Pelosi bans smoking ( i agree)

Great idea by nancy pelosi. Smoking is a disgusting habit and the only thing i hate more than animal rights activists are smokers. I think im starting to like this old bag....
WASHINGTON (AP) -- New House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is snuffing out one of Congress' enduring prerogatives, still cherished by some lawmakers -- the right to smoke near the floor of the House.
Pelosi, D-California, announced Wednesday that effective immediately, House members would no longer be able to light up in the ornate Speaker's Lobby off the House floor where lawmakers mingle during votes.
The room is often hazy with smoke, as it was Tuesday night as the House voted on anti-terror legislation; Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, often has a cigarette in hand, for example.
"The days of smoke-filled rooms in the United States Capitol are over," Pelosi said. "Medical science has unquestionably established the dangerous effects of secondhand smoke, including an increased risk of cancer and respiratory diseases. I am a firm believer that Congress should lead by example."
Smoke-filled rooms won't be gone entirely -- lawmakers will still be allowed to smoke in their own offices.
Smoking is banned in most federal buildings, and the District of Columbia recently banned smoking in public areas, as has Pelosi's home district of San Francisco and a number of other cities.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- New House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is snuffing out one of Congress' enduring prerogatives, still cherished by some lawmakers -- the right to smoke near the floor of the House.
Pelosi, D-California, announced Wednesday that effective immediately, House members would no longer be able to light up in the ornate Speaker's Lobby off the House floor where lawmakers mingle during votes.
The room is often hazy with smoke, as it was Tuesday night as the House voted on anti-terror legislation; Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, often has a cigarette in hand, for example.
"The days of smoke-filled rooms in the United States Capitol are over," Pelosi said. "Medical science has unquestionably established the dangerous effects of secondhand smoke, including an increased risk of cancer and respiratory diseases. I am a firm believer that Congress should lead by example."
Smoke-filled rooms won't be gone entirely -- lawmakers will still be allowed to smoke in their own offices.
Smoking is banned in most federal buildings, and the District of Columbia recently banned smoking in public areas, as has Pelosi's home district of San Francisco and a number of other cities.
America...the greatest Country in the world.
Post edited by Unknown User on
do you always try to sound like a pompous douche in your posts?
They passed a smoking ban in my state last year, I don't mind the non-smoking thing in bars, cause I'll just go outside. But I go to a lot of shows, and a lot of times there's no re-entry, so I end up fiending for a few hours.
I wouldn't call him a "hardcore" smoker, he didn't start again until his 2004 Senate race. Why? I don't know. The man was running against Alan Keyes. He should have been as relaxed as possible.
I see what you're saying... I have to deal with smokers and their horrible stench and wrinkly faces all the time... but it's not a habit, it's an addiction. It takes an extreme amount of willpower (which most people don't have) to be able to quit. You shouldn't hate them for not being able to do something (quit smoking) that most people physically can't do.
I pity them more than I hate them. Smoking is just a repulsive thing to do to yourself and others. And my god, that smell...
You to question that.
I don't believe he does Captain America. I believe he is just trying to point out the hypocritical actions of those in charge.
Why yes, yes I was. But it was mocking his beloved government that can't be touched, slagged, bad mouthed, kicked, etc.
Don't forget wrong...they can't be wrong either
but the rest is true
Smoking in public indoor places is harmful to the health of others. We're not asking for that smoke in our faces and we don't want it.
-Enoch Powell
i found that funny as well when i read the article...esp since DC just passed a nonsmoking law. I'm glad they are banning smoking in the lobby.
I see that you have actually read the Constitution. That's a novel idea.
Hah, it is amazing how congress finds the power to regulate my toilet water usage.
-Enoch Powell
I'm a smoker (and fuck you guys in advance) and I agree with this. If you're in a public place or at the very least if you're not outdoors just don't light up. It's rude if nothing else.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
You surprise me Mr. Whore. If anyone here would be against those filthy bastards I thought it would be you. For the simple fact that we consumers end up footing the bill when insurance premiums go up because of their disgusting and ultimately fatal habit.
Yeah, but then we'd have to regulate a lot of behavior like overeating, consumption of sugar, people who don't exercise enough, and the list goes on.
None of this is the federal government's responsibility.
-Enoch Powell
Perhaps if the government goons got out of the way, insurance companies could legally bar you from getting insurance simply because you smoke. Furthermore, those goons often cap maximum rates, so they're not allowed to simply charge those "filthy bastards" the maximum for their own habit.
Insurance sucks, but government rules have made it far, far worse.
I whole heartedly agree with you. Insurance companies are the biggest crooks out there, and gov't medling with them only makes it worse.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
i am a fanatic smoker, but i agree that we must respect non-smokers.They are not obligated to breathe the smoke from our cigars.It's an addiction it's true,but you must not pity on us because it's not the only addiction in our lifes.There are many addictions-maybe less harmless- but very difficult to quit
i come from a family of smokers with one grandmother starting at 10. the youngest death came at 93 years old. my grandfather is 96 and going strong.
My lord I actually agree 100% with you on the exhaust comment. But you have to agree that there is no better feeling in the world to be on a jam packed highway, stopped in traffic, smoke lit and as you take a drag you are daydreaming while looking through the yellow/brown haze of the exhaust.
On the other comment. Now they don't just use tobacco to make ciggies like in the good old days. When they were good for you.
I'm a non smoker..and have problems leaving an establishment reaking of smoke and having to leave my clothes outside before going in the house...but I draw the line at banning smoking outdoors. Even at entry/exits to buildings...what you folks think???