thanks, it just happened to a friends daughter and we are wondering if she really didnt know or if she was in denial and covered up. She is a big girl though, so might not have noticed any weight gain.
So Ive been thinking its just me.
I guess Im going nuts...
All week Adria has been a dream around Eric.
But during the day and getting her down for naps has been horrid.
Shes been waking from naps and just screaming for a 1/2 hr.
Pretty much throwing a fit. Nothing to console her.
So today I had enough and said to Eric take her to the clinic and she must have an ear infection or something cause if this is some sort of a phase I might call him home from work and let him deal with her.
She has had a runny nose the past few days but I was sure there was something more.
Eric thought I was nuts.
She been so good when hes around.
Ear infection!!!
I knew it.
Thank god she can take something and get better.
Of course now I have her cold.
But my ears feel fine.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Oh and of course she was perfect at the clinic for him.
Charming all the little old ladies with her stuffed bunny and being smiley and cute.
(rolling my eyes)
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Just a quick question: Have any of you known a pregnant woman who had no symptons of pregnancy other than a little weight gain and stil had periods all the way through?
My mom told me when she was pregnant with me, that she still had periods. I have heard in some cases, that some women experience that.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
AWWWW what a cutie. that pic of her sticking out her tongue is TOO adorable!!
you know, my daughter, chloe has the EXACT same "little princess' onesie. Gotta love Gerber clothes!
The tounge pic is great, I also the one with her super fancy paper towel hat that I crafted. She loves paper towels. Sseriously, I can entertain her for a good 10-15 mintues with just a paper towel.
Yes I have. My best friend's sister had it happen.
She had no clue she was pregnant until she was having contractions. She went to the ER complaining of her stomach hurting. She never knew she was pregnant, and she was married and they were trying to have a baby, so it's not something she would have hidden from the world.
It's very rare, but it can happen.
whaaaaaa? was she obese to begin with??
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Anyone who has kids starting to walk wonder if the general public thinks you must be beating your child?
Adria cant seem to go a week without some sort of head trauma.
And shes been walking great for a good 5 months now!
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Anyone who has kids starting to walk wonder if the general public thinks you must be beating your child?
Adria cant seem to go a week without some sort of head trauma.
And shes been walking great for a good 5 months now!
Molly's just starting to hold her head up on her own and has found her hands, so no walking bruises yet. BUT, she claws at her face and leaves wicked scratches that I think people must look at funny as well!
Molly's just starting to hold her head up on her own and has found her hands, so no walking bruises yet. BUT, she claws at her face and leaves wicked scratches that I think people must look at funny as well!
Oh she's not scratching herself, I can't say it to your face so I guess you can read it here... the scratches are my fault :(.
When you're not around I've been taking Molly downtown to the underground baby fights. She's 4-0 with two knockouts. If you think she looks bad you should see the other babies
Oh she's not scratching herself, I can't say it to your face so I guess you can read it here... the scratches are my fault :(.
When you're not around I've been taking Molly downtown to the underground baby fights. She's 4-0 with two knockouts. If you think she looks bad you should see the other babies
I knew it! What else goes on when I'm not around? Now I know why you sent me out to get breakfast this morning....
They sure do get big fast. In just two months she has already put on over 4 lbs.
The tounge pic is great, I also the one with her super fancy paper towel hat that I crafted. She loves paper towels. Sseriously, I can entertain her for a good 10-15 mintues with just a paper towel.
Children are too funny! give them a paper towel and they'll think that is the coolest toy EVER! Of course, they don't touch the toys that they have around them.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
So my friends little boy just had the weirdest string of events so I thought I would share.
He is 16 months.
He got and ear infection after having a bout of the flu.
So he was put on Ammoxicillan.
But he got hives from it.
So the put him on a sulfa drug.
But that gave him gut rot and he absolutley burnt his bum with his acid poops.
So they went back to the doctor.
And then he went on a drug called Bioxin I belive.
And then he broke out in another rash.
At this piont my friend said screw this and went to the herbal store to get him some homeopathic remedies.
Well her mom suggests that the second rash wasnt like the first.
It wasnt like hives.
And that her and her sister got what she called "baby measles" when they were both little and that might be what he had when that seond rash happened. It might not have been a second allergic reaction.
So this is what she found on the internet.
Baby Measles
By Diane Sacks
My 16-month-old has been diagnosed with "baby measles." (She was vaccinated at 12 months.) I can't find any information on it. What's the difference between red measles and baby measles?
