Schwarzenegger gets it done

I bet you guys out there must love having him as your gov...i know i would (instead of stupid shitty jon corzine)
AN FRANCISCO, Jan 9 (Reuters) - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will urge lawmakers to support a plan for the state to sell $43.3 billion in new debt to fund public works and to bolster $37 billion in infrastructure bonds approved by voters in November, aides said on Tuesday.
The new debt would augment the billions of dollars of general obligation bonds that voters authorized the state to sell to finance the expansion of its infrastructure over a decade in a program known as the Strategic Growth Plan, Schwarzenegger aides said during a telephone briefing with reporters.
AN FRANCISCO, Jan 9 (Reuters) - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will urge lawmakers to support a plan for the state to sell $43.3 billion in new debt to fund public works and to bolster $37 billion in infrastructure bonds approved by voters in November, aides said on Tuesday.
The new debt would augment the billions of dollars of general obligation bonds that voters authorized the state to sell to finance the expansion of its infrastructure over a decade in a program known as the Strategic Growth Plan, Schwarzenegger aides said during a telephone briefing with reporters.
America...the greatest Country in the world.
Post edited by Unknown User on
He definetly is the man.......and lol at you. Its only ok to hate jews if your muslim?
It's never ok to hate Jews.
It's ok to hate Zionism and the coming about of the state of Israel.
But, Schwarzenegger has as much as said that he's a nazi.
"People need somebody to watch over them... Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave." -- Arnold Schwarzenegger at 44 to US News and World Report in 1990.
"My friends don't want me to mention Kurt's name, because of all the recent Nazi stuff and the U.N. controversy, but I love him and Maria does too, and so thank you, Kurt."
Arnold Schwarzenegger on his friend and fellow Austrian Kurt Waldheim, a Nazi war criminal
"I was born to be a leader. I love the fact that millions of people look up to me."
I was always dreaming about very powerful people, dictators and things like that. I was just always impressed by people who could be remembered for hundreds of years, or even, like Jesus, be for thousands of years remembered."
Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1977 film Pumping Iron
"I saw this toilet bowl. How many times do you get away with this, to take a woman, grab her upside down, and bury her face in a toilet bowl? I wanted to have something floating there ... The thing is, you can do it, because in the end, I didn't do it to a woman, she's a machine! We could get away with it without being crucified by who-knows-what group."
Arnold Schwarzenegger describing a scene in Terminator 3
-Enoch Powell
If you heard his speech today, then you would've heard him compare California to the "Power-States of Ancient Rome" or something to that effect. He called California a modern Sparta or Athens. Of course, what he failed to mention was that our great and powerful industrial future is being built on the backs of slave labor brought over from across our southern border. That's the problem with conservative government: No matter how "centrist" they claim to be, they are always safely tucked away in the back pockets of big business.
I thought the plan called for taxing the health care industry?
Personally... I'm surprized. I didn't think he would be any good... coming from the Hollywood A-List. But, he is addressing an issue I have held for a long, long time... addressing the problem of protecting our central valleys water system.
The levees we have were 'built' over a century ago by farmers, not engineers. The Earthen structures are prone to erosion and failure. a catostrophic failure could lead to millions of cubic gallown of salt water to flood the farmland that is vital to California's and America's economy. Saltwater from the San Francisco Bay could easily overwhelm the agricultural region, rendering the land baren.
I know it costs money, but it like spending money to fix the roof on your house in order so all of your stuff is not ruined when the rains come. I believe in taxes... taxes spent well and not pocketed by the people we place to care for it. I would much rather have the levees 200 miles from my home fixed, than paying for bullshit hot topic issues, such as a lame fence on the Mexican border. My priority lies with building the infrastructure to keep this state thriving, rather than worrying about some Mexican taking away my job opportunity at the local car wash.
Hail, Hail!!!
Lollapalooza. 8.5.07 West Palm Beach. 6.11.08 Bonnaroo. 6.14.08
Hartford. Mansfield.
