I love winter!



  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    Winter is the BEST season.
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
  • me toooooooo!
    everything looks beautiful with fresh dusting of white snow! everything just looks so *quiet*..peaceful, serene and sparkling. i adore the cold breath and the sir feels so fresh! i like being bundled up in turtlenecks, scarves and gloves.....and coming indoors and having hot tea....a fire....warm comfort foods. the holiday season especially, just so full of *spirit* and festivities....love it!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • SpunkieSpunkie i come from downtown. Posts: 6,824
    Vancouver Winters rock. Yesterday I was playing basketball with my neighbors in the warm sunshine by the river.
    I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef 
    Animals were hiding behind the Coral 
    Except for little Turtle
    I could swear he's trying to talk to me 
    Gurgle Gurgle
  • drivingrldrivingrl Posts: 1,448
    Winter is the best season there is, especially if you're from this area. I live in the wrong part of the world to hate 100+ degree summers. Good riddance!

    So I'll add to the list:

    Fuzzy slippers
    Shorter daylight hours, which - back me up, you photographers that live in the northern hemisphere - makes for better photo opporunities
    My birthday
    Men in sweaters
    Fun runs/charity 5Ks
    drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
    kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.

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