Red measles, or rubeola, is a serious viral disease that is almost always prevented by the vaccine children receive at 12 to 15 months. The symptoms are high fever, cough, runny nose and red eyes, followed by a rash a few days later. The rash usually begins on the face and spreads over the entire body. Rubeola is contagious three to five days before symptoms occur, and up to four days after the rash appears. It can have major complications, such as pneumonia, encephalitis and convulsions.
Baby measles, or roseola, is caused by a different virus and is very common in children from six to 24 months of age. (It's rare before four months and after four years.) Children who have baby measles may have very high fevers but are surprisingly well and active, although their appetite may be down. The rash doesn't appear until the fever goes down and it's then that your child gets cranky.
It's hard to diagnose roseola before the rash comes out; swollen glands on the back of the head near the nape of the neck give one clue. Unfortunately, many kids are given antibiotics unnecessarily just to treat the fever. Then, when the rash appears, it looks like there's an allergy to the antibiotic. Children should not be given antibiotics unless we know what we are treating. The exception is in very young infants under three to four months, and only after tests are done and the child has been closely followed.
Roseola is contagious, but not very serious. I always thought the most serious part of it was the damage to parents' mental health: first dealing with the high fever; second, coping with a miserable child once the rash breaks out. My sympathies
Interesting huh?
Just thought it might be something to keep in mind if anyone gets into a similar situation.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Are we all gonna post some pics of our babes and kiddies in their Halloween costumes?
Anyone with a big belly gonna paint it for the occasion?
My friend did hers as a pumpkin it was awsome.
I didnt have a big belly around Halloween so it wasnt an option.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
I have been lazy about giving updates in this thread! Annabelle is doing great and talking more and more every day. She says about 15-20 words on a regular basis, and is trying to mimic everything we say. We've been going to The Little Gym, and she absolutely loves it. When the teacher is about to demonstrate the skill they are going to learn that day, Annabelle always runs over to her, and then the teacher uses her to demonstrate. She is so enthusiastic and so aggressive! She's also one of the smallest kids, despite being one of oldest ones. It'll be interesting to see her next "semester" when she is one of the youngest in a group of 19 month to 2.5 yr olds.
Her hair is starting to get long in the back (and she has a baby, but no one wants me to cut it yet. It curls up and it's kinda cute, so I'm going to let it go for a while.
We took a trip to my mom's house in St. Louis the other day, and Annabelle was AWESOME on the plane this time. It was much easier giving her her own seat. I had to hand her a new toy about every 90 seconds, but I had packed a bunch of different things in the bag, so she never had to get too bored!
Brand new grand niece yesterday....Cloe 5 pounds 6 ounces. So tiny and perfect. Made me cry to see her, and think....geeee maybe someday I'd like a grand-baby?! Yikes what is happening to me?????
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Brand new grand niece yesterday....Cloe 5 pounds 6 ounces. So tiny and perfect. Made me cry to see her, and think....geeee maybe someday I'd like a grand-baby?! Yikes what is happening to me?????
Well you will have to post some pictures.
Not ready for a grand child yet?
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Well you will have to post some pictures.
Not ready for a grand child yet?
Look in the doggie thread....I'm more into puppies now! I'm working hubby hard for puppy number two!!! My oldest human child is only 20, I can wait 10 or so years for a grandbaby! I want them to all finish college and get jobs they love...then they can think about getting married and having children!!! Like they will follow my plan?!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I have been lazy about giving updates in this thread! Annabelle is doing great and talking more and more every day. She says about 15-20 words on a regular basis, and is trying to mimic everything we say. We've been going to The Little Gym, and she absolutely loves it. When the teacher is about to demonstrate the skill they are going to learn that day, Annabelle always runs over to her, and then the teacher uses her to demonstrate. She is so enthusiastic and so aggressive! She's also one of the smallest kids, despite being one of oldest ones. It'll be interesting to see her next "semester" when she is one of the youngest in a group of 19 month to 2.5 yr olds.
Her hair is starting to get long in the back (and she has a baby, but no one wants me to cut it yet. It curls up and it's kinda cute, so I'm going to let it go for a while.
We took a trip to my mom's house in St. Louis the other day, and Annabelle was AWESOME on the plane this time. It was much easier giving her her own seat. I had to hand her a new toy about every 90 seconds, but I had packed a bunch of different things in the bag, so she never had to get too bored!
