Wal-Mart is not perfect, but it conducts its business better than the majority. In addition, it has provided jobs for many, many people and does a lot of charity work. If I remember, Wal-Mart was one of the big heros from the Hurricane Katrina fiasco.
not that i always agree with you know1, but it's nice to come across your path....;) .
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
hey, man...w/o those outsourced jobs those ppl...well... that's 13 cents they wouldn't have at the end of the week! (thanks kindly to the multi-billion $ corporations)
That's right. 13 cents goes a long way in the slums of Mexico. You can buy a cardboard box to live in with that. Thank god all those hardworking Americans spent all those years working to make these companies so big and profitable that they could afford the air fare to go south of the border.
have you ever felt like you were criminal when shopping at walmart? i mean they have every item magnetized so that when a person inadvertantly goes out the door without paying, buzzer goes off....that's not enough, security...they use their greeting personnell to check your bags even though security measures are already in place. and at my local walmart, where i might add, i cried when they tore out old oak growth, they makes certain to focus their security towards under-18 and minorities..
Yes, yes............I refer to their greet personel as the "door nazis." Corporate paranoia????
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
I think your point is that Target isn't really better than Wal-Mart. I don't know enough to say it is or it isn't. But my thought is that there must be other business out there to compete with Wal-Mart. The less competition Wal-Mart has, the more it has free rein to do what it wants. It *isn't* always the best price. We have stopped shopping there, but my kids several years ago noticed that the Pokemon and Yugioh cards were more expensive at Wal-Mart than in the local game store in our town. (Whatever opinion you have on Pokemon and Yugioh in general is beside the point hehe) Wal-Mart tends to low-price certain items that people will remember, that will give them the impression that *everything* is a bargain when its not.
Cincy is right that most people seem to want it. (Wal-Mart I mean). There was quite a fight in our town to get one - it is really going to change the character of our town, but the majority wanted it. So we are going to get one of those ugly Supercenters built just as you approach town, and there are ALREADY lots of petitions to set up strip-malls around it. Its really going to change the look of the entry into our town. I didn't support it, and will not shop there, but more people wanted it than not. I hope they like working there when the other stores they work at go under....
well said.
i have never set foot in a wal-mart. up until about 2 years ago? there wasn't even one remotely nearby...i think there was one wal-mart on all of long island...and it was way out east...so yea, never been. saw em once or twice during travels, never had a need/desire to stop in one. nowadays, all i hear are horrid things about the place...and sure, we had a target open near us first. haha. i like target.
what about kmart? are they on par? same thing as wal-mart, we never had any around. then one did open - before target - i checked it out once or twice...my husband bought a few things there time to time, but we didn't really care for it. i assume most of our area didn't either, b/c it did close.
so sure, i am curious how do these other 2 fit within? are they just as bad? the lesser of two evils? or relatively 'ok' as far as big retail corps go? i've never really read/heard much about either...only about wal-mart.
well said.
i have never set foot in a wal-mart. up until about 2 years ago? there wasn't even one remotely nearby...i think there was one wal-mart on all of long island...and it was way out east...so yea, never been. saw em once or twice during travels, never had a need/desire to stop in one. nowadays, all i hear are horrid things about the place...and sure, we had a target open near us first. haha. i like target.
what about kmart? are they on par? same thing as wal-mart, we never had any around. then one did open - before target - i checked it out once or twice...my husband bought a few things there time to time, but we didn't really care for it. i assume most of our area didn't either, b/c it did close.
so sure, i am curious how do these other 2 fit within? are they just as bad? the lesser of two evils? or relatively 'ok' as far as big retail corps go? i've never really read/heard much about either...only about wal-mart.
didn't k-mart get caught a decade or so ago overcharing ppl a few cents? i was a kid when it happened...it doesn't seem like much to be overcharged a few cents but for a big company like that it adds up to a whole lot at the end of the year. anyway, i thought they went bankrupt? i haven't seen one in ages
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
didn't k-mart get caught a decade or so ago overcharing ppl a few cents? i was a kid when it happened...it doesn't seem like much to be overcharged a few cents but for a big company like that it adds up to a whole lot at the end of the year. anyway, i thought they went bankrupt? i haven't seen one in ages
They ended up merging with Sears. I do believe that they did file for bankruptcy.
