"The Second Holocaust"

WARNING- If you're not one of the typical MT imbeciles this will depress the shit out of you.
The Second Holocaust
January 22, 2007
The second Holocaust will not be like the first. The Nazis, of course, industrialized mass murder. But still, the perpetrators had one-on-one contact with the victims. They may have dehumanized them, over months and years of appalling debasement and in their minds, before the actual killing. But, still, they were in eye- and ear-contact, sometimes in tactile contact, with their victims.
The second Holocaust will be quite different. One bright morning, in five or 10 years' time, perhaps during a regional crisis, perhaps out of the blue, a day or a year or five years after Iran's acquisition of the bomb, the mullahs in Qom will convoke in secret session, under a portrait of the steely-eyed Ayatollah Khomeini, and give President Ahmadinejad, by then in his second or third term, the go ahead.
The orders will go out, and the Shihab III and IV missiles will take off for Tel Aviv, Beersheba, Haifa, and Jerusalem, and probably some military sites, including Israel's half-dozen air and alleged nuclear missile bases. Some of the Shihabs will be nuclear-tipped, perhaps even with multiple warheads. Others will be dupes, packed merely with biological or chemical agents, or old newspapers, to draw off or confuse Israel's anti-missile batteries and Home Guard units.
With a country the size and shape of Israel, an elongated 8,000 square miles, probably four or five hits will suffice: no more Israel. A million or more Israelis, in the greater Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem areas, will die immediately. Millions will be seriously irradiated. Israel has about 7 million inhabitants. No Iranian will see or touch an Israeli. It will be quite impersonal.
Some of the dead will inevitably be Arab, for 1.3 million of Israel's citizens are Arab and another 3.5 million Arabs live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It is doubtful whether such a mass killing of fellow Muslims will trouble Mr. Ahmadinejad and the mullahs. The Iranians don't especially like Arabs, especially Sunni Arabs, with whom they have intermittently warred for centuries. And they have an especial contempt for the Sunni Palestinians, who despite their initially outnumbering the Jews by more than 10 to 1, failed to prevent the Jews from establishing their state or taking over all of Palestine. Besides, the Iranian leadership sees the destruction of Israel as a supreme divine command, as a herald of the second coming, and the Muslims dispatched collaterally as so many martyrs in the noble cause. Anyway, the Palestinians, many of them dispersed around the globe, will survive as a people, as will the greater Arab nation. Surely, to be rid of the Jewish state, the Arabs should be willing to make some sacrifices. In the cosmic balance sheet, it will be worth the candle.
A question may nevertheless arise in the Iranian councils: What about Jerusalem? After all, the city is the third holiest after Mecca and Medina, containing the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Mosque of Omar. Ali Khamenei, the supreme spiritual leader, and Mr. Ahmadinejad most likely would reply that the city, like the land, by God's grace, in 20 or 50 years' time, will recover. And it will be restored to Islam and the Arabs.
To judge from Mr. Ahmadinejad's continuous reference to Palestine and the need to destroy Israel, and his denial of the first Holocaust, he is a man obsessed. He shares this with the mullahs: All were brought up on the teachings of Khomeini, a prolific anti-Semite who often fulminated against "the Little Satan." To judge from Mr. Ahmadinejad's organization of the Holocaust cartoons competition and the Holocaust denial conference, the Iranian president's hatreds are deep and, of course, shameless.
He is willing to gamble the future of Iran or even of the whole Muslim Middle East in exchange for Israel's destruction. No doubt he believes that Allah, somehow, will protect Iran from an Israeli nuclear response or an American counterstrike. He may well believe that his missiles will so pulverize the Jewish state that it will be unable to respond. And, with his deep contempt for the weak-kneed West, he is unlikely to take seriously the threat of American nuclear retaliation.
Or he may be willing to pay the price. As his mentor, Khomeini, put it in a speech in Qom in 1980: "We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah. … I say, let" Iran "burn … provided Islam emerges triumphant. …"
Israel's deputy defense minister, Ephraim Sneh, has suggested that Iran doesn't even have to use the bomb to destroy Israel. The nuclearization of Iran will so overawe and depress Israelis that they will lose hope and gradually emigrate, and potential foreign investors and immigrants will shy away from the mortally threatened Jewish state. But my feeling is that Mr. Ahmadinejad and his allies lack patience and seek Israel's annihilation in their lifetime.
