Schwarzenegger gets it done



  • Agree or Disagree with his decisions, Arnold has shown more backbone than just about anyone in government the past 25 years or so. I cant think over another politician that has been so open and willing to break from the "party line".

    The job he has attempted to do is worthy of respect.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    Agree or Disagree with his decisions, Arnold has shown more backbone than just about anyone in government the past 25 years or so. I cant think over another politician that has been so open and willing to break from the "party line".

    The job he has attempted to do is worthy of respect.

    i agree; but he jumped on a sinking ship and he won't be able to bail it out in time.
  • Cosmo wrote:
    They were here on legally obtained, albeit, expired college visas.

    That means they were here illegally.
    Cosmo wrote:
    The terrorists want to keep a low profile... as do the illegal immigrants. And I'll agree about the County Services offices... but, I would venture to guess that the common thread was their economic status, not their legal status. If this is such a huge issue... treat them after you call INS and see who flees and who stays. Those who are here illegally and treated... How about we send Mexico the bill and take it out of the millions of taxpayer dollars in foriegn and economic aid we ship over there annually?
    Also... I say go after the root cause... the jobs that draws them here. If it is such a major security issue... go after the employers and seize their assets and sell them off at auction to pay the bills. Why do we constantly go after the lowest onthe totem pole? Because they are easy targets. Try going after the top of the totem pole and get rid of the main reason they come here.

    Also, an interesting facet in this problem is the Federal fucking Government. The IRS receives the stolen social security numbers from the employers who receive them from the illegals. Otherwise, the illegals couldn't get a job (in some cases), right? So, how does the IRS not know that the social security numbers are stolen? The answer: they DO know! The government is complicit in illegal immigration. They receive the taxes and look the other way at the stolen S.S. numbers.

    The government is so complicit, it refuses to jail and fine any of the corporate bastards who are paying the illegals under the table or on stolen social security numbers. Our government is corrupt and George W. Bush needs to be impeached over this because it's happened on his watch. Clinton, though I hate him, produced way more fines for CEOs who employed illegals.

    I would support lowering spending on foreign aid to Mexico or completely ending it until that government stops supporting illegal immigration to America. Their leaders have expressly stated that they would like to see more Mexicans north of the Rio Grande. Why? To influence American voting of course! But, those Mexicans still remain Mexicans, though. Make sure not to assimilate, they tell them. Mexico's corrupt leaders would love to slough off their poorest people to America.
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • hippiemom wrote:
    Why were you willing to wait so damn long?

    Well, because I was 18 and stupid. Now I'm 20 going on 21 and way more experienced.
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Perhaps they were legal, but simply could not afford to pay for the shots elsewhere. You arei ndeed a bigot.

    Why were you using county medical services that MY tax dollars fund?

    Perhaps you are just bitter that you can't afford better healthcare.....maybe thats why you are so bitter towards others.......sad that you are this way even before you turn 21. You would have made a very loyal Nazi.

    Actually I used my insurance.

    "sad that you are this way even before you turn 21"

    Hahahaha, I take that as a compliment.
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • dude; read your last sentence. YOU waited longer than anyone else there. i'm with you on illegals. we should treat them as their government treats americans trying to get into mexico illegally. but check your logic.

    Haha, well, I got there early so I assumed that some people waited even longer than me.

    The real "logic" was that they were all hispanic and going to a government funded medical center. If they had all been hispanic and seeking care at a private office, I would assume I was in a more hispanic area. This was my home-town though, which was at most 20% hispanic.
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    "sad that you are this way even before you turn 21"

    Hahahaha, I take that as a compliment.

  • cutback wrote:

    Give me a break Cutback, you're the one who essentially called him a "nazi". Which in the present tense here in the US and probably on these boards, is a derogatory term.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    Give me a break Cutback, you're the one who essentially called him a "nazi". Which in the present tense here in the US and probably on these boards, is a derogatory term.

    I'd love to read where I called anyone a Nazi. I fact I'm pretty sure I've never typed that word in my life.:rolleyes:
    Give me a break Cutback, you're the one who essentially called him a "nazi". Which in the present tense here in the US and probably on these boards, is a derogatory term.

    yoo hoo!

    I was the one who called Corp-Whore a Nazi.........did you not read where Corp-Whore uttered the term "Stupid Mexican"...I suppose you are ok with that term?
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    yoo hoo!

    I was the one who called Corp-Whore a Nazi.........did you not read where Corp-Whore uttered the term "Stupid Mexican"...I suppose you are ok with that term?

    Phew. I was going a little crazy there. I mean I have opinions about a lot of people here, but I don't voice them because it's not worth it. But you go get 'em Joe.;):)
    cutback wrote:
    Phew. I was going a little crazy there. I mean I have opinions about a lot of people here, but I don't voice them because it's not worth it. But you go get 'em Joe.;):)

    I will fight and hopefully represent the silent types!
  • JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    yoo hoo!

    I was the one who called Corp-Whore a Nazi.........did you not read where Corp-Whore uttered the term "Stupid Mexican"...I suppose you are ok with that term?

    So I'm sure you told the poster of the "stupid americans" thread that it was wrong to title it that? Did you call HIM a Nazi?

    Haha, Joe, Joe, Joe....
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • cutback wrote:
    Phew. I was going a little crazy there. I mean I have opinions about a lot of people here, but I don't voice them because it's not worth it. But you go get 'em Joe.;):)

    Sorry Cutback, innocent mistake.

    Joe Joe Joe, putting stupid in front of something isn't bad at all. You could say stupid Armenian, stupid American, stupid Croat, stupid Laosian etc etc.

    If he used some other words to describe Mexicans that would be different, I think we all know what I'm talking about.
    Sorry Cutback, innocent mistake.

    Joe Joe Joe, putting stupid in front of something isn't bad at all. You could say stupid Armenian, stupid American, stupid Croat, stupid Laosian etc etc.

    If he used some other words to describe Mexicans that would be different, I think we all know what I'm talking about.

    then why not just say "stupid people".....singling out a group merely expresses hatred
  • JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    singling out a group merely expresses hatred

    Then you are firmly opposed to affirmative action and all racial preferences in education and the job market?
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
    Then you are firmly opposed to affirmative action and all racial preferences in education and the job market?

    Nope....certain groups have been held-down by the majority, so the majority must make up for past wrongs.

    Someone's grandparents may have benefited from prior discrimination...they may have been hired simply because they were white, even they may not have been the most qualied......affirmative action attempts to right that wrong and give hope to a new generation.
  • JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Nope....certain groups have been held-down by the majority, so the majority must make up for past wrongs.

    Someone's grandparents may have benefited from prior discrimination...they may have been hired simply because they were white, even they may not have been the most qualied......affirmative action attempts to right that wrong and give hope to a new generation.

    Oh ok, so it's okay for me to be a racist, then. Whew!
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Nope....certain groups have been held-down by the majority, so the majority must make up for past wrongs.

    Someone's grandparents may have benefited from prior discrimination...they may have been hired simply because they were white, even they may not have been the most qualied......affirmative action attempts to right that wrong and give hope to a new generation.
    And that "hope" given comes at an innocent person's expense. Great system you advocate.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
    surferdude wrote:
    And that "hope" given comes at an innocent person's expense. Great system you advocate.

    Past generations of whites benefited at the expense of innocent african-americans who were denied jobs based on the color of their skin.........learn about the past before you comment on the present, my friend.
    Oh ok, so it's okay for me to be a racist, then. Whew!

    as long as you are ok with it, do as you like....just don't let your hatred harm others.
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Past generations of whites benefited at the expense of innocent african-americans who were denied jobs based on the color of their skin.........learn about the past before you comment on the present, my friend.
    I know all about the past. I'm not disputing the events of the past. I do think it's rather foolish to use the same tools that were used to legally discriminate in the past to legally discriminate in the present as a way to correct those past mistakes.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
    surferdude wrote:
    I know all about the past. I'm not disputing the events of the past. I do think it's rather foolish to use the same tools that were used to legally discriminate in the past to legally discriminate in the present as a way to correct those past mistakes.

    Giving someone a break now to make up for past wrongs is a needed "tool"...and obviously differs from the "tools" used in the past.

    Taking a less-qualified white person over a more-qualified black person in 1960 was downright racism/discrimination.

    Taking a less-qualified black person today is a way of righting that wrong.

    How else do you right the wrongs of the past?....a handshake or a half-hearted apology won't really do too much.
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Giving someone a break now to make up for past wrongs is a needed "tool"...and obviously differs from the "tools" used in the past.

    Taking a less-qualified white person over a more-qualified black person in 1960 was downright racism/discrimination.

    Taking a less-qualified black person today is a way of righting that wrong.

    How else do you right the wrongs of the past?....a handshake or a half-hearted apology won't really do too much.
    You treat them like an equal. You ensure that the schooling system is fair. You do not discriminate against others to make up for past treatment of previous generations.

    Some past wrongs can never be righted. You can only ensure they never happen again. I could never back a system that perpetuates past errors as a solution.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
    surferdude wrote:
    You treat them like an equal. You ensure that the schooling system is fair. You do not discriminate against others to make up for past treatment of previous generations.

    Some past wrongs can never be righted. You can only ensure they never happen again. I could never back a system that perpetuates past errors as a solution.

    Of course, many past wrongs can't be dad is a Holocaust survivor, but he long refused to accept reparation payments from the German government.

    However, prior discrimination can be righted. Shouldn't the grandfather who was denied a career get to see the joy of his grandson getting that job now?

    Its not that difficult.

    We all end up paying for the sins of our fathers one way or another.

    Does your stance mean that you are against punitive damages awarded in court?
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