As to the overcharging scam, I don't remember hearing about it.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
didn't k-mart get caught a decade or so ago overcharing ppl a few cents? i was a kid when it happened...it doesn't seem like much to be overcharged a few cents but for a big company like that it adds up to a whole lot at the end of the year. anyway, i thought they went bankrupt? i haven't seen one in ages
oh is that what happened? interesting. as i said, they never had any real presence in my area, or wal-mart. although as i mentioned, we do have one now. however, what about target? i like target..i hope they are not evil-corporate types.
oh is that what happened? interesting. as i said, they never had any real presence in my area, or wal-mart. although as i mentioned, we do have one now. however, what about target? i like target..i hope they are not evil-corporate types.
If you're a big fan of workers unionizing and not a big fan of companies that actively try to prevent them from unionizing, Target is not for you.
If you're a big fan of workers unionizing and not a big fan of companies that actively try to prevent them from unionizing, Target is not for you.
well i am not so black and white in my thinking. do they treat their workers fairly? offer them good benefits and pay? etc. i realize with most things, there are trade-offs, i don't expect absolute perfection in anyone or anything...just to at the very least try to do right by people and treat them fairly, etc.
well i am not so black and white in my thinking. do they treat their workers fairly? offer them good benefits and pay? etc. i realize with most things, there are trade-offs, i don't expect absolute perfection in anyone or anything...just to at the very least try to do right by people and treat them fairly, etc.
I'm quite impressed.
Workers at Target are paid better than their counterparts at Wal-Mart. Starting salaries are around 7-7.50 / hour. Workers who put in more than 20/hours per week are given health benefits, including dental and some prescription drug packages.
Workers at Target are paid better than their counterparts at Wal-Mart. Starting salaries are around 7-7.50 / hour. Workers who put in more than 20/hours per week are given health benefits, including dental and some prescription drug packages.
well then, *whew* i can still shop at target. now just don't tell me anymore...sweatshops and child labor, etc. as i said, i LIKE target.
btw - why impressed? i am a fairly moderate person, that is all.
well then, *whew* i can still shop at target. now just don't tell me anymore...sweatshops and child labor, etc. as i said, i LIKE target.
Some of their suppliers are questionable, hate to tell you. But that's more about buying the right kind of products from them, rather than not shopping there altogether.
I shop at Target regularly, though I'm careful about what I buy there. I refuse to buy anything from Wal-Mart.
btw - why impressed? i am a fairly moderate person, that is all.
The residents of the town I live in, not to long ago, fought to keep a Wal-Mart out of our town. We simply did not want to see our local merchants loose their business' because of Wal-Mart. This town has a very small town feel to it with a beautiful main street with locally owned shops and it would be a crime to have disappear. I have never set foot in a Wal-Mart and really the only problem I have had until now with the company is that they can afford it's customers lower prices which kills your local mom and pop merchants.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Some of their suppliers are questionable, hate to tell you. But that's more about buying the right kind of products from them, rather than not shopping there altogether.
I shop at Target regularly, though I'm careful about what I buy there. I refuse to buy anything from Wal-Mart.
And that is impressive.
well just don't tell me anything about banana republic/the gap/ old navy.
there really is no big corporate entity with a completely unblemished record...and the smaller companies who are ideal, b/c they are so small, they are usually far more expensive. so while you may truly *want* to do right, it is oftentimes just too expensive to do so in *all* things, so such....i try to look at the greater good, and probably even more, chose the lesser of two evils. it's not ideal, but i do try....and i will continue to try and do more with my choices as i can.
hell, i used to work for crate&barrel, and we used to get these quarterly newsletters telling us about goings on in the company, new products, etc. first let me preface this with 99.5% of all their products are imported..it's actually a part of who they are as a company. so then, that said...this one newsletter was discussing the return of a product from a previous holiday season, a really 'hot seller' etc. it was this snowman table decoration, and it had that soft, fake 'snow' all over it. the picture that accompanied it was of a man in a hut, surrounded by these snowmen and all the 'snow' to cover em....sitting on the floor...with a huge smile on his face. it then went on discussing the production, etc. i didn't know if i was to think this is a good or bad thing? it's so hard to tell sometimes.
well just don't tell me anything about banana republic/the gap/ old navy.
You should definitely look into everywhere you shop! But I'll keep my mouth shut on those and leave it for you to research.
there really is no big corporate entity with a completely unblemished record...and the smaller companies who are ideal, b/c they are so small, they are usually far more expensive. so while you may truly *want* to do right, it is oftentimes just too expensive to do so in *all* things, so such....i try to look at the greater good, and probably even more, chose the lesser of two evils. it's not ideal, but i do try....and i will continue to try and do more with my choices as i can.