As with the first, the second Holocaust will have been preceded by decades of preparation of hearts and minds by Iranian and Arab leaders, Western intellectuals, and press outlets. All the messages have served to demonize Israel. Muslims have been taught: "The Zionists/the Jews are the embodiment of evil" and " Israel must be destroyed." And Westerners were instructed: " Israel is a racist oppressor state" and " Israel, in this age of multi-culturalism, is an anachronism and superfluous."
The build-up to the second Holocaust has seen an international community fragmented and driven by separate, selfish appetites — Russia and China obsessed with Muslim markets; France, with Arab oil — and America driven by the debacle in Iraq into a deep isolationism. Iran has been left free to pursue its nuclear destiny, and Israel and Iran have been left to face off alone.
An isolated Israel will prove unequal to the task. Last summer, Israel failed in a 34-day mini-war against Hezbollah, which thoroughly demoralized the Israeli political and military leaderships. Since then, the ministers and generals, like their counterparts in the West, have looked on glumly as Hezbollah's patrons have been arming with doomsday weapons.
The Iranian program will present even a more complex challenge for a country with Israel's limited conventional military resources. Learning from Israel's destruction in 1981 of Iraq's nuclear reactor, the Iranians duplicated and dispersed their facilities and buried them deep. Taking out the Iranian facilities with conventional weapons would take an American-size air force working round-the-clock for more than a month. At best, Israel could hope to hit only some components and delay the Iranians by a year or two.
In short order, therefore, the leadership in Jerusalem would confront a doomsday dilemma of deciding whether to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike.
Israel's leaders most likely will grit their teeth and hope that somehow things will turn out for the best. Perhaps, after acquiring the bomb, the Iranians will behave ‘rationally"?
But the Iranians will launch their rockets. And, as with the first Holocaust, the international community will do nothing. It will all be over, for Israel, in a few minutes.
Still, the second Holocaust will be different in the sense that Mr. Ahmadinejad will not actually see and touch those he so wishes dead. Indeed, there will be no scenes like that quoted in Daniel Mendelsohn's recent "The Lost, A Search for Six of Six Million," in which is described the second Nazi Aktion in Bolechow, Poland, in September 1942:
"A terrible episode happened with Mrs. Grynberg. The Ukrainians and Germans, who had broken into her house, found her giving birth. The weeping and entreaties of bystanders didn't help and she was taken from her home in a nightshirt and dragged into the square in front of the town hall. There … she was dragged onto a dumpster in the yard of the town hall with a crowd of Ukraininans present, who cracked jokes and jeered and watched the pain of childbirth and she gave birth to a child. The child was immediately torn from her arms along with its umbilical cord and thrown — It was trampled by the crowd and she was stood on her feet as blood poured out of her with bleeding bits hanging and she stood that way for a few hours by the wall of the town hall, afterwards she went with all the others to the train station where they loaded her into a carriage in a train to Belzec [extermination camp]."
In the next Holocaust there will be no such heart-rending scenes.
The Second Holocaust
January 22, 2007
The second Holocaust will not be like the first. The Nazis, of course, industrialized mass murder. But still, the perpetrators had one-on-one contact with the victims. They may have dehumanized them, over months and years of appalling debasement and in their minds, before the actual killing. But, still, they were in eye- and ear-contact, sometimes in tactile contact, with their victims.
The second Holocaust will be quite different. One bright morning, in five or 10 years' time, perhaps during a regional crisis, perhaps out of the blue, a day or a year or five years after Iran's acquisition of the bomb, the mullahs in Qom will convoke in secret session, under a portrait of the steely-eyed Ayatollah Khomeini, and give President Ahmadinejad, by then in his second or third term, the go ahead.
The orders will go out, and the Shihab III and IV missiles will take off for Tel Aviv, Beersheba, Haifa, and Jerusalem, and probably some military sites, including Israel's half-dozen air and alleged nuclear missile bases. Some of the Shihabs will be nuclear-tipped, perhaps even with multiple warheads. Others will be dupes, packed merely with biological or chemical agents, or old newspapers, to draw off or confuse Israel's anti-missile batteries and Home Guard units.
With a country the size and shape of Israel, an elongated 8,000 square miles, probably four or five hits will suffice: no more Israel. A million or more Israelis, in the greater Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem areas, will die immediately. Millions will be seriously irradiated. Israel has about 7 million inhabitants. No Iranian will see or touch an Israeli. It will be quite impersonal.
