Sometimes I Wonder............

What is it all about?
Why are they always fighting over in the Middle East?
Why all the hate and desire to eliminate Israel (and Israelies)? Why all the hate for Muslims (Palestines) and the desire to eliminate them?
Could it it really be, that the fundamental root of all the centuries violence and hate between them- is simply a neverending, bitter argument over who are the " Chosen Ones" ? " God's Chosen People? "
Is that really what it's all about? Is that what started it all?
Why are they always fighting over in the Middle East?
Why all the hate and desire to eliminate Israel (and Israelies)? Why all the hate for Muslims (Palestines) and the desire to eliminate them?
Could it it really be, that the fundamental root of all the centuries violence and hate between them- is simply a neverending, bitter argument over who are the " Chosen Ones" ? " God's Chosen People? "
Is that really what it's all about? Is that what started it all?
Post edited by Unknown User on
It's been going on since the crusades. Between the technologically modern western forces and the poorer Arabs. The people are riled up with talk of religion and the holy land in a ploy by those in power to gain control of a strategic foothold in the Mideast.
Because Arabs see it as modern colonialism. As with the Crusades, it's the West's hold on the Arab world and the holy lands. Palestinians have been displaced, and Israel is armed by the richest and most powerful countries in the world. The Palestinians and Arabs aren't blind. They see Israel as a creation of the west, inhabiting their lands.
Because the Palestinians use methods that are seen as 'barbaric'. The Israelis can't understand why they resort the suicide bombings and can't just let the Israelis be. But, they can't sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians for whatever reason. They are backed with the billion dollar militaries of the west, using tanks to overrun Palestinians houses, who have rocks as their defense.
Religion definitely drives the people in the conflict, but I believe at the highest level it's about land control. The powers that be are concerned with power and land. Religion is the tool to rile up support.
nowadays hits you when you're young
Clever man. He knows his Crusades!
Until the demise of the Ottoman empire, which coincided with the end of WW1, the discovery of oil, and the British seizing colonial control over the region, jews and muslims didnt just coexist besides each other under 1300 years of Mohammedan rule, they fully integrated and interacted. Even the Quran, through the word of Mohammed, recognises the jews as 'People of the Book', and the similarities in the two religions are incredible, and have more to do with each other than Christianity.
Look at how the Sultans treated the Christians in Jerusalem once they recaptured the city from the Crusaders. Look at how they treated the jews.
Only white, europeany christians, until the current withering death dealt out to the 1.4 million Palestinians in Gaza, have committed genocide against both races. The jews and arabs are related through the 12 tribes and all that.
Yes extremists on both sides (and on the third, the 'Christian' West) deliver rhetoric about 'wiping' each other out, but thats al it is. Minorities in power. The peopel couldnt give a shit. THe people want a quiet peaceful life. Withdraw all western interests, and then we will have the peace that existed until the end of the 19th century.
Until the oil runs out, I can't see that happening.
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
Buy it, read it, understand
t'was my textbook last semester...
Uh, the Jews are NOT trying to eliminate all the Muslims- THEY ARE DEFENDING THEMSELVES. Obviously you are too dense to figure that out. All the surrounding Muslim nations want to get Israel out of the Middle East (if not, off the planet).
Ronaldus Magnus
If this is all about religion, I say let religion go. Personal beliefs shouldn't start a war.
*looks up*
Holy shiite, did I just say that?
-Maynard James Keenan -
Keep in mind Jews Christians and Muslims all hold the old testement as a sacred text...
I don't think this is about religion at all. We all know that religion has been used by those in power to rally followers.
What THIS is about, as I see it, is a struggle between those who would like the current status quo of a capitalistic world economy to continue, those who would seek to diminish the status of nation states, and some dictators who are crazy like a fox. 3 categories, but not necessarily mutually exclusive.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Just blame it all on the United States of America
Untill their will grows tired
The methods used by some Palestinian factions ARE barbaric, by modern standards. I don't see the need for the quotes there. Granted, so is bombing civilian targets with fighter jets.
Are you being sarcastic? Because no offense to anyone, that post wasn't that clever or original.
Yea, I would argue that, but it's clear other people are already telling you the truth. So I'll make sure the truth is heard in one of the other threads on this conflict.
No. One need to learn from the past, not reliving it. The problem is one side (israel) thinks more in present & future tense but hasn't learned enough from past mistakes, and the other side's (Palestines) way of thinking is mostly stucked in the past.
Like Vedder said: "it makes much more sense to *live* in the present tense".