That's almost all you can do. But there are two additional options not mentioned in the above....going without or doing it yourself. No amount of whining or teaching can change the world. In the end, someone has to act to change it, right? A company cannot sell what we don't buy, and a company will have a hard time selling a product that we make better.
hell, i used to work for crate&barrel, and we used to get these quarterly newsletters telling us about goings on in the company, new products, etc. first let me preface this with 99.5% of all their products are imported..it's actually a part of who they are as a company. so then, that said...this one newsletter was discussing the return of a product from a previous holiday season, a really 'hot seller' etc. it was this snowman table decoration, and it had that soft, fake 'snow' all over it. the picture that accompanied it was of a man in a hut, surrounded by these snowmen and all the 'snow' to cover em....sitting on the floor...with a huge smile on his face. it then went on discussing the production, etc. i didn't know if i was to think this is a good or bad thing? it's so hard to tell sometimes.
The residents of the town I live in, not to long ago, fought to keep a Wal-Mart out of our town. We simply did not want to see our local merchants loose their business' because of Wal-Mart. This town has a very small town feel to it with a beautiful main street with locally owned shops and it would be a crime to have disappear. I have never set foot in a Wal-Mart and really the only problem I have had until now with the company is that they can afford it's customers lower prices which kills your local mom and pop merchants.
My friend and I were debating even validation of discussion about Wal-Mart. He simply says that it wouldn't be, if it wasn't wanted. He said to me, "Even you want it, buy spending money. If you use it; you got no business talking about it. You want it simple as that."
ok..so I am a hypocrite; who's not? and now....
The example of your community tells me he is so. I actually cried for animals and habitat when they came to tear trees out. For three months, there was a controlled burn going on. No they did not give wood to locals, either. Walmart property adjoins property where I am employed. Only ten years ago, I would look out the window at work and see two or three deer trailing through. Once Wally-world was founded, the deer have been pushed back even further into woodlands. Rattlesnake population rose immediately afterwards as well. Now local Wal-Mart has decreased customer aisle space so it's customer unfriendly and has employees talking about "Super Store".....I told associate; I'm not against Wal-Mart, but I'm not actually into seeing a community in which I have lived dry up to Corporate Retailer. I'm sorry you won't get my voting support. S/m is correct; I shouldn't talk about it; but if I don't then how will I make good choices to support or stand against in a future upcoming city council discussion? How will I discuss this topic to people in my community?
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I hope that was meant to be a joke, because I just laughed my ass off.
Fom what i've noticed around here; it takes laughter to make a point. No. Not a joke. I have several times. I ask them why they have to check my bag when I they know and see me come through all the time? What pleasure does it give you to follow that particualr rule?
In fact yesterday, I asked a d.a. how he could sleep at night when he's fully responsible for imprisoning and terrorizing cannabis growers. i met up with him in hallway after a friend remanded himself into custody to serve a 16 month sentence at sq for growing the ganja. and the little baldie told me, ma'am have a nice day...i says to him after i politely opened a door for him...that i hope you have the SWEETEST dreams....uhhhhmmmmmm.....did i do that really?
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Fom what i've noticed around here; it takes laughter to make a point. No. Not a joke. I have several times. I ask them why they have to check my bag when I they know and see me come through all the time? What pleasure does it give you to follow that particualr rule?
Oh. I didn't realize those people searched bags and that kind of thing. I just thought they were there to say "hi". That's why the comment seemed so funny.
In fact yesterday, I asked a d.a. how he could sleep at night when he's fully responsible for imprisoning and terrorizing cannabis growers. i met up with him in hallway after a friend remanded himself into custody to serve a 16 month sentence at sq for growing the ganja. and the little baldie told me, ma'am have a nice day...i says to him after i politely opened a door for him...that i hope you have the SWEETEST dreams....uhhhhmmmmmm.....did i do that really?
Now that is a position of authority that should be questioned until it is eliminated. Most seriously.
Fom what i've noticed around here; it takes laughter to make a point. No. Not a joke. I have several times. I ask them why they have to check my bag when I they know and see me come through all the time? What pleasure does it give you to follow that particualr rule?
In fact yesterday, I asked a d.a. how he could sleep at night when he's fully responsible for imprisoning and terrorizing cannabis growers. i met up with him in hallway after a friend remanded himself into custody to serve a 16 month sentence at sq for growing the ganja. and the little baldie told me, ma'am have a nice day...i says to him after i politely opened a door for him...that i hope you have the SWEETEST dreams....uhhhhmmmmmm.....did i do that really?
