Immigrants drive economic growth,0,2427206.story
I came across this article yesterday on my way to work and found it interesting. I thought I would post it to so those out there that view 3rd world immigrants as a cancer upon this nation could see how wrong they are.
I came across this article yesterday on my way to work and found it interesting. I thought I would post it to so those out there that view 3rd world immigrants as a cancer upon this nation could see how wrong they are.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
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WEehave to correct the issues within that policy to allow for an easier procedure to enter legally and then we have to enforce that policy 100%.
Interesting article...but it's a pretty basic concept labor = cheaper goods = more competitive products = more accessible products to all wealth classes = economic boost.
I really think he was on to something there.
I'm ALL for imigrants and I think our policies should change to accomodate more of them.
At the same time, I'm ALL against illegal imigration and border jumpers.
I hate how this quickly turns into a racism or nationalist issue when people say we should secure our borders. It's so irresponsible and juvenille, yet the media and our leaders eat it up!
If Forbes had been president we would also have a flat tax.
and a man who never blinks.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
are you fucking high?!!
and this is why it's allowed to happen,thank your President.
say good bye to the bill of rights and US Sovereignty.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
This is referring to legal immigrants, not illegal. So no I'm not fucking high but thank you for the well thought out response. I posted this in regards to CorporateWhore's idea that all immigrants from 3rd world countries are a drain on this country.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
you're kidding right? just goes to show how many one sided articles there are. if this is true; why are many states passing legislation to keep these people from suckling the teats of our society?
No I'm not. This article is about legal immigrants not illegal. Why is it that anytime someone mentions immigrants people automatically think illegal. NYC has benefited greatly from it's large immigrant population. These people have brought life back to neighborhoods that where left to decay. I will state this again. I posted this article not to defend illegal immigration but to counter CorporateWhore's notion that all immigrants, legal and illegal, that come from 3rd world countries are a drain on our country.
your right i jumped the gun,my bad.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
You're never going to be taken seriously if you insist on using phrases like "...suckling the teats of our society".
Don't sweat. He does that to everyone.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
The fact that immigrants make a net contribution to our countries GDP has been a matter of public record in the UK for years now - but most people choose to ignore the facts and buy the tabloid line that they are spongers and a drain on our economy.
Personally I never understood the rationale behind that view - even if you look at illegal immigrants. As if people who have the courage and determination to leave their home, friends and family - everything they've ever known and found safe, familiar and comfortable to hide out in the back of a truck and risk incarceration are suddenly gonna transform into lazy spongers who can't be bothered to get out of bed in the morning and just wanna live off handouts when they get here. I mean if nothing else, you have to agree that the type of person whose gonna do that is likely to have a good work ethic right?
and whos growth ? not mine i suppose but corporations
just because econmy is better which it isnt, means nothing -money isnt everything
should economy be the deciding factor? you think business should control our flow of imigrants? --thats what mussilini called fascism-"corporatism"
the supreme ruled 5 to 4 corporations rule america and can take whats ours
well screw them to hell
boycott mayjor corparations that are scum!!
boycott miller beer and cargill meats
Did you look at the study or did you decide to just overlook it and post incoherant ramblings.