
911 has nothing to do with the point of this post.
Or better, it does, but only as an excuse.....
Some time ago I ran into this article by Alexander Cockburn, who is a liberal journalist that I do esteem:
Now in this article he offers good points in bashing the 911 "conspirators", most important of them the fact that, he suggests, there would be more important social problems that have been somehow kept silenced from the public attention, and the fact that the Bush administration is not so smart to organize such a huge event.
He could be right, though he doesn't offer any answer to many questions.
And mainly, his point remains blocked into the game, a game I think it's time to break.
I actually don't even think, by now, that who perpetrated 911 is the point.
We all know how cruel a group of terrorist or a government or a dictatorship can be. We can make all analysis of the level of democracy in the world as we want, but it is not our analysis that affects history.
The fact is the event of 911 is the product of one system, one if its many side effects, and all details and figures are just propaganda and entertainment for the sharks who profit from our mediawonderland. The only reality of 911 lies in the pain and the death and in the essence of violence of the system we join daily.
I think we need to jump to an higher level. An higher level of humanity that I hardly see happening. But never say never. Conspiracies or not, old Empires or new Empires, maybe our eyes need to focus elsewhere.
Politics, media, Internet, advertising, tv, newspapers, alternative sources, official news, conspiracy theories, investigative researches.... this is a virtual world, propaganda, entertainment.
And all these illusions are affecting life and mind of millions of people in the world. Millions of real people consuming myths (ideology, technology, entertainment) while destroying real communication and human relationships, destroying cultures, destroying ecosystems, destroying lives.
I am just starting to think people should start refusing to be the target of such bombing of illusions and try to get back to live a real life.
I just say, boycott illusions. And if you still like them, at least don't forget what they are.
Or better, it does, but only as an excuse.....
Some time ago I ran into this article by Alexander Cockburn, who is a liberal journalist that I do esteem:
Now in this article he offers good points in bashing the 911 "conspirators", most important of them the fact that, he suggests, there would be more important social problems that have been somehow kept silenced from the public attention, and the fact that the Bush administration is not so smart to organize such a huge event.
He could be right, though he doesn't offer any answer to many questions.
And mainly, his point remains blocked into the game, a game I think it's time to break.
I actually don't even think, by now, that who perpetrated 911 is the point.
We all know how cruel a group of terrorist or a government or a dictatorship can be. We can make all analysis of the level of democracy in the world as we want, but it is not our analysis that affects history.
The fact is the event of 911 is the product of one system, one if its many side effects, and all details and figures are just propaganda and entertainment for the sharks who profit from our mediawonderland. The only reality of 911 lies in the pain and the death and in the essence of violence of the system we join daily.
I think we need to jump to an higher level. An higher level of humanity that I hardly see happening. But never say never. Conspiracies or not, old Empires or new Empires, maybe our eyes need to focus elsewhere.
Politics, media, Internet, advertising, tv, newspapers, alternative sources, official news, conspiracy theories, investigative researches.... this is a virtual world, propaganda, entertainment.
And all these illusions are affecting life and mind of millions of people in the world. Millions of real people consuming myths (ideology, technology, entertainment) while destroying real communication and human relationships, destroying cultures, destroying ecosystems, destroying lives.
I am just starting to think people should start refusing to be the target of such bombing of illusions and try to get back to live a real life.
I just say, boycott illusions. And if you still like them, at least don't forget what they are.
Post edited by Unknown User on
What is a "real" life.
your question tells me you have lost the answer.
im asking a question, i dont see a problem with that.
no problem, I have just answered.
the matrix.............
Yes, but.... dealing with reality sometimes tells you to accept some limitations. The truth about 911 won't ever come out, and around this endless research of such truth there are too many speculations turning such search to a trap. The responsibles won't ever pay for this, instead I think they will keep profiting on all this. I think we should start to refuse this game.
I think it is better to address our efforts at something more effective on reality, and this can be made in several ways. boycott tv, for exemple, and stop listening to all the bullshits that politicians say. ....another exemple is what we read. I was shocked to read that some libraries in the US are taking off from the shelves important old books of authors who made our history and culture, since they "don't sell" anymore... that is just a very bad sign to me. And another one is what I suggested in another post about apples... plant your own trees and seeds, if there's anything you can produce or make by yourself, do it. Anything you can do against the market logic that is ruling and destroying this planet and our minds. Anything you can do. The 911 criminals won't ever pay? I say, nevermind. By any means, starting by ourselves, let's build a new world, a new culture and a new society where one day there won't be any place for those criminals, that's what I am saying.
I have been searching the truth about 911 since day sept 12 2001. And like me, some other thousands, maybe millions, in the world.
Now I am just starting to see it in a different light.
