this may have been mentioned somewhere in the 5 gazillion pages of this thread, but who here is breastfeeding? (guys, i'm only addressing WOMEN WHO ARE LACTATING here... ha ha). i am and i'm exploding right about now (i don't pump) since i'm at work and the last time my baby nursed was at 8:30 this morning! god forbid i call the sitter and hear his little voice in the background... i'll drown myself and my coworkers.
this may have been mentioned somewhere in the 5 gazillion pages of this thread, but who here is breastfeeding? (guys, i'm only addressing WOMEN WHO ARE LACTATING here... ha ha). i am and i'm exploding right about now (i don't pump) since i'm at work and the last time my baby nursed was at 8:30 this morning! god forbid i call the sitter and hear his little voice in the background... i'll drown myself and my coworkers.
OUCH! I have done that a few times when you wait until you see your little one and they get SO swollen that they freakin' hurt! How many hours are you working? Just wondering.
I hope you make it alright though:)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I have been lazy about giving updates in this thread! Annabelle is doing great and talking more and more every day. She says about 15-20 words on a regular basis, and is trying to mimic everything we say. We've been going to The Little Gym, and she absolutely loves it. When the teacher is about to demonstrate the skill they are going to learn that day, Annabelle always runs over to her, and then the teacher uses her to demonstrate. She is so enthusiastic and so aggressive! She's also one of the smallest kids, despite being one of oldest ones. It'll be interesting to see her next "semester" when she is one of the youngest in a group of 19 month to 2.5 yr olds.
Her hair is starting to get long in the back (and she has a baby, but no one wants me to cut it yet. It curls up and it's kinda cute, so I'm going to let it go for a while.
We took a trip to my mom's house in St. Louis the other day, and Annabelle was AWESOME on the plane this time. It was much easier giving her her own seat. I had to hand her a new toy about every 90 seconds, but I had packed a bunch of different things in the bag, so she never had to get too bored!
Awww I hear ya on the breastfeeding thing.
Adria is still being weened and she is 17mos old.
She never took a bottle, never sucked a soother, never sucked a thumb.
So little by little we have cut back,
And now we are down to just nursing in the morning.
I saved that for last cause I figure that will be the easiest to stop.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
sorry for not being on here for a long time, been so busy caring for Chloe and keeping an eye out for her. She is crawling like crazy. One minute, she'll be with me in the living room and the next minute, she goes to the bedroom making a mess. her new thing is lifting herself up and holding still using the wall or the coffee table. She feels SO proud of herself! it is really cute!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Getting big.
I remember not that long ago when Adria was sooo proud of herself for those things.
Now its more like this...
"Wheres Adria?"
Oh Shes clinbing the bookshelf, that cant be good.
But shes really proud of herself still.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Another big milestone around our house.
Adria got her crib converted into a bed this weekend.
So it will take some getting used to but she seems to enjoy it.
I know that 17months is a bit soon, at least in some peoples books.
( Ive heard people say to me when I told them I was thinking of it)
But I figured, Hey, why not.
Gotta fight the battle sometime why not now.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Aww congrats Gen on adria's new milestone. I don't think that is TOO early for that. We were thinking of turning Chloe's crib into a bed within the next 6 months or whenever she takes up all of our bed space. haha. Also congrats on the weaning her of the breast. Much kudos to you for giving her only breast! I wish I could've done it.
hehe. yeah, Chloe has been trying to climb the bookcase, she even took books from the bottom shelves and well, the poor thing hit her head. So my bf removed the books on the last two shelves and put her toys in there so she can have easy access to her stuff.
I had a question, what did you feed Adria when she was 9 months? I asked my doctor and he told me to feed her the 3 same fruits (apple, bananas, pears) and 3 vegetables (squash, sweet potato and carrots). I feel like I should feed her more though. She has been eating that and rice cereal for the last 3 months.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Well I will give you a quick over view of what I did with Adria.
Breastfed only till 4mos.
4mos started on barley pablum, 2 weeks later, rice, 2 weeks later oatmeal and then rotated through those for a month.
By the end of that month I had started her on peas and green beans.
I tried something new every five days to a week.
So I went...
peas, green beans, sweet potato, carrots, squash, mixed veggies.
Adria hated fruit. So we started with apples, then pears, peaches, bananas.
Which she hated out of the jar so I only gave her fresh mashed.
And so on and so forth.
By the time she was 8 months I started her on meats.
But never the gross meat in a jar things.
I always bought her meat mixed with something.
Like chicken and rice with veggies.
9mos I started giving her milk in a sippy cup.
She had been drinking water out of one since she was 5 months old.
She would never take formula at all.
So sometimes I pumped and put it in a sippy jsut to get her using one.
But she never drank a ton out of it till maybe 10 months.
Well then it was lumpy foods at 9mos too.
