Iranian Leader Bans Usage of Foreign Words



  • thankyougrandmathankyougrandma Posts: 1,182
    Where is it written that these words are OUTLAWED?

    It's said that the cultural language watchdog are changing those words, for the culture, unless there's something i've missed in the article. In Quebec, we're just done translating all the car mecanics words, before that it was the golf words (birdie=oiselet), we did it with football terms, we did it with baseball terms, we did it with everything that is an english or foreign word, to have the real french word (pizza is still a pizza though), you can still speak all the language you want, it's not outlawed, it's translated. I don't know if that's the case with Iran, but it seem like it is, at least this article shows no sign of "pizza" now being illegal to use as a word...
    "L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • thankyougrandmathankyougrandma Posts: 1,182
    Where is it written that these words are OUTLAWED?

    so? where?
    "L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    Cosmo wrote:
    So... if you are 'educated' about Iran and how fucked up they are... how fucked they've been and how fucked up they'll always be... then, you must agree with me that this Iraq War essentially hands over Iraq to Iran, right? I mean, you must know that the 60+ percentage of Iraq's population is Shi'ia... the same Shi'ia that make up Iran... and their bretheren in Hezbolah and Islamic Jihad, etc... The same Shi'ites that brought us the likes of Ayatollah Khomeni and Muqtada al Sadr... makes up the majority of Iraq' population.
    You would know that Saddam Hussein restricted Shi'ite migration and immigration of Shi'ites from Iran into Iraq... where the holiest site in all of Shi'iadom... the Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf, Iraq resides. Shi'ites must make a pilgrimage to the Mosque at least once in their lives. This immigration policy has been dropped and the Shi'ia population will more than likely increase to 80% of Iraq's total population as more and more Iranian Shi'ites immigrate to Iraq.
    So, Iraq... with an already overwhelming Shi'ia majority, will most likely end up with a Shi'ia dominated government in Democratic elections. This falls in favor of Iran, who has wanted this for decades. A Shi'ite controlled Iraq is Ayatollah Khomeni and Iran's wet dream... and it was handed to them by the Great Satan himself... The United States.
    If you are educated about this, you would have seen the possible and probable outcome of taking out Hussein and instituting a Democratic system... in a country where people ask their religious people who to vote for... would ultimately result in a greater Iranian problem than the current one... Making this War in Iraq a bad decision in the manner in which it was executed, right? I mean, you are so educated on the complexities related to the Middle East and their cultures... how can you not agree that Bush is a fucking dumb shit for cowboying it up in Iraq and fufilling the Ayatollah Khomeni's... the 'George Washington of Fundamentalist Islam'... prophecy?
    So, it's settled... the educated PaperPlates is against the War in Iraq and thinks President Bush is a dumb shit because he failed to look deeper into his decision to go to War.
    All of you Conservatives out there may now label him as a 'Liberal'.

    Name calling is forbidden here. Please dont ever call me a liberal again!!! ;)

    Seriously, I didnt call myself "educated". And I didnt proclaim to be an expert on anything. I will go so far as to say, that when you combine the poor planning to begin with, along with going soft and giving in to the left's concerns, this war in Iraq isnt our "proudest moment". But we can and will finish the job. Im far from liberal, because given the opportunity to elect a president who can go about the job of war correctly, Ill vote for him in these times, every time.
    Why go home
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741

    House cafeterias change names for 'french' fries and 'french' toast
    Move reflects anger over France's stance on Iraq

    By Sean Loughlin
    CNN Washington Bureau

    WASHINGTON (CNN) --The cafeteria menus in the three House office buildings changed the name of "french fries" to "freedom fries," in a culinary rebuke of France stemming from anger over the country's refusal to support the U.S. position on Iraq.

    Ditto for "french toast," which will be known as "freedom toast."

    The name changes were spearheaded by two Republican lawmakers who held a news conference Tuesday to make the name changes official on the menus.

    Across the country, some private restaurants have done the same.

    "This action today is a small, but symbolic effort to show the strong displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of our so-called ally, France," said Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, the chairman of the Committee on House Administration.

    Ney, whose committee has authority over the House cafeterias, directed the change, after colleague Walter Jones, R-North Carolina, circulated a letter suggesting such a move. Jones said he was following the example of a local restaurant owner in his North Carolina district.

    "I represent a district with multiple military bases that have deployed thousands of troops," Jones said in a statement. "As I've watched these men and women wave good-bye to their loved ones, I am reminded of the deep love they have for the freedom of this nation and their desire to fight for the freedom of those who are oppressed overseas. Watching France's self -serving politics of passive aggression in this effort has discouraged me more than I can say."

    The name change was criticized by one young man in a House cafeteria.

    "That's completely ludicrous to me," he said.

    France has pressed the United Nations to give weapons inspectors more time in Iraq, saying the U.S. and British-led move to war is premature.

    Its stance has angered some U.S. lawmakers.

    Rep. Jim Saxton, R-New Jersey, has introduced legislation in the House that would block any French company from receiving U.S. government aid or financing in any reconstruction of Iraq. Another measure discourages American tourists, businesses and the government from participating in the 2003 Paris Air show.

    But House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said he didn't think Congress needed to take any formal steps to signal its disapproval of France.

    "I don't think we have to retaliate against France," he said. "They have isolated themselves. They have resigned from any responsibility for the war on terror."

    Asked why he was focusing on France when other nations, including Germany and Russia, oppose the U.S. position on Iraq, Jones said it was because France had taken the lead in challenging the United States.

    Officials with the French Embassy in Washington could not be reached for comment Tuesday afternoon.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Name calling is forbidden here. Please dont ever call me a liberal again!!! ;)

    Seriously, I didnt call myself "educated". And I didnt proclaim to be an expert on anything. I will go so far as to say, that when you combine the poor planning to begin with, along with going soft and giving in to the left's concerns, this war in Iraq isnt our "proudest moment". But we can and will finish the job. Im far from liberal, because given the opportunity to elect a president who can go about the job of war correctly, Ill vote for him in these times, every time.
    Poor planning to begin with... CHECK.
    Going soft and giving in to the Left's concerns... WHAAAAAAT?
    Which... who... how... what... You need to explain this. I thought this was 'Stay the Course' we were on? When did the President give in? Why haven't I heard about it? Why hasn't anyone else in the world (except for you) heard about it? You are basically saying that the "Course" we set is giving in to the Left's concerns... and YOU voted for this guy?
    Anyway... back to the subject at hand... do you have any other gems to educate me on Iran? I mean, I never knew that changing the word for pizza was more kooky than the death penalty for anyone who says anything negative about God... but, you know... you learn something new everyday.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    But we can and will finish the job. Im far from liberal, because given the opportunity to elect a president who can go about the job of war correctly, Ill vote for him in these times, every time.
    Oh yeah... I forgot...
    What exactly is "The Job"? Can you please define what "The Job" is? and how will we know "The Job" is completed?
    Because I don't know what it is or how to tell when it's done... poor, poor pitiful me.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Name calling is forbidden here. Please dont ever call me a liberal again!!! ;)

    Seriously, I didnt call myself "educated". And I didnt proclaim to be an expert on anything. I will go so far as to say, that when you combine the poor planning to begin with, along with going soft and giving in to the left's concerns, this war in Iraq isnt our "proudest moment". But we can and will finish the job. Im far from liberal, because given the opportunity to elect a president who can go about the job of war correctly, Ill vote for him in these times, every time.

    "going soft and giving in to the left's concerns"....


    holy crap, that was funny...are you saying the right "listens" to the left...and since this war is in the shitter, it's the "left's" fault...

  • zcyruszcyrus Posts: 22
    I've actually been to Iran. They do this every 10 years or so. Nobody in Iran pays attention to this kind of crap, so I don't think anyone here should be too hung up on it. I went there in December, and just before I left I read something about banning of western music. I took my ipod anyway, and was rocking out the whole time I was there. This kind of story is meaningless in Iran, probably doesn't even get a newspaper headline there. How can you change how people speak.
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    zcyrus wrote:
    I've actually been to Iran. They do this every 10 years or so. Nobody in Iran pays attention to this kind of crap, so I don't think anyone here should be too hung up on it. I went there in December, and just before I left I read something about banning of western music. I took my ipod anyway, and was rocking out the whole time I was there. This kind of story is meaningless in Iran, probably doesn't even get a newspaper headline there. How can you change how people speak.

