" First learn how to spell Israel, and then live here in the Middle East for a while, Then go ahead and give out your valuable advice…"
and that one came after some apologies from me...
" 2. I was frustrated to see how little you (= the Train) know about what's really going on here, and yet still allow yourselfs to see it all in black & white. You hear about "it" and maybe read about "it". I'm living it, this is my life you are talking about. My life. Not some stupid reality show you use to see on TV.
3. I'm not offended by any of your opinions, just shocked to see on how little / wrong info you chose to base them. "
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I've been thinking the same thing. First U.S. casualty and we're all fucked.
I know! Bush will be put under so much pressure. I hope he thinks it through. Being an election year...who knows what will happen.
This could get so much worse than it is.
yup ... we can look at all the religious and historical facts all we want ... but for many people - war is good ... and these same people have lots of influence in this world ...
I know! Bush will be put under so much pressure. I hope he thinks it through. Being an election year...who knows what will happen.
This could get so much worse than it is.
Bush cannot condemn these attacks, he did the exact same thing in Iraq, he would look stupid doing so... BUT, if he ever start to "think" and say something, he's the ONLY one who can stop this violence by saying to Israel to stop these bombing, he's really the ONLY one, not the UN, not Canada, not Russia, but George Bush. Unless the involved party decide to end it all by themselves, but it's not really pointing that way...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The point was that unless you live there "SPARE US YOUR ADVICE" and because i base my opinions on news sources and i'm not actually living there and sharing their point of views i'm an "ignorant". I've come up with apologies cause i understand all that, i'm not living the situation, then this Isreal girl came back calling me an ignorant again, even if i told them i understand the situation and i'm just commenting on the news i receive here. So please don't try to explain to me the "point". I get it and i didn't posted back in the thread. Although no one is going to shut me down (other than Kat or Sea)...
Now i'm waiting for these Isrealis or any other war lovers and supporters of this war to come up with a justification for the killings of 7 Canadians including 4 Montreal kids and how it is a "measured" response... i'm also still waiting for the Canadian govt. official statement about this...
Interestingly, I believe you are missing the important part of that girl's message.
" I was frustrated to see how little you (= the Train) know about what's really going on here, and yet still allow yourselfs to see it all in black & white. You hear about "it" and maybe read about "it". I'm living it, this is my life you are talking about. My life. Not some stupid reality show you use to see on TV."
Try to remember that allegedly this girl is right smack in the middle of this horrific mess. So without a doubt she was/is in a very emotional and distraught state of mind. She also did state that what Israel was doing (with all the bombing) is HORRIBLE. She repeated that a few times.
Personally, I wouldn't get offended by what she said, because much of it does ring true. Despite all of the media outlets, despite all the news stories and despite what we all think we know about this situation; ultimately we are "ignorant" of all the facts and of the situation.
Without a doubt Israel is out of control and they are in "Berzerk Mode".
To make matters worse we have our resident genius (George W. Bush) absolving Israel of any responsibility, accountability and blame, whatsoever.
Interestingly, I believe you are missing the important part of that girl's message.
" I was frustrated to see how little you (= the Train) know about what's really going on here, and yet still allow yourselfs to see it all in black & white. You hear about "it" and maybe read about "it". I'm living it, this is my life you are talking about. My life. Not some stupid reality show you use to see on TV."
Try to remember that allegedly this girl is right smack in the middle of this horrific mess. So without a doubt she was/is in a very emotional and distraught state of mind. She also did state that what Israel was doing (with all the bombing) is HORRIBLE. She repeated that a few times.
Personally, I wouldn't get offended by what she said, because much of it does ring true. Despite all of the media outlets, despite all the news stories and despite what we all think we know about this situation; ultimately we are "ignorant" of all the facts and of the situation.
Without a doubt Israel is out of control and they are in "Berzerk Mode".
To make matters worse we have our resident genius (George W. Bush) absolving Israel of any responsibility, accountability and blame, whatsoever.