I also started her on little rice crackers that melt on the tongue around 7 months old. And Cheerios and rice crispies.
That sorta stuff.
At 11mos I had her eating scrambled eggs most mornings.
So now she eats everything we eat except some fruits cause she still doesnt like them. For example today is the first day ever she would eat fresh apple cut up. She does like bananas.
I waited till one year to give her fish and nuts.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Molly is a little over 3 months old. She spent her first Halloween at home with us giving out candy. She wore the costume for about 2 hours, but then it got too hot, she took her bath and went to bed! Next year should be more interesting for her!
Molly is a little over 3 months old. She spent her first Halloween at home with us giving out candy. She wore the costume for about 2 hours, but then it got too hot, she took her bath and went to bed! Next year should be more interesting for her!
Oh my god, she's so cute! I love the Bumbo pic! And your pumpkins are cool!
All the babies wore their costumes to our Little Gym class this week, and it was ADORABLE! She actually wore a different costume to class; this one was just worn when we went over to her grandma and grandpa's house to hand out candy with them. (We didn't take her trick-or-treating, because we would have just ended up eating her candy, lol.) To her class, she wore a little pair of skeleton pajamas. (Basically, black top and pants with a skeleton printed on them.) She looked so cute. I'll post a pic next time she wears them.
All the babies wore their costumes to our Little Gym class this week, and it was ADORABLE! She actually wore a different costume to class; this one was just worn when we went over to her grandma and grandpa's house to hand out candy with them. (We didn't take her trick-or-treating, because we would have just ended up eating her candy, lol.) To her class, she wore a little pair of skeleton pajamas. (Basically, black top and pants with a skeleton printed on them.) She looked so cute. I'll post a pic next time she wears them.
Oh my! Adorable! I can't wait until Molly's walking around!
Very cute.
I definatley want to see the skeleton ones too.
And very cute pumpkin.
A classic first costume!
I will post some tonight or tomorrow of my lttle kangaroo
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Oh my god, she's so cute! I love the Bumbo pic! And your pumpkins are cool!
If you like those pumpkins you should see the ones from last year. I had a little more time on my hands for pumpkin carving last year. I did those two on Halloween in like 45 minutes while Molly was napping.
The pumpkins for next Halloween will put those to shame!
Too cute! I love that the kangaroo has a little baby of its own! Where were you in the earlier pics? I.E., the "leg tree"???!
Im taking the picture.
Or off to the side.
Cant remember.
We took those pics at a local greenhouse that sets up for Halloween
They have all these areas to take pics and family photos.
Then you get to pick out our pumpkins.
Adria carried hers all over.
I think we will make it a family tradition.
It was so much fun!
Dont know who else has had a vacume used to get baby out.
My friend just did this week.
Anyway his soft spot is really hard to feel.
Was wondering if thats from the vacume or not.
Anyone has a similar experience?
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Jocelyn, Molly in her pumpkin costume is TOO adorable.
Brain, your little monkey is precious!
and Gen, your little roo is just TOO much! Love the little ears on her costume. you all did a great job w/picking those cute ass costumes!
We didn't dress up Chloe for Halloween, since my bf had to work on his b-day (which happens to be Halloween), plus, we were orginally going to dress her up as a cow (which his mom brought her a cow costume months back), but the hoodie didn't fit over her head. That costume was SO freakin' cute though, it had a tail.
anyway, here are pics of chloe w/the pumpkins before we carved them
Aww Meddle.
She still has all her little rolls on her legs.
Adrias are disapearing as she gets bigger.
Still got one but its fading fast.
As son as they get running around they just melt away.
Really cute pics of Chloe.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Can you get some of the milk out by hand?
due March 25th or something like that
prolly, but i'm heading home to pick him up now... wish me luck!
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Hope you don't leak on the way home!
OUCH! I have done that a few times when you wait until you see your little one and they get SO swollen that they freakin' hurt! How many hours are you working? Just wondering.
I hope you make it alright though:)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
awww Brain, she is such a CUTIE!! she looks adorable w/her two front teeth. And that 'super baby' picture too awesome!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
thank you
Adria is still being weened and she is 17mos old.
She never took a bottle, never sucked a soother, never sucked a thumb.
So little by little we have cut back,
And now we are down to just nursing in the morning.
I saved that for last cause I figure that will be the easiest to stop.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Getting big.
I remember not that long ago when Adria was sooo proud of herself for those things.
Now its more like this...
"Wheres Adria?"
Oh Shes clinbing the bookshelf, that cant be good.
But shes really proud of herself still.
Adria got her crib converted into a bed this weekend.
So it will take some getting used to but she seems to enjoy it.
I know that 17months is a bit soon, at least in some peoples books.
( Ive heard people say to me when I told them I was thinking of it)
But I figured, Hey, why not.
