that's funny, because I think smoking is more responsible than letting a television raise your children, like most Americans do. or learning to play Madden instead of learning something like a musical instrument or something that can enrich your life. or how 80% of Americans are obese. or how most Americans couldn't even tell you what continent our military is currently fighting a war on. etc etc etc.
no one has room to bitch about smokers unless their own lives are completely spotfree.
look, all the things you stated are problems that matter, but i only mentioned things relating to smoking. smoking is not responsible at all and i have plenty of room to bitch about smoking. i shouldn't have to worry about a person's cigarette filling my lungs up with second hand smoke. that is a big fucking deal to me. the only reason you are bringing up all that other shit so defensively is because you know that, in reality, you have no justification for your actions. how could you be so stupid? i suppose you have never lost someone you loved dearly to lung cancer either. i am extremely sensitive to this shit. when people smoke, to me, it seems rather selfish because you know what you are doing to your body. yeah, everybody has to die somehow, but from smoking IS SO FUCKING PREVENTABLE! actually, you're only defense should be that smoking is legal and i can do it if i want because i am a free american.
ah, you're one of THOSE people. you folks annoy the piss out of me. you're like those godamn jehovah's witnesses running around trying to save people. do you warn someone every time they eat at mcd's that the burger will probly kill them? cos such people also obviously dont care about their significant others... how old are you? are you in any of those truth ads?
im one of THOSE people. ok, i can live with that, whatever. it's sad that y ou can't some up with any logical excuse to smoke. it is an addicting habit. i've known people that quit cold turkey that smoked for 10 years. yes, they have cravings, but they don't satisfy them. you still have time brother. Im like a "godamn jehovah's witness". yeah, good call. how about, i care. that sounds better to me. yeah, you can do whatever you want. it's legal. so what,... it's stupid as fuck and you know it. we all know the health implications. not to mention how annoying you are when i go to play pool at a bar and come back smelling like a fucking ashtray. fuck you man. your little "addiction" causes me just as much annoyance as i do trying to stop you from continuing such a dumbass habit. as for your statement about McDonald's hamburgers. It's kind of funny. My girlfriend's mom is a general manager there, but we rarely eat there because we know it isn't so healthy. If I had a friend who constantly ate burgers everyday, yes, I would so tell him to think about what he's eating and how it affects his body. im not in any of those truth ads, but id volunteer if they came to clemson. so the fuck what,... im 22 by the way, 23 this sunday. im a senior at clemson, finally. it's so funny that you guys responded to my post with such random shit. id like to know a couple reasons why you get so defensive about your habit and try to point out everything that is wrong with the world. i was only focusing on one bad habit.
i really don't care who thinks it is idiotic. i do plenty of things that are self-destructive, but the fact of the matter is that, regardless of my "significant people," my self is my own to destroy. and the criticism from you and others is unwelcome. you are not my doctor, thank you very much.
and if you try to get people to quit when they are not ready or do not want you to get them to quit, that should mean "back off." you don't really have any right to berate people who do smoke if they do so on their own property or outside, no more right than i have to take a megaphone and sit outside a mcdonald's and holler at people for "killing themselves" with big macs.
well, yourself is your own to destroy. that is why you have the choice, and that is why it's a good thing you live in america where you can (for a limited time only) still do whatever you want, practically. i apologize for criticizing you, since it was unwelcome. but i have stood against smoking so strongly since i was young. i lost someone really close to me because of that bad habit. like i said earlier, we all know the health implications. i don't have to be your doctor to tell you it's bad for you. why shouldn't i stand against it? i have every right to free speech and free typing for that matter. yeah, i've learned the hard way about trying to get people to quit. they can be rather bitchy about it. they get really defensive too. i guarantee that my girlfriend is healthier now that she quit. she is just as happy, if not more happy, than she was before when she did smoke. and technically, i do have every right to do the last two things in your post. don't even try to act like it might be say unethical? or wrong? maybe annoying,... but it makes sense. and seriously, smokers don't just smoke on their own property. smokers smoke in restaurants and bars too. hopefully, there won't be soon. maybe not soon enough, but soon.
and id like to say this too. the only angle i've ever taken (besides my post asking for trouble) is to people that im close to. i can reach them, eventually. im not the guy who asks you to put it out when im eating. i don't give smokers dirty looks. i will not eat when im out with friends who smoke. i always prevent that shit. all my friends know how i feel, they respect it, and they usually move themselves. if someone lights one up and it bothers me, i will get up and move myself and i always try to be polite without any negative body language. it gets on my nerves, but i don't say anything to them. here on the message board, it's a little easier to criticize people. im not necessarily ruining the night out talking about religion or politics or smoking. you catch my drift. so sorry for taking all that built up negative energy out on you people here on the board.
but seriously, you should think about trying something else.