So the stupidity continues.............
Yes, how many times do i need to repeat this, i have apologized about posting my opinion in this thread. I also think you're wrong, we're not ignorant because we don't live there, but we're ignorant of the feeling that these peoples are living, there's a difference between both and what disgust me is how i'm being called an ignorant for praticly advocating peace, from Hezzbolah to Israel, so yes if it makes me an ignorant, it makes me damn proud of being ignorant.
The words are there, i'm not searching around the words, "unless you live in the middle east spare us your advice", it's such a stupid logic. I'm not saying that they should shut up and stop complaining, i compatize with them, they just don't like me voicing my opinions against them since they're living it and not me, i'm all ok with that and i left the thread after apologies, but still the logic stand in their mind... oh and i'm not offended, i just add this small line to Polaris to show how illogic it was...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Harper won't criticize Israel for Canadian deaths; says escalation inevitable'
Monday, July 17, 2006
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (CP) - Thousands of stranded Canadians should be able to start getting out of war-torn Lebanon by mid-week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Monday.
Speaking as the Group of Eight summit wound up, Harper also offered his condolences to the families of seven Canadians killed in an Israeli bombing raid in Lebanon, but said he was not going to be critical of Israel for defending itself.
Harper began his closing news conference with a reference to Sunday's "tragic deaths of Canadians in Lebanon."
"I want to offer my condolences to their families," the prime minister said.
The seven, from Montreal, had been visiting their families for the summer and were among dozens of civilians killed in Israeli air strikes over the last week.
Israel began bombarding Lebanon after Hezbollah guerrillas crossed into Lebanon and captured two Israeli soldiers. It wants to swap the soldiers for Hezbollah members held by Israel.
Harper said it was those kidnappings that started the conflict and that once a war starts escalation is "inevitable."
The Foreign Affairs Department in Ottawa announced Sunday that it was sending commercial ships to the region to pick up any Canadians who want to get out of the escalating violence between Israel and Lebanon.
Some 40,000 Canadians are believed trapped in Lebanon and Ottawa has been sharply criticized by relatives of the dead who complain Canadian officials had not done enough in the crisis.
"We expect to be able to evacuate people by mid-week," Harper said Monday. "We're in line with the Americans and British on that and we are working very closely with them on evacuation."
Meanwhile, Harper again refused to criticize Israel or question its use of force.
Last week, en route to Europe for his first major international conference, the prime minister called Israel's military reaction to the kidnapping of three soldiers "measured."
"I think our evaluation of the situation has been accurate," Harper insisted again Monday. "Obviously there's been an ongoing escalation and, frankly, ongoing escalation is inevitable once conflict begins."
Neither Harper nor his officials have contacted Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
"We are not going to give in to the temptation of some to single out Israel, which was the victim of the initial attack," said Harper.
Send Cindy Sheehan over there. She hates the Jews and Israel. She'll be a human shield for Hezbollah..
Let's round up some money and send this ungrateful, leftist, traitorous, malcontent over there..
My God you're obsessed with this woman. Move on please! WTF does she have to do with this??!!
Why don't we send Ann Coulter to fly an Apache?? Makes about as much sense.
as much as i dislike the liberals - they at least responded to my emails ... the conservatives have yet to reply to 1 ... but seeing as they don't answer questions from the media - its not really a surprise i guess ...
Better believe it...what worries me is that in coming days the US military will be involved evacuating their citizens from Lebanon and I hope to whatever is out there that a Hezbollah rocket or mis-guided Israel missle does not somewhat interfere in the process...because if it does things will get much worse....
Or an Iranian missile ... Why do these people need to fan the flames, exactly?
Yes, how many times do i need to repeat this, i have apologized about posting my opinion in this thread. I also think you're wrong, we're not ignorant because we don't live there, but we're ignorant of the feeling that these peoples are living, there's a difference between both and what disgust me is how i'm being called an ignorant for praticly advocating peace, from Hezzbolah to Israel, so yes if it makes me an ignorant, it makes me damn proud of being ignorant.
