SO proud to be an AMERICAN!

im sure others have stories to share about this historic night! i just wanted to share what an amazing time i had! the street were full of cheering college students! who ever said we were apathetic?!? it was incredible! the biggest, best natural high ive ever had!
for those familiar with U of I... Green street was FULL of people... climbing trees... running around in their underwear... chanting "yes we can" and "obama"... we marched from there to the alma mater where a drum circle formed and a few african american students said some inspiring words... some more chanting... took the celebration to the quad...
words cant describe what a beautiful occassion it was... such peaceful unity... amongst so much chaos
after living half my life under the bushes... it moved me to tears to see what this country is capable of! what us young people are capable of!
to the start of something new and prosperous!
*feel free to share your stories of this historical night!

for those familiar with U of I... Green street was FULL of people... climbing trees... running around in their underwear... chanting "yes we can" and "obama"... we marched from there to the alma mater where a drum circle formed and a few african american students said some inspiring words... some more chanting... took the celebration to the quad...
words cant describe what a beautiful occassion it was... such peaceful unity... amongst so much chaos
after living half my life under the bushes... it moved me to tears to see what this country is capable of! what us young people are capable of!
to the start of something new and prosperous!
*feel free to share your stories of this historical night!

Post edited by Unknown User on
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
Any people causing problems? Someone almost always takes it too far, like at ISU when the White Sox won the World Series. People were jumping on cars/flipping em, knocking over street posts and big construction lights etc.
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
still a great day! great to hear people talk about it today
the indifference we would've seen if mccain had won would be astounding... trying to jump on the change train :rolleyes: the only thing lady-like about palin is her anatomy
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
it was really a powerful reaffirmation
to see my friends (all art students) who are typically very bleak people so overwhelmed and hopeful... with this country so fired up (the "fake" parts of it anyway) its hard to think brighter days arent ahead... and obamas true power is really his ability to inspire
I feel the same way. This country has survived presidents, good and bad, and it has survived this one. Have there been missteps along the way? Yes, and too many to even count. Even still, this country is still the same country it has always been and will remain so as long as its' citizens still believe in it.
never been more disgusted
we sold our country out to "make history"
+1. and though I did not vote for either McCain or Obama, I find the whole thing kind of silly. and especially the previous post about Palin. the celebration, the fact that I black man became president, etc etc is great and all. but you better more concerned over what's going to happen over the next 4 years.
Question...was there a shooting on Green Street Halloween night?
wow. just wow.
i guess you're canada bound?
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
You'd have quite a far walk to green Street from Chicago.
wouldve been a hoot to see the selections he made for his cabinet and judges... the dukes of hazard... colonel sanders... ha
republicans feel no stronger towards mccain at this point then the democrats did for kerry in '04... dont be led around by fear
I am not american and until yesterday, all the years I have been in the US included, I didn't want to be american.... but today, call me silly... I wish I was!!!
Now I understand all the reasons from some liberals who were/are against Obama... I totally understand, since in the last elections I was one among those liberals who hardly campained against Kerry..... I know Obama is still in the hand of the powerful lobbies.... I know he's not Kennedy, nor Allende... nor Zapatero maybe.... I know everything. But now the US and the world are in a terrible situation and another republican administration would really have meant a disaster for all....... AND, the important thing to me here is that this is a big sign from the people. A BIG SIGN FROM THE PEOPLE!!! You know what I mean?? And if it's too much to ask for a change for the whole world, I just wish there is a change for you american people, a change for your economic and social problems and a change of perspective..... Big changes require small steps. To all those liberals who were against Obama I just want to say... don't be utopistic, because this doesn't bring you nowhere, not with your electoral system. But such a small change Obama can offer, there is at least hope it will take one more step in the future, and one more again..... I just hope, really hope, that the people of America will find new ways, new values, new perspective through this little step called Obama.
I wish you all good four years ahead!
Same here. And after I've seen my mother's homeland in person I've often thought I was lucky to be an American.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
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- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
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- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
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- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
Oh, oh....and he could've nominated Jed Clampett for Secretary of Agriculture and Larry the Cable Guy Chairman to the FCC. What about Arnold the Pig as Secretary of State? Oh, that would've been a hoot. I could go all day.
