I'm so glad that your boss has done that. It's such a positive way to honor him. And it gives you all a positive focus to channel all your love and affection and respect for the man into. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • libragirllibragirl Posts: 4,632
    I'm sorry to hear about that. You never know what could happen..that's why I don't understand why people waste time being petty and awful to eachother....I remember one of my good friends getting killed in a car accident a few years after we graduated highschool.
    These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
  • xscorchoxscorcho Posts: 409
    im really sorry for your loss. best wishes to you and your coworker family.
  • thanks guys. yeah the memorial fund is an excellent idea, his family will really appreciate it. wednesday's gonna be a rough day
  • i feel like an angel of death or harbinger of horrible news, been sending out notes all morning to people to let them know :( i wanna go home.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    what a shitty day....sorry :(
  • thanks. plus it's hella busy here but i'm having a hard time focusing. i am dreading wednesday so badly
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    Just read this thread......sorry to hear all that is going on.

    Bad News SUCKS.

    take care, Chiqui.
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • Lizard wrote:
    Just read this thread......sorry to hear all that is going on.

    Bad News SUCKS.

    take care, Chiqui.
    thanks. definitely, it sucks. only had 1 person call in response thank goodness, i don't think i could have taken more calls about it.
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