Some of the dead will inevitably be Arab, for 1.3 million of Israel's citizens are Arab and another 3.5 million Arabs live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It is doubtful whether such a mass killing of fellow Muslims will trouble Mr. Ahmadinejad and the mullahs. The Iranians don't especially like Arabs, especially Sunni Arabs, with whom they have intermittently warred for centuries. And they have an especial contempt for the Sunni Palestinians, who despite their initially outnumbering the Jews by more than 10 to 1, failed to prevent the Jews from establishing their state or taking over all of Palestine. Besides, the Iranian leadership sees the destruction of Israel as a supreme divine command, as a herald of the second coming, and the Muslims dispatched collaterally as so many martyrs in the noble cause. Anyway, the Palestinians, many of them dispersed around the globe, will survive as a people, as will the greater Arab nation. Surely, to be rid of the Jewish state, the Arabs should be willing to make some sacrifices. In the cosmic balance sheet, it will be worth the candle.
A question may nevertheless arise in the Iranian councils: What about Jerusalem? After all, the city is the third holiest after Mecca and Medina, containing the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Mosque of Omar. Ali Khamenei, the supreme spiritual leader, and Mr. Ahmadinejad most likely would reply that the city, like the land, by God's grace, in 20 or 50 years' time, will recover. And it will be restored to Islam and the Arabs.
To judge from Mr. Ahmadinejad's continuous reference to Palestine and the need to destroy Israel, and his denial of the first Holocaust, he is a man obsessed. He shares this with the mullahs: All were brought up on the teachings of Khomeini, a prolific anti-Semite who often fulminated against "the Little Satan." To judge from Mr. Ahmadinejad's organization of the Holocaust cartoons competition and the Holocaust denial conference, the Iranian president's hatreds are deep and, of course, shameless.
He is willing to gamble the future of Iran or even of the whole Muslim Middle East in exchange for Israel's destruction. No doubt he believes that Allah, somehow, will protect Iran from an Israeli nuclear response or an American counterstrike. He may well believe that his missiles will so pulverize the Jewish state that it will be unable to respond. And, with his deep contempt for the weak-kneed West, he is unlikely to take seriously the threat of American nuclear retaliation.
Or he may be willing to pay the price. As his mentor, Khomeini, put it in a speech in Qom in 1980: "We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah. … I say, let" Iran "burn … provided Islam emerges triumphant. …"
Israel's deputy defense minister, Ephraim Sneh, has suggested that Iran doesn't even have to use the bomb to destroy Israel. The nuclearization of Iran will so overawe and depress Israelis that they will lose hope and gradually emigrate, and potential foreign investors and immigrants will shy away from the mortally threatened Jewish state. But my feeling is that Mr. Ahmadinejad and his allies lack patience and seek Israel's annihilation in their lifetime.
As with the first, the second Holocaust will have been preceded by decades of preparation of hearts and minds by Iranian and Arab leaders, Western intellectuals, and press outlets. All the messages have served to demonize Israel. Muslims have been taught: "The Zionists/the Jews are the embodiment of evil" and " Israel must be destroyed." And Westerners were instructed: " Israel is a racist oppressor state" and " Israel, in this age of multi-culturalism, is an anachronism and superfluous."
The build-up to the second Holocaust has seen an international community fragmented and driven by separate, selfish appetites — Russia and China obsessed with Muslim markets; France, with Arab oil — and America driven by the debacle in Iraq into a deep isolationism. Iran has been left free to pursue its nuclear destiny, and Israel and Iran have been left to face off alone.
An isolated Israel will prove unequal to the task. Last summer, Israel failed in a 34-day mini-war against Hezbollah, which thoroughly demoralized the Israeli political and military leaderships. Since then, the ministers and generals, like their counterparts in the West, have looked on glumly as Hezbollah's patrons have been arming with doomsday weapons.
The Iranian program will present even a more complex challenge for a country with Israel's limited conventional military resources. Learning from Israel's destruction in 1981 of Iraq's nuclear reactor, the Iranians duplicated and dispersed their facilities and buried them deep. Taking out the Iranian facilities with conventional weapons would take an American-size air force working round-the-clock for more than a month. At best, Israel could hope to hit only some components and delay the Iranians by a year or two.
In short order, therefore, the leadership in Jerusalem would confront a doomsday dilemma of deciding whether to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike.
Israel's leaders most likely will grit their teeth and hope that somehow things will turn out for the best. Perhaps, after acquiring the bomb, the Iranians will behave ‘rationally"?
But the Iranians will launch their rockets. And, as with the first Holocaust, the international community will do nothing. It will all be over, for Israel, in a few minutes.