Don't be silly. Hyperbole in this instance only weakens your argument and makes you look just as ignorant as those "selective redneck, uneducated base."
i just feel "disgusted" is an awful strong word... not a whole lot to be disgusted about regardless of party allegiance
not gonna let anyone rain on my parade
I generally stay away from the political talk as well. As a matter of fact, I think this is the most time I've ever spent in the Train before. Anyway, by all means have fun.
ummmmm what?
fear? what?
seriously you guys need to put down the freakin kool-aid, its leaving a stain on your upper lip
if you think for one minute Obama and the Pelosi/Reid/Frank brigade is going to "change" this country you are more naive than i thought
and for the person who said "wow, just wow" to my comment about being disgusted, i have that right and will continue to be disgusted in my country for only coming out to vote for someone without looking into the policies and background of a man who is more shady than slim himself
and no im not going to Canada, im going to keep fighting for this country unlike most of you who disappear once the elections are over
Thanks for sharing your story
I thought I personally answer to some of the sour grapes on this thread, but I guess after defeat it's expected for them to be.
and if you honestly think change isnt gonna happen youre fooling yourself... im not saying its gonna be positive or negative... but pelosi is gonna start pushing more stuff through than you could believe... and thats gonna have a major impact... i trust her judgement... i can understand how that much power can scare the people on the other side... who (and i hate to generalize) are usually looking out for their own best interest
we will see what happens... lets just wait to use words like "disgusted" until obama fails as miserably as the last 8 years have
please feel free to elaborate on obama's "shadiness"... preferably with some sources
It is hard to me to imagine someone who can disgust you more than Bush's face, acts and words... how is it possible that you're not feeling just a very little relieved instead like the 99% of the world people??
maybe we're naive... but at least to see a human face instead of a crazy monkey changes pretty much our mood!!!!! :-D
Youthful ignorance. I remember being that young and naive. Wait until you grow up...your politics will probably change. Once you have to get a job, own a home and put food on the'll realize how badly this con artist of a President Elect is about to fleece American citizens.
Slick words don't make for a great leader...they just easily con young adults like yourself who love surface rhetoric...and under-educated minority voters who want hand outs...into voting for people like Barack.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
and dont assume so much of me... paying for college is no walk in the park either... im aware of the economy right now... granted it only effects me since i dont have a wife and kids... but you underestimate how fond i am of myself and my wellbeing
and i think slick words are exactly what we need right now... if those slick words encourage people to take action... i just hope the resounding youthful voice we have heard in this election doesnt return to apathy now that it has passed... wishful thinking again perhaps... but us ignorant kids have the luxury of optimism
c'mon hailhailkc ol' buddyyyyy!!!!!!!!! :-)
would you say the same words to Reverend Jackson???
Look at the mess Bush have put US and the whole world into... aren't you sick of this yet? you prefer the bullshits Bush told you for 8 years and all the damages those bullshits have created???? want more?? C'MOOOON!!!! If there is hope for a change among the people and a new collective perspective it brings good FOR ALL, YOU INCLUDED!!!
Forget the anger, believe it for one day and just celebrate for the good of your country!!!!!
I can't speak for hail...but I'd tell JJ to go F himself...the lying, fake, piece of crap that he is.
oh right I forgot you have to be young to be
Obviously it hasn't occurred to you that being an older voter could cause you to vote strictly for your own selfish interests and not for the good of the country and our youth and adapting to the quickly changing global environment...yay conservatism. You should really try and understand that our international reputation was stripped bare by your party and you are clearly ignorant if you think the US can simply "stand alone" and maintain its status as the world's superpower.
What has the past 8 years of the far right gotten us, and we're ignorant?
America has spoken and it's not from just the country's youth.
The Republicans royally fucked us...we are in the worst shape economically in about a century and those of us who are happy for a real change are the ignorant ones....its a hilarious thought.
Let's put it this way...we gave you 8 years to show us your stuff and you fucked us its our turn to try and fix your mess so familys don't have to worry about "putting food on the table" as you so eloquently put it.
No one wants to hear your crap for 8 years.....8 years and then we'll talk and we can review who was "ignorant".
That was me that said that.
You have every right to be disgusted. That's your right, I hope you enjoy it.
Resentment is like taking a spoon full of poison and waiting for the other person to die. You sound resentful, were you one of the folks "boo-ing" as McCain gave his speech last night? I too will keep fighting for this country, for the middle class people who work day and night to support their families and have some pride in our country. I will not disappear now that the elections are over. I will raise my children to be hard workers and to have morals and a conscious in the choices they make in life, unlike selfish politicians that have run this country into the ground for the last 8 years.
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
If you're <40 years old and vote republican, you don't have a heart.
If you're >40 years old and vote democrat, you don't have a brain.
All in good fun.