it's dangerous business stepping into such a liberal place like a Pearl Jam board and saying anyting that might rattle its many sheep. look at what my thread has done, though it is different from yours. God knows people will reply with "you're a moron" and nothing else. I'm with you on this! I hope I can say I was wrong one day. but it looks pretty dim that I will, when we've had plenty of warning from the horse's mouth what's to come if he's elected. when he does something to prove me wrong, I will shut up. but good for you for being one of the very few who get on here to post your views that, God forbid, differ from the majority.
Dont degrade the minority by pretending your a victim. You're on a frickin internet board, by choice, of a progressive thinking band. I can actually see you going to your friends and saying: "Yeah i went on the PJ board and told those mfers how i feel."
Me too!! I hope we were right as well and that he will be a great president and deliver on the promises. Because, in my opinion, we as America got it so wrong the last two times and are dearly paying the price for that now. We have to get it right this time around.
I can sympathize with your fears as I had many fears 8 years ago that unfortunately were far surpassed.
I feel good today. I'm gonna give him 4 years to show me whether or not he's a good president. If he's not, then he won't get my vote again. (Um...unless Palin ends up being the Republican nominee. )
Dont degrade the minority by pretending your a victim. You're on a frickin internet board, by choice, of a progressive thinking band. I can actually see you going to your friends and saying: "Yeah i went on the PJ board and told those mfers how i feel."
I can sympathize with your fears as I had many fears 8 years ago that unfortunately were far surpassed.
I feel good today. I'm gonna give him 4 years to show me whether or not he's a good president. If he's not, then he won't get my vote again. (Um...unless Palin ends up being the Republican nominee.