Still, the second Holocaust will be different in the sense that Mr. Ahmadinejad will not actually see and touch those he so wishes dead. Indeed, there will be no scenes like that quoted in Daniel Mendelsohn's recent "The Lost, A Search for Six of Six Million," in which is described the second Nazi Aktion in Bolechow, Poland, in September 1942:
"A terrible episode happened with Mrs. Grynberg. The Ukrainians and Germans, who had broken into her house, found her giving birth. The weeping and entreaties of bystanders didn't help and she was taken from her home in a nightshirt and dragged into the square in front of the town hall. There … she was dragged onto a dumpster in the yard of the town hall with a crowd of Ukraininans present, who cracked jokes and jeered and watched the pain of childbirth and she gave birth to a child. The child was immediately torn from her arms along with its umbilical cord and thrown — It was trampled by the crowd and she was stood on her feet as blood poured out of her with bleeding bits hanging and she stood that way for a few hours by the wall of the town hall, afterwards she went with all the others to the train station where they loaded her into a carriage in a train to Belzec [extermination camp]."
In the next Holocaust there will be no such heart-rending scenes.
Anti Zionism is not Anti Semitism
Most antizionists are antisemites
Most antizionists are antisemites
Post edited by Unknown User on
there are 78 million iranians and 14 million jews on the planet
the jews have nukes and have wiped maps and homes and people
the iranian don't and haven't
okay... no nukes
how about a fair fight?? Plastic knives .. you in?
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
Fair fight= the jews still win.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Nice read all the same.
lets ask the Jewish theocracy with nuclear weapons how you wipe a country off the map... they wiped Palestine off the map
they wiped Syria off the map in the Golan heights
they wish to wipe lebanon off the map to the litani river
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
the religious leader has issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons
look it up , smart guy
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
last I check its still there. and they are currently killing each other, much like the crazy arabs in Iraq
that is racist..
aren't there rules against hate speech and slurs on this board?
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
But do you honestly think they will do it? If Iran blows up Israel, then they are starting an all out world war three... Ahmadinejad isn't stupid, actually he is very intelligent, and he knows this. He also isn't a religious fundamentalist who will give up his life and his entire country's in some religious attack. Ahmadinejad's most powerful when he is on the sidelines stirring things up and attracting controversy.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
I just have faith in the one cardinal rule of politics, that politicians will say or do anything to stay in power... Bringing the complete wrath of the west on your country will be the stupidest thing that he could ever do.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
their country was being invaded
by "a ruthless dictator" "with wmd's"
at our request
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
You know what is sad about this story? The fact that you should have said WTF is he talking about. His story has no comparison to the original Holocaust event and yet, without blinking an eye, you accepted it as a comparative event. If the people in the camps had died just from bombings, they would have received no more recognition than the millions of people that died all across Europe, America, Asia, Africa, the Pacific, etc. in WWII.
Israel is no longer a child looking for a home, she's a rich, manipulative bitch who is capable of taking care of herself. Here's the deal, Israel had a part in this Iraqi mess, Lebanon didn't work and the attack on Iran's Consulate didn't work. According to Bush, our bed is made, so spare us the stories. Those aircraft carriers don't come cheap.
HERE'S A BETTER WARNING- If you're not one of the typical MT imbeciles you'll respect the Holocaust for what it was and not let it be demeaned in order to promote someone else's agenda. Try remembering the names of the countries that didn't let that ship into port and how many died in sight of their new home.
can i criticize Israel without being labeled anti-semitic? if yes how
if no ..is it because the state is a theocracy ?
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
What? I'm saying this article is garbage. What does that have to do with hating Israel or Jews? Can't I be critical of an authored work without hating on Israel or Jews? Give me a fucking break, clown.
arrogant like Japan during WWII? History has proven that a couple of bombs can bend the knee of any country. If Iran did in fact launch a nuclear attack on Israel, the US would respond with a nuclear attack on Iran that would turn the entire country into a field of glass. Their attack on Israel would be very very short lived.
Quit reading after this grand opening statement....give me a break....
Must be proud to have weapons that can kill thousands instantly....
Also Iran will never launch attacks on Israel....the leader is smarter than that....
edit : Just thought I'd add that situations are extremely depressing all over the world. If you want numbers I'll give you the 25+ million africans HIV positive we don't want to see, the 2,5+ million people dying of malaria in the world no one cares about, the 24 000 people dying of hunger every day we could give a shit about while tossing unbought food. These people are dying now.
And you know what? I keep thinking maybe we can do something about it, I honestly think that people and organisation on an international level try to adress these issues little by little. It's for the same reasons I believe no one will use nuclear weapons, I think some people actually care about others and try to adress the nuclear issue as well. I don't believe everyone just gave up however depressing the issues, if you want to do something constructive about it.