Eddie's politics from VH1

What's everyone think about it?
I thought he was brilliant and you could tell he thought a lot about it.
I thought he was brilliant and you could tell he thought a lot about it.
Post edited by Unknown User on
he thinks and mutters and mumbles and plays the whole shy thing...
it's his thing and why we love him, but doesn't translate very well to a show like that, you get shouted over and then when you shout back you look like a moron.
He would be fine if he were on the right show. Bill Maher isnt a show where people get shouted over like a cable news station. I dont think I have ever really seen him in a political discussion. I have seen him on stage giving his political opinion, and I have read interviews, but those arent in depth. I would like to see him where he has an outlet to be in depth, and Bill Maher's show was the first one that sprung to mind.
then we would see what he has to offer
Thats exactly what I am saying. I would like to actually see him in a discussion, rather than just his unchallenged opinion. I certainly think he could hold his own and be great, but I think if he had someone debating and discussing with him then it would bring a lot more out of him and be a lot more in depth discussion.
Ed vs. Ted Nugent. That would be great!
do you think that would take him out of his comfort zone??
i dunno just a thought...i personally couldnt see him debating..lol
edit: ED VS TED would be hilarious!!!
Well thats true. He might not want to do it, but I would still love to see it. Im a big Maher fan, and Eddie and Tom Morello are 2 people I would love to see on the show. But, I would have to say that Morello certainly seems like he would be more comfortable in that situation.
Just hide the wine until after the show and he would be fine.
I would just love to see him on a show like that where he actually discusses political issues, instead of making unchallenged comments like you get at a concert. I dont know if that would be his thing, but I think he can hold his own and I think he could pronunciate for an hour or so.
Ed:Fuck em. Maybe it'll get them to ask questions, to get them to take their blinders off.
Such a sick response.
i thought it was great.
they don't have time for the haters. they have been around long enough that they do not have to. its like "this is me, take me for who i am or not at all." and i do not have a problem with that at all.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
b/n "fuck em" (he was joking) and "maybe..." he said that he has a lot of respect for fans of different opinions, etc. That's misleading to quote him like that.
Totally misleading. He was actually very nice about the subject.
I can only hope that Eddie steps back now and again to check if his blinders are off as well.
What has he really done or said wrong other than being liked by Bush?
who cares what Ed thinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am becoming increasingly convinced that Mike especially has some views that differ from eddies, at least on some level. In interviews after the Denver/03 and other Bushleaguer related incidents, i got an impression he wasnt totally on board with ed politically (no specfic quotes, just a general feel)... and then with the new album there was an interview before it came out about how they all understand its Ed's band, and they kinda give into him.. and Last night, Mike was VERY vague in the question about politics.
Well at least now maybe the "right wingers" know we have an ally in PJ. I wonder if Mike was offended for the fans at the "eff em" comment, or if he was personally offended. Joke or not, the "eff em" wasnt necessary. The question wasnt " hey ed, some fans think your an ass and have different opinions then yours"> An " f-em" would be appropriate in that case. The question was something like " alot of your fanbase have different political views, whats your opinion on that?" 'F-em???' Another truly open minded liberal. Im sorry, backpedal all you want ed, that was uncalled for, and not in line with the question asked of you.
And I thought Betterman was dedicated to the bastid that married his momma. Its a political song???????? hahahahaha ok ed.
I don't think Ed has much more depth to be honest. Most of us don't, and that is OK. He may use words like "en masse" and "Omni-present" to seem more "researched" but he comes off as someone who has simply swallowed the opinions of his fave commentators just like the majority of us.. Ed is one of those people, not unlike Michael Moore and GW Bush, that polarize people with their presentation. I agree with most of what Ed says (along with Moore) but when he speaks condescendingly of people who disagree with him (like perhaps unintentionally suggesting they wear "blinders") it detracts from whatever point he is making.
I am also unsure of the productivity that would come from "The state of Mississppi", but who cares, it has a great melody! As always, I respect Ed's conviction and his willingness to express them. I am sure he will get his act down perfect as he gets more comfortable with his platform. He has potential to be a good spokesman for his cause. Though he did blow it by wearing them "blinders" in 2000 and dreaming of a Nader White House, that kind of screwed us in the A.
Thats what my point is though- It comes off as attacking him just for being a conservative justice and as a figurehead. I dont see where's done anything specifically that should have drawn ed's ire---- it comes off as a "i hate anythign conservative" ....
If he said Rumsfeld or Rice or anyone blatent, it would have fit a lot better.
Not a surprise at all, but it kinda hurts his credibility as an open minded guy. Like I said, it came off to me (im a bit biased, i know) as an "i hate anything republican" as opposed to calling out the people that have done things to warrent being called out in song.
I don't agree with Ed's views on abortion,not even one bit.But I wouldn't say,''Fuck him,'' for having a different opinion.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
I dont get it.
"Paperplates, what do you think of the liberal people on this board?"
"Fuck them"
Lighten up, that was a joke.
Get it?