~:~:~:The Doggie Thread!!:~:~:~

A doggie album JUST FOR THE PIT CREW!!! http://photobucket.com/PITDOGGIES password is pearljam
this thread is dedicated SPECIFICALLY to DOGGS!!! So post your pictures, talk FLOWever about your dog, ask questions, post links, write valuable info that we as dog owners may want to know,WAHHHTEVER!!! Its all about Doggs!!!!
I have a doggie and his name is SURFER. He means EVERYTHING to me!! He'll be 5 this year in december. I will go on FLOWever talking about doggs but ESPECIALLY him!!! He's my little Prince!!!
Dogs are very important to me. I love all animals but doggs are my passion.....

**********************USEFUL SITES*************************
~~~~~~~~IN MEMORY OF:~~~~~~~~~~
~SURFER~....SEN's prince doggie
~Baskin & King Champ~SEN's doggies & Surfs parents.........
~Ginger~Rose's Doggie
~beautiful Jim~
~Penny~......Pacifiers Doggie
~Bailey~......KevinBeetle's Doggie
~Duffy~.......SweetRelief's Doggie
~Blitz~........DinghyDog's Doggie
~Butch~........NY PJ1's Doggie
~Max~..........Spat's Doggie
~Casey~........idratherbe's Doggie
~GOMER~........cateeto's Doggie
~OTIS~...........tremorvoid's Doggie
~UNO & Mason~........PJaddicted's Doggies
~Rocky~..........Glorified Irish Guy's Doggie
~Trapito~...........pearljamgirl07's doggie
~ENZO~.............Obi Once's doggie
~Caesar~.............blazedoutbee's doggie
~shelby~.............imalive's doggie
~Moose~............bubba's doggie
~Sam~...............alexxxers doggie
~Buster~.............Theovl316's doggie
~Trixxx~.........PJ_ROCKS' doggie
~Ace & Momo~............Whispering hands' doggies
~Hank~.............Stillhere's doggie
~Hammond~.........Kraven's doggie
~Cooper~...........imalive's doggie nephew
~Petey~...........PJaddicted's very beautiful and SO loved, boy
We will miss seeing you in active and relaxxxing pictures BIG PETE~
~Cleo & Winston~ Whispering Hands family
~Chloe~.......D2D's doggie
~Nikki~.......OHtheRitual's doggie
~Sammi~......haffajappa's beautiful doggie
~Maddy~.......dcfaithful's family dog
~Brutus~.......shimmymommy's dog
this thread is dedicated SPECIFICALLY to DOGGS!!! So post your pictures, talk FLOWever about your dog, ask questions, post links, write valuable info that we as dog owners may want to know,WAHHHTEVER!!! Its all about Doggs!!!!
I have a doggie and his name is SURFER. He means EVERYTHING to me!! He'll be 5 this year in december. I will go on FLOWever talking about doggs but ESPECIALLY him!!! He's my little Prince!!!

Dogs are very important to me. I love all animals but doggs are my passion.....

**********************USEFUL SITES*************************
~~~~~~~~IN MEMORY OF:~~~~~~~~~~
~SURFER~....SEN's prince doggie
~Baskin & King Champ~SEN's doggies & Surfs parents.........
~Ginger~Rose's Doggie
~beautiful Jim~
~Penny~......Pacifiers Doggie
~Bailey~......KevinBeetle's Doggie
~Duffy~.......SweetRelief's Doggie
~Blitz~........DinghyDog's Doggie
~Butch~........NY PJ1's Doggie
~Max~..........Spat's Doggie
~Casey~........idratherbe's Doggie
~GOMER~........cateeto's Doggie
~OTIS~...........tremorvoid's Doggie
~UNO & Mason~........PJaddicted's Doggies
~Rocky~..........Glorified Irish Guy's Doggie
~Trapito~...........pearljamgirl07's doggie
~ENZO~.............Obi Once's doggie
~Caesar~.............blazedoutbee's doggie
~shelby~.............imalive's doggie
~Moose~............bubba's doggie
~Sam~...............alexxxers doggie
~Buster~.............Theovl316's doggie
~Trixxx~.........PJ_ROCKS' doggie

~Ace & Momo~............Whispering hands' doggies
~Hank~.............Stillhere's doggie
~Hammond~.........Kraven's doggie
~Cooper~...........imalive's doggie nephew