    I've heard from a supervisor who went to Iran to train therapists that there is a lot of anti-American propaganda everywhere. Its on the buildings, its on the news ... His descriptions left a very bad taste in my mouth. Is this your experience?
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    zcyrus wrote:
    I've actually been to Iran. They do this every 10 years or so. Nobody in Iran pays attention to this kind of crap, so I don't think anyone here should be too hung up on it. I went there in December, and just before I left I read something about banning of western music. I took my ipod anyway, and was rocking out the whole time I was there. This kind of story is meaningless in Iran, probably doesn't even get a newspaper headline there. How can you change how people speak.
    Still, dude... I ain't going to Iran to order a pizza... EVER. Neither are 99.9999% of the people here. This story is nothing new, therefore, not 'News'. If anything, it is propaganda to make it easier for us to hate Iran (as if there weren't enough reasons). It'll make killing them in the future seem more like the right thing to do.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    Cosmo wrote:
    Poor planning to begin with... CHECK.
    Going soft and giving in to the Left's concerns... WHAAAAAAT?
    Which... who... how... what... You need to explain this. I thought this was 'Stay the Course' we were on? When did the President give in? Why haven't I heard about it? Why hasn't anyone else in the world (except for you) heard about it? You are basically saying that the "Course" we set is giving in to the Left's concerns... and YOU voted for this guy?
    Anyway... back to the subject at hand... do you have any other gems to educate me on Iran? I mean, I never knew that changing the word for pizza was more kooky than the death penalty for anyone who says anything negative about God... but, you know... you learn something new everyday.

    I believe the original plan was most likely to go in alot harder than we did. Between poor planning and pressure from some at home, the original plan was either abandoned or "adapted" for political reasons. My theory. And noone said that the vernacular being controlled by the govt was on par with death for infidels. Its simply being pointed out as a common denominator in the overall conditions and "policies" in countries like Iran.
    Why go home
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    inmytree wrote:
    "going soft and giving in to the left's concerns"....


    holy crap, that was funny...are you saying the right "listens" to the left...and since this war is in the shitter, it's the "left's" fault...


    if you don't think your anti american propaganda here at home has hurt the efforts abroad, you're mistaken. It's certainly not all the "lefts" fault, but you definitely shoulder some of it. Oh yeah, and also, didnt alot of "the left" vote YES to this war? Forgot that one.
    Why go home
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    if you don't think your anti american propaganda here at home has hurt the efforts abroad, you're mistaken. It's certainly not all the "lefts" fault, but you definitely shoulder some of it. Oh yeah, and also, didnt alot of "the left" vote YES to this war? Forgot that one.

    man, you are on a roll today...haaaa haaaaaa're killing me....water almost came out my nose...

    next you're going to tell me I hate "freedom"...
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    I believe the original plan was most likely to go in alot harder than we did. Between poor planning and pressure from some at home, the original plan was either abandoned or "adapted" for political reasons. My theory. And noone said that the vernacular being controlled by the govt was on par with death for infidels. Its simply being pointed out as a common denominator in the overall conditions and "policies" in countries like Iran.

    YOU believe "..the original plan was most likely to go in alot harder than we did. Between poor planning and pressure from some at home, the original plan was either abandoned or "adapted" for political reasons." YOUR theory? And so is YOUR THEORY based in any way whatsoever on reality and the facts? Or is it merely your own personal little theory? Have you some inside information that you'd care to share with us? Was the U.S planning to nuke Iraq before some uppity lefties got in the way, in your grand scheme of things? I'm truly fascinated!
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    Byrnzie wrote:
    YOU believe "..the original plan was most likely to go in alot harder than we did. Between poor planning and pressure from some at home, the original plan was either abandoned or "adapted" for political reasons." YOUR theory? And so is YOUR THEORY based in any way whatsoever on reality and the facts? Or is it merely your own personal little theory? Have you some inside information that you'd care to share with us? Was the U.S planning to nuke Iraq before some uppity lefties got in the way, in your grand scheme of things? I'm truly fascinated!

    you all seem to think you're in "the loop", and in on decisions made and being made. Easy to second GUESS from your armchair. Have you some inside info that I dont? Real info that is, not rhetoric.
    Why go home
  • Cosmo wrote:
    AGAIN... SERIOUSLY... WHO the fuck cares?
    Here's your first clue:
    THEY ARE FUCKING IRAN!!! THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO ACT LIKE ASSHOLES. They have been acting like assholes since the fucking Shi'ites took over the fucking place. How can anyone be surprized that they do fucked up shit... 27 years later?
    I'm not ever going to fucking Iran to order a goddamn pizza because I KNOW they are fucked up. And who am I to change their fucked-uppedness? If they want to change their fucking government and call a pizza a pizza... that's their fucking call.

