First of all, this is the first time I've been proud of the *current* status of our country. I'm proud of a lot of what the United States has stood for in the past, but after the last 8 years, I'd honestly be fine just not being embarrassed of our nation.
But that's not what I feel... I don't just feel proud tonight, I feel an overwhelming pride, a sense of long-awaited progress, and a new spirit of optimism for where we are headed as Americans. Obama doesn't just represent a policy shift from the disgraceful and abysmal Bush years... he inspires me to believe in our potential again, and to want to work my ass off to give back to this country so that we can restore our standing and prominence in the world. He represents, to me, everything that American should be, once was, and can be again. That's why I missed work to stand in line for 3 hours to vote for him tonight, that's why I donated money and time to his campaign, and that's why I'm ecstatic to help him usher in a new era of American politics.
Thank god we'll actually have an intelligent person in control of this country again. Now, someone was taking the future first lady's words out of context... enough distractions, let's get back to that. *yawn*
"You are everything, and everything is you. Me, you... you, me -- it's all related."
speaking as a South African - the result of this election surely restores a lot of lost faith in your nation and claims of democracy.
Athens, Greece: 2006/09/30
"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick
First of all, this is the first time I've been proud of the *current* status of our country. I'm proud of a lot of what the United States has stood for in the past, but after the last 8 years, I'd honestly be fine just not being embarrassed of our nation.
But that's not what I feel... I don't just feel proud tonight, I feel an overwhelming pride, a sense of long-awaited progress, and a new spirit of optimism for where we are headed as Americans. Obama doesn't just represent a policy shift from the disgraceful and abysmal Bush years... he inspires me to believe in our potential again, and to want to work my ass off to give back to this country so that we can restore our standing and prominence in the world. He represents, to me, everything that American should be, once was, and can be again. That's why I missed work to stand in line for 3 hours to vote for him tonight, that's why I donated money and time to his campaign, and that's why I'm ecstatic to help him usher in a new era of American politics.
Thank god we'll actually have an intelligent person in control of this country again. Now, someone was taking the future first lady's words out of context... enough distractions, let's get back to that. *yawn*
That was a great post and you put into words so wonderfully exactly every thought that I too was feeling tonight as I watched President Elect Obama.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
speaking as a South African - the result of this election surely restores a lot of lost faith in your nation and claims of democracy.
I hope you know that for me, and so many people I have talked to this election ~ what you wrote is so important to us. It means ALOT to have that faith restored. I am so very proud of how this election turned out.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
I think you're out and out lying about this. Find it hard to believe that this is the only time you've been proud of this country. Seriously...even a far leftist can pick other points in history to be proud of. Even a far leftist whose only been alive for the last 16 years...which I'm assuming you have...
Yet you don't seem to have a problem believing Michelle Obama was proud of this country for the first time during the campaign. Curious. Maybe, just maybe, you really just wanna have a reason to dislike her, even though you know, deep down, that that reason is bullshit.
Just saying.
"You are everything, and everything is you. Me, you... you, me -- it's all related."
But that's not what I feel... I don't just feel proud tonight, I feel an overwhelming pride, a sense of long-awaited progress, and a new spirit of optimism for where we are headed as Americans. Obama doesn't just represent a policy shift from the disgraceful and abysmal Bush years... he inspires me to believe in our potential again, and to want to work my ass off to give back to this country so that we can restore our standing and prominence in the world. He represents, to me, everything that American should be, once was, and can be again. That's why I missed work to stand in line for 3 hours to vote for him tonight, that's why I donated money and time to his campaign, and that's why I'm ecstatic to help him usher in a new era of American politics.
Thank god we'll actually have an intelligent person in control of this country again. Now, someone was taking the future first lady's words out of context... enough distractions, let's get back to that. *yawn*
"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick
That was a great post and you put into words so wonderfully exactly every thought that I too was feeling tonight as I watched President Elect Obama.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
I hope you know that for me, and so many people I have talked to this election ~ what you wrote is so important to us. It means ALOT to have that faith restored. I am so very proud of how this election turned out.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Yet you don't seem to have a problem believing Michelle Obama was proud of this country for the first time during the campaign. Curious. Maybe, just maybe, you really just wanna have a reason to dislike her, even though you know, deep down, that that reason is bullshit.
Just saying.
Has a great ring to it, doesn't it?
We did do it. For all those that stood in lines for hours and voted.. some for the first time in their lives. It is amazing.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull