US conducting raids into Syria.

Princeton international law scholar Richard Falk, calls the US action "a serious violation of international law," which allows for the use of violence only in self-defense.
8 civilian deaths.
8 civilian deaths.
Post edited by Unknown User on
So maybe we can't believe either source.
But what we do know is that the raid happened. Whether or not terrorists were killed is beside the point. the US violated international law.
Seems the biggest threat to stability in the middle east is the US.
The Associated Press got the news from witnesses and local residents.
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You're completely ignoring the fact that the Sandinistas had committed much worse, and that the contras were the lesser of two evils.
See above.
So you support international laws that protect terrorists?
And, of course, local witnesses and residents would never lie to condemn actions of the west.
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That's besides the point, like Commy said.
It happened and eight innocent people are dead, many more are wounded. The US claims they killed one al-Qaeda member.
So what exactly are you saying?
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The fact that they might lie is besides the point? Of course it is, since it goes against what you want to believe.
What you're saying is who cares if the source is credible or not.
What's your real agenda?
So, essentially, yes you do support international law that protects terrorists. Your link discusses hindered relations with countries that aid terrorists.
I guess it's safe to say that it's important to you that the US maintain diplomatic relations with nations that protect terrorists.
At least you're honest about it...
What, are you in favor of international laws that protect children?
As long as they bleed red white and blue.
My real agenda? You tell me, dude :rolleyes:
We have certain sources. You claim side A is false, others claim side B is false.
We move on to the facts, the attack happened, innocent people died.
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At least that's you'd like to believe what happened. Any doubts about the source are doubts that you can do without.
What about the foreign policy conduct of the Bush II administration would lead you to believe they're so damned trustworthy?
These filthy liars even wounded a woman so it'd look real...
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Yeah, cause you, being in California REALLY know what happened.
And you, living in Texas, must know a lot more about the Bush family than I could ever know. Oil too, right? Because you're a Texan, you must know a lot about oil.
Geographical proximity is a weak and pointless argument.
You'd think that Syria while wanting to gain international sympathy for this attack would've made the severity of the situation much clearer by making that woman's wounds at least somewhat invisible.
Maybe Syrians don't want to shock the world with graphic images? Perhaps.
I thought we were talking about dead children. Now it's a woman underneath a blanket?
Questions like these are great. Just put those words right into my mouth why don't you...
Can I try that too?
What about the foriegn policy conduct of the Syrian government would lead you to believe that they're damned trustworthy?
your missing the point.
the AP interviewed the people involved. that's direct journalism. its not about what the US gov't said or what the Syrian gov't said, its about what the people involved have said.
Beat me to it.
And like I mentioned earlier, it's not unreasonable to consider that people will lie to admonish the actions of the west.
In fact, isn't the Syrian government a military authoritarian style government? Sorta like a dictatorship? You don't think that in that type of a societal structure, witnesses can often be coaxed by their own government?
I never even came close to saying that.
If the US is allowed to violate international law, what does that mean for the rest of the world?
If it was really a simple matter of violating international law, all that hubub about innocent civilians would be irrelevant.
Sometimes the human rights groups exaggerate their claims to gain attention for a cause...but I don't think that is the case here. 8 is too many...but if you were trying to sensationalize your cause the number would be much higher. based on witness testimony (what else do you have to go on?) it seems that a very serious crime has been committed.