Marijuana laws in the States are a joke...BTW how are you doing melody? Still fighting the good fight I see !
well said.
i have never set foot in a wal-mart. up until about 2 years ago? there wasn't even one remotely nearby...i think there was one wal-mart on all of long island...and it was way out east...so yea, never been. saw em once or twice during travels, never had a need/desire to stop in one.
i assume most of our area didn't either, b/c it did close.
it has been suggested to me that patronizing walmart is a class event. meaning, that nobody with any money really wants to become intertwined..face it; if you have $100,000 a year; you're not gonna focus on second-rate/second hand store; you're gonna tend to streamline. have you ever heard a kid say, let's go hang out at wal-mart? there's some activity lacking in that community to allow wally worlds to come along. but more certainly, it is more attractive socially to hang out in macy's.. wal-mart tends to market where people are struggling; in the same respect as home depot does it's focus on thriving development communites...they research and seek out areas where there is an economic crisis and like samaritans, save the depleted job market and take on a new controlling interest in community events.
i don't really know or have ever heard that wal-mart plays into conspiracy theories, but it wouldn't surprise me
i wonder if wal-mart has profit sharing program for employees?
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
yes; laws regarding plants are a joke and what could come to us in states can have vibrating effect on other countries.
BTW how are you doing melody? Still fighting the good fight I see !
Not fighting a fight; I'm just living and learning. Wow. Funny I come acrost you today. Good to see you, as well. I have been working at a little corporate job, since we last spoke...It's at Wal-Mart, hehehehehee! They'd never hire me becasue I could never pass their.......tests...well you know what I mean....!!!!
Gotta get out of this chair and get some housework taken care of. A friend sent me some info that I will pass along to you RiC..look for a note.
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Oh. I didn't realize those people searched bags and that kind of thing. I just thought they were there to say "hi". That's why the comment seemed so funny.
it's a real cutlure that wal-mart mentality. see how subtle management tactics can be ; you notice less scrutiny when a friendly face is in the forefront.
'night! It was a pleasure participating with this discussion...take care
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
yes; laws regarding plants are a joke and what could come to us in states can have vibrating effect on other countries.
Not fighting a fight; I'm just living and learning. Wow. Funny I come acrost you today. Good to see you, as well. I have been working at a little corporate job, since we last spoke...It's at Wal-Mart, hehehehehee! They'd never hire me becasue I could never pass their.......tests...well you know what I mean....!!!!
Gotta get out of this chair and get some housework taken care of. A friend sent me some info that I will pass along to you RiC..look for a note.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
That's right. 13 cents goes a long way in the slums of Mexico. You can buy a cardboard box to live in with that. Thank god all those hardworking Americans spent all those years working to make these companies so big and profitable that they could afford the air fare to go south of the border.
well said.
i have never set foot in a wal-mart. up until about 2 years ago? there wasn't even one remotely nearby...i think there was one wal-mart on all of long island...and it was way out east...so yea, never been. saw em once or twice during travels, never had a need/desire to stop in one. nowadays, all i hear are horrid things about the place...and sure, we had a target open near us first.
what about kmart? are they on par? same thing as wal-mart, we never had any around. then one did open - before target - i checked it out once or twice...my husband bought a few things there time to time, but we didn't really care for it. i assume most of our area didn't either, b/c it did close.
so sure, i am curious how do these other 2 fit within? are they just as bad? the lesser of two evils? or relatively 'ok' as far as big retail corps go? i've never really read/heard much about either...only about wal-mart.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
And I would hope no one here is supporting any laws that force anyone to shop at or work at Wal-Mart.
Thanks! That's sweet.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
didn't k-mart get caught a decade or so ago overcharing ppl a few cents? i was a kid when it happened...it doesn't seem like much to be overcharged a few cents but for a big company like that it adds up to a whole lot at the end of the year. anyway, i thought they went bankrupt? i haven't seen one in ages
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
As to the overcharging scam, I don't remember hearing about it.
oh is that what happened? interesting. as i said, they never had any real presence in my area, or wal-mart. although as i mentioned, we do have one now. however, what about target? i like target..i hope they are not evil-corporate types.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
If you're a big fan of workers unionizing and not a big fan of companies that actively try to prevent them from unionizing, Target is not for you.
well i am not so black and white in my thinking. do they treat their workers fairly? offer them good benefits and pay? etc. i realize with most things, there are trade-offs, i don't expect absolute perfection in anyone or anything...just to at the very least try to do right by people and treat them fairly, etc.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I'm quite impressed.
