
Israelis phone targeted buildings before air strikes

binauralsoundsbinauralsounds Posts: 1,357
edited August 2006 in A Moving Train
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
TEL AVIV — Israel's military has begun calling Palestinians whose homes have been targeted as terror sites in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

Military sources said Israel had sent a telephone message to residents of a house destroyed in the northern Gaza Strip. The message warned the residents that their building would be the target of an air strike.
"There were two phone calls just to make sure they understood what we were about to do," a source said.

The sources said the method has been used in Lebanon during the current war against Hizbullah. They said Lebanese have responded to the telephoned warnings.

Mohammed Shurafa said in an interview with a Gaza radio station that he received a call from a man who identified himself as an Israel Army representative. The caller ordered the resident to leave his house.

The military has acknowledged the story. A spokeswoman said the northern Gaza house was used as a warehouse for the Islamic Jihad.

Shurafa said he and his family complied. But a few minutes later, concluding that the call was a joke, they returned. At that point, the telephone rang again.

"He said: 'Why did you return? This is not a joke,'" Shurafa recalled.

Shurafa said he and his family fled the home. Several minutes later, the house was struck by an air-to-ground missile.

On Tuesday, Palestinian gunners fired at least three Kassam-class, short-range missiles into Israel. There were no reports of injuries.
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    yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    Tuesday, August 8, 2006
    TEL AVIV — Israel's military has begun calling Palestinians whose homes have been targeted as terror sites in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

    Military sources said Israel had sent a telephone message to residents of a house destroyed in the northern Gaza Strip. The message warned the residents that their building would be the target of an air strike.
    "There were two phone calls just to make sure they understood what we were about to do," a source said.

    The sources said the method has been used in Lebanon during the current war against Hizbullah. They said Lebanese have responded to the telephoned warnings.

    Mohammed Shurafa said in an interview with a Gaza radio station that he received a call from a man who identified himself as an Israel Army representative. The caller ordered the resident to leave his house.

    The military has acknowledged the story. A spokeswoman said the northern Gaza house was used as a warehouse for the Islamic Jihad.

    Shurafa said he and his family complied. But a few minutes later, concluding that the call was a joke, they returned. At that point, the telephone rang again.

    "He said: 'Why did you return? This is not a joke,'" Shurafa recalled.

    Shurafa said he and his family fled the home. Several minutes later, the house was struck by an air-to-ground missile.

    On Tuesday, Palestinian gunners fired at least three Kassam-class, short-range missiles into Israel. There were no reports of injuries.

    Thats really an incredible innovation. I don't understand how Israel can do something like this, and then everyone in the world still says that they are unhuman and just trying to slaughter innocent civilians. No other army in the world would try and do something like this.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
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    Tuesday, August 8, 2006
    TEL AVIV — Israel's military has begun calling Palestinians whose homes have been targeted as terror sites in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

    Military sources said Israel had sent a telephone message to residents of a house destroyed in the northern Gaza Strip. The message warned the residents that their building would be the target of an air strike.
    "There were two phone calls just to make sure they understood what we were about to do," a source said.

    The sources said the method has been used in Lebanon during the current war against Hizbullah. They said Lebanese have responded to the telephoned warnings.

    Mohammed Shurafa said in an interview with a Gaza radio station that he received a call from a man who identified himself as an Israel Army representative. The caller ordered the resident to leave his house.

    The military has acknowledged the story. A spokeswoman said the northern Gaza house was used as a warehouse for the Islamic Jihad.

    Shurafa said he and his family complied. But a few minutes later, concluding that the call was a joke, they returned. At that point, the telephone rang again.

    "He said: 'Why did you return? This is not a joke,'" Shurafa recalled.

    Shurafa said he and his family fled the home. Several minutes later, the house was struck by an air-to-ground missile.

    On Tuesday, Palestinian gunners fired at least three Kassam-class, short-range missiles into Israel. There were no reports of injuries.

    what a load of crap
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    jsandjsand Posts: 646
    yosi wrote:
    Thats really an incredible innovation. I don't understand how Israel can do something like this, and then everyone in the world still says that they are unhuman and just trying to slaughter innocent civilians. No other army in the world would try and do something like this.

    I wouldn't call it an "innovation" - it's more like capitulation. How is Israel supposed to fight a war with both hands tied behind its back? Dropping leaflets in Lebanon to warn civilians to leave certain areas is akin to telegraphing their battle plan to Hezbollah.