Added a few more pics to my photobucket account.
Not many but we have just been out to visit hubbies parents.
So these were from after dinner just lettin loose.
And If you wonder why Adrias hair looks all funny its cause I just took the pony tails out of her hair.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
We got Annabelle some really cute glow-in-the-dark skeleton pajamas at the Gap, and since we don't have any plans for Halloween, I think that will end up being her "costume". She'll wear them to her little Gym class on Halloween morning. I'll take a pic of her in them next time she has them on....they are really cute. She looks so tiny in them!
Gen, the little gym class is like a very very basic physical skills type of class. Along with the physical stuff, they work on following directions, group sing-a-longs and stuff like that. Its the same kind of thing as Gymboree, I think. You should look into it. It's really nice to take Annabelle there and let her run around like a maniac for an hour every week. She always takes an extra long nap on Wednesdays after class.
Added a few more pics to my photobucket account.
Not many but we have just been out to visit hubbies parents.
So these were from after dinner just lettin loose.
And If you wonder why Adrias hair looks all funny its cause I just took the pony tails out of her hair.
She is so pretty!!!! I can't get over how grown up she looks every time I see her. I also can't believe those blue eyes...they are gorgeous!
Yeah shes not the chubby little baby any anymore.
I love her eyes too.
I will have to look for a class like that in my area.
I know in the spring Eric is gonna take Adria in a baby swim class.
Well its for toddlers but you can take babies as soon as they walk.
I think they will have a blast.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
this may have been mentioned somewhere in the 5 gazillion pages of this thread, but who here is breastfeeding? (guys, i'm only addressing WOMEN WHO ARE LACTATING here... ha ha). i am and i'm exploding right about now (i don't pump) since i'm at work and the last time my baby nursed was at 8:30 this morning! god forbid i call the sitter and hear his little voice in the background... i'll drown myself and my coworkers.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
I guess Im going nuts...
All week Adria has been a dream around Eric.
But during the day and getting her down for naps has been horrid.
Shes been waking from naps and just screaming for a 1/2 hr.
Pretty much throwing a fit. Nothing to console her.
So today I had enough and said to Eric take her to the clinic and she must have an ear infection or something cause if this is some sort of a phase I might call him home from work and let him deal with her.
She has had a runny nose the past few days but I was sure there was something more.
Eric thought I was nuts.
She been so good when hes around.
Ear infection!!!
I knew it.
Thank god she can take something and get better.
Of course now I have her cold.
But my ears feel fine.
Charming all the little old ladies with her stuffed bunny and being smiley and cute.
(rolling my eyes)
OMG! Cute pictures!! CONGRATS!
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
My mom told me when she was pregnant with me, that she still had periods. I have heard in some cases, that some women experience that.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Man they sure get big fast!
What a cutie.
AWWWW what a cutie. that pic of her sticking out her tongue is TOO adorable!!
you know, my daughter, chloe has the EXACT same "little princess' onesie. Gotta love Gerber clothes!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
They sure do get big fast. In just two months she has already put on over 4 lbs.
The tounge pic is great, I also the one with her super fancy paper towel hat that I crafted. She loves paper towels. Sseriously, I can entertain her for a good 10-15 mintues with just a paper towel.
whaaaaaa? was she obese to begin with??
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
She wasn't obese, but she was big. The baby was small, I think he only weighed right at 6lbs when he was born.
all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
Adria cant seem to go a week without some sort of head trauma.
And shes been walking great for a good 5 months now!
Molly's just starting to hold her head up on her own and has found her hands, so no walking bruises yet. BUT, she claws at her face and leaves wicked scratches that I think people must look at funny as well!
Oh she's not scratching herself, I can't say it to your face so I guess you can read it here... the scratches are my fault :(.
When you're not around I've been taking Molly downtown to the underground baby fights. She's 4-0 with two knockouts. If you think she looks bad you should see the other babies
I knew it! What else goes on when I'm not around? Now I know why you sent me out to get breakfast this morning....
You already know too much, I cannot divulge anymore information or you'll never leave me alone with Molly.
Children are too funny! give them a paper towel and they'll think that is the coolest toy EVER! Of course, they don't touch the toys that they have around them.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
He is 16 months.
He got and ear infection after having a bout of the flu.
So he was put on Ammoxicillan.
But he got hives from it.