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
i am certain you have one of your own. i don't know what it is.. but you've got one. why not work on that one first, and then when you're perfect, you can come and criticize my bad habit.
look, all the things you stated are problems that matter, but i only mentioned things relating to smoking. smoking is not responsible at all and i have plenty of room to bitch about smoking. i shouldn't have to worry about a person's cigarette filling my lungs up with second hand smoke. that is a big fucking deal to me. the only reason you are bringing up all that other shit so defensively is because you know that, in reality, you have no justification for your actions. how could you be so stupid? i suppose you have never lost someone you loved dearly to lung cancer either. i am extremely sensitive to this shit. when people smoke, to me, it seems rather selfish because you know what you are doing to your body. yeah, everybody has to die somehow, but from smoking IS SO FUCKING PREVENTABLE! actually, you're only defense should be that smoking is legal and i can do it if i want because i am a free american.
how could I be so stupid?? how could you, with a straight face, want someone to believe you unwillingly received a lung full of smoke from another person's cigarette? that is impossible. see someone smoking, walk away. you could stand beside a chain smoker all day long and not have to worry about "filling my lungs up with second hand smoke". btw, don't call someone stupid unless you know the difference between "your" and "you're". did you learn that at climpsun (aka 'asshole of the universe'), tater?
i am certain you have one of your own. i don't know what it is.. but you've got one. why not work on that one first, and then when you're perfect, you can come and criticize my bad habit.
or you stay away from me while you are smoking,...
yeah, everyone has bad habits,... just because im not perfect doesn't mean i can't speak out about something i stand against very strongly,... i hope that one day you quit,...
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
how could I be so stupid?? how could you, with a straight face, want someone to believe you unwillingly received a lung full of smoke from another person's cigarette? that is impossible. see someone smoking, walk away. you could stand beside a chain smoker all day long and not have to worry about "filling my lungs up with second hand smoke". btw, don't call someone stupid unless you know the difference between "your" and "you're". did you learn that at climpsun (aka 'asshole of the universe'), tater?
im sorry that you took what i said about filling up my lungs with smoke so literally. even the smallest amount of smoke bothers me. my bad player. and seriously, it's not like if i see someone smoking ill walk up to them and complain about it to their face. didn't you read the last part of my reply? yeah, good 'ol Climpsun,... freshman year at climpsun i dated my sister and i cheated on her with my pet goat.
btw, my fucking bad for not going back and fixing my grammatical error. i deserved those comments after saying your habit was stupid. i may have said your habit was stupid, which it is, but i didn't throw out any cheap shots like that.
i just really hope you aren't a gamecock fan.
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
I mean come on, you compared it to heroin, and you expect an actual living person to take your comments seriously?
I do not smoke, I grew up in a household that had two smoking parent who quit before I hit the age of 12. Most of my best friends are smokers, I hang around them all the time, yet this whole "The Truth" me dying of cancer thing has not yet happened. I'm hoping for it though, just so you non smokers can prove how superior you are to the average human being. I know that those second hand studies will one day apply to an actual human being that I know.....
Those Truth ad's are very convincing though with those quasi thirty year old dudes dictating the awfullness of inhaling smoke that causes you to cough. Nevermind the fact that my 60 year old step father knew it was bad for you the second he took a coughing drag from a cig. He can pretend that the evil smoking companies lied to him and said it was cool..
cigarettes are as hard, or even harder to quit than heroin dude that's no secret...
cigarettes are as hard, or even harder to quit than heroin dude that's no secret...
sure are.
i smoked for 20 years, quit 2 years, 8 months ago tomorrow. i LOVED smoking, adored it...but now, i LOVE being a non-smoker.
point is, sure it's an addiction...tough to quit....but it doesn't mean everyone else should be subjected to your habit...especially when it adversely affrects their health too. as i've said, go ahead and smoke...enjoy...smoke at home, in your car, outside.....just not indoors where others can't escape it. easy.
if and when that happens, we still own you for now,... it's not even a rivalry, it's domination,...
yes, that comes from many factors, like:
+Carolina being independent (tougher schedule) for 20+ years
+Carolina's best coach dying unexpectedly of a heart attack
+climpsun BUYING a national championship (this is not even really disputed by tater fans)
+climpsun playing in a WEAK conference (the acc only got slightly tougher when FSU joined, and has just recently become a real conference with VT, Miami, and BC joining)
+Carolina playing in a TOUGH conference since the early 90s (the SEC is THE conference)
all these things affect school recognition, income, and recruiting. but now you see we have a real coach, and any 'dominance' that you think you've earned (which wasn't really earned) is now over.