Gotta fight the battle sometime why not now.
hehe. yeah, Chloe has been trying to climb the bookcase, she even took books from the bottom shelves and well, the poor thing hit her head. So my bf removed the books on the last two shelves and put her toys in there so she can have easy access to her stuff.
I had a question, what did you feed Adria when she was 9 months? I asked my doctor and he told me to feed her the 3 same fruits (apple, bananas, pears) and 3 vegetables (squash, sweet potato and carrots). I feel like I should feed her more though. She has been eating that and rice cereal for the last 3 months.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Breastfed only till 4mos.
4mos started on barley pablum, 2 weeks later, rice, 2 weeks later oatmeal and then rotated through those for a month.
By the end of that month I had started her on peas and green beans.
I tried something new every five days to a week.
So I went...
peas, green beans, sweet potato, carrots, squash, mixed veggies.
Adria hated fruit. So we started with apples, then pears, peaches, bananas.
Which she hated out of the jar so I only gave her fresh mashed.
And so on and so forth.
By the time she was 8 months I started her on meats.
But never the gross meat in a jar things.
I always bought her meat mixed with something.
Like chicken and rice with veggies.
9mos I started giving her milk in a sippy cup.
She had been drinking water out of one since she was 5 months old.
She would never take formula at all.
So sometimes I pumped and put it in a sippy jsut to get her using one.
But she never drank a ton out of it till maybe 10 months.
Well then it was lumpy foods at 9mos too.
I also started her on little rice crackers that melt on the tongue around 7 months old. And Cheerios and rice crispies.
That sorta stuff.
At 11mos I had her eating scrambled eggs most mornings.
So now she eats everything we eat except some fruits cause she still doesnt like them. For example today is the first day ever she would eat fresh apple cut up. She does like bananas.
I waited till one year to give her fish and nuts.
Molly is a little over 3 months old. She spent her first Halloween at home with us giving out candy. She wore the costume for about 2 hours, but then it got too hot, she took her bath and went to bed! Next year should be more interesting for her!
Oh my god, she's so cute! I love the Bumbo pic!
Here's my little monkey!
All the babies wore their costumes to our Little Gym class this week, and it was ADORABLE! She actually wore a different costume to class; this one was just worn when we went over to her grandma and grandpa's house to hand out candy with them. (We didn't take her trick-or-treating, because we would have just ended up eating her candy, lol.) To her class, she wore a little pair of skeleton pajamas. (Basically, black top and pants with a skeleton printed on them.) She looked so cute. I'll post a pic next time she wears them.
Oh my! Adorable! I can't wait until Molly's walking around!
I definatley want to see the skeleton ones too.
And very cute pumpkin.
A classic first costume!
I will post some tonight or tomorrow of my lttle kangaroo¤t=100_1491.jpg¤t=100_1495.jpg¤t=100_1511.jpg¤t=100_1515.jpg¤t=100_1516.jpg
There are my pics.
If you like those pumpkins you should see the ones from last year. I had a little more time on my hands for pumpkin carving last year. I did those two on Halloween in like 45 minutes while Molly was napping.
The pumpkins for next Halloween will put those to shame!
Too cute! I love that the kangaroo has a little baby of its own! Where were you in the earlier pics? I.E., the "leg tree"???!
Im taking the picture.
Or off to the side.
Cant remember.
We took those pics at a local greenhouse that sets up for Halloween
They have all these areas to take pics and family photos.
Then you get to pick out our pumpkins.
Adria carried hers all over.
I think we will make it a family tradition.
It was so much fun!
Dont know who else has had a vacume used to get baby out.
My friend just did this week.
Anyway his soft spot is really hard to feel.
Was wondering if thats from the vacume or not.
Anyone has a similar experience?¤t=100_1508.flv
A couple videos of Adria.
One of us cleaning out pumpkins.
One of her in her halloween costume.
And hey Im still waiting for more costume pics people!!!
Jocelyn, Molly in her pumpkin costume is TOO adorable.
Brain, your little monkey is precious!
and Gen, your little roo is just TOO much! Love the little ears on her costume.
We didn't dress up Chloe for Halloween, since my bf had to work on his b-day (which happens to be Halloween), plus, we were orginally going to dress her up as a cow (which his mom brought her a cow costume months back), but the hoodie didn't fit over her head. That costume was SO freakin' cute though, it had a tail.
anyway, here are pics of chloe w/the pumpkins before we carved them¤t=IMG_2358.jpg
this was shot as soon as the pumpkin started rolling off the table¤t=IMG_2361.jpg¤t=IMG_2369.jpg
Chloe and her daddy¤t=IMG_2383.jpg
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
um thankfully I am NOT preggers.
She still has all her little rolls on her legs.
Adrias are disapearing as she gets bigger.
Still got one but its fading fast.
As son as they get running around they just melt away.
Really cute pics of Chloe.¤t=cam1.jpg
Boston 1
i think he's quite a cutie myself
Boston 1