at the time; early 1980's; the cost of the generator complete was $18,000 usd. i used deep cycle batteries which ran about $70 usd a piece for a total of $840.
my current system is 12 Kw at the panels and the complete cost was $26,000. i'm now using high tech batteries which cost $1100 each and i use 16 because i refuse to give up my waterbad and i have a big freezer. my neighbour just bought a system for $11,000 but his house is half the size. he's using the cheap deep cycle batteries which he'll probably have to replace every 3 years.
You've accepted that global climate change is real and that man contributes to it. You have a finite amount of money to spend to address the issue. Youe have three options in spending your money;
1. Spend it all, 100%, on prevention or lowering of man's contribution to global climate change. This may result in millions of deaths if climate change is at the point of being irreversable as some scientists think, or if the change is very slow in being reversed as many scientists think.
2. Spend it all, 100%, on adapting to climate change. This may too result in millions of deaths, and is a poor course of action if man is the primary contributor to climate change.
3. Split your spending between prevention and adapting. Otherwise known as not putting all your eggs in one basket. This lowers your risk and is the course of action anyone with any risk management knowledge would take.
Which is the prudent path to take?
Man has a remarkable record at adapting yet I've yet to see more than a handful of scientists ask for money to be spent on adapting. The scientists behind the IPCC report seemingly want course 1. taken with no money spent on adapting to climate change.
It took me the whole weekend to make a decision here.
But now I go for option No. 1.
..and thanks for asking a good question!
All papers and news are full about that subject here since many days on a daily basis,
.. although there are pumping up some other interesting news now...
but anyway, I wanna explain my choice here now:
Since so long I wanted to draw the attention to this subject,
sometimes optimistic mostly desperated.
Now all attention seems to be on this subject....
...and Angela's reaction? She protects the german car industry but demands by the citizens to lower energy need and use.
The new cars will have information about the amount of Co2 emission, but it is still up to the citizen to decide for a new car, BMW- X5; MERCECES - Trucks; PORSCHE Cayenne (66liter of gas per 100 kilometers... so crazy!!!); OPEL (GM newest sports car): VOLKSWAGEN - Touareg vs. AUDI - Q7... just to announce the biggest car companies and their best sellers made in Germany .
- now so well protected by Angela and her Glos im Hals.
The environmental minister wants to exchange the government's CO2 emission by spending the same amount of money (that it costs to our world) for underdeveloped countries to improve their environmental protection industry (a big one in Germany so to say )
So many suggestions but the way is just one way:
to spend all effort to reduce the CO 2 emission immediately.
Yesterday they said on Telly that all hopes lie on Australia cause their folks experience the effects of Climate change already too clearly.
The west part is becoming a desert.
We do, too... but ignorance is bliss!
Blooming Alpes in February... so bad for the ski industry.
- so lets make it plastic -
And about solution No. 2
I just want EARTH and LIFE to survive.
I do not care about Humans anymore... we destroyed it, we made too much wrong... and still do!
we lazy plathemic- what ever this means - bastards!!
and p.s. We Germans are indeed the worst - beside our big brother US-a.
We are working already on pumping the fluid Co2 deep into the earth.
We already have the results of this try to avoid reduction and a step back:
the fluid Co2 comes back as Methan gas... which is around 4 times as bad as Co2.
Thanks Germany for making it so much worth and double the effect within a too short time.
and p.s. 2 The Americans work on pumping it up into the universe.
seems the same stupid idea.
and p.s.2 I am having my day off and, hence, be a bit high on emotions regarding the world.
there is no way to peace, peace is the way!
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
it's hard to break old habits.
~Ron Burgundy
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
It took me the whole weekend to make a decision here.
But now I go for option No. 1.
..and thanks for asking a good question!
All papers and news are full about that subject here since many days on a daily basis,
.. although there are pumping up some other interesting news now...
but anyway, I wanna explain my choice here now:
Since so long I wanted to draw the attention to this subject,
sometimes optimistic mostly desperated.
Now all attention seems to be on this subject....
...and Angela's reaction? She protects the german car industry but demands by the citizens to lower energy need and use.
The new cars will have information about the amount of Co2 emission, but it is still up to the citizen to decide for a new car, BMW- X5; MERCECES - Trucks; PORSCHE Cayenne (66liter of gas per 100 kilometers... so crazy!!!); OPEL (GM newest sports car): VOLKSWAGEN - Touareg vs. AUDI - Q7... just to announce the biggest car companies and their best sellers made in Germany .
- now so well protected by Angela and her Glos im Hals.
The environmental minister wants to exchange the government's CO2 emission by spending the same amount of money (that it costs to our world) for underdeveloped countries to improve their environmental protection industry (a big one in Germany so to say
So many suggestions but the way is just one way:
to spend all effort to reduce the CO 2 emission immediately.
Yesterday they said on Telly that all hopes lie on Australia cause their folks experience the effects of Climate change already too clearly.
The west part is becoming a desert.
We do, too... but ignorance is bliss!
Blooming Alpes in February... so bad for the ski industry.
- so lets make it plastic -
And about solution No. 2
I just want EARTH and LIFE to survive.
I do not care about Humans anymore... we destroyed it, we made too much wrong... and still do!
we lazy plathemic- what ever this means - bastards!!
and p.s. We Germans are indeed the worst - beside our big brother US-a.
We are working already on pumping the fluid Co2 deep into the earth.
We already have the results of this try to avoid reduction and a step back:
the fluid Co2 comes back as Methan gas... which is around 4 times as bad as Co2.
Thanks Germany for making it so much worth and double the effect within a too short time.
and p.s. 2 The Americans work on pumping it up into the universe.
seems the same stupid idea.
and p.s.2 I am having my day off and, hence, be a bit high
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.