
Supporting the Troops

Jeremy2009Jeremy2009 Posts: 53
edited August 2006 in A Moving Train
I understand the majority of PJ's music is charged politically especially with whats going on throughout the world. Im an active duty military member and would really like to express to those who are completely unaware and ignorant that the majority of people who are in the military do so not for being a republican over a democrat but the fact that were all Americans and that freedom and democracy are a great thing. So are people confusing "supporting the troops" with "supporting the politicans?" I would really like some honest responses.
Support the Troops
Go Cubs!
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    Jeremy2009 wrote:
    the majority of people who are in the military do so not for being a republican over a democrat but the fact that were all Americans and that freedom and democracy are a great thing

    I think Iraq is a stupid war, but I don't blame the military for being stupid. It was the decision of politicians, not mr. foxhole grunt, to go to war. Of course, the military does what its told. That's what makes it a military.

    But, I have to disagree with what you said about why a majority of people who serve in the military choose to do so. If it were really about protecting freedom and democracy, there would be no need for $20,000 bonuses, the GI Bill, promises of technical/vocational training, and just about every other benefit that is derived from being in the military OTHER THAN the opportunity to protect America's shores.

    Let's face it: Our military would forever be running on a skeleton crew were it not for the 18 y/o high school grad who has no fucking idea about what he's going to do with the rest of his life.

    There are exceptions to that of course. But, that's what they are: exceptions. I'm not saying that serving isn't an experience that makes soldiers feel proud as hell about what their doing. But, do they personally care about freedom, or do they care about being heros? I think what is often overlooked is that there is a tremendous difference between the two.

    That is, they think to themselves, "I am a hero; therefore, I must truly care about freedom and democracy." Heroism is nothing more than the gaining of admiration. Do people enjoy being admired? Certainly. But does that admiration really have anything to do with a heartfelt desire to ensure equality and democracy? Doubt it.

    If it were possible, I would join a fire dept tomorrow and proudly dance around in my firefighter's outfit. Does mean I give a fuck about putting out fires? No way, man. I want all the pussy that comes with the job. I want to be a hero.

    That isn't to say that I don't have all the respect in the world for our military. I'm just not going to kid myself about why people choose to join it and serve in it. Did you see "Jarhead"? What is the reason why Jamie Fox stays in the marines even though he could have a lucrative job at home? He likes the action. He doesn't say, "I want to protect freedom and democracy."

    Everybody likes to kick ass. That's why the army has an official video game. Have you ever wondered how many people who play that game are actually fantasizing about protecting freedom and establishing democracy? It's all about being a part of the world's most bad-ass military. The army knows this. Do americans know this? I wonder.
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    CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,224
    Well, the way I see it... it is really a small percentage of Americans that are actually making the sacrifices in this 'War On Terror'... the soldiers themselves and their families. The rest of us... we aren't sacrificing shit. Hell, we're not even paying for any of this... instead, we're passing the bill on to our kids and their kids to pay for. We love our freedom... but, come on, we love our precious tax cuts more than God or country. All we have to do is purchase a 2 dollar magnet that was made in China, slap it on the tailgate of our 7 MPG truck based vehicle and we're "Gittin' er done".
    We have to come to the understanding in this country that our military personel are a precious resource that we cannot afford to waste on political or economic agendas. They are here to protect us, from enemies both foriegn and domestic. We don't go to war with the Army we've got... we send in our fighting men and women with all the resources this nation can muster... this means EVERYONE pulls their weight to make sure our troops have the best equipment and support to make their jobs survivable. A 'Gratefull Nation' is supposed to do these things... we are more like a 'Selfish Nation' that wants to shoot and forget and not be bothered with flag draped coffins... we don't want to hear about that icky stuff. Just give us John Wayne stories and we're all happy and shit.
    And nothing makes me angrier than the "They should have known what they signed up for" or the "No one put a gun to their head to enlist" statements made by pansy ass civilians that think war is a video game we see on CNN. That is NOT supporting anyone... it is you being a complete asshole. And although he prepares for war, no one prays for peace more than the common foot soldier because it all comes to rest upon his shoulders.
    Our military is not something to use on a whim or because blowing up stuff is fun. We, as a nation, have to think long and hard about the long term commitment we are asking of our soldiers when we send them into harm's way. It's not a fucking game. It is something that requires critical thinking to set a path and prepare for all sort of scenarios and have contingency plans at the ready.
    So, you ask me? I support our fighting men and women... but, not the loosely defined task they have been assigned. I blame the assholes in suits, behind desks for making one poor decision after another in his recent action. We were supposed to have learned from Viet Nam... the guys in the uniforms should fight the war, not the guys in suit with law degrees on their walls.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    I support the troops on the ground, in that I think they should be brought home. The occupation of Iraq has nothing to do with freedon and democracy. It's about oil, and middle east power, pure and simple. Our governments knew there were no wmd's over there - have you seen the secret Downing st memo? - and the governments were told by the top military and foriegn advisors that the invasion would increase terrorism in the world, so it's got nothing to do with fighting terrorism. Iraq is now in a state of Civil war. It's a fucking mess. A quagmire. Any patriot worthy of the name should be concerned with getting the troops out of there, and putting as much pressure as possible on their government to achieve that end.
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    spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    I think everyone, including republicans, want our troops to be out of there as soon as possible. But, of course, we can't just up and leave now.
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    enharmonicenharmonic Posts: 1,917
    That's awesome. Thank you for serving our country.

