gay muslims find a way out
it is such a tragedy that homosexuls have to do this. im from an indian family so can compleatly understand about family pressure on any issue. although i have seen marragies of convenience come crashing down and maybe this... well it certainly is not ideal.
there is such a poor view on the homosexul community not just from the muslim religion but also from the christians, particularly the catholics. we are seeing the protestant chuch going towards a schism and about time too. the muslims need one too to sort out their problems.
ahhh anyway
it is such a tragedy that homosexuls have to do this. im from an indian family so can compleatly understand about family pressure on any issue. although i have seen marragies of convenience come crashing down and maybe this... well it certainly is not ideal.
there is such a poor view on the homosexul community not just from the muslim religion but also from the christians, particularly the catholics. we are seeing the protestant chuch going towards a schism and about time too. the muslims need one too to sort out their problems.
ahhh anyway
Post edited by Unknown User on
The Ancient Romans and Greeks were pretty religious and open towards homosexuality...
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
So it would seem that where there has been religious people, there has been acceptance towards homosexuality.
Communist countries haven't been very kind towards homosexuals. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it a crime to be gay in the old USSR?
I was thinking the same thing.
Man, could you imagine what it would be like, being gay in a traditional Muslim family? The Bible Belt has no monopoly on prejudice.
No sure if it was an actual law in the books, but I do know that a lot of homosexuals wound up in the gulags as "political prisoners".
I think it's a crime in some states here. Well, not a crime to be gay, but a crime to engage in sex with a member of the same sex--not that it is enforced...
Acutally, sex between unmarried couples (which by definition includes all same sex pairs) may illegal in some states too. Again, not enforced...
abrahamic "one size fits all" approaches - be it on the religious front (judaism, christianity, islam), or political (communism, socialism) - have not been too kind/ tolerant, towards anything they dont agree much with.
the same iran where today a homosexual would be stoned to death had scores of ancient literature and sculpture and mythology about homosexual subjects back in the day when it was zorastrian.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
I think what's in the books here is the crime of sodomy, which by the way could also apply to heterosexuals. Either way the law (where it's in the books) is not enforced.
Do you live in the Bible Belt, reborncareerist?
Nope, I am a Canadian ... I just used that example because that's the one people on here tend to think of first, whenever the topic of religious intolerance comes up.
So would you say that in Canada, people have more religious tolerance than in the Bible Belt?
How do you think the Bible Belt has gotten the rep that by your own admission it has gotten here in these boards?
You always find a way to badmouth a muslim country. In another thread you posted with an Iranian female soccer fan, you found a way to add the negativity to it, you can't pass up on insulting a muslim country. I KNOW your agenda. You are fucking RACIST against muslims, you don't give a fuck about gays, when you saw muslim in the title you had to come in and add your two fucking racist cents. You want to reduce everything to a religious issue, so you can attack muslims. And why would IndianSummer do this? Because he is pissed off that Pakistan was annexed from India, or their are muslim hindu clashes in India, so he reduces EVERYTHING to a religious issue so can he can bash muslims and muslim countries. Sorry to derail the thread but I am fucking sick of his bullshit. When I read that you stood in vomit when you saw PJ in whatever city, I laughed for days, as a matter of fact, I am now on a mission to find the puker and kiss him on the lips, clean his house and walk his dog. THAT'S KARMA FOR YOU, RIGHT?
Often they still hide it, so it's for the most part the same.
I don't know why is was so imporatant to have "gay muslims" in the title.
er.... i said "abrahamic one size fits all approach". not muslims. get that chip off your ass or wherever it is you have it on.
as for the guy who stood in puke during a concert, thats probably "indian summer" (with a blank space between indian and summer) and is a different person,. not me. but you can go ahead and kiss his puke for all i care. all he best.
and go easy on the acid, you are imagining too many things already.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
I didn't see him/her attacking muslims per se - he included other religions. And why is it racist to point out the reality of homosexuality being basically forbidden in islam and having a problem with that? Muslims aren't a race - Islam is a religion and anyone who believes the statement 'la ilaha ilAllah Muhammadarasul Allah' can be one. I don't attack, but I disagree with the religion, and I know something about it.
I find the original article quite sad, but I can believe it. It is inconvenient for some people in various religions that homosexuality even exists because it upsets the way they think things should be. But the reality is there are people who are homosexual, and I can not accept any religion that believes they should be stoned to death.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I meant prejudice, you are right racism does not apply. Tell me where in the Qu'ran does it say the homosexuals should be stoned to death. Nowhere. During the Prophet's time such punishments for any deviance were avoided by all means and we are told to follow his example. I don't agree with a lot of religions, but I don't make a point to bash them any chance I get as IndianSummer has and won't cop to.
Not exactly sure what you're asking, but here goes ... I don't know if I would say that all of Canada is more tolerant that people in the American Bible Belt. I think in some ways we probably are, but in other ways, we probably aren't. How's that for a noncommital answer?
As for the Bible Belt's rep ... I think like almost all stereotypes, there's a) some truth to it, but b) bigoted people have made it out to be worse than it actually is.
Nowhere. Okay. (Though I think I can find the verse I have in mind but it may take some tiime) So you tell me - can a Muslim be homosexual and it be okay? If not, what does Islam believe should be done about someone who is a Muslim, IS GAY and happy to be that way?
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
It will take a lot of time, because it is not there.All religions are open to interpretation. I was watching like an hour thing on gay arab muslims/jews/christians on pbs. And a muslim gay guy interpreted the Qu'ran as saying that Islam is not against homosexuality. And the same can be said with the Bible and the Torah. A gay guy on CNN stated that the Bible said that homosexuals must be killed. I don't know, I never read the whole Bible. It is open to the reader's interpretation.I am not one to say that they are wrong or right. The Qu'ran does not say that homosexuals should be stoned to death. And the Qu'ran is the book of Islam. As I said before that punishments such as stoning that the West is focused on, yet there jails are filled with the falsely accused, were avoided at all costs in the Prophet's time.
But at the same time, I totally agree with you that jails (like Guantanamo) are filled with people falsely accused and this is wrong.
My philosophy is Live and Let Live as long as you are not harming others. No killing.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Many false sunnahs do exist, also the punishment for death in the quran is quite clear and if gays were to be killed the quran would've had it written as so but it does'nt.
Yet many Muslims interpret it as such, which is the concern.
Not sure why you are defending it, dude. All three Western religions, with some exceptions, promote backwards attitudes about homosexuals.
Well the quran has nothing really to interpret when to comes to gays because it's just not mentioned.
nevertheless. religions aside, how many countries really promote a forward attitude when it comes to gays? Not many and for sure not the US.
Very, very few, I agree. The U.S. wasn't the topic of this thread, though. Talking about socially regressive policies in Islamic nations or populations does not mean that the U.S. is much better. That is a separate topic.
Why should we not include the US and just single out the "other," why is not okay to to refer to other nations and religions on this topic. Why orientalize and separate? Why should the focus be on muslim countries, let us take a look at ALL countries.
Well sure, but this thread originated as how muslims who are gay, and have no intention of living otherwise, are dealing with societal pressures, and in a sense the consequences *within islam* for being outed. Basically it appears that gay muslims must remain entirely closeted to 'straight society'. That has changed *somewhat* in the U.S. While the U.S. in some quarters continues to have an uneasy relationship with homosexuality, there are many more avenues for self-expression and life in the U.S. than there used to be. I'm not sure that is the case in Muslim societies. Or is it? Perhaps gay marriages (gay male marrying gay female) is a step up, that is until the relatives start asking about when the family will be started and believe me they will ask.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008