Who are pearl jam fans?

I just came back from Camden night 2. The first night I felt sick, i couldn't believe these people were associated with pearl jam other than the way they portrayed every thing pearl jam denounce; in the first parking lot I really saw 'life wasted'. Just drunk fuck ups playing beer pong and throwing their garbage all over the place. Then during the concert when eddie was talking about the 'innocence' project, people were yelling ,"we don't care, play jeremy!!" it made me so sick. I just couldn't believe it. I am a die hard pearl jam fan and always will be. But I always feel a connection with the band and it's message, But concerts like this dilute my feelings and what pearl jam can promote. I wish eddie would have witnessed the fucking waste and 'world wide suicide' going on before the show. i wish they could have just been an underground band with out all the fuck up fans with confederate flag t-shirts and wife beaters begging for the ten songs. I felt like i didn't belong there, among all the nastiest SUV driving, ignorant Frat brothers... Night Two, I was about to sell my tickets, but at least this night they played some songs that the "frats" couldn't sings along with... 2nd night way better than the first. I just wish the people that don't realize what pearl jam was really about would stop ignorantly representing a pearl jam concert, and at least clean up after them selves... Anyone know venues or cities that actually have less of this sad display?
Do I eat them?.. raw or well done?...Do I trick them...? I don't think they're dumb...
Post edited by Unknown User on
Though it's sad what you've witnessed, we cant expect every PJ fan to be a 100 % in touch with the bands values and beliefes.
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
I hope you get this message but your not home...I will be there in just a minute or so...
I want to go but I want to go with you.
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. -MT
I've had enough, said enough, felt enough. I'm fine, still in it.
Who the fuck cares if people are playing beer pong and enjoying themselves. Maybe you should lighten up a little.
People do not go to shows to hear Eddie talk about politics or get enlightened on the issues. I agree with what Eddie says but I dont value his opinion over any other random persons. He is a rock star, not a politician.
great post.... i agree strongly( having the thumbs up from me on this forum is a big thing btw)
Yeah, it's almost as big as having God whisper in your ear.
sometimes i dont doubt that
...that is too funny... thanks for the laughter,
I needed to let my smile out here now...
...and regarding this post?
I couldn't tell.. if I say here: uhh I really do like Pearl Jam,
they always and always say: who?
could make PJ happy, cause I say then: THE WHO (in German: der WER), Pearl Jam!
...so not many crabby fans as not many fans at all to find!
but tellya, this is not much better, cause sometimes you feel like on a very lonesome planet in your own country.
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
You trust politicians and value their opinion above other people's?
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Id trust an auto mecahnics opinion over someone who just dabbles with cars on the side...so id trust a politician over someone who just dabbled in politics by reading left wing news garbage...
True but that doesn't mean they don't screw you over.
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Wow... You like BUSH, and War... have a good life... bushleaguer
Funny, sounds like you have way more in common with those drunk, frat biys you seem to hate so much.
People have different opinions on every issue...including how to have fun. I agree that when it becomes destructive and effects other people it is out of hand and terrible. Until then, I may not like it, but they can have fun however they want. Sure, I'll still make fun of them though.
Most disgusting parking lot I have ever viewed was in Kitchener last year. American plates with a ton of empties and trash all over the place. NICE!
I agree, though, that people shouldn't leave their mess.
Just because I'm not cut from your pearl jam fan cookie cutter does not mean I don't love their music any less than you. Most likely I will tune eddie out when he goes into politics.
If you heckle a performer because you're an out of control drunk ass and you chuck your garbage everywhere acting like a fool...then you deserve a nice fat smack to the head...twice to make it register
If you gotta be a loudmouth drunk asshole to have fun then you got some problems that need help bigger then just yourself can manage
Not every pj fan will have the same morals or outlook on life as you do though. Obviously you will meet a wide range of people at a gig and not all of them will be the same, and a lot of people will not be nice people, but thats life. Many people will just like pearl jam for their music which is fine in my opinion.
How do you tell an american plate over a non american plate? Just curious.
um... I would imagine plates that say "Michigan" or "New York" are probably american... and "Ontario" is canadian.
he's talking about the plates on a car.
I guess I don't believe you have to be voted in by whoever actually votes people in to be a politician. Case in point, would you consider Bono/Pearl Jam more or less a politician than Jesse Ventura, or Hilary (pre-New York)?
hi. the confederate flag.....thats a southern thing: wouldn't see that here anyway.
just pick up your trash at the end of the show......
All of us "old time fans" need to get over the fact that PJ is a popular band..... and the corwd is not what it was 10 years ago... I'm ok with the Frat boys..... they bring something to the show!
Stop Bitching people....... you are all annoying!
i live in sc and they are all over the place...shirts, stickers, license plate frames...doesn't mississippi or some state actually have it as part of their state flag?
there's gonna be assholes and ppl who are just there b/c it's a show to go to in most cases. at the hershey 03 show the group sitting behind me kept getting up every 15 or so min for another beer and at one point one of the girls exclaimed 'not another new one!' and i think they only played like 3 new songs...
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Really Where in SC? I come to Columbia routinely to visit by good buddy and his fiancee who is getting her masters in history/library science at USC and my grandmother is in North Augusta.
I know what you mean about the beer, I drink maybe one or two outside, and maybe one if that on the inside, go to the bathroom before the set and don't stop standing in my spot after that. I wouldn't want to miss anything, but that's just me I guess.
Pearl Jam is obviously a big draw yeah there are some knuckleheads but generally they provide for pretty good comedy. I'm almost always one of the only people around me who knows all the words or every song just because they are my favorite band, and I remember being in Memphis in 2000 around a bunch of 15 year olds who were amazed there were more songs than Jeremy or Even Flow. It's funny really. I remember being 15 and admiring the 27 year olds who knew seemingly everything too.
I remember being at lakewood one year for I think it was 311 and there were these people who had a 30 foot PVC flagpole with a Georgia Southern flag and they were funnelling tequila. I think one of them stole a gatoraid out of our truck and we sold them a couple of hamburgers but no worries I don't know if half of them even made it to the show, we just laughed and shook our heads. I think in every walk there are going to be some lunatics after all the "play some skynard" people are all over. Most are harmless. As Nick Hexum once said.....some people really suck....don't let it ruin your experience.
the upstate, about 30 miles south of greenville
as long as a person isn't knocking into me or being lour and obnoxious i tune everyone out, the 'another new one?' comment caught me offguard as the only new ones they played were help, help, get right and thumbing my way...unless you count some binaural stuff as 'new'...but overall i could care less the experience or lack of one some stranger has.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way