The words are there, i'm not searching around the words, "unless you live in the middle east spare us your advice", it's such a stupid logic. I'm not saying that they should shut up and stop complaining, i compatize with them, they just don't like me voicing my opinions against them since they're living it and not me, i'm all ok with that and i left the thread after apologies, but still the logic stand in their mind... oh and i'm not offended, i just add this small line to Polaris to show how illogic it was...
For god's sake calm down.
I'm not calling you "ignorant" nor am I hounding you or asking you to apologize.
..and I certainly don't think you're ignorant for wanting peace.
There's a huge difference between someone calling you "ignorant" in an overall manner, and saying you (or I ) are ignorant of a specific subject or issue.
I really think you're over-blowing what she said and taking it the wrong way.
Remember, in many cases with members of this forum, English is not their first language. So things may come across in a manner, they didn't intend.
Again, consider the situation she is in and tell me how you think you would react if you were in a country with neverending violence and war; and you read all this stuff on the messageboard.
Regardless of how many times you repeat it, the fact stands; we here in North America don't know everything that goes on there. Just like we don't know everything that goes on in Canada, and in vica-versa.
I'm not calling you "ignorant" nor am I hounding you or asking you to apologize.
..and I certainly don't think you're ignorant for wanting peace.
Misunderstanding... I know you haven't called me an ignorant, have not said that. You haven't ask for apologize either, and i'm not giving you any, hehe.
There's a huge difference between someone calling you "ignorant" in an overall manner, and saying you (or I ) are ignorant of a specific subject or issue.
Good good, i comment on the stuff i know, hear, write and i don't know how it is to live there, that was said and acknowledge, no problem, no need to explain it again.
I really think you're over-blowing what she said and taking it the wrong way.
Absolutly agree, now it becomes too important and overblown, i was only using a small sentences in a sarcastic ways, but you're the one who want to keep arguing this, i have already apologize and said i understand all that, how many times do i need to repeat this .
Again, consider the situation she is in and tell me how you think you would react if you were in a country with neverending violence and war; and you read all this stuff on the messageboard.
Regardless of how many times you repeat it, the fact stands; we here in North America don't know everything that goes on there. Just like we don't know everything that goes on in Canada, and in vica-versa.
I've said that i understand all that, they're in a situation and not me and i've stopped posting in this thread once it was put forward, now i think it's enough specially since the person is not here to defend herself or himself. Facts stands, and i will keep commenting the facts i hear and read about, not what i ignore about, i mean it's why this board is set up for, no?
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Well, we know that airstrike was intended to kill those Canadians.
Some people have not fully grasped all the consequences of war...
...it's not unusual for innocent people to die from time to time.
Of course, who needs war? We all can hold hands and sing "We are the world..."
"It's not that liberals know nothing. It's that what they do know isn't so."
Ronaldus Magnus
Well, we know that airstrike was intended to kill those Canadians.
Some people have not fully grasped all the consequences of war...
...it's not unusual for innocent people to die from time to time.
Of course, who needs war? We all can hold hands and sing "We are the world..."
again...words of wisdom....
um, could you tell me again why Israel gets so upset when a couple of innocent people die in missle strikes or when a couple of soliders get kidnapped...?
Well, we know that airstrike was intended to kill those Canadians.
Some people have not fully grasped all the consequences of war...
...it's not unusual for innocent people to die from time to time.
Of course, who needs war? We all can hold hands and sing "We are the world..."
from time to time??? Either the Israeli army doesn't care about killing innocent people, or they really suck at their jobs, because by the last count that I heard 94% of the people that they killed in Lebanon are civilians. And today the made a big deal about taking out one freakin' rocket... they've fired millions of dollars worth of artillery, and they are so happy about taking out one medium range rocket??
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Well, we know that airstrike was intended to kill those Canadians.
Some people have not fully grasped all the consequences of war...