    We need you at home, because freedom and democracy aint what it used to be here. What you're attempting to do in the Middle East is commendable, and extremely honorable...but I can't even walk down the streets of my own city at night, bro. How is that not terrorism? How is that freedom?

    America's version of freedom and democracy will not work in Iraq, for reasosns that have nothing to do with your enormous sacrifice...and I don't want you to die trying to liberate the Iraqi people when there are better fights to be fought and won right here at home.

    Please be as safe as you can.
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    veritasveritas Posts: 31
    everybody needs to watch Three Kings again


    "this is your stability , my main man"
    riot act is best

    cunts watch their bodies
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    Thanks to everyone who who replied, although Im not sure if everyone has been brainwashed into thinking that the Iraqi war is the ONLY thing going on in the world now. I know most of you will probably roll your eyes or start thinking that if Bill Clinton was still in office he would have done things differently. That maybe, remember all he did was ruin a dress. Wrong, he lied to a nation, An elected president that you helped get into office lied to YOU! not to try to protect them but to try to save face. What's another president that did that? ...Richard Nixon with the Watergate situation. My point Im trying to get across is that Im so ashamed of people in such a great country like America that all they can do is complain about a war and their own little problems and dont give a damn about dissease infested countries, or communism where people are so opressed they cant voice their opinion of the government or if they do are killed. Right now there are US Military/Civilians and allied forces helping out with the care of impoverished nations. Right now there are people forced to stay within the borders of N. Korea and are killed upon sight if they try to escape or send for help. Call me whatever you want to, but at the end of the day I want you to remember this. I have seen the faces of the men, women and children that have been liberated or given humanitarian aid by US and allied forces. I know they have a better life because some people cared enough to help others in time of need by serving their country. I dont need a medal or a ribbon to feel good about myself, the only thing I need for that is a child's smile or a wave goodbye as we leave and go onto help some other people find freedom or give aid. Honestly ask yourself what you have done with your life that could have impacted someone elses as much as the US and allied forces men and women in uniform. No matter what you believe I will always fight to defend the freedoms that we have and others take for granted.
    Support the Troops
    Go Cubs!
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    spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    Jeremy, I think that's great that you derive an altruistic sense of satisfaction by helping the needy. Have you thought about joining the Peace Corps? Maybe that's something you plan to do after you get out of the military? If not, then I really don't think you have anything to say about people who criticize the war in the Iraq.

    I don't know why you originally decided to join the military, but I seriously doubt it was to help the needy. Later on, you just happened to be in a place where needy people were, and you helped them. I don't think that makes you Mother Theresa. Everybody likes to help the needy.

    And then you talk about places like N. Korea. Well, N. Korea is exactly why this war in Iraq is a total and complete misuse of military resources. It's an abuse of power. Does it really matter if Clinton would've done the same thing? Do two wrongs make a right? The fact is that it's wrong. All you're really doing with that argument is making this a left vs. right discussion.

    Anyway...back to N. Korea. If helping oppressed communist societies was really in our agenda, then we would be helping N. Korea. We'd be helping Cuba. We'd be helping those little countries in S. America a lot more than we do. But, you see, the problem is that there isn't any oil in those countries. Maybe someone will discover a fossil fuel deposit in N. Korea so we can invade it and "liberate" those poor, starving oppressed people.

    I just don't see how you justify pointing your finger at people who criticize Iraq. Like I said, if you're such a righteous, selfless, humanitarian, then why don't you join the Peace Corps? Why not? Because they don't carry guns?

