Israeli Airstrike kills 8 Canadian Citizens
Well I hope our blantantly biased Prime Minster will now take back comments that Israel has the right to"escalate" I am really getting pissed off at this mess....yeah targeting Hezbollah my ass....
Well I hope our blantantly biased Prime Minster will now take back comments that Israel has the right to"escalate" I am really getting pissed off at this mess....yeah targeting Hezbollah my ass....
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So sad.
My condolances to the families of these victims of senseless violence and for your fellow countrymen and women.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
I don't think he was argueing that point. Let's get back on topic. I think that it's absoutley terrible, and being a Canadian, I am saddened by this news. My condolences go out to the families.
Yeah and the way its going, it will only get worse, if we see another country join on either side shit will have officially really hit the fan...for example on one hand Syria becomes involved which would inevitabily drag the Americans in the fray to come to the defence of Israel...which for us being Candaian could, judging from Harpers comments (and this is just not me hating on him cause I disagree with many of his ideas...he has totally made the wrong comments surrounding these events) we could jump in to...maybe give Harper an opportunity to show what he would have done in Iraq (his Iraq beliefs are well known and we don't need to get into that) then that would bring someone like Iran in as well...
On the otherhand America could jump in early (but seems like a long shot as of now but things could change) then we would see a group rising all at once to counter-act that...American tensions are all ready a neck break levels this would be the breaking point....
This is all hypothetical but as of right now things are not getting better...makes you wonder more what do countries like Russia/China do when this happens...if this gets big, more of the world players will be rolling the dice this time around...lets hope that things can get resolved and the evil on both sides can realize the error of their ways....I hope things improve and quick....
you're not being fair! hey guys, let's all tell rockinincanada he needs to post some bad stuff canada did to equal his coverage out!
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Then we can always post pictures and videos of ONLY Canada doing bad things…and then when people ask us why we won't acknowledge that the other side is doing wrong by posting videos and pics of their terrible acts…we can just say that "we never said they weren't doing bad things".
That would make it fair and balanced.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
but it wouldn't be a good analogy b/c i constantly SAY the other side does bad things, isn't saying they do bad things and hezbollah are like wolves preying on the situation the palestinians are in for their own selfish gain acknowledging it??
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Blowing up the airport runways and fuel tanks, blowing up the power grids, blowing up bridges around the whole country, blowing up the water systems, carpet bombing southern Beirut, bombing the hospital in Tyre, blowing up an army housing facility in Tyre... all this is really affecting Hizbullah?????
The IDF is showing its true colours.
Let's round up some money and send this ungrateful, leftist, traitorous, malcontent over there..
Ronaldus Magnus
Where the hell does Cindy Sheehan belong in this thread...fuck take your anger somewhere else...
You acknowledge it, but you hardly place the same amount of attention or emphasis on it as you do Israel and the IDF. Doesn't matter, we both know where we stand. I'm tired of talking about it.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
you're an idiot
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
As the world continues to turn a blind eye to the blatant abuses of power some countries use - we can expect more death and suffering ...
Canadians are useless - we neither exercise our right to hold our elected representatives responsible nor do we care as a whole ...
you're not in the Middle East so you're an ignorant... damn great logic isn't it? We can definitly expect more death. Criminal terrorist Israel have destroyed the link that would have made an escape possible for civillians, they've bombed without warning, so nobody was able to leave. This dead family gave a call to the fucking canadian embassy and they told them to stay put, wait, anyway there was no way out, but they had just said to their families they were feeling safe there, the day after they got bombed. Fuck.
4 MONTREAL kids between 1 and 8 years old...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
as canadians - we need to take a long hard look at what we want to be on a global stage ... this pro-war anti-environment coat doesn't suit me one iota ...
We need to take a look at who we vote for. I'm disgusted at this hijack of what was called "canadians values" (i think it's when they're gone that you realize what those "values" really are/were.). This government have it's own citizens blood on their hands. Remember Harper saying how it was "restraint" and "justified" and sure wasn't about to call for a cease fire. I wouldn't expect anything else than an all condemnation of these kills from the government of Canada, i can't wait to read them... and WHERE'S JEAN CHRÉTIEN? I would like to hear something like "the only country we need to fear is the USA", in fact it's more canadians kills from americans missiles, i think we have enough now to make a stats out of it, i could write for an hour but it won't be enough to express all my disgust and SHAME....
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
ST. PETERSBURG - Politically speaking, Prime Minister Stephen Harper could suffer collateral damage with the news that emerged Sunday of eight Canadian deaths in the Israeli bombing of Lebanon.
Harper refused to answer questions Sunday about the Middle East crisis after his fellow G8 leaders released their strongly worded communique on Israel's five-day bombing campaign of Lebanon. It was the second straight day the prime minister refused to address the developing crisis in any detail.
On Thursday, Harper defended Israel's right to defend itself, calling its military campaign on Lebanon which at that point included the bombing of Beirut a ''measured''response. Since then, Harper has not elaborated on that particular point in great detail, as civilian casualties in Lebanon have increased and Canadians were added to the death toll.
Meanwhile, other G8 leaders here especially U.S. President George W. Bush have moderated their initial pro-Israelstance.
''Our message to Israel is: look, defend yourself,'' Bush said Sunday. ''But as you do so, be mindful of the consequences.''
Harper approved the statement of his fellow G8 leaders Sunday that expressed concern over the ''the rising civilian casualties on all sides,''so he can say the communique reflects his views.
But such a nuanced explanation might ultimately be lost on Canada's Lebanese and Arab communities, which have condemned the prime minister's pro-Israelstance since its bombing of Lebanon began last week.
And that could have implications for his minority government's chances of making the inroads it needs in Canada's three largest urban areas - Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver - where such sentiments will not play well in their multicultural communities.
Harper had a busy day Sunday, actively participating in the discussions with his fellow G8 leaders. He also held meetings with European Union leaders before his first full bilateral meeting of the day, with fellow G8 rookie, German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Harper would not take questions from journalists on the way to his meeting with Merkel. That meant Canadians don't have a clear idea whether Harper shares the view of Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who believe Israel should show restraint in its military campaign against Lebanon, or whether he shares their view that Syria and Iran both supporters of Hezbollah are the root cause of the current crisis.
In the two days he has been in St. Petersburg, Harper has not given Canadian journalists travelling with him the opportunity to ask him any questions. And his aides say there are no guarantees he will give a closing press conference today when the G8 wraps, as is standard for the world leaders here.
Harper's aides were the first to disclose that two Mounties wounded recently in Saskatchewan had died. Would Harper be making a statement? Yes, they replied. But it came in writing.
Later on Sunday, he summoned journalists to his villa where he gave a two-minute statement, in French and English, on the Middle East crisis. And then he was whisked away without taking any questions.
Ottawa Citizen
© CanWest News Service 2006
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
i share your anger and frustration ... first thing i did this morning was send an e-mail to peter mackay ...
but i'm guessing just like the ones i've sent to harper and ambrose - they won't be responded to ...
That's not quite what was meant, by what was said the other day.
The point was, that unless you live there, you really don't know what it's like and that there are things going on there every single day, being done by both Israel and it's enemies- we never hear about.
Which in reality, encompasses all deeds and actions by Israel and it's enemies, both good and bad.
I don't think many here are denying or ignoring Israel's attrocities and the significant role they have played in the neverending wars, over there.
As I have always said (and if you can find some of my posts from over two years ago, you'd see), Israel has been just as guilty of horrific crimes against humanity and has played the bullies role.......time and time again.
War is is ugly.
The point was that unless you live there "SPARE US YOUR ADVICE" and because i base my opinions on news sources and i'm not actually living there and sharing their point of views i'm an "ignorant". I've come up with apologies cause i understand all that, i'm not living the situation, then this Isreal girl came back calling me an ignorant again, even if i told them i understand the situation and i'm just commenting on the news i receive here. So please don't try to explain to me the "point". I get it and i didn't posted back in the thread. Although no one is going to shut me down (other than Kat or Sea)...
Now i'm waiting for these Isrealis or any other war lovers and supporters of this war to come up with a justification for the killings of 7 Canadians including 4 Montreal kids and how it is a "measured" response... i'm also still waiting for the Canadian govt. official statement about this...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I've been thinking the same thing. First U.S. casualty and we're all fucked.
Better believe it...what worries me is that in coming days the US military will be involved evacuating their citizens from Lebanon and I hope to whatever is out there that a Hezbollah rocket or mis-guided Israel missle does not somewhat interfere in the process...because if it does things will get much worse....