The things I have said, "nevermind", it doesn't mean exactly to give up asking for the truth. I just mean that once you realize the trap, you have to change path. The trap is that asking for the truth is exactly what the rulers of the game wants you to do. because, this way, they show you that you live in a democracy, and you're entitled to do so. But this is a lie. An event like 911 was created, no matter by whom, to have an impact on the public opinion in order to lead such impact to a public consent for further acts and politics. Now the search for the truth has the same exact purpose. This all is a media phenomenon. I am not saying that we can ignore such an huge event, but that we can't ignore it because our life is mainly ruled by media phenomenons. And any media phenomenon is there exactly to rule our life and mind. To build public opinion. To create a life style. It all part of the same logic. I say, get out of it.
you are so right
SO you dont think 19 islamic fundamentalists brought down the twin towers??
So you believe there were 19 hijackers on the two planes that brought the towers down? That is a conspiracy theory I have not heard of. Explain further please.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
great post dear friend. it really touched me. i can find at least two different versions to any news story. even those which should be simple fact have more than one twist. in these times; the only news you can believe is the report of someones death.
not wanting to change the subject; if you're an american and think the american government is responsable for 9/11; you should be very greatful you have the right to own guns. hitler disarmed germany before starting his rampage. maybe all this gun control rage is an attempt by the government to disarm americans so the government has no resistance from the populous.
I can see the point of view in that...and i definetly agree.
We citizens need more guns not less.
a "real life" is a life you live with freedom and without fear. where you know the facts about events that effect you. a life where you direct your attention to your responsabilities like raising your children and helping the community you live in. a real life is people working together instead of against eachother.
there's a few for you.
We all saw what happened. what we believe really doesn't matter. well, it matters for those who want us to believe something, whatever it is. I don't believe anything and I don't want to believe in anything that is not under my control.
My friend! There are many ways for resistance. You know that you and me disagree about guns, but I always remember a great song that said: "they've got the guns, we've got the numbers". I think the freedom of mind is the only real weapon.
I couldn't have said it better!
I think that would be called a utopia. As humans we are imperfect beings, and our 'real life' is always going to be filled with fears, selfishness, and strife. Certainly you can limit the amount of these in your 'real life', but they will always be there in some form.
its only utopia in that you expect the rest of the world to follow this mantra ... but its not when one follows it on their own ...
its part of her message ... it doesn't essentially matter what others are doing rather what you yourself can do ...
ok, but I don't even think it is possible for me as an individual to have a 'real life', or any one person for that matter. The only person I think who has lived a 'real life' is your God, which for some is different, mine would be Jesus.
again ... inconsequential ... accept the things that are important and live your life accordingly ... we can all easily evaluate the lives we live and determine what aspects are most important ... most of us are living a manufactured life - one in which others are determining what matters for their own gain ...
wow; then i live in utopia. i didn't realize things were so bad out there. i don't lock doors nor do i remove keys from vehicles. everyone helps and watches out for eachother and we watch out for eachothers children. last year the biggest crime was a barking dog disturbing the peace. i've moved 8 times and lived in 3 different states since 1974 and i've never locked my doors. i guess it depends on where you live; or where you'll settle on living. i spent my first 20 adult years living in lake county illinois; did things change that much?
well put. i live for myself. i do what i want and live how i want. out here we say the most important right is the right to be left alone. our neighbors lives are private but we help when it's needed. people have a responsability to their community. if your community has gone to hell you must ask yourself what you DIDN'T do to stop it.
Yes, but any aspect of human nature can be exploited and manipulated from outside powers. If you get independent from those powers (simply by your free mind), you have more chances to live your real fears and selfishness. Fear and selfishness are natural and necessary for surviving. False fears and induced selfishness (usually leading to a basic culture of individualism, and basically producing mass ignorance) have always been the powerful tools of propaganda. It is only matter to discern.
absolutely ... i have visions of another phase in my life that would be similar to yours ... a group of friends and i want to open an off-the grid B and B somewhere ... grow our own food - take people kayaking, etc ... a place that's part of a community where not everyone is out solely for themselves ...
wow, that sounds like where I live! only problem here that our places are too far away!!!
the further the better. i just entered a land deal for another 1240 acres in the last pristine area of america.
of Greek history have erased importand periods and say things in a wrong way.I always say that everything it starts and ends from ourselfs.I can't blame the others for that mess,when i'm sitting in my comfortable couch.
But sometimes i feel like my hands are tied up and my voice is too weak
I totally share your feelings. And unfortunately our feelings reflex the actual situation, in front of this "big picture" our hands are actually tied up and our voice is too weak. I hate to admit. But at this point, I guess, maybe the only effective thing we can do is to settle a lower goal... To be able to discern "the garbage" and have enough anti-bodies against it is already a big success.
I guess it's something,maybe we must put lower goals to achive, but unfortunately for me i still
"believe in miracles
i believe in a better world for you and me"