    I have no doubt that great things are happening in Iraq. Those people are experiencing freedoms that they've basically never had. But, it just isn't why we're there. And it isn't why our guys are dying over there. They are dying for everything BUT democracy, freedom, and humanity. This blatant abuse of your dedication to the military should leave you feeling insulted; instead, you feel proud.
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    You are confusing America's military with America's business men; who like you are civilians and who are telling the military where to go and what to do. If you really feel that those men and women have died for nothing, then you don’t fully understand the freedoms you have. I understand you don’t support the president or the entire administration for that matter but what I don’t understand is how you can say the only reason were there is oil. That has been the anti Bush bandwagon saying for so long now. And yes it's very catchy "Bush-Texas-Oil-Middle East" Give me facts that prove something then. Not just who was with whom at what meeting in 1980. Yes the fighting still continues because some people are against democracy. And I’m not saying that democracy comes out of a gun but until the Iraqi police and military can control the situation, were here to help. And most of all we were asked by Iraq to stay, so until they ask us to leave we will help. If all you choose to read is the articles that are against the war and not try to get some insight on what they can do now because we were there then I really feel sorry for you because you must have a negative outlook on life.
    Support the Troops
    Go Cubs!
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    spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    Never did I say that we should leave Iraq. We are already there. And the only reason why it is not a good idea to leave is because doing so would be the same thing as giving the terrorists a whole to new country to play in - a new afghanistan, if you will.

    And never did I say that Bush or anyone in his camp will personally profit from oil. Cheney himself donated something like 6 of his 8 million dollars of profit last year to charity.

    What I'm talking about is oil for this country. I'm talking about how, throughout history, wars have been about the acquistion and securing of resources for the welfare of nations. You don't really think we were liberating kuwait and defending Saudi Arabia because they were our allies, do you?

    9/11 was an opportunity to seize control of oil in Iraq, and Bush capitalized on it in the interests of US prosperity. Personally, I think that's great. I like the idea that by turning Iraq into a democracy, we are ensuring that the oil will be flowing for years to come w/o our having to dip into our own reserves.

    You don't believe me? Well, then why are we there? Is it to liberate an oppressed people and install a democracy where there wasn't one before?

    If you believe that, then who is being naive? Since when has that ever been our agenda anywhere? Think of all the dictatorships and all of the oppressed societies throughout the world. Since when have we ever liberated ANY of them just for the sake of liberating them? Democracy is the end result, but never the reason.

    So, no, I am not confusing the military with the politicians. I said it before in my first post. Where I think you are confused is when you think criticism of the war in Iraq is criticism of the military. Some people do criticize the military, but I am not one of them.

    Think of it this way: You went to a junkyard because you needed a new car and you know how to restore them. Out of all the cars, you pick, say, a beat-up shelby mustang, bring it home, and make it look all nice and pretty.

    Then you turn around and say, "Restoring old cars is great because I'm creating more space in the junkyard, thereby reducing junk build-up."

    You didn't restore that mustang because you wanted to reduce junk build-up. You did it because you needed a new car. The junkyard guy is totally stoked because you're buying his junk and you're creating space for more junk, but that's not why you do it.

    It's the same situation with the war in Iraq, except our soldiers are dying because a local classic car dealer needs direct access to the junkyard.

    The truth of the matter is that while democracy is in fact being established, it's not really why our troops are dying. The fact that I choose to see it that way is what you might call "negative", but reality isn't nice. I support our troops; it's just too bad our government does not.
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    enharmonicenharmonic Posts: 1,917
    All presidents lie. If they told the truth, you'd have mass hysteria just about every day. I don't think that most people realize how close we come to attacks, pandemic's, total economic collapse...every day. Of course the president lies. If he didn't we'd have complete anarchy.

    My biggest concern in the world right now beyond the safety of our troops, is Darfour. Tens of thousands of people are getting slaughtered in Darfour while the world...not just America...the world...does nothing.
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    sponger wrote:
    we can't just up and leave now.

    How could it possibly get worse if we do? I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do or not but I don't see Iraq being any worse off after that. Whatever happens those poor people are fucked because of the administration's unnecessary war, the majority of the American people's apathy, and the cowardace of the American media for not calling out the President when the reasons for war all turned out to be untrue.

    "The question in my mind is how many additional American casualties is Saddam worth? And the answer is: not that damned many." --Dick Cheney, 1992
    "Bombs dropping down. Please forgive our hometown"
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    memememe Posts: 4,693
    sponger wrote:
    I think Iraq is a stupid war, but I don't blame the military for being stupid. It was the decision of politