Any Birders? :)

I know Carol is a bird watcher
anyone else here into birds??
I'm absolutely fascinated with Hummingbirds... always have been! I'm amazed that I've been very successful at attracting them to our apartment in the middle of Seattle!
This Guy is 'The Sentinal'
... it's funny that they're so territorial. This little guy will sit in the courtyard... keeping an eye on both feeders I put up... and 'divebomb' anyone who tries to feed from them while he's 'on duty'
This is a series of shots of 'The Sentinal'... taken within about a 15 minute span. It's amazing how their colors change/show as the light refracts
P.S. Dear Santa... if you're reading this... I have been 'very good' this year and I would LOVE a superfancy telephoto lens for my camera

I'm absolutely fascinated with Hummingbirds... always have been! I'm amazed that I've been very successful at attracting them to our apartment in the middle of Seattle!
This Guy is 'The Sentinal'
... it's funny that they're so territorial. This little guy will sit in the courtyard... keeping an eye on both feeders I put up... and 'divebomb' anyone who tries to feed from them while he's 'on duty'

This is a series of shots of 'The Sentinal'... taken within about a 15 minute span. It's amazing how their colors change/show as the light refracts
P.S. Dear Santa... if you're reading this... I have been 'very good' this year and I would LOVE a superfancy telephoto lens for my camera

Exercising her will to lose control...
she lets go
she lets go
Post edited by Unknown User on
look how LITTLE the babies are!!
My sister who passed away in Oct 06 LOVED Them and had lots of porcelain ones, etc. The next spring a hummingbird built a nest (1st time ever) on a windchime that my passed away sister gave to another sister. I thought that was kinda cool
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
That's very special for the Hummer to nest on the chime
If you keep feeders filled through the winter months most of the Anna's will stay. The Rufus all migrate to warmer climates. The fact that they can fly up to 600 miles non stop is pretty hard to get your head around!
Lots of cool footage on YouTube! this is one of the best ones I've found...
she lets go
I snapped a picture of a Ruby-throated hummer on the nest this summer. Pretty cool stuff....
Thanks for that video link! OMG---that guy had like 20 hummingbirds buzzing around him at the end of it!! THe ones that come around my yard were very territorial and would not let another drink while they were!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
How are you lady???
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I go crazy over hawks and falcons. That's one of the things I miss about having a job in which I spent a lot of time on the road. I knew tons of spots where I could count on seeing red tailed hawks. Seeing them made many of my days.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
For years I thought they were tropical, so I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw one when I was on holiday in France.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Every Fall for the last 15 years, I sit at a Hawk Watch and count migrating raptors. We man the watch for 10 weeks Sept 1-Nov 15th for 8 hours each day. I usually do it one 8 hour day a week. I find it awe inspiring that the migration is going on, and that most people have no idea that there could be a "flock" of Broad Wing Hawks numbering in the hundreds, flying just over their heads. Every year I try and be there for the BIG DAY, usually around the third week of September. This year we had 1800 Broad Wings on our BIG DAY, I was lucky and was able to be there for the whole day.
Lizard..that was a sign from your sister. We had something similar from my dad after he died. He was a birder his whole life, loved Bald Eagles. When we were in the funeral home, planning his service, we had him cremated, and needed to pick out an urn for his ashes, we picked a marble one with a Bald Eagle engraved on it. My son who was closest with dad says....wouldn't it be cool if an eagle flew over the church during PopPops service? We really weren't paying too much attention to him as we were all devastated and just so full of grief at my dads sudden death....but our minister was paying attention to him. A week later we arrived at the church...about 30 people all getting out of their cars, walking in the parking lot, and my sister looks up and says....Is that an eagle???? I look up and YES IT WAS A FULL ADULT BALD EAGLE! He was circling over the church....nice and low! He continued circling while I was yelling for someone to get my MOM! She came out of the church, and watched as the Eagle slowly sailed away. The minister started dads service and told everyone about my sons wish and the eagles visit. We all cried. This happened in January and Eagles were rarely ever seen away from open rivers that time of year. Gave us great comfort.
Jams....your pictures are AWESOME!!! I'm coming out to do some Hummingbird watching! We could sit drink some wine...or how about we meet up in Arizona during the migration and see all different types???? Also, I have a hummingbird nest that my Daddy gave me. I have several articles from nature that he had given me, they are my most treasured things from him, because when he was out in Nature...he was thinking about me. Now when I hike everyday....I think about him. Yesterday I had saw a beautiful singing male Eastern Bluebird...I believe my Dad sent him to me.
Sorry this got so brought out my passion!!!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
great pics of the hummers!
*typing through tears*
I was about to just keep the last paragraph to quote and post my 'best shot' of the day from yesterday...
but then I read your whole post...
I truly belive it is tremendously important that we are 'open to ... and aware of' ... SIGNS
and Carol... the thought of sitting (well... I'd be too excited to sit) with you... and be surrounded by migrating Hummers ... in the 1000's ... humming around me...
She spontaneously combusts!!
... I'm going to take your beautiful winged thoughts into the rest of my day...
I'll post my picture later
she lets go
And yes, hawks and eagles are so awesome.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Stay well my good friend Jams....I know you have an anniversary coming too.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown