Ahhh I would have totally agreed with this a while back...in fact I think I made a very similar post back in the day lol
So I assume your opinions have changed?
I hope no one thinks I am coming off as I am against internet use for dating/meeting people cause I am all for it...just through my past experience with it and teh fact I love meeting new people face to face (as it goes beyond the illusions the internet may create especially if someone is lying about who they really are).
I hope no one thinks I am coming off as I am against internet use for dating/meeting people cause I am all for it...just through my past experience with it and teh fact I love meeting new people face to face (as it goes beyond the illusions the internet may create especially if someone is lying about who they really are).
No - your posts were very clear that you're not against it...and I agree...the internet can be very tricky cause it does provide a sort of barrier...especially if it's JUST the internet...and I also agree with your statement that it can be a great way to meet people. I think it's also possible to get to know someone very well online and I've been pleasantly surprised that you can connect...and then meet in person and realize that the connection was just as you had hoped. So yeah...my opinions have changed
No - your posts were very clear that you're not against it...and I agree...the internet can be very tricky cause it does provide a sort of barrier...especially if it's JUST the internet...and I also agree with your statement that it can be a great way to meet people. I think it's also possible to get to know someone very well online and I've been pleasantly surprised that you can connect...and then meet in person and realize that the connection was just as you had hoped. So yeah...my opinions have changed
I used to be adamantly against it...I remember telling my good friends about the girl I chatted to on a message board and showed them her pics and they thought she was bullshitting me because why would an attractive girl like that need to meet people on-line (funny as a I responded back..."does that make me ugly?"...lol) but anyway we just chatted then moved to the phone conversations then we decided to meet...and I was so freaking nervous because I hoped I was not being messed with (because that is what I worried the most over internet dating/meeting)...but yeah so was exactly who she said/showed she was...just the timing in my life couldn't make things work....its weird because I always wonder where (or who, well maybe lol ) I would be with if those timing things were different....but I am not one for past regrets that is for sure so it does not get to me too much....however people should still be cautious as there are plenty of freaks on the net as well as great people......
I used to be adamantly against it...I remember telling my good friends about the girl I chatted to on a message board and showed them her pics and they thought she was bullshitting me because why would an attractive girl like that need to meet people on-line (funny as a I responded back..."does that make me ugly?"...lol) but anyway we just chatted then moved to the phone conversations then we decided to meet...and I was so freaking nervous because I hoped I was not being messed with (because that is what I worried the most over internet dating/meeting)...but yeah so was exactly who she said/showed she was...just the timing in my life couldn't make things work....its weird because I always wonder where (or who, well maybe lol ) I would be with if those timing things were different....but I am not one for past regrets that is for sure so it does not get to me too much....however people should still be cautious as there are plenty of freaks on the net as well as great people......
Me too...I couldn't understand how anyone could become friends with someone online...but now I know it's possible...and the friendships and relationships are just as real as any you meet in person. I've had a VERY freaky experience myself...so I know there are some freaks out there...but I have also met some freaks in person too haha. And I agre...no sense in past regrets...any connection is meaningful even if it comes to an end...it still had meaning in your life.
Me too...I couldn't understand how anyone could become friends with someone online...but now I know it's possible...and the friendships and relationships are just as real as any you meet in person. I've had a VERY freaky experience myself...so I know there are some freaks out there...but I have also met some freaks in person too haha. And I agre...no sense in past regrets...any connection is meaningful even if it comes to an end...it still had meaning in your life.
Yeah it's weird how special bonds can develop over the net without people ever meeting each other (specifically talking about internet friends such as you meet here). Like I said earlier hopefully one day I can meet the many amazing people that post here, I have meet some but there are still many more that I would love to have an actual conversation with....just need PJ to come tour my neck of the woods again I guess....:)
And I 100% agree with your last statement I rather have had the experience than never had it all.
Me too...I couldn't understand how anyone could become friends with someone online...but now I know it's possible...and the friendships and relationships are just as real as any you meet in person. I've had a VERY freaky experience myself...so I know there are some freaks out there...but I have also met some freaks in person too haha. And I agre...no sense in past regrets...any connection is meaningful even if it comes to an end...it still had meaning in your life.
i can agree with you too. i have met some awesome people on here (like you ) that i wouldn't trade for the world. even though i havent met some of yu face to face i still feel like you are really close to me. I also think that when people meet on here and the attraction rises there are 2 vrey different scenerios. i think if there is intention to meet and see where it goes thats awesome... just some people try to live their entire relationships through the internet. thats weird. not to mention the liars ive come across... whoo it would blow your mind.
i can agree with you too. i have met some awesome people on here (like you ) that i wouldn't trade for the world. even though i havent met some of yu face to face i still feel like you are really close to me. I also think that when people meet on here and the attraction rises there are 2 vrey different scenerios. i think if there is intention to meet and see where it goes thats awesome... just some people try to live their entire relationships through the internet. thats weird. not to mention the liars ive come across... whoo it would blow your mind.