    Not surprisingly, though Israel bends over backwards to try to limit civilian casualties as much as possible, the world, and many on this board, will still call them bloodthirsty warmongers. It's truly sickening.
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    what a load of crap

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Very well thought out!! Good job!
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    polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    jsand wrote:
    I wouldn't call it an "innovation" - it's more like capitulation. How is Israel supposed to fight a war with both hands tied behind its back? Dropping leaflets in Lebanon to warn civilians to leave certain areas is akin to telegraphing their battle plan to Hezbollah.

    Not surprisingly, though Israel bends over backwards to try to limit civilian casualties as much as possible, the world, and many on this board, will still call them bloodthirsty warmongers. It's truly sickening.

    what is truly sickening is the death of young children ... how easy it is to blame everything but the person firing the missles ...

    let me bomb all the roads around your hometown and then send u a fax, email, phone, tv message and leaflet and tell you to leave all your life's belongings cuz i feel like bombing it ...
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    :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Very well thought out!! Good job!

    sorry, guess you have to be part of the "Choosen people" in order to believe that.
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    polaris wrote:
    what is truly sickening is the death of young children ... how easy it is to blame everything but the person firing the missles ...

    let me bomb all the roads around your hometown and then send u a fax, email, phone, tv message and leaflet and tell you to leave all your life's belongings cuz i feel like bombing it ...

    Maybe you should try sitting down and negotiating with Hezbollah and plead with them to stop forcing civilians to stay and using them as shields. I mean, negotiations ALWAYS work and most here know in their heart anybody could negotiate and reason with hezbollah and hamas!
    What is TRULY SICKENING is these bastards keeping civilians against their will and using them as shields in order for the media to show pictures of mass civilian casualties and have ppl around the world fall for it and play into their strategy.
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    jsandjsand Posts: 646
    polaris wrote:
    what is truly sickening is the death of young children ... how easy it is to blame everything but the person firing the missles ...

    let me bomb all the roads around your hometown and then send u a fax, email, phone, tv message and leaflet and tell you to leave all your life's belongings cuz i feel like bombing it ...

    Right. "cuz I feel like bombing it"...How about because I want to protect my citizens from indiscriminate rocket attacks (and now drone attacks). Wake the fuck up.

    What the hell do you expect Israel to do? Talk to Hezbollah? Say "We're sorry we exist" and just let Hezbollah, Hamas and every other terrorist organization destroy Israel?
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    jsandjsand Posts: 646
    Maybe you should try sitting down and negotiating with Hezbollah and plead with them to stop forcing civilians to stay and using them as shields. I mean, negotiations ALWAYS work and most here know in their heart anybody could negotiate and reason with hezbollah and hamas!
    What is TRULY SICKENING is these bastards keeping civilians against their will and using them as shields in order for the media to show pictures of mass civilian casualties and have ppl around the world fall for it and play into their strategy.

    We can say these things until our faces (or fingers) turn blue, but these people have a real sickness - this ongoing need for moral equiavalency is what will eventually destroy this country.
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    jsand wrote:
    We can say these things until our faces (or fingers) turn blue, but these people have a real sickness - this ongoing need for moral equiavalency is what will eventually destroy this country.

    hold your ears everyone...

    AMEN to that!!!
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    Bu$chlagerBu$chlager Posts: 498
    polaris wrote:
    what is truly sickening is the death of young children ... how easy it is to blame everything but the person firing the missles ...

    let me bomb all the roads around your hometown and then send u a fax, email, phone, tv message and leaflet and tell you to leave all your life's belongings cuz i feel like bombing it ...

    "There's no wrong or right, but I'm sure there's good and bad."

    - Dan
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    polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    whatever you guys need to do to accept the ongoing humanity crisis is up to you ... really - at this stage ... we've done enuf talking ... like i've said - there are those who want peace and those who don't ... i know where i stand ...

    all i do know is that most people in israel are living life as normal - you can't say that for the lebanese people ...
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    CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,224
    i have a question...
    Was or is Mohammed Shurafa a terrorist who was stashing weapons for Islamic Jihad? And if so, why is he still running around freely?
    Wouldn't this be the same thing as the police telling everyone in a drug safe house to leave the premises and bulldoze the place... leaving the drug runners and dealers free to roam?
    What is this solving?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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    jsandjsand Posts: 646
    polaris wrote:
    whatever you guys need to do to accept the ongoing humanity crisis is up to you ... really - at this stage ... we've done enuf talking ... like i've said - there are those who want peace and those who don't ... i know where i stand ...

    all i do know is that most people in israel are living life as normal - you can't say that for the lebanese people ...

