Rosie O' Donnell the figurehead of the left?

She symbolizes everything the american liberal stands for; No guns, gay marriage, anti- american foreign policy, and a hate for anything corporate america.
Do lefties on this board sympathize with rosie and look up to her in any type of way?
Do lefties on this board sympathize with rosie and look up to her in any type of way?
America...the greatest Country in the world.
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I sympathize with her struggle to form a family, but that's about it. She's loud and abnoxious.
He symbolizes everything the american conservative stands for; No gays, fierce nationalism, hegemony as national policy, and a hate for anything to the left of James Dobson.
What, you mean there's more to it than that? Ideology can't be syphoned down into one lone figure that offers total congruence? That their are actually a multitude of minute details that most intelligent people consider before forming - sometime unconsciously - an outlook from which they approach the world?
Who'da thunk it?
Always with Hitler...enough already
I got what you were trying to say. I just hate it when anybody uses Hitler to prove a point or make an analogy
Look up to her? Not really. She's a person on a show on TV that I don't watch.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
See, I'm with you. I don't like it when people use Hitler, or anyone else for that matter, to say "see, that's what everyone on your side is exactly like." Not to say I haven't done it before, everyone's guilty of something, but it makes for an irritating and weak argument. That was my point.
I see it worked, as apparently you found my post irritating.
I dont agree with her on much, but she speaks her mind.. and isnt so PC. I was actually very disappointed when she apologized for the whole "ching chong" thing.. as she obviously had no malicious intent.
Yes that must be it, we Repulicans got punked, and now we have focused our attacks on Rosie. Who cares if Rosie is a liberal or conservative, her shows sucks regardless.
Your right, Ashton Kutcher sure got us, I feel so stupid. So by your logic, the left has been punked the last 6 years. I really think the 'crap' miller posts is done so, just to get those on the left riled up, and it is pretty funny to watch it happen. And, what do you mean by we don't have much else? There is a small minority of right leaning people on this board, and we are always willing to discuss the issues, no matter how ridiculious they are, 9/11 conspiracy, etc.
Its only ok to generalize if their republican huh?
Jealous that she gets more pussy then some straight guys. Ahem!
Having money doesn't hurt, straight, gay, or otherwise.
Are you that shallow?
Well stated, dog. I, like you said, don't like referencing Hitler but it was a good way to get your point across.
As for Rosie, I judge people by the way they practice their political views not what their politics are. And frankly, Rosie is an obnoxious ass. First the Tom Selleck grilling, then when her assistant was suing her she was quoted as saying that she hoped her cancer would come back and kill her (paraphrasing from memory). I appreciate what she has done for gay rights but she gets on my last nerve.
do you always try to sound like a pompous douche in your posts?
Seriously, dude... you watch WAAAAAAY too much television.
Tell you what... turn off the fucking T.V.... pick up the phone and give your buds a call... and go outside and toss the football around or something.
Hail, Hail!!!
I think its called being realistic.
don't you mean materialistic...?
I little of both.
I can respect that...:D
You can't ever say that again.