    This is like trying to explain something to a wall. You're right man. Who the fuck cares.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    This is like trying to explain something to a wall. You're right man. Who the fuck cares.
    Did you know that if you say anything negative about God, the Quron or the Prophet Mohamed... the penalty is Death? Well, I do.
    I guess this is why this kookiness about pizza seems rather insignificant to me, being that I know this country has been known for its over the top fundamentalism for a long, long time. It has come be expected of them, from my vantage point. But, I guess it is a big issue to naive Americans that are just hearing about Iran for the first time.
    You may compare Iranian Civil Liberties with those of America and the West... but, those of us who already know Iran and their history understand that the two are not even in the same Universe when it comes to personal freedoms.
    And you're right... You are never going to convince me that changing the word for pizza is a bigger deal than getting put to death because you question your own belief system. I had the false belief that Americans already knew about Iran and their government... since they held our people hoostage for 444 day in 1979/1980. Thanx for setting me straight on this one.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Cosmo wrote:
    Did you know that if you say anything negative about God, the Quron or the Prophet Mohamed... the penalty is Death? Well, I do.
    I guess this is why this kookiness about pizza seems rather insignificant to me, being that I know this country has been known for its over the top fundamentalism for a long, long time. It has come be expected of them, from my vantage point. But, I guess it is a big issue to naive Americans that are just hearing about Iran for the first time.
    You may compare Iranian Civil Liberties with those of America and the West... but, those of us who already know Iran and their history understand that the two are not even in the same Universe when it comes to personal freedoms.
    And you're right... You are never going to convince me that changing the word for pizza is a bigger deal than getting put to death because you question your own belief system. I had the false belief that Americans already knew about Iran and their government... since they held our people hoostage for 444 day in 1979/1980. Thanx for setting me straight on this one.

    Why in the hell do you hell shit for three or four posts and then, finally, when someone pisses you off or something you post something that is actually smart and makes your point clear. By then no one is fucking listening.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Why in the hell do you hell shit for three or four posts and then, finally, when someone pisses you off or something you post something that is actually smart and makes your point clear. By then no one is fucking listening.
    Excuse my ignorance... I was under the false impression that it was common knowledge that Iran is one completely fucked up place and has been ruled by fundamentalist tools since 1979. I thought that anyone over the age of 15 that had attended any type of grade school would have learned at least something about Iran and our hostages in at least one of their American history classes. I was unaware that Iran is never mentioned in our classrooms.
    I apologise... no wonder you are surprized about Iran... I would be too, if I hadn't heard about them until last week.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • beemster wrote:
    If you don't think where different, then think again. Freedom Fries and Freedom toast was done more out of stupidity and wasn't forced on people from the government.
    Yet something like the civil-rights-stealing Patriot Act is forced on people from the U.S. government....personally, I'd rather change a few words in my vocabulary....
  • Cosmo wrote:
    Excuse my ignorance... I was under the false impression that it was common knowledge that Iran is one completely fucked up place and has been ruled by fundamentalist tools since 1979. I thought that anyone over the age of 15 that had attended any type of grade school would have learned at least something about Iran and our hostages in at least one of their American history classes. I was unaware that Iran is never mentioned in our classrooms.
    I apologise... no wonder you are surprized about Iran... I would be too, if I hadn't heard about them until last week.

    B/c thats when it was on the agree fully with your point people act like Iran is a new bully on the block....
  • I'm 19, so I don't know all that about Iran. I didn't know all that shit and really, I should have done some research. By the way, when's the last time you've been in a high school History class? It's all watered down bullshit where 90 percent of the shit is lies. The books are written by old white men who can't stand the fucking thought that the American way was paved by blood. So not everyone knows about those matters like you. Everyone should though.
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