Domestic partner benefits

As some may recall, I am an elected county legislator where I live. I am a Democrat and we just took over our Legislature this year from a 25 year Republican reign. We voted on Wednesday night to grant Domestic Partner health care benefits. It is one of the proudest moments of my 1 year career.
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Thank you for making a difference.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
County Employees only. We are currently using the definiton of same sex partners. The unions are in negotiations to include all domestic partners, hetero or homosexual. I am advocating for that so I hope it makes it to a vote.
Ultimately, we want universal health care. We have already passed a memorializing resolution to our state and federal reps telling them we support any universal healthcare initiative.
So do the "domestic partners" have to live together? Could someone who was in truth just a roommate qualify? Is someone limited to just one domestic partner?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
You go, PJ Lukin. That is awesome. Small steps are really BIG ones. Can I ask what county this is? Is it Dutchess or Ulster by any chance? Just curious.
I wish I was an elected county legislator. Guess you have to run before you can be elected and hold office though. Good Job, PJ Lukin. Glad to hear this.
Granting this to only hmosexual domestic partners is discriminatory...
of course so is not allowing gay marriage.
Cool. My BF and I have a son together...but I personally have ZERO interest in marriage... all domestic partners is the way to go...
The best way to walk a long journey is one step at a time.
I knew you were going to say Ulster. I saw that picture of you with the list and wine bottle at Letterman. Coincidence?
That sounds like a great plan. I'm not as into the employer coverage as I am into the choice of a group rate coverage.
I don't think that sounds corny. It sounds like you are truly enjoying what you are doing.
I like the idea of making it illegal for businesses to provide health insurance to employees. I think the only viable solution to the rising costs of healthcare and health insurance is to make it where people have to purchase it on their own.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Explain this please.
Well, I didn't really express it the way I want, but I really believe that Health Insurance is the biggest problem with high healthcare and insurance costs. It's spiraled out of control because nobody has to actually directly pay for healthcare anymore. Instead, the insurance companies set the costs and set the rates for insurance.
I truly believe that if people were to just pay directly for most healthcare needs and only have a sort of health insurance that only covers catastrophic type events, that healthcare costs and insurance costs would come way down.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
That's what I thought you meant. And to a certain degree I agree. But before would do anything we need to regulate (and I hate to say that) the pharmaceutical and medical industry and eliminate their lobbyists. Until those companies stop charging outrageous dollars for their medicines etc the average citizen will not be able to pay for their medical expenses. I am not in favor of government run health care but something needs to be done. And soon.
It's in the health insurance companies' best interest to ensure that costs are as high as possible so that it makes insurance necessary. I hate health insurance with a passion.
In my opinion, if nobody could afford to pay for the drugs the pharmaceutical companies are selling, their prices would have to come down. I don't think their lobbyists are much of the problem.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Congratulations! I'm proud of you too!
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
Oh yes they are. We won't have reform until Congress stops sucking at the pharm's tit.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.