~Petey~...........PJaddicted's very beautiful and SO loved, boy

~Cleo & Winston~ Whispering Hands family
~Chloe~.......D2D's doggie
~Nikki~.......OHtheRitual's doggie
~Sammi~......haffajappa's beautiful doggie
~Maddy~.......dcfaithful's family dog
~Brutus~.......shimmymommy's dog
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Now I know the look he gives u when you FLOW!!!!!
Dogs rule and there are times when I'd rather hang with my dog than anyone else.
I gotta find some pics for ya SEN and scan em.
Here's by boy Hunter and friend Hanna lookin' all cool and FLOWin'...
Here's Hunter chill stylin'...
and can i please say how IMPORTANT it is to ADOPT a dog? Theres so many that need homes yet people STILL feel the need to go out & BUY one from a pet store!!!!! ADOPT A DOG!!!!! call your local animal shelter!!!! Please?!?!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
hey those are GREAT pictures thanks!!!!! Hunter looks like a lovely friend to have!!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
she is called Holly and she is no longer wee.
she is a Dogue De Bordeux (french mastiff)
Remember that movie "Turner & Hooch". Thats my dog.
She has even started drooling like the dog in the movie, great.
Dogs are cool.
awwwww i LOVE HOOCH!!!!!!! you HAVE to post some pics whenever possible. I'm sooooo happy for you!!!!
Dogs are the best. I choose them over kidz anyday!!!! thats just MY opinion!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Here is the only picture of my boyfriends mum's doggies they are cocker spanials Poppy (on the right) & Sweep (on the left)
Is the quest we're taking together...
i could just eat her:)
thanks, she is the cutest.
I just sent you a PM
This is a friend's dog named Cookie. She's soo cute!
My dog, Ginger, passed away. :( Here's a pic of me and her.
Dogs are the best. When I move, I'm def adopting one!
my man and I are adopting about 20 when we finally buy a house with some land. we already know what we want and have named them too:)
till then im just gonna have to be happy with my stuffed ones;)
as the song says "dogs are the best people". wish i could just remember who sang it now. great song.
Rose, sorry for your loss.
same thing happened with me and my dog dying :( but when i went home for christmas hols there was a litter of pups born and one was given to me as a gift. I loved that. My parents breed shar-peis, some people know them as rolly dogs. they are all wrinkley and on purex ads and an anti wrinkle ad on TV. It's great that i own her, but she is still at my parents. will be extra special when i move with my boyfriend into a house and we can take her with. cant wait. soon.
All your dogs are sooo cute. I can't wait until I get another. They really are the best friends you can have.
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion" - Anonymous
Yup, dogs rule....better than people most of the time....
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
Plus I'm at work all day, with teh commute at least 10 hrs/day, so a dog doesn't work for me. ANyway, here's Frehley:
Eight weeks (July 2004):
Christmas 2004:
After getting spayed in Nov 04 (awww!):
did you just say "fo'shizzle" snoop dog?
I have never felt it appropriate to even call Jasper a DOG...he is my son. Sure he's furry but I kinda know how the father of the wolfman felt....kinda.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
my spoiled only child.....eddie.....
sorry tim i didnt feel like uploading other pics....
To find an approach and a way to live
Are we getting something out of this
all-encompassing trip?
Ok here are a few more "recent" ones.
Here is a picture of Gus and Jasper. Gustafson is my uncles dog and him and Jasper are as thick as thieves. I think Gus will take it hard when I take his buddy away :(. Gus is 7 and a half years old and is half rotty and half Lab ...I think...I know he's half rotty for sure and thats about it. Of course you know the other furry yellow dog
This is a picture of where Jasper sleeps, except he usually sleeps on the other side of the bed. He keeps me warm
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
Here is ZACH...He's so important to this family he actually gives christmas presents...much love
"I feel the same way about disco as I do herpes" -Hunter S. Thompson
Don't start that, you'll get accused of being a Fanch Cult Member.
~it is shining it is shining~
surfer is such a cute doggie dude!
~it is shining it is shining~
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v39/JenInTheBx/000_0019.jpg <--- this is why we can't keep food in the kitchen cabinets, she knows how to open them. She's a smart dog.
~it is shining it is shining~