What i read is something along the lines of guaranteed medical insurance for EVERY CHILD in California. What the fuck is wrong with that!!?
Here in California... we're supposed to have automobile insurance in order to drive. I think it's a good thing... just as I agree with you, health insurance so uninsured patients do not destroy the health care system and place the burden on taxpayers.
Hail, Hail!!!
The levee repair bonds will amount to $4 billion in debt. I agree it's money well spent. However:
The Govenator's new prison expansion initiative will cost upwards of $10 billion. Of the 172,000 inmates in California jails and prisons, 100,000 are illegal immigrants.
The new medical plan will cost an estimated $12 billion. This money is also need largely for the sake of illegals as well as the impoverished.
This amounts to billions of dollars to pay for illegal immigrants. I'm not saying we should build a fence or even keep them out. I'm saying that conservative politicians let businesses profit on illegal immigration while the state and ultimately the taxpayers pick up the tab.
Maybe if the Govenator and his party weren't so lovie dovie with big business, the money to fix your levees would've been around a long, long time ago.
Can't both be done? The water issue sounds important too. But, shouldn't our laws be enforced too? What's wrong with doing both?
The Mexican isn't only taking your job opportunity at the local car wash. He's taking tons more government programs than he's paying for. He's expecting social security and medicare in 30-40 years. Will we able to give that to him? Nope! We can't afford it. He's also expecting that his kids will be educated. How do we cope with massive, undocumented immigration?
Ehhh, will just shirk it off to the next generation right? I don't need to worry about some stupid Mexican taking my job at the car wash anyway, right? Don't waste the money on the fence.
-Enoch Powell
The Mexican isn't doing any of those things. His employer is by hiring him and paying him under the table and depriving him of benefits. As long as there are jobs, there will always be mexicans to fill them.
And that mexican comes across the border and lives here illegally because he wants to feed his family. The greedy business owner who employs him just wants another corvette.
I'm not saying anything at all should be done to keep illegals from crossing the border. I'm saying that if we start putting fines and handcuffs on the people who give them the incentive to come across the border, our immigration problem will be solved more easily than it would with fences and more border patrol agents.
Meanwhile, wages would increase, which would lead to an increase in the standard of living for California citizens. These citizens might then not need to draw on government subusidies as much as they do.
But, the problem with doing any of that is that the gap between the upper and middle classes would tighten from the lack of illegal profits for business owners. Conservative politicans know this and so turn a blind eye by ignoring the enablers (business owners) and focusing on the scapegoats (illegal immigrants).
Last year, the IRS fined zero employers for employing illegal immigrants, and rarely is this ever brought to public light. This is because the anger to toward illegal immigration is not based on a rational concern for the costs to taxpayers; it's based on racism against mexicans. People just don't want to live with a bunch of uneducated mexicans who just came across the border. The fact that they're illegal gives people an excuse to complain. The whole "they cost taxpayers money" is also another excuse. If people were truly concerned about the costs of illegal immigration, they would be pointing their fingers at the source of the problem, which is the greedy business owner who hires illegal labor.
Something must be done about the border. Fining and jailing the people who give the illegals an incentive would help a lot, but we also need to keep the immigrants from illegal trespassing in the first place. THEN we can worry about how to deal with the current lot we have. Until you stem the flow, you can't accomplish anything. The U.S. isn't a dumping ground for the Mexican government to release it's unwanted denizens.
The lack of fines imposed on employers is a travesty and I agree with you that it's a major problem. But, illegal immigration is a dual problem. The employers should be punished and the Mexicans should be punished. Both have broken our laws. The employers are wrong for betraying their country and giving the incentive for illegals to enter. I would favor putting all of the employers in jail.
Also, the Mexicans coming in are completely wrong. They do not belong here because they have trespassed illegally. They are also uneducated, but that is just another factor in their ignorant plan to enter into America illegally. By and large, they are good people. But, among them, they have criminals at more than twice the rate of Americans.
The simple solution is attrition. Take away their incentives for being here and they will leave. Take away their welfare, the fake citizenship given to their anchor-babies, and their illegal jobs, and they will go back to Mexico just like they came here.
-Enoch Powell
Yes, the jobs and the anchor-babies are what I'm talking about. The parents of those anchor-babies need jobs. So, even with children who are american citizens, those parents would not be able to live here. So, as long as jobs are not available, anchor-babies would not be a problem.
Welfare is not an incentive as they would be more than happy to work here with or without welfare. They're escaping starvation and poverty, not a lack Denny's breakfast money.
If there were no jobs, they would not be here. It's just that simple. Fining employers will make a bigger dent than any border security measure. That's why even a single dollar spent on securing the border against immigration is a waste of money. That dollar will go a lot further being spent on cracking down on illegal employment, not illegal immigration.
Illegal immigrants are not leeches who are sucking off the system. They are not asking to be paid under the table. They want to be California citizens just like the rest of us. It is the employers and only the employers who are sucking off the system. They are the ones who are profting. They are the ones who are destroying the california economy.
I agree with you!!! Fine the employers!!! Without jobs, they will leave *eventually*!!! The illegals won't stop coming in even if we do start fining the employers though. That will take some time.
But, we still need a wall because, like you said, America still has a higher standard of living and they will still try to get in here for some time. We can afford to put up a wall between us and Mexico to stop illegal immigration right now. We need to do it.
Your problem is, you don't want to punish both culprits in crime. You want to punish the employers (whom you hate because of your obvious bias), but you don't want to punish the illegals who have broken our laws. I have a big problem with someone who thinks they can break my laws by illegally entering my country and then expects asylum. No, it doesn't work like that. Especially when I follow the law.
Also, massive numbers of drug runners and drug trucks drive across our border. How do you expect us to stop them? Are you going to put *their* employers in jail or slap them with fines? Good luck with that! They'll still keep coming. We need to keep them out more than we need to keep out the illegals. Do you realize that Mexico has the most militarized border in the world? You know why? All of their soldiers are conscripted for drug gangs, moving massive amounts of illegal substances into our country because we have no way of keeping them out.
We need to build a wall to enforce our laws. We'll be keeping illegal immigrants from dying (3,000 a year) in the desert because they won't even try to come in. Also, we'll be shutting down the drug trafficking across our border.
-Enoch Powell
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Putting up a wall between us and the border will not stop immigration. Not to mention, the wall, the maintenance of that wall, and the militaristic-like maintenance of the border will cost billions upon billions of dollars in the long-run. They'll still find ways to get across the border. They'll dig tunnels. They'll hide inside of vehicles and cargo ships...etc. There is no such thing as stopping illegal immigration as long as there is a reason to immigrate. It's a fantasy to think it's possible without spending more money than we're spending right now to support them.
You're right: I don't want to punish both culprits in the crime. I want to do whatever it takes to solve the problem. That's it. There is no other agenda or bias like the ones you have imagined my having. I hate illegal immigration and the problems that go with it. That's why I want to see the problem solved.
You, on the other hand, are not quite as interested in seeing the problem solved as much as you are in seeing to it that Mexicans just understand who is in charge. Don't believe me? Read your own words:
And that's all there is to your point of view. You just don't think it's fair that people can break the law while you abide by it. And this is in spite of the fact that the laws they break are ones that you follow just by being born here. You don't care about California's economy as much as you care about making sure that Mexicans understand the importance of obeying US law. It's as if all you understand is laws and not the meaning behind them.
But, you aren't alone. Millions of closed-minded Californians think just like you. They just want to prove a point, not fix our economy and solve our social problems. You call it "punishing both culprits" when it's really just finger-pointing.
In spite of Mexico's militarized border, they still have problems with immigration from southern and central america. And that just goes to show that you cannot solve any problems through border enforcement.
How much money have we spent on the war on drugs? How many drug traffickers have we put in jail? Has that put a dent on our drug problem even by a fraction of a measurable percentage? No it has not.
This will never happen. The fact that you even remotely believe it will ever happen without eliminating demand for drugs from US citizens just goes to show why it is so difficult for you to comprehend what really needs to be done to solve California's problems. But, like I said, you are not alone.
You didn't even read my post. I'm done talking to you about this.
-Enoch Powell
I read your post. You just got TOLD, that's all.
Immigration is an issue... but compared to the infrastructure problems, such as the levees, the number of Californian National Guardsmen, Army and Marine Regulars and Reservists that are shouldering the weight of this assinine War in Iraq, the small number of agents we have inspecting the massive international ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach and San Francisco... it's further down the list of priorities. Immigration is popular because the targets are soft and easy to hit.
How does one get a Social Security Card and Medicare payments... if he is here illegally? People say, 'They get free medical care, but I can't...". Yes, you CAN. Go down to County Services and wait in the waiting room for 6 to 8 hours to see a doctor as you get pushed down the list to make way for traffic accident victims and others with worst cases than your sore throat. And it is ridiculous to believe that they come here and get all of this great stuff for free. If he is... it's the SYSTEM that gives it to him that needs to be fixed.
And speaking of passing it on to our future generations... how about the massive unpaid and heavily mismanaged taxes incurred by Iraq? You haven't paid dime one for this 500 Billion dollar cost because it has been passed on to future Americans. This is OUR war and we should pay for it... we voted this asshole in for a second round of screwing us. So, don't tell me about passing on OUR debts... yours and mine... to the kids and their kids.
Hail, Hail!!!
Well, I'm with you on the war in Iraq. We're going to be paying for that for the next few generations. I'm 20 years old though (2 months til I'm 21) and I know as well as anyone that I'll be paying for that shit for a long time.
Still, with an border that is not secure, our little "war on terror" is pretty futile. We can't keep out the people that might just sneak across out border to do us harm, rather than try to get a simple job.
I've waited for shots at the county medical services building, so I know exactly what you're talking about. I was dead last and it took me 3 hours to get my shots. Pregnant illegal women got their checkups before me. I was the only white guy in the place - everyone else was hispanic. Call me a bigot, but I'm willing to guess that they were illegal seeing as how they were willing to wait so damn long.
-Enoch Powell
How many of the September 11th hi-jackers were here illegally? They were here on legally obtained, albeit, expired college visas. The terrorists want to keep a low profile... as do the illegal immigrants.
And I'll agree about the County Services offices... but, I would venture to guess that the common thread was their economic status, not their legal status. If this is such a huge issue... treat them after you call INS and see who flees and who stays. Those who are here illegally and treated... How about we send Mexico the bill and take it out of the millions of taxpayer dollars in foriegn and economic aid we ship over there annually?
Also... I say go after the root cause... the jobs that draws them here. If it is such a major security issue... go after the employers and seize their assets and sell them off at auction to pay the bills. Why do we constantly go after the lowest onthe totem pole? Because they are easy targets. Try going after the top of the totem pole and get rid of the main reason they come here.
Hail, Hail!!!
I'm surprised miller that you support probably the most liberal governor in the US.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Perhaps they were legal, but simply could not afford to pay for the shots elsewhere. You arei ndeed a bigot.
Why were you using county medical services that MY tax dollars fund?
Perhaps you are just bitter that you can't afford better healthcare.....maybe thats why you are so bitter towards others.......sad that you are this way even before you turn 21. You would have made a very loyal Nazi.
the point here is that california is losing much of it's work force and the question rises: who will be paying taxes to pay for these benefits? many of the high pay stars live; or claim residency to arizona. so where's the money coming from?
dude; read your last sentence. YOU waited longer than anyone else there. i'm with you on illegals. we should treat them as their government treats americans trying to get into mexico illegally. but check your logic.