    Yeah, life as normal - in bomb shelters. I want peace just as much as anyone. But not at any cost. A ceasefire now, where both sides stop firing, will not bring peace - it's just a recipe for another war in the not-so-distant future. When there's a terrorist organization hell-bent on destroying your country, you don't say "truce" and live to fight another day. You go for all out victory, or you're just asking for more bloodshed. You either refuse or choose to ignore this fact, and that's the difference between you and me.
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    How can someone claim to be on a higher level of morality when engaged in a war. That shows an increadible ammount of arrogance. War is the absence of morality.
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    Bu$chlagerBu$chlager Posts: 498
    How can someone claim to be on a higher level of morality when engaged in a war. That shows an increadible ammount of arrogance. War is the absence of morality.

    Absolute pacifism will lead to the absence of freedom. Think about it.

    - Dan
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    polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    jsand wrote:
    Yeah, life as normal - in bomb shelters. I want peace just as much as anyone. But not at any cost. A ceasefire now, where both sides stop firing, will not bring peace - it's just a recipe for another war in the not-so-distant future. When there's a terrorist organization hell-bent on destroying your country, you don't say "truce" and live to fight another day. You go for all out victory, or you're just asking for more bloodshed. You either refuse or choose to ignore this fact, and that's the difference between you and me.

    my aunt phoned her friend in tel aviv to ask how he was coping and he asked if she was visiting soon ... i don't think anyone in lebanon is feeling so upbeat ...

    anyways - just because you think this process is gonna brinig about peace is your own perogative but it does not make it fact ...

    nothing points to this bringing about more peace ... all we know that is FACT is that more innocent people will die ... you can choose to accept or ignore it - that IS the difference between you and me ...
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    jsandjsand Posts: 646
    How can someone claim to be on a higher level of morality when engaged in a war. That shows an increadible ammount of arrogance. War is the absence of morality.

    If it were up to you, Israel would lie down, have its civilians INTENTIONALLY massacred, and then maybe you would be on Israel's side. Fuck that.
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    Bu$chlagerBu$chlager Posts: 498
    polaris wrote:
    nothing points to this bringing about more peace ... all we know that is FACT is that more innocent people will die ... you can choose to accept or ignore it - that IS the difference between you and me ...

    That's a fair point. If you beleive Israel cannot acheive peace this way, fine. I can't garauntee they will. But what do you want them to do?

    Seriously, if the country of Polaris had rockets pointed at it just across its border, and fired them on your civilians, and then openly stated that this will not stop until your land and all your people are destroyed.

    You're just going to hope diplomacy prevails with such lunatics and continue to turn the other cheek as your countrymen are massacred?


    - Dan
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    CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,224
    I have another question...
    Do the neighbor's also get a phone call? Because, I have no idea what my neighbors are up to in their homes and I would be totally bummed if my house got damaged by a laser guided 500 pound bomb... which, I'm guessing it would since we have common walls between us.
    Or do they just warn the terrorists?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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    jsand wrote:
    If it were up to you, Israel would lie down, have its civilians INTENTIONALLY massacred, and then maybe you would be on Israel's side. Fuck that.

    if it were up to me they would put aside their diferences and live together in peace. but seems neither is willing to do that. Why do you think that i hate irealis? because I criticize them? you want me to condem radical islam? I will....they are some crazy motherfucker who dont have any fucking regard for human life. But i will not give Israel any credit because they are as low as the crazy islamist. they just drive a fancier car.
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    polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    BUSH-lager wrote:
    That's a fair point. If you beleive Israel cannot acheive peace this way, fine. I can't garauntee they will. But what do you want them to do?

    Seriously, if the country of Polaris had rockets pointed at it just across its border, and fired them on your civilians, and then openly stated that this will not stop until your land and all your people are destroyed.

    You're just going to hope diplomacy prevails with such lunatics and continue to turn the other cheek as your countrymen are massacred?


    - Dan

    first of all - this all started with the kidnapping of two israeli soldiers in the hopes of a prisoner exchange ... so, its not like hezbollah started firing a bunch of rockets for no reason ... it did not need to escalate to this level of suffering ...

    second of all - what if the opposing side believes that the only way to achieve peace is the extermination of the other side?? ... which is what is happening - the result is that there can be no peace ...

    for sure this is a complex issue - but i believe that people who want nothing but continued instability and devastation are distorting public opinion to achieve their agenda ...

    two parties who are interested in peace can reach an agreement in a matter of seconds ...
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    jsandjsand Posts: 646
    if it were up to me they would put aside their diferences and live together in peace. but seems neither is willing to do that. Why do you think that i hate irealis? because I criticize them? you want me to condem radical islam? I will....they are some crazy motherfucker who dont have any fucking regard for human life. But i will not give Israel any credit because they are as low as the crazy islamist. they just drive a fancier car.