Workers at Target are paid better than their counterparts at Wal-Mart. Starting salaries are around 7-7.50 / hour. Workers who put in more than 20/hours per week are given health benefits, including dental and some prescription drug packages.
well then, *whew* i can still shop at target. now just don't tell me anymore...sweatshops and child labor, etc. as i said, i LIKE target.
btw - why impressed? i am a fairly moderate person, that is all.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Some of their suppliers are questionable, hate to tell you. But that's more about buying the right kind of products from them, rather than not shopping there altogether.
I shop at Target regularly, though I'm careful about what I buy there. I refuse to buy anything from Wal-Mart.
And that is impressive.
well just don't tell me anything about banana republic/the gap/ old navy.
there really is no big corporate entity with a completely unblemished record...and the smaller companies who are ideal, b/c they are so small, they are usually far more expensive. so while you may truly *want* to do right, it is oftentimes just too expensive to do so in *all* things, so such....i try to look at the greater good, and probably even more, chose the lesser of two evils. it's not ideal, but i do try....and i will continue to try and do more with my choices as i can.
hell, i used to work for crate&barrel, and we used to get these quarterly newsletters telling us about goings on in the company, new products, etc. first let me preface this with 99.5% of all their products are imported..it's actually a part of who they are as a company. so then, that said...this one newsletter was discussing the return of a product from a previous holiday season, a really 'hot seller' etc. it was this snowman table decoration, and it had that soft, fake 'snow' all over it. the picture that accompanied it was of a man in a hut, surrounded by these snowmen and all the 'snow' to cover em....sitting on the floor...with a huge smile on his face. it then went on discussing the production, etc. i didn't know if i was to think this is a good or bad thing?
anyway...well then, thanks?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
You should definitely look into everywhere you shop! But I'll keep my mouth shut on those and leave it for you to research.
That's almost all you can do. But there are two additional options not mentioned in the above....going without or doing it yourself. No amount of whining or teaching can change the world. In the end, someone has to act to change it, right? A company cannot sell what we don't buy, and a company will have a hard time selling a product that we make better.
Thank you.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I hope that was meant to be a joke, because I just laughed my ass off.
ok..so I am a hypocrite; who's not? and now....
The example of your community tells me he is so. I actually cried for animals and habitat when they came to tear trees out. For three months, there was a controlled burn going on. No they did not give wood to locals, either. Walmart property adjoins property where I am employed. Only ten years ago, I would look out the window at work and see two or three deer trailing through. Once Wally-world was founded, the deer have been pushed back even further into woodlands. Rattlesnake population rose immediately afterwards as well. Now local Wal-Mart has decreased customer aisle space so it's customer unfriendly and has employees talking about "Super Store".....I told associate; I'm not against Wal-Mart, but I'm not actually into seeing a community in which I have lived dry up to Corporate Retailer. I'm sorry you won't get my voting support. S/m is correct; I shouldn't talk about it; but if I don't then how will I make good choices to support or stand against in a future upcoming city council discussion? How will I discuss this topic to people in my community?
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
In fact yesterday, I asked a d.a. how he could sleep at night when he's fully responsible for imprisoning and terrorizing cannabis growers. i met up with him in hallway after a friend remanded himself into custody to serve a 16 month sentence at sq for growing the ganja. and the little baldie told me, ma'am have a nice day...i says to him after i politely opened a door for him...that i hope you have the SWEETEST dreams....uhhhhmmmmmm.....did i do that really?
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Oh. I didn't realize those people searched bags and that kind of thing. I just thought they were there to say "hi". That's why the comment seemed so funny.
Now that is a position of authority that should be questioned until it is eliminated. Most seriously.
Marijuana laws in the States are a joke...BTW how are you doing melody? Still fighting the good fight I see
i don't really know or have ever heard that wal-mart plays into conspiracy theories, but it wouldn't surprise me
i wonder if wal-mart has profit sharing program for employees?
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Gotta get out of this chair and get some housework taken care of. A friend sent me some info that I will pass along to you RiC..look for a note.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
No. The US government does. It's called minimum wage. And it invalidates the word "sharing".
'night! It was a pleasure participating with this discussion...take care
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Hope to see it soon!