
Bush won't watch Gore movie

JasonVaritekJasonVaritek Posts: 94
edited August 2006 in A Moving Train
WASHINGTON - Is President Bush likely to see Al Gore’s documentary about global warming?

“Doubt it,” Bush said coolly Monday.

But Bush should watch it, Gore shot back. In fact, the former Democratic vice president offered to come to the White House any time, any day to show Bush either his documentary or a slide show on global warming that he’s shown more than 1,000 times around the world.

The entire global scientific community has a consensus on the question that human beings are responsible for global warming and he has today again expressed personal doubt that that is true,” Gore said in an Associated Press interview from France where he attended the Cannes Film Festival.

Bush and Gore have had bitter disagreements about the environment and other issues. Bush defeated Gore in a disputed presidential election that was finally settled by the Supreme Court in 2000.

Gore’s documentary chronicles his efforts to bring greater attention to the dangers of climate change.

“New technologies will change how we live and how we drive our cars, which all will have the beneficial effect of improving the environment,” Bush said. “And in my judgment we need to set aside whether or not greenhouse gases have been caused by mankind or because of natural effects and focus on the technologies that will enable us to live better lives and at the same time protect the environment.”

Causes should not be ignored
Gore said the causes of global warming should not be ignored.

“Why should we set aside the global scientific consensus,” Gore said, his voice rising with emotion. “Is it because Exxon Mobil wants us to set it aside? Why should we set aside the conclusion of scientists in the United States, including the National Academy of Sciences, and around the world including the 11 most important national academies of science on the globe and substitute for their view the view of Exxon Mobil. Why?”

“I’m a grandfather and he’s a father and this should not be a political issue,” Gore said. “And he should ask the National Academy of Sciences ... whether or not human beings are contributing to global warming.”

The White House said Bush already has acknowledged the impact of human behavior on global warming.

“The president noted in 2001 the increase in temperatures over the past 100 years and that the increase in greenhouse gases was due to certain extent to human activity,” said White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino.

“Since then he has committed tens of billions of dollars to the science and technology programs that he initiated and we are well on our way to meeting the president’s goal of reducing greenhouse intensity by 18 percent by 2012,” she said.

Gore’s movie debuted at last winter’s Sundance Film Festival and opens in U.S. theaters Wednesday.
Casper, WY 06/16/95
Park City, UT 06/21/98
Mountain View, CA 06/01/03
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    CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,224
    President Bush already knows all about the myth of so-called "Global Warming"... he has 'Ice Age' on DVD and has seen it about 50 times already.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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    Uncle LeoUncle Leo Posts: 1,059
    I am not concerned with him not watching this particular movie. Though his lack of interest in reading on this and many other topics (whether books, newspaper stories or even memos) is a bit frieightening.
    I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
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    CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,224
    Uncle Leo wrote:
    I am not concerned with him not watching this particular movie. Though his lack of interest in reading on this and many other topics (whether books, newspaper stories or even memos) is a bit frieightening.
    This comes from the precept that he is right. Being right means there is never the need for an alternate solution or even a Plan B... because Plan A is all you need to have.
    For example... If he asks Jesus if Global Warming is happening and Jesus tells him, 'No'... then there is no need to take it any further. Because, seriously... if anyone knows... it's Jesus, right?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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    Jammin909Jammin909 Posts: 888
    Cosmo wrote:
    This comes from the precept that he is right. Being right means there is never the need for an alternate solution or even a Plan B... because Plan A is all you need to have.
    For example... If he asks Jesus if Global Warming is happening and Jesus tells him, 'No'... then there is no need to take it any further. Because, seriously... if anyone knows... it's Jesus, right?

    His gut tells him it's not a problem...
    The less you know, the more you believe.
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    CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,224
    Jammin909 wrote:
    His gut tells him it's not a problem...
    WHAT??? Bush ATE JESUS???
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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    1) Steven Seagal

    2) final scene: a rapture

    3) a "directed by mel gibson" credit

    4) lotsa scenes with big ol' 'splosions in slow motion and cars flying off cliffs

    5) every gun death must be immediately prefaced by witty banter

    6) speedboat chases, car chases, jet chases, chases in general

    7) fart jokes

    8) a Skynrd-heavy soundtrack

    9) a gorgeous blonde woman who wears skintight leather and never talks

    10) a really funny black sidekick who dies tragically

    9) a bunch of "freedom haters" done get blowed up

    10) an intense yet understated emotional tension between dysfunctional couples reminiscent of early cassavetes films and the classic "who's afraid of virginia woolf?"

    well, maybe the first nine things.
    "Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
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    Of course Bush won't watch that movie.......He's waiting for the Spongebob movie about global warming.
    one foot in the door
    the other foot in the gutter
    sweet smell that they adore
    I think I'd rather smother
    -The Replacements-
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    I won't watch it either! Fairy tales bore me:(
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    Cosmo wrote:
    President Bush already knows all about the myth of so-called "Global Warming"... he has 'Ice Age' on DVD and has seen it about 50 times already.
    That's funny stuff. My first thought is that dubya is such a child....it's so childish to say he isn't going to watch it. I mean he'll lie about everything else, right? Why not have a bit of class for once in your goddamn life georgy and at least say you'll check it out or something?
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    Uncle LeoUncle Leo Posts: 1,059
    Cosmo wrote:
    This comes from the precept that he is right. Being right means there is never the need for an alternate solution or even a Plan B... because Plan A is all you need to have.
    For example... If he asks Jesus if Global Warming is happening and Jesus tells him, 'No'... then there is no need to take it any further. Because, seriously... if anyone knows... it's Jesus, right?

    I don't recall where I heard this about him, but:

    "George W Bush believes on Wednesday what he belived on Monday...Regardless of what happened Tuesday."
    I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
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    Cosmo wrote:
    President Bush already knows all about the myth of so-called "Global Warming"... he has 'Ice Age' on DVD and has seen it about 50 times already.
    ha ha

    oh man! i needed that this morning. i was about to go back to bed.
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    floyd1975floyd1975 Posts: 1,350
    That's funny stuff. My first thought is that dubya is such a child....it's so childish to say he isn't going to watch it. I mean he'll lie about everything else, right? Why not have a bit of class for once in your goddamn life georgy and at least say you'll check it out or something?

    Why would this be classy? It's a movie. Would it be classy for me to say that I will see The Devil Wears Prada?

    I guess I just don't see why this is an issue.
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    nice...you and dubya just wait for the rapture, ok?

    I am, Thank you!! I just have to get right so I can make it. I'll pray for ya
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    and i'll ask santa to bring you that transformer you always wanted.

    Just wondering... Why do you love to bash personal religious beliefs when I've never bashed you for your non religious beliefs? Do you get gratification out of ridiculing a person with beliefs? Just curious.
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    zstillings wrote:
    Why would this be classy? It's a movie. Would it be classy for me to say that I will see The Devil Wears Prada?

    I guess I just don't see why this is an issue.
    Tact is an issue here, isn't it? I mean you're dealing with people and especially under the circumstances....I just think dubya's response is unprofessional, but go figure. So, to address your Prada question - if he stole an election from Anne Hathaway and then she asked him to see her movie then it would be tactless to say, "doubt it." Of course, that's my opinion, but I often feel that my opinion is accurate.

    Of course, Prada has nothing to do with dubya's job now does it? Al's film could be a tool that dubya could use to actually do his job for once. It's like he's got a pencil and paper and someone just came up and offered him a computer with MS Word. Al's film is very valuable and could help dubya more than anyone knows.

    But then again, even an idiot like dubya wouldn't be able to turn down a private showing with Anne Hathaway.

    p.s. Anne, I love you.
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    you're going after established science, calling it "fairy tales". i think that's bogus. i got a fairy tale for ya....it's got this character called jeebus, and there's a flood, and a burning bush that talks...oh wait, that's 3 amigos.
    lol, great response. I mean, seriously, if you had to choose which side to label as a fairy tale......
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    I can't believe all the hatred for religious beliefs on this board by a select few. To simply ridicule a personal religious belief is sickening! Your words border on hate speech!

    And to think you call yourselves tolerant people. SICKENING!
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    yeah dude, it makes me WAY hard.

    you're going after established science, calling it "fairy tales". i think that's bogus. i got a fairy tale for ya....it's got this character called jeebus, and there's a flood, and a burning bush that talks...oh wait, that's 3 amigos.

    lol@3 amigos bible reference.
    one foot in the door
    the other foot in the gutter
    sweet smell that they adore
    I think I'd rather smother
    -The Replacements-
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    I can't believe all the hatred for religious beliefs on this board by a select few. To simply ridicule a personal religious belief is sickening! Your words border on hate speech!

    And to think you call yourselves tolerant people. SICKENING!
    Stop your damn crying. We feel the same way when you ridicule science and I'm not running for a box of tissues. We all have different beliefs and opinions, all of which will be made fun of at one point or another. I try not to be too offensive, but sometimes it's just too funny to resist. And btw, you set him up perfectly by calling science a "fairy tale" and chief's response was perfect. You should read it again because it's funny and it counters your attack on science very well.
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    I can't believe all the hatred for religious beliefs on this board by a select few. To simply ridicule a personal religious belief is sickening! Your words border on hate speech!

    And to think you call yourselves tolerant people. SICKENING!

    That's why they call it "Faith".
    one foot in the door
    the other foot in the gutter
    sweet smell that they adore
    I think I'd rather smother
    -The Replacements-
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    Stop your damn crying. We feel the same way when you ridicule science and I'm not running for a box of tissues. We all have different beliefs and opinions, all of which will be made fun of at one point or another. I try not to be too offensive, but sometimes it's just too funny to resist. And btw, you set him up perfectly by calling science a "fairy tale" and chief's response was perfect. You should read it again because it's funny and it counters your attack on science.

    so you justify ridiculing a religious belief because one doesn't believe in global warming??????????????

    Sick and TWISTED
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    RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    so you justify ridiculing a religious belief because one doesn't believe in global warming??????????????

    Sick and TWISTED
    So religion is unassailable? Shit, no wonder it's so politically appealing. How long will it be before some politician can just throw out the line "well, if you disagree with me, you disagree with Jesus. And since Jesus is always right, you must be wrong. Next issue...."
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    so you justify ridiculing a religious belief because one doesn't believe in global warming??????????????

    Sick and TWISTED
    I guess it's just as justified as ridiculing science just because someone else might not believe in rapture.
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    floyd1975floyd1975 Posts: 1,350
    Tact is an issue here, isn't it? I mean you're dealing with people and especially under the circumstances....I just think dubya's response is unprofessional, but go figure. So, to address your Prada question - if he stole an election from Anne Hathaway and then she asked him to see her movie then it would be tactless to say, "doubt it." Of course, that's my opinion, but I often feel that my opinion is accurate.

    Of course, Prada has nothing to do with dubya's job now does it? Al's film could be a tool that dubya could use to actually do his job for once. It's like he's got a pencil and paper and someone just came up and offered him a computer with MS Word. Al's film is very valuable and could help dubya more than anyone knows.

    But then again, even an idiot like dubya wouldn't be able to turn down a private showing with Anne Hathaway.

    p.s. Anne, I love you.

    Maybe he should have said something to the effect of "I don't think I will be watching that movie." I don't know. Some would say that he didn't steal the election by election laws so you are not accurate on that point.

    This movie may have nothing to do with his job. As I said before, I have not seen it but the way it is being sold is propoganda. A president should not have to watch every piece of propoganda in order to do his job effectively. Simply bashing this statement makes many other more legitimate complaints seem petty as well.
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    I guess it's just as justified as ridiculing science just because someone else might not believe in rapture.

    once again... Your'e spinning it out of control. What does the rapture have anything to do with me not believing in global warming?? Quit comparing apples and oranges! You guys get a kick out of bashing Christian beliefs. It's very obvious and disturbing at the same time.

    borderline hate speech is NOT the same as saying you don't believe in global warming!

    Well, go ahead and enjoy your bashing! It's all in the timeline!
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    When you attacked science you opened the door on yourself. Science is some people's religion, so for you to call it a bunch of fairy tales and then get pissed when they attack your religion is being a hypocrite and really leaves you without ground for defending yourself. By the way, if people just shut there mouths with their witty comments it would save a lot of people's feelings and stop big ass arguments like this that lead absolutely no where except to another war. I'm not attacking anyone, by the way, I'm just trying to explain what the hell happened. Also, some people are going to get defensive and pissy when you veto their evidence and beliefs (e.g. global warming) by saying that Jesus has us, it's all good. If that was the case, then wouldn't everything be peaches and cream down here on earth? I mean, god could just take care of everything that's wrong. Too bad he doesn't because if gave people free will. Free will to do what they want without him getting in the way. This applies not only to their social actions but also their actions towards the enviroment. To say that global warming is fake is massively irresponisble. Besides, even if global warming is being made to sound worse than it already is, would it be so damn bad for people to change their lifestyles already? Or is eveyone a bit to comfortable to give up that lifestlye.
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    PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    I wont go see it either? Does that make me a bad person?
    Why go home

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    RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    once again... Your'e spinning it out of control. What does the rapture have anything to do with me not believing in global warming??
    Well, for one, a belief that this world is not only temporary, but very close to ending, could lead to the idea that since we won't be here for much longer, we don't need to care about the sustainability of the environment. Not really much of a spin. It's a pretty direct line of thought if you ask me. Maybe not as direct as comparing apples to apples - but at least as direct as comparing apples to apple cores.
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    DOSWDOSW Posts: 2,014
    once again... Your'e spinning it out of control. What does the rapture have anything to do with me not believing in global warming?? Quit comparing apples and oranges! You guys get a kick out of bashing Christian beliefs. It's very obvious and disturbing at the same time.

    borderline hate speech is NOT the same as saying you don't believe in global warming!

    Well, go ahead and enjoy your bashing! It's all in the timeline!

    I hate the bashing of Christian beliefs just as much as you do, but calling global warming a fairy tale is the exact same thing as calling religion a fairy tale. They're both putting down someone's belief... it's no different.
    It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win
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    DOSW wrote:
    I hate the bashing of Christian beliefs just as much as you do, but calling global warming a fairy tale is the exact same thing as calling religion a fairy tale. They're both putting down someone's belief... it's no different.

    hmmmm... oookk. if you guys say so
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