High Thoughts and Law abiding assholes.

i think there is something here...
Could the the reason be for all the murders, all the new-age weird crimes you see possibly be because of the making everything legal or not legal... instead of just not labeling it and judging after the bad takes place, which is what is done anyway... very few ''hot-headed'' crimes are stopped..(would you agree?)
so i'm saying, with all these laws. all of them even as small as jay walking... could it be the detection of bad people has slipped away until it is to late.
going as far as to say that... Following every single little law, every single little detail and slipping by day to day... could it be that the crazy people are tricking themselves into living a clean life that they know deep down is not themselves...and they continue abiding laws well into their..
and they explode and kill their family.
he was soft spoken, he went to church..he loved his family...he always had a smile...she was a cheerleader... she was in so many clubs...
Could the the reason be for all the murders, all the new-age weird crimes you see possibly be because of the making everything legal or not legal... instead of just not labeling it and judging after the bad takes place, which is what is done anyway... very few ''hot-headed'' crimes are stopped..(would you agree?)
so i'm saying, with all these laws. all of them even as small as jay walking... could it be the detection of bad people has slipped away until it is to late.
going as far as to say that... Following every single little law, every single little detail and slipping by day to day... could it be that the crazy people are tricking themselves into living a clean life that they know deep down is not themselves...and they continue abiding laws well into their..
and they explode and kill their family.
he was soft spoken, he went to church..he loved his family...he always had a smile...she was a cheerleader... she was in so many clubs...
Post edited by Unknown User on
But I might change my mind if I knew what you were on about.
naděje umírá poslední
I've still no clear idea what you're getting at mate. Sounds like you're going all Minority Report on us?
becos id go to jail for life.
Take another bong hit dude.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
i can't wrap my brain around it either. maybe it's the wording.
It's impossible to wrap your brain around "diarrhea of the mouth".
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
Really? So all that's stopping you from going on a mad killing spree is the prospect of going to jail?
-C Addison
not a mad killing spree. but if there was no law against it and i stood to gain something from it, id have no qualms with it.
Do you really believe that? I find it hard to believe that you do, unless you're some kind of closet psychopath, which I never would have picked you as before. I know that you like to argue that a human life is no more valuable than an animal life, and that the only reason we have laws against murder is to prevent the disentgration of our social fabric, but surely you do that just for the sake of argument. I don't believe that you honestly think could kill someone for personal gain and not give a shit.
-C Addison
"diarrhea of the keyboard"
That really isn't something you should be thinking. Really.
so i was like, dude, we're not doin' nothin', lets start a country or something!"
put the pipe down...damn dude
so totally dude. like, i saw that freakin cheerleader, she actually killed a squirrell in my back yard and decided to play some golf. She got a par! Then Ben Stiller came over and cooked an amazing ham, but the damned fleas kept buzzing around and really made everyone puke. It was like, so fucked up, no?
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Exactly.....my bad. I got my diarrheas mixed up.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
i know i could. i can be a cold-blooded son of a bitch when it suits me. and i dont think legalizing murder is going to stop anyone from murdering as the original poster seems to think. just giving an honest answer to his question.
Wrong place, wrong time?
naděje umírá poslední
hehe, yeah, being an amoral drunk for years was great preparation
it happened on my own property just feet from my front door. how can a man's home ever be the wrong place?
It was a question.
naděje umírá poslední
sorry. it did answer the question; didn't i?
actually, i got the response i needed from this thread.
what response was that?