So exhaled smoke of a dried up plant is more harmful than the other pollutants we breathe in and out all day?
cigarettes don't just hve 'dried up plants' in them, they also have lots of chemicals and carcinogens...also, if you are near it is much more concentrated. but both are bad
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
+Carolina being independent (tougher schedule) for 20+ years
+Carolina's best coach dying unexpectedly of a heart attack
+climpsun BUYING a national championship (this is not even really disputed by tater fans)
+climpsun playing in a WEAK conference (the acc only got slightly tougher when FSU joined, and has just recently become a real conference with VT, Miami, and BC joining)
+Carolina playing in a TOUGH conference since the early 90s (the SEC is THE conference)
all these things affect school recognition, income, and recruiting. but now you see we have a real coach, and any 'dominance' that you think you've earned (which wasn't really earned) is now over.
im sure any clemson player would tell you that they earned their wins over carolina,... you can make all the excuses you want but clemson owns carolina,... if you think spurrier can change that then more power to you, but until it happens, well,...
lou holtz might not have fit for carolina, but he was a real coach,...
the only bullshit coach you ever had was brad scott and then we had to put up with his dumbass,...
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
look, all the things you stated are problems that matter, but i only mentioned things relating to smoking. smoking is not responsible at all and i have plenty of room to bitch about smoking. i shouldn't have to worry about a person's cigarette filling my lungs up with second hand smoke. that is a big fucking deal to me. the only reason you are bringing up all that other shit so defensively is because you know that, in reality, you have no justification for your actions. how could you be so stupid? i suppose you have never lost someone you loved dearly to lung cancer either. i am extremely sensitive to this shit. when people smoke, to me, it seems rather selfish because you know what you are doing to your body. yeah, everybody has to die somehow, but from smoking IS SO FUCKING PREVENTABLE! actually, you're only defense should be that smoking is legal and i can do it if i want because i am a free american.
im one of THOSE people. ok, i can live with that, whatever. it's sad that y ou can't some up with any logical excuse to smoke. it is an addicting habit. i've known people that quit cold turkey that smoked for 10 years. yes, they have cravings, but they don't satisfy them. you still have time brother. Im like a "godamn jehovah's witness". yeah, good call. how about, i care. that sounds better to me. yeah, you can do whatever you want. it's legal. so what,... it's stupid as fuck and you know it. we all know the health implications. not to mention how annoying you are when i go to play pool at a bar and come back smelling like a fucking ashtray. fuck you man. your little "addiction" causes me just as much annoyance as i do trying to stop you from continuing such a dumbass habit. as for your statement about McDonald's hamburgers. It's kind of funny. My girlfriend's mom is a general manager there, but we rarely eat there because we know it isn't so healthy. If I had a friend who constantly ate burgers everyday, yes, I would so tell him to think about what he's eating and how it affects his body. im not in any of those truth ads, but id volunteer if they came to clemson. so the fuck what,... im 22 by the way, 23 this sunday. im a senior at clemson, finally. it's so funny that you guys responded to my post with such random shit. id like to know a couple reasons why you get so defensive about your habit and try to point out everything that is wrong with the world. i was only focusing on one bad habit.
well, yourself is your own to destroy. that is why you have the choice, and that is why it's a good thing you live in america where you can (for a limited time only) still do whatever you want, practically. i apologize for criticizing you, since it was unwelcome. but i have stood against smoking so strongly since i was young. i lost someone really close to me because of that bad habit. like i said earlier, we all know the health implications. i don't have to be your doctor to tell you it's bad for you. why shouldn't i stand against it? i have every right to free speech and free typing for that matter. yeah, i've learned the hard way about trying to get people to quit. they can be rather bitchy about it. they get really defensive too. i guarantee that my girlfriend is healthier now that she quit. she is just as happy, if not more happy, than she was before when she did smoke. and technically, i do have every right to do the last two things in your post. don't even try to act like it might be say unethical? or wrong? maybe annoying,... but it makes sense. and seriously, smokers don't just smoke on their own property. smokers smoke in restaurants and bars too. hopefully, there won't be soon. maybe not soon enough, but soon.
and id like to say this too. the only angle i've ever taken (besides my post asking for trouble) is to people that im close to. i can reach them, eventually. im not the guy who asks you to put it out when im eating. i don't give smokers dirty looks. i will not eat when im out with friends who smoke. i always prevent that shit. all my friends know how i feel, they respect it, and they usually move themselves. if someone lights one up and it bothers me, i will get up and move myself and i always try to be polite without any negative body language. it gets on my nerves, but i don't say anything to them. here on the message board, it's a little easier to criticize people. im not necessarily ruining the night out talking about religion or politics or smoking. you catch my drift. so sorry for taking all that built up negative energy out on you people here on the board.
but seriously, you should think about trying something else.
~Ron Burgundy
so stay away from smokers.
i am certain you have one of your own. i don't know what it is.. but you've got one. why not work on that one first, and then when you're perfect, you can come and criticize my bad habit.
how could I be so stupid?? how could you, with a straight face, want someone to believe you unwillingly received a lung full of smoke from another person's cigarette? that is impossible. see someone smoking, walk away. you could stand beside a chain smoker all day long and not have to worry about "filling my lungs up with second hand smoke". btw, don't call someone stupid unless you know the difference between "your" and "you're". did you learn that at climpsun (aka 'asshole of the universe'), tater?
Be thankful they created the statistic. It could have been you.
Besides non smokers are just as addicted to something else in one way or another. Some are far worse...
I say ban guns in public too...bullets aren't the greatest either second hand or not.
S. Hoon
"My body's nobody's body but mine. You run your own body, let me run mine" Chicago '95
Franken '08
or you stay away from me while you are smoking,...
yeah, everyone has bad habits,... just because im not perfect doesn't mean i can't speak out about something i stand against very strongly,... i hope that one day you quit,...
~Ron Burgundy
im sorry that you took what i said about filling up my lungs with smoke so literally. even the smallest amount of smoke bothers me. my bad player. and seriously, it's not like if i see someone smoking ill walk up to them and complain about it to their face. didn't you read the last part of my reply? yeah, good 'ol Climpsun,... freshman year at climpsun i dated my sister and i cheated on her with my pet goat.
btw, my fucking bad for not going back and fixing my grammatical error. i deserved those comments after saying your habit was stupid. i may have said your habit was stupid, which it is, but i didn't throw out any cheap shots like that.
i just really hope you aren't a gamecock fan.
~Ron Burgundy
All non smokers should stop being such pussies and smoke. Holy whimps and pusses...
Why not just wear facemasks? Get the pollution factor solved as well...
Were talking addiction, not some whimsical decision here folks...
Should heroin addicts just all magically quit heroin because you fear stepping on a needle?
I guess someone should just snap their fingers eh?
cigarettes are as hard, or even harder to quit than heroin dude that's no secret...
not when you're trying to quit :rolleyes:
yeah, that sounds a little fucked up,...
but i can't imagine anyone actually saying something that stupid,...
~Ron Burgundy
why did you have to be so graphic? I have the worst picture in my head now.
you said, "how could you be so stupid?"....not, "how could you have such a stupid habit?".
and yes, I am a fan and graduate of Carolina. piss on climpsun.
sure are.
i smoked for 20 years, quit 2 years, 8 months ago tomorrow.
point is, sure it's an addiction...tough to quit....but it doesn't mean everyone else should be subjected to your habit...especially when it adversely affrects their health too. as i've said, go ahead and smoke...enjoy...smoke at home, in your car, outside.....just not indoors where others can't escape it. easy.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
piss on climpsun,... yeah, you need more than spurrier to beat clemson.
~Ron Burgundy
lol. go from 29-7 with more talent, then 13-9 with LESS talent. don't count on the flagship U losing to tater U much more in the near future.
if and when that happens, we still own you for now,... it's not even a rivalry, it's domination,...
~Ron Burgundy
yes, that comes from many factors, like:
+Carolina being independent (tougher schedule) for 20+ years
+Carolina's best coach dying unexpectedly of a heart attack
+climpsun BUYING a national championship (this is not even really disputed by tater fans)
+climpsun playing in a WEAK conference (the acc only got slightly tougher when FSU joined, and has just recently become a real conference with VT, Miami, and BC joining)
+Carolina playing in a TOUGH conference since the early 90s (the SEC is THE conference)
all these things affect school recognition, income, and recruiting. but now you see we have a real coach, and any 'dominance' that you think you've earned (which wasn't really earned) is now over.
cigarettes don't just hve 'dried up plants' in them, they also have lots of chemicals and carcinogens...also, if you are near it is much more concentrated. but both are bad
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
im sure any clemson player would tell you that they earned their wins over carolina,... you can make all the excuses you want but clemson owns carolina,... if you think spurrier can change that then more power to you, but until it happens, well,...
lou holtz might not have fit for carolina, but he was a real coach,...
the only bullshit coach you ever had was brad scott and then we had to put up with his dumbass,...
~Ron Burgundy