Yeah some people seem to thrive in this sort of environment and are intimidated to meet the actual people they are talking to which is too bad. I still believe that the internet is full of people lying (hopefully a minority though)...does not need to be big lies but small ones...I find it is such an easy medium for people to create an image for themselves that is not their reality...hence I guess people who are committed to live their relationships behind a computer monitor....but as for the message pit I truely believe that a large (very large) majority of us posting are not being fake...and that seems true from the posters I have met.....but when people strive to meet each other that is super-cool.
One last thing with liars is that if the person is lying through their teeth on the internet what does that really say about their true personality as a flesh and blood human?
Yeah some people seem to thrive in this sort of environment and are intimidated to meet the actual people they are talking to which is too bad. I still believe that the internet is full of people lying (hopefully a minority though)...does not need to be big lies but small ones...I find it is such an easy medium for people to create an image for themselves that is not their reality...hence I guess people who are committed to live their relationships behind a computer monitor....but as for the message pit I truely believe that a large (very large) majority of us posting are not being fake...and that seems true from the posters I have met.....but when people strive to meet each other that is super-cool.
One last thing with liars is that if the person is lying through their teeth on the internet what does that really say about their true personality as a flesh and blood human?
well i think you answered your own question. if someone is gonna lie to you about how many times they have seen pearl jam or what their original hair color is ok fine... but if they have fabricated every aspect of their life for whatever reason... well they obviously have serious mental problems. i think most people are inherently good. exagerations and little white lies are very normal and nothing to worry about.. you are much more comfy to hide behind your computer than actually saying these things to a persons face. and someone people will say it to your face. to be honest the internet is a blessing and a curse.. it has brought all of us together but also taken us away from going out and living...in some cases...
now the funny part is i have caught people lying about small things and htey know they are caught... but then they want me to still talk to them and respect them. uhmmmm no.
but i think if its the right place and time for 2 people and they meet over the board and it develops and they turn it into a reality i find that amazing. because just think of how many couples would never have met 20 years ago when internet wasnt even around. seriously i remember in high school if you met someone online it was considered weird and freakish. but now there are 25 dating sites, myspace, facebook and a forum on anything. so its bound to happen
One last thing with liars is that if the person is lying through their teeth on the internet what does that really say about their true personality as a flesh and blood human?
i agree, i was really close with a board member and turned out she wasnt the age she told me she was. ive met some really cool people on here and have become close to them, but i always keep my guard up cause its the net and friends come and go on here, its the true friends on here that willl be there for u no matter what u are like.ive met some of them in person and it was just like how it was on the net. im still friends with a board member after a year and a half. crushes are cool to have as long as u dont get really into them
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
well i think you answered your own question. if someone is gonna lie to you about how many times they have seen pearl jam or what their original hair color is ok fine... but if they have fabricated every aspect of their life for whatever reason... well they obviously have serious mental problems. i think most people are inherently good. exagerations and little white lies are very normal and nothing to worry about.. you are much more comfy to hide behind your computer than actually saying these things to a persons face. and someone people will say it to your face. to be honest the internet is a blessing and a curse.. it has brought all of us together but also taken us away from going out and living...in some cases...
now the funny part is i have caught people lying about small things and htey know they are caught... but then they want me to still talk to them and respect them. uhmmmm no.
but i think if its the right place and time for 2 people and they meet over the board and it develops and they turn it into a reality i find that amazing. because just think of how many couples would never have met 20 years ago when internet wasnt even around. seriously i remember in high school if you met someone online it was considered weird and freakish. but now there are 25 dating sites, myspace, facebook and a forum on anything. so its bound to happen
Yeah I remember thinking people were nuts for the on-line dating stuff...now it is the in-thing to do....which is good. It is actually a great medium for people that are a little bit introverted (which is not a bad thing) to meet people they normally wouldn't have the courage to come up and talk to....and I agree with the blessing and curse thought....since I have been known to post in the AMT I always wonder what it would be like to meet those that i seem to disagree with on every topic....I think that fourm is a great example of how people get more "daring" behind their computer....saying stuff they normally would never say toe each other....
i agree, i was really close with a board member and turned out she wasnt the age she told me she was. ive met some really cool people on here and have become close to them, but i always keep my guard up cause its the net and friends come and go on here, its the true friends on here that willl be there for u no matter what u are like.ive met some of them in person and it was just like how it was on the net. im still friends with a board member after a year and a half. crushes are cool to have as long as u dont get really into them
I am willing to bet the two top things lies about on the internet is age and weight.
age difference was 9 years and shes actually older then what she told me. i had a very huge internet fling with her, i trusted her alot cause she seemed like a really cool and honest girl bout everything but her age. i was just played like a fool in the end.
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
age difference was 9 years and shes actually older then what she told me. i had a very huge internet fling with her, i trusted her alot cause she seemed like a really cool and honest girl bout everything but her age. i was just played like a fool in the end.
Yeah in my case that is exactly what I was worried out although it proved I was being told the truth....that is the thing with internet dating one can waste a lot of time on someone who is pretending to be someone totally different....cruel if you ask me....
i can agree with you too. i have met some awesome people on here (like you ) that i wouldn't trade for the world. even though i havent met some of yu face to face i still feel like you are really close to me. I also think that when people meet on here and the attraction rises there are 2 vrey different scenerios. i think if there is intention to meet and see where it goes thats awesome... just some people try to live their entire relationships through the internet. thats weird. not to mention the liars ive come across... whoo it would blow your mind.
You are one of the very cool people I have met on here too And I agree...it's great when you connect and can move it beyond the internet...but even purely online friendships can be meaningful..as long as not ALL your friendships are online haha
Yeah in my case that is exactly what I was worried out although it proved I was being told the truth....that is the thing with internet dating one can waste a lot of time on someone who is pretending to be someone totally different....cruel if you ask me....
oh it so was cruel, i was even gonna fly to where she lived and see if it was real. like i wouldnt of known by her looks that she was older once i saw her in person. she told me her fake age first and then gave me a pic of her so i believed the age she was tellin me.u live and learn
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
oh it so was cruel, i was even gonna fly to where she lived and see if it was real. like i wouldnt of known by her looks that she was older once i saw her in person. she told me her fake age first and then gave me a pic of her so i believed the age she was tellin me.u live and learn
Well at least you found out before you flew to see her...that is harsh....but at least your prepared if something similar comes along again....any reason she lied? Crazy?
as long as not ALL your friendships are online haha
Yep that woudl be pretty weird...sadly there a people like that and I tell you that weirds me out....as people we need face to face interaction I believe holding that away from yourself is somewhat dehumanizing yourself in a way....
Well at least you found out before you flew to see her...that is harsh....but at least your prepared if something similar comes along again....any reason she lied? Crazy?
yeah i know it was harsh, yeah iam prepared but now like i cant even trust the friends i have made on here cause of it, my guard is always up now. i have no idea why she lied, i guess she didnt think id wanna be friends with an older woman.
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
yeah i know it was harsh, yeah iam prepared but now like i cant even trust the friends i have made on here cause of it, my guard is always up now. i have no idea why she lied, i guess she didnt think id wanna be friends with an older woman.
Did you meet her over this message board?
Cause I find people here to be very honest and forward....at least like I said those that I have met person to person....
Cause I find people here to be very honest and forward....at least like I said those that I have met person to person....
yes i did meet her on this message board, thats what bugs me bout it all.she knew how old i was, its right there in my profile and yet she still wanted to play games with me.
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Cause I find people here to be very honest and forward....at least like I said those that I have met person to person....
Fortunately I've had the same experience....except with one freak who exposed himself to me :eek: but fortunately I never met him in person I think if you want to take a friendship/relationship to the next level it's probably important to move it beyond the online world...but if you're satisfied with it as just an online friendship that's fine too. I guess it's all a matter of what you're looking for.
I dig ANY chick who likes PJ and has that same 'crazy' and insatiable appetite that I do for them. Every girl I've met from this board is both unique and attractive in their own way. I can't deny that I have a soft spot for all of them.
aww....you like me the best, though, right???
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
Very well said. But yes the downside is the lack of any physical connection/acitivity :(
a couple of years ago this girl on these forums sent me a photo of her jugs, so I dunno so much about the forums lacking a connection. point being, if an effort is made to connect, it can be done.
So, I'm at a loss with this guy I'm 'dating'. I need help! I so cannot figure him out.
We went out on Saturday...great date! Even got some kisses (not french) and he called the next night. Sunday night we talked for an hour and a half. I called him yesterday and left a message. He called me back a little later (I was sleeping) and then I called him and we talked for another half hour until The Office was on. The problem...???...
He hasn't asked me out again. I don't get it. He's obviously interested, right???
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
im at a loss....odd behaviour....if he wasnt youd think there'd be no talking....maybe he doesnt know what his next move is....
sidenote: my daughter just screamed out the " of the worrrrrrrrlllldddd" part in chicken little....caught me off guard lol....
You ain't-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
well if that aint the pot calling the kettle black :eek:
You ain't-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
So I assume your opinions have changed?
I hope no one thinks I am coming off as I am against internet use for dating/meeting people cause I am all for it...just through my past experience with it and teh fact I love meeting new people face to face (as it goes beyond the illusions the internet may create especially if someone is lying about who they really are).
I used to be adamantly against it...I remember telling my good friends about the girl I chatted to on a message board and showed them her pics and they thought she was bullshitting me because why would an attractive girl like that need to meet people on-line (funny as a I responded back..."does that make me ugly?"...lol) but anyway we just chatted then moved to the phone conversations then we decided to meet...and I was so freaking nervous because I hoped I was not being messed with (because that is what I worried the most over internet dating/meeting)...but yeah so was exactly who she said/showed she was...just the timing in my life couldn't make things work....its weird because I always wonder where (or who, well maybe lol
Yeah it's weird how special bonds can develop over the net without people ever meeting each other (specifically talking about internet friends such as you meet here). Like I said earlier hopefully one day I can meet the many amazing people that post here, I have meet some but there are still many more that I would love to have an actual conversation with....just need PJ to come tour my neck of the woods again I guess....:)
And I 100% agree with your last statement I rather have had the experience than never had it all.
i can agree with you too. i have met some awesome people on here (like you
Yeah some people seem to thrive in this sort of environment and are intimidated to meet the actual people they are talking to which is too bad. I still believe that the internet is full of people lying (hopefully a minority though)...does not need to be big lies but small ones...I find it is such an easy medium for people to create an image for themselves that is not their reality...hence I guess people who are committed to live their relationships behind a computer monitor....but as for the message pit I truely believe that a large (very large) majority of us posting are not being fake...and that seems true from the posters I have met.....but when people strive to meet each other that is super-cool.
One last thing with liars is that if the person is lying through their teeth on the internet what does that really say about their true personality as a flesh and blood human?
well i think you answered your own question. if someone is gonna lie to you about how many times they have seen pearl jam or what their original hair color is ok fine... but if they have fabricated every aspect of their life for whatever reason... well they obviously have serious mental problems. i think most people are inherently good. exagerations and little white lies are very normal and nothing to worry about.. you are much more comfy to hide behind your computer than actually saying these things to a persons face. and someone people will say it to your face. to be honest the internet is a blessing and a curse.. it has brought all of us together but also taken us away from going out and living...in some cases...
now the funny part is i have caught people lying about small things and htey know they are caught... but then they want me to still talk to them and respect them. uhmmmm no.
but i think if its the right place and time for 2 people and they meet over the board and it develops and they turn it into a reality i find that amazing. because just think of how many couples would never have met 20 years ago when internet wasnt even around. seriously i remember in high school if you met someone online it was considered weird and freakish. but now there are 25 dating sites, myspace, facebook and a forum on anything. so its bound to happen
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Yeah I remember thinking people were nuts for the on-line dating stuff...now it is the in-thing to do....which is good. It is actually a great medium for people that are a little bit introverted (which is not a bad thing) to meet people they normally wouldn't have the courage to come up and talk to....and I agree with the blessing and curse thought....since I have been known to post in the AMT I always wonder what it would be like to meet those that i seem to disagree with on every topic....I think that fourm is a great example of how people get more "daring" behind their computer....saying stuff they normally would never say toe each other....
I am willing to bet the two top things lies about on the internet is age and weight.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Willing to bet younger than she first said?
How off was the difference?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Yeah in my case that is exactly what I was worried out although it proved I was being told the truth....that is the thing with internet dating one can waste a lot of time on someone who is pretending to be someone totally different....cruel if you ask me....
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Well at least you found out before you flew to see her...that is harsh....but at least your prepared if something similar comes along again....any reason she lied? Crazy?
Yep that woudl be pretty weird...sadly there a people like that and I tell you that weirds me out....as people we need face to face interaction I believe holding that away from yourself is somewhat dehumanizing yourself in a way....
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Did you meet her over this message board?
Cause I find people here to be very honest and forward....at least like I said those that I have met person to person....
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
aww....you like me the best, though, right???
a couple of years ago this girl on these forums sent me a photo of her jugs, so I dunno so much about the forums lacking a connection. point being, if an effort is made to connect, it can be done.
We went out on Saturday...great date! Even got some kisses (not french) and he called the next night. Sunday night we talked for an hour and a half. I called him yesterday and left a message. He called me back a little later (I was sleeping) and then I called him and we talked for another half hour until The Office was on. The problem...???...
He hasn't asked me out again. I don't get it. He's obviously interested, right???
sidenote: my daughter just screamed out the " of the worrrrrrrrlllldddd" part in chicken little....caught me off guard lol....
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
Kids are hilarious...and totally random!
Yeah, I'm totally getting mixed signals from him. Guys are so confusing!!!!
well if that aint the pot calling the kettle black :eek:
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
Excuse me?! I'm the most open and straight-forward person you'd ever meet. Seriously!