So the put him on a sulfa drug.
But that gave him gut rot and he absolutley burnt his bum with his acid poops.
So they went back to the doctor.
And then he went on a drug called Bioxin I belive.
And then he broke out in another rash.
At this piont my friend said screw this and went to the herbal store to get him some homeopathic remedies.
Well her mom suggests that the second rash wasnt like the first.
It wasnt like hives.
And that her and her sister got what she called "baby measles" when they were both little and that might be what he had when that seond rash happened. It might not have been a second allergic reaction.
So this is what she found on the internet.
Baby Measles
By Diane Sacks
My 16-month-old has been diagnosed with "baby measles." (She was vaccinated at 12 months.) I can't find any information on it. What's the difference between red measles and baby measles?
Red measles, or rubeola, is a serious viral disease that is almost always prevented by the vaccine children receive at 12 to 15 months. The symptoms are high fever, cough, runny nose and red eyes, followed by a rash a few days later. The rash usually begins on the face and spreads over the entire body. Rubeola is contagious three to five days before symptoms occur, and up to four days after the rash appears. It can have major complications, such as pneumonia, encephalitis and convulsions.
Baby measles, or roseola, is caused by a different virus and is very common in children from six to 24 months of age. (It's rare before four months and after four years.) Children who have baby measles may have very high fevers but are surprisingly well and active, although their appetite may be down. The rash doesn't appear until the fever goes down and it's then that your child gets cranky.
It's hard to diagnose roseola before the rash comes out; swollen glands on the back of the head near the nape of the neck give one clue. Unfortunately, many kids are given antibiotics unnecessarily just to treat the fever. Then, when the rash appears, it looks like there's an allergy to the antibiotic. Children should not be given antibiotics unless we know what we are treating. The exception is in very young infants under three to four months, and only after tests are done and the child has been closely followed.
Roseola is contagious, but not very serious. I always thought the most serious part of it was the damage to parents' mental health: first dealing with the high fever; second, coping with a miserable child once the rash breaks out. My sympathies
Interesting huh?
Just thought it might be something to keep in mind if anyone gets into a similar situation.
Anyone with a big belly gonna paint it for the occasion?
My friend did hers as a pumpkin it was awsome.
I didnt have a big belly around Halloween so it wasnt an option.
Her hair is starting to get long in the back (and she has a baby, but no one wants me to cut it yet. It curls up and it's kinda cute, so I'm going to let it go for a while.
We took a trip to my mom's house in St. Louis the other day, and Annabelle was AWESOME on the plane this time. It was much easier giving her her own seat. I had to hand her a new toy about every 90 seconds, but I had packed a bunch of different things in the bag, so she never had to get too bored!
Here are a couple of new Annabelle pics!
looking for her belly button:
"super baby"
Man shes a cutie.
Whats this class you are in?
I dont think I have anything like it around here.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Well you will have to post some pictures.
Not ready for a grand child yet?
Look in the doggie thread....I'm more into puppies now! I'm working hubby hard for puppy number two!!! My oldest human child is only 20, I can wait 10 or so years for a grandbaby! I want them to all finish college and get jobs they love...then they can think about getting married and having children!!! Like they will follow my plan?!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
She is soooo freaking adorable!!! Such a cute little girl!
Added a few more pics to my photobucket account.
Not many but we have just been out to visit hubbies parents.
So these were from after dinner just lettin loose.
And If you wonder why Adrias hair looks all funny its cause I just took the pony tails out of her hair.
We got Annabelle some really cute glow-in-the-dark skeleton pajamas at the Gap, and since we don't have any plans for Halloween, I think that will end up being her "costume". She'll wear them to her little Gym class on Halloween morning. I'll take a pic of her in them next time she has them on....they are really cute. She looks so tiny in them!
Gen, the little gym class is like a very very basic physical skills type of class. Along with the physical stuff, they work on following directions, group sing-a-longs and stuff like that. Its the same kind of thing as Gymboree, I think. You should look into it. It's really nice to take Annabelle there and let her run around like a maniac for an hour every week.
She is so pretty!!!! I can't get over how grown up she looks every time I see her. I also can't believe those blue eyes...they are gorgeous!
I love her eyes too.
I will have to look for a class like that in my area.
I know in the spring Eric is gonna take Adria in a baby swim class.
Well its for toddlers but you can take babies as soon as they walk.
I think they will have a blast.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7