Israel starts a war



  • moeaholicmoeaholic Posts: 535
    Commy wrote:
    I really liked the half hour they spent with Geraldo talking about mustaches...while Israel was bombing the shit out of Gaza....time well spent.

    are you saying it was your time well spent watching the half-hour show? must have been very intriguing if it kept you glued. how much propaganda did you get from that half-hour segment?

    i watch fox. i watch cnn. i watch msnbc. i watch the daily show. i watch bill maher (when his season is on). i watch my local news stations. granted, i don't watch news around the clock, but if i'm breezing through the channels and there's something on the news that piques my interest, i'll watch it. i think i'm educated enough to see if i'm being fed bullshit. a lot of people here get a lot of their news from some odd websites. if that's what makes it work for you, cool. it may not be someone else's cup of tea. doesn't mean they're brainwashed. i really hate when people say that shit. "you don't see it exactly how i see it, you're a kool-aid drinking brainwashed sheep." gah, that pisses me off.

    by the way, i'm not singling you out here, commy. i just thought what you posted was kind of funny. i may not agree with things you post, but whatever. i don't agree with a lot of people around here. but whatever.

    a lot of what's being posted within the last couple days though is turning my stomach. i can't believe some of the things i've seen people say to others around here. it's so hateful in this forum. and that's from both sides of the aisle, and many different countries. i used to think i was mean and somewhat cold at times. a lot of the posters here put me to shame in the cold category. shame on them.
    "PC Load Letter?! What the fuck does that mean?"
    ~Michael Bolton
  • Binaural check all that apply:
    You are a nerd
    You are sexually frustrated
    You believe W is a really good guy
    You were a social outcast as a teenager
    You are motivated only by money
    You think that America is always good and just
    When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. Sinclair Lewis
  • binauralsoundsbinauralsounds Posts: 1,357
    Binaural check all that apply:
    You are a nerd
    You are sexually frustrated
    You believe W is a really good guy
    You were a social outcast as a teenager
    You are motivated only by money
    You think that America is always good and just

    You are a nerd
    You are sexually frustrated
    You believe W is a really good guy
    You were a social outcast as a teenager
    You are motivated only by money
    You think that America is always good and just (CHECK)
  • I think you're lying
    When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. Sinclair Lewis
  • binauralsoundsbinauralsounds Posts: 1,357
    I think you're lying

    LMAO!!! ok! sorry to disappoint you:(
  • c'mon come clean
    When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. Sinclair Lewis
  • let it all out you will feel better
    When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. Sinclair Lewis
  • binauralsoundsbinauralsounds Posts: 1,357
    let it all out you will feel better

    if i would have checked the sexually frustrated block, then I'd have the opportunity to "let it ALL OUT" and feel better. but since that wasn't checked, can't do that either just yet.

    sorry again:(
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    moeaholic wrote:
    are you saying it was your time well spent watching the half-hour show? must have been very intriguing if it kept you glued. how much propaganda did you get from that half-hour segment?

    i watch fox. i watch cnn. i watch msnbc. i watch the daily show. i watch bill maher (when his season is on). i watch my local news stations. granted, i don't watch news around the clock, but if i'm breezing through the channels and there's something on the news that piques my interest, i'll watch it. i think i'm educated enough to see if i'm being fed bullshit. a lot of people here get a lot of their news from some odd websites. if that's what makes it work for you, cool. it may not be someone else's cup of tea. doesn't mean they're brainwashed. i really hate when people say that shit. "you don't see it exactly how i see it, you're a kool-aid drinking brainwashed sheep." gah, that pisses me off.

    by the way, i'm not singling you out here, commy. i just thought what you posted was kind of funny. i may not agree with things you post, but whatever. i don't agree with a lot of people around here. but whatever.

    a lot of what's being posted within the last couple days though is turning my stomach. i can't believe some of the things i've seen people say to others around here. it's so hateful in this forum. and that's from both sides of the aisle, and many different countries. i used to think i was mean and somewhat cold at times. a lot of the posters here put me to shame in the cold category. shame on them.

    No, Not at all. The segment about the mustaches was pure entertainment for me...but still, there was an element of propaganda in it. While they were reporting nothing, Israel was at that exact time bombing Palestinian territories. To report nothing tells their viewers its a slow news day and there is nothing to worry about or nothing they need to know about the world at that time. Its often what they don't report that manufactures opinion-if you only get your info from the tv-

    But, like you, I don't get all my news from some "odd websites". Al-Jazeera is a large, well know arab news source, and its one of many places I go to get my information-BBC, NY times, even Fox are on my list of information sources. Surprisingly the Wall Street Journal is a great source of world news...they know their audience is mostly the upper class, so they don't really have to shade in the gray-they just report it like it is.

    But I'm with you on the petty name calling...I ignore it. It doesn't even register.
  • hailhailkchailhailkc Posts: 582
    Commy,'re just as partisan and biased as the rest of us here...albeit on the opposite end of the political spectrum from binauralsounds. ;)
    MOSSAD NATO Alphabet Stations (E10)
    Low Traffic CIO MIW
  • binauralsoundsbinauralsounds Posts: 1,357
    hailhailkc wrote:
    Commy,'re just as partisan and biased as the rest of us here...albeit on the opposite end of the political spectrum from binauralsounds. ;)

    hahaha. funny:)
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    hailhailkc wrote:
    Commy,'re just as partisan and biased as the rest of us here...albeit on the opposite end of the political spectrum from binauralsounds. ;)

    trying to goad me...I can't even respond to this without getting into a counterproductive circular name calling pissing match. nice try through. ;)

    See, there's reality...which I see...and then there's everyone elses view of the world, which is usually way off.
  • truroutetruroute Posts: 251
    So...uh...when and where is the war party? What kinda beer you guys want me to bring?
  • hailhailkchailhailkc Posts: 582
    Commy wrote:
    trying to goad me...I can't even respond to this without getting into a counterproductive circular name calling pissing match. nice try through. ;)

    See, there's reality...which I see...and then there's everyone elses view of the world, which is usually way off.

    Goad you? No, not really. I'm simply pointing out that you're about as middle of the road as binauralsounds and myself. I never said it was a bad thing. Fuck, I'm not exactly a fence sitter myself. I'm simply trying to say that you can't sit here and act like your poo doesn't stink, when it does, just like the rest of us.

    And there's the reality YOU see...just as there's the reality I see. It just so happens, we see and process the information in different ways, and come to different conclusions. We simply have an opinion.

    No more, no less.
    MOSSAD NATO Alphabet Stations (E10)
    Low Traffic CIO MIW
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    Shouldnt this thread be deleted with the swiftness binaural's "pro isreal's side" thread was?


    The funniest damn thing about this whole post?

    aljazeera link.


    Seriously, you post this and ONLY this source in starting this shit thread? Please. Reduced to posting THEIR news organization's propaganda? Wow. New lows here on the MT with Israel's brave bold moves. You guys must be going apeshit inside.
    Why go home
  • KatKat Posts: 4,930
    Stop the personal comments/taunts/bashing please. If you're discussing an issue, stick to the issue. Thank you.

    Falling down,...not staying down
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