...it's not unusual for innocent people to die from time to time.
Of course, who needs war? We all can hold hands and sing "We are the world..."
Yeah, we can all join the military and fight, have you consider this option yet? Or maybe you're too young, after all you sound like a high school kids in search of attention...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
and that one came after some apologies from me...
" 2. I was frustrated to see how little you (= the Train) know about what's really going on here, and yet still allow yourselfs to see it all in black & white. You hear about "it" and maybe read about "it". I'm living it, this is my life you are talking about. My life. Not some stupid reality show you use to see on TV.
3. I'm not offended by any of your opinions, just shocked to see on how little / wrong info you chose to base them. "
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
This could get so much worse than it is.
the US have no problems taking casualties ... it is good for business
War IS business for this administration.
yup ... we can look at all the religious and historical facts all we want ... but for many people - war is good ... and these same people have lots of influence in this world ...
Bush cannot condemn these attacks, he did the exact same thing in Iraq, he would look stupid doing so... BUT, if he ever start to "think" and say something, he's the ONLY one who can stop this violence by saying to Israel to stop these bombing, he's really the ONLY one, not the UN, not Canada, not Russia, but George Bush. Unless the involved party decide to end it all by themselves, but it's not really pointing that way...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Interestingly, I believe you are missing the important part of that girl's message.
" I was frustrated to see how little you (= the Train) know about what's really going on here, and yet still allow yourselfs to see it all in black & white. You hear about "it" and maybe read about "it". I'm living it, this is my life you are talking about. My life. Not some stupid reality show you use to see on TV."
Try to remember that allegedly this girl is right smack in the middle of this horrific mess. So without a doubt she was/is in a very emotional and distraught state of mind. She also did state that what Israel was doing (with all the bombing) is HORRIBLE. She repeated that a few times.
Personally, I wouldn't get offended by what she said, because much of it does ring true. Despite all of the media outlets, despite all the news stories and despite what we all think we know about this situation; ultimately we are "ignorant" of all the facts and of the situation.
Without a doubt Israel is out of control and they are in "Berzerk Mode".
To make matters worse we have our resident genius (George W. Bush) absolving Israel of any responsibility, accountability and blame, whatsoever.
So the stupidity continues.............
Yes, how many times do i need to repeat this, i have apologized about posting my opinion in this thread. I also think you're wrong, we're not ignorant because we don't live there, but we're ignorant of the feeling that these peoples are living, there's a difference between both and what disgust me is how i'm being called an ignorant for praticly advocating peace, from Hezzbolah to Israel, so yes if it makes me an ignorant, it makes me damn proud of being ignorant.
The words are there, i'm not searching around the words, "unless you live in the middle east spare us your advice", it's such a stupid logic. I'm not saying that they should shut up and stop complaining, i compatize with them, they just don't like me voicing my opinions against them since they're living it and not me, i'm all ok with that and i left the thread after apologies, but still the logic stand in their mind... oh and i'm not offended, i just add this small line to Polaris to show how illogic it was...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Monday, July 17, 2006
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (CP) - Thousands of stranded Canadians should be able to start getting out of war-torn Lebanon by mid-week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Monday.
Speaking as the Group of Eight summit wound up, Harper also offered his condolences to the families of seven Canadians killed in an Israeli bombing raid in Lebanon, but said he was not going to be critical of Israel for defending itself.
Harper began his closing news conference with a reference to Sunday's "tragic deaths of Canadians in Lebanon."
"I want to offer my condolences to their families," the prime minister said.
The seven, from Montreal, had been visiting their families for the summer and were among dozens of civilians killed in Israeli air strikes over the last week.
Israel began bombarding Lebanon after Hezbollah guerrillas crossed into Lebanon and captured two Israeli soldiers. It wants to swap the soldiers for Hezbollah members held by Israel.
Harper said it was those kidnappings that started the conflict and that once a war starts escalation is "inevitable."