    How exactly are they "as low"? You say that if it were up to you they would put aside their differences and live together in peace, yet you completely ignore the fact that groups like Hezbollah hate Israel because it's Jewish. They are a blatantly anti-semitic organization (not just against Israel - they are against Jews) - how do you expect Israel to live in peace with these people?
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    BUSH-lager wrote:
    Absolute pacifism will lead to the absence of freedom. Think about it.

    - Dan

    in order for me to understand that you would have to let me know wht your defenition of peace is.
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    jsandjsand Posts: 646
    polaris wrote:
    first of all - this all started with the kidnapping of two israeli soldiers in the hopes of a prisoner exchange ... so, its not like hezbollah started firing a bunch of rockets for no reason ... it did not need to escalate to this level of suffering ...

    second of all - what if the opposing side believes that the only way to achieve peace is the extermination of the other side?? ... which is what is happening - the result is that there can be no peace ...

    for sure this is a complex issue - but i believe that people who want nothing but continued instability and devastation are distorting public opinion to achieve their agenda ...

    two parties who are interested in peace can reach an agreement in a matter of seconds ...

    Hezbollah has been firing rockets into Israel for years - just not at the level you're seeing now.

    As for your assertion that if the opposing side believes the only way to achieve peace is extermination of the other side, Hezbollah's goal is to destroy Israel.

    There is no distortion of Hezbollah's goals - they're pretty forthright about it.
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    polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    jsand wrote:
    Hezbollah has been firing rockets into Israel for years - just not at the level you're seeing now.

    As for your assertion that if the opposing side believes the only way to achieve peace is extermination of the other side, Hezbollah's goal is to destroy Israel.

    There is no distortion of Hezbollah's goals - they're pretty forthright about it.

    and what is israel's goal for hezbollah?? ... the same no? ... so, you think this is a formula for peace?? ...
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    jsandjsand Posts: 646
    polaris wrote:
    and what is israel's goal for hezbollah?? ... the same no? ... so, you think this is a formula for peace?? ...

    Obviously its goal for Hezbollah is to destroy it. Do you expect them to negotiate with an organization whose goal is to destroy Israel because it's Jewish? What's Israel's bargaining chip, conversion to Islam?
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    jsand wrote:
    How exactly are they "as low"? You say that if it were up to you they would put aside their differences and live together in peace, yet you completely ignore the fact that groups like Hezbollah hate Israel because it's Jewish. They are a blatantly anti-semitic organization (not just against Israel - they are against Jews) - how do you expect Israel to live in peace with these people?

    There you go again thinking that its all the other guys fault. Has it ever occured to you that there are Isrealis who wont tolerate Palestinians. Im not calling all of Isreal racist, but to think that racism doesnt exist their is like thinking it doesent exist here in the US. or anywhere in the world, its very nieve. the same goes to all those Arab nations that want to wipe out Isreal. And yes their can be peace, it has happened before...both groups just have to get over their differences and work together for it. but we know that while their are rockets going from one side to the other their will be no peace. the violence must stop.
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    polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    jsand wrote:
    Obviously its goal for Hezbollah is to destroy it. Do you expect them to negotiate with an organization whose goal is to destroy Israel because it's Jewish? What's Israel's bargaining chip, conversion to Islam?

    i think that is an oversimplification of its mandate however, i will give you that extreme viewpoint for the sake of an understanding ... so, to your question - i say yes - negotiate ... if you truly want peace - it will be done thru negotiations not thru bombs ... but now that i see how you view the other side - i can see why you would think this is the best option ... which is too bad cuz like i said - all we're gonna see is more suffering ...
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    jsandjsand Posts: 646
    polaris wrote:
    i think that is an oversimplification of its mandate however, i will give you that extreme viewpoint for the sake of an understanding ... so, to your question - i say yes - negotiate ... if you truly want peace - it will be done thru negotiations not thru bombs ... but now that i see how you view the other side - i can see why you would think this is the best option ... which is too bad cuz like i said - all we're gonna see is more suffering ...

    I really don't understand your reasoning. There's no oversimplification - that's Hezbollah's stated goal - to destroy Israel - just like Hamas'. Of course there will be suffering when organizations such as this exist.

    Again, how do you negotiate with an enemy that's sworn to your destruction because of your religious ancestry and beliefs?
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