Israel starts a war

All the news channel had images of rocket attacks on Israeli buildings, coming from the Palestinians...they never mentioned the Israeli offensive.
Casualties from teh rocket atacks are in the ones and twos, but Israeli aggression is so far responsible for dozens of casualties, not to mention the Israelis taking out major infrastructure-power, airport, sewage treatement.
Israel has started a war, and no on seems to care at this point. Nobody in the US anyway.
All the news channel had images of rocket attacks on Israeli buildings, coming from the Palestinians...they never mentioned the Israeli offensive.
Casualties from teh rocket atacks are in the ones and twos, but Israeli aggression is so far responsible for dozens of casualties, not to mention the Israelis taking out major infrastructure-power, airport, sewage treatement.
Israel has started a war, and no on seems to care at this point. Nobody in the US anyway.
Post edited by Unknown User on
The funniest damn thing about this whole post?
aljazeera link.
Media always portrays them as the victims when they should be placed side by side with the fools from Hezbollah....both groups are dirtbags that are leading to innocent deaths on BOTH sides...sickens me....
Because its an Arab news source its funny to you? The idea of providing the link was to balance the one-sided coverage we get here in teh US-including from the "liberal" media.
Al-Jazeera is actually a very reputable news organization-just because you don't like what they have to say doesn't mean it isn't true.
You realize Israel does want war-they've already started it...
Hezbollah is standing their ground.
Yeah but I still keep hope things can resolve themselves peacefully...fuck cannot wait until Miller graces the board with his wisdom on this matter....
You just outdid yourself there. You speak volumes in one short sentence.
No worse then what you are force fed down south....
look at the map! Louisville is not "SOUTH"
Okay genius what country is south of Canada? Not talking fucking Louisville...
Holy shit man...anger has got the best of you....
Good for Israel!!! If mexico or canada came across and took our soldiers hostage and threatened to fly them off to another terroist state, I'd hope and pray we'd use all means necessary to 1st. get our soldiers back, 2nd, rid the militants!
All for now
Good to know. Just an idea...have read a single article from Al-Jazeera? Have you checked that article with an alternate source? How many times have you done this? With how many articles?
I have. I don't take everything Al-Jazeera reports at face value-that's idiocy. But I do like to get as much information about an event as I can and then come to my own conclusions. Its called thinking for yourself.
so everyone in the "south" (being the U.S.) is "forcefed'?
who's the fucking genius??
stupidity has gotten the best of you
If the US had Mexican women and children in jail there just might be a fittting analogy there.
Yes, i have ventured over to their website in the past. several times actually and find it absolute garbage.
Listen to you all you spread out of your mouth is hate and hate and hate...
Again, jsut because you don't like what they report does not mean it never happened the way they claim.
you are a fucking riot!! thanks for makin me laugh.
So is it safe to ASSUME you apply that same logic when it comes to the "evil" fox news???
Wasn't trying to make you laugh stating the truth....your a hateful person...sorry that you come off that way but you do...
No I don't at all hes a select minority of hate filled individuals that make the real Conservatives on the board shake their head in disgust....I think highly of I said no countrymen have more pride for their country than an American....
hateful for standing up and supporting Israel?? that is hateful to you?? If so, then I think I know exactly where you stand my friend.
love ya:)
You guys do amuse me so much. Please continue with the name calling of me. I actually get a kick out of it..
a red state brainwashed soul.
Now that shit outdid commy!!
Preaching war is hate my friend.....also what the fuck has Israel done for you that makes you want to support them so dearly...cause you have heard my view both sides are really why the undivided support for Israel...a non-hating man would shake his head at both sides and try to resolve something and not garner up support for one side to kill the other....
I watch Fox. Its good to know how the propaganda machine is spinning stories...
I really liked the half hour they spent with Geraldo talking about mustaches...while Israel was bombing the shit out of Gaza....time well spent.
...implying that I have resorted to personal attacks...
nice try.
Like do you seriously believe that Israel has not commited at least ONE...just ONE...atrocity to Muslim people....cause I will tell you it has gone BOTH ways