The Foreign Affairs Department in Ottawa announced Sunday that it was sending commercial ships to the region to pick up any Canadians who want to get out of the escalating violence between Israel and Lebanon.
Some 40,000 Canadians are believed trapped in Lebanon and Ottawa has been sharply criticized by relatives of the dead who complain Canadian officials had not done enough in the crisis.
"We expect to be able to evacuate people by mid-week," Harper said Monday. "We're in line with the Americans and British on that and we are working very closely with them on evacuation."
Meanwhile, Harper again refused to criticize Israel or question its use of force.
Last week, en route to Europe for his first major international conference, the prime minister called Israel's military reaction to the kidnapping of three soldiers "measured."
"I think our evaluation of the situation has been accurate," Harper insisted again Monday. "Obviously there's been an ongoing escalation and, frankly, ongoing escalation is inevitable once conflict begins."
Neither Harper nor his officials have contacted Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
"We are not going to give in to the temptation of some to single out Israel, which was the victim of the initial attack," said Harper.
© The Canadian Press, 2006
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
My God you're obsessed with this woman. Move on please! WTF does she have to do with this??!!
Why don't we send Ann Coulter to fly an Apache?? Makes about as much sense.
Man, I always leave right before people make dumbass non-sequiter remarks. Its like you guys time it or something ...
Or an Iranian missile ... Why do these people need to fan the flames, exactly?
For god's sake calm down.
I'm not calling you "ignorant" nor am I hounding you or asking you to apologize.
..and I certainly don't think you're ignorant for wanting peace.
There's a huge difference between someone calling you "ignorant" in an overall manner, and saying you (or I ) are ignorant of a specific subject or issue.
I really think you're over-blowing what she said and taking it the wrong way.
Remember, in many cases with members of this forum, English is not their first language. So things may come across in a manner, they didn't intend.
Again, consider the situation she is in and tell me how you think you would react if you were in a country with neverending violence and war; and you read all this stuff on the messageboard.
Regardless of how many times you repeat it, the fact stands; we here in North America don't know everything that goes on there. Just like we don't know everything that goes on in Canada, and in vica-versa.
Misunderstanding... I know you haven't called me an ignorant, have not said that. You haven't ask for apologize either, and i'm not giving you any, hehe.
Good good, i comment on the stuff i know, hear, write and i don't know how it is to live there, that was said and acknowledge, no problem, no need to explain it again.
Absolutly agree, now it becomes too important and overblown, i was only using a small sentences in a sarcastic ways, but you're the one who want to keep arguing this, i have already apologize and said i understand all that, how many times do i need to repeat this
English is not my first language... so i'll remember the advice hehe.
I've said that i understand all that, they're in a situation and not me and i've stopped posting in this thread once it was put forward, now i think it's enough specially since the person is not here to defend herself or himself. Facts stands, and i will keep commenting the facts i hear and read about, not what i ignore about, i mean it's why this board is set up for, no?
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I was just trying to correct what I perceived to be a misunderstanding.
I'm not trying to be a pain in your ass (although, it's too late for that, now:D ).
Peace and love to you.
no no i understand that it's not always clear when i write, you know, second language and all that stuff
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Some people have not fully grasped all the consequences of war...
...it's not unusual for innocent people to die from time to time.
Of course, who needs war? We all can hold hands and sing "We are the world..."
Ronaldus Magnus
again...words of wisdom....
um, could you tell me again why Israel gets so upset when a couple of innocent people die in missle strikes or when a couple of soliders get kidnapped...?
enlighten and spew, o' wise one...
from time to time??? Either the Israeli army doesn't care about killing innocent people, or they really suck at their jobs, because by the last count that I heard 94% of the people that they killed in Lebanon are civilians. And today the made a big deal about taking out one freakin' rocket... they've fired millions of dollars worth of artillery, and they are so happy about taking out one medium range rocket??
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Yeah, we can all join the military and fight, have you consider this option yet? Or maybe you're too young, after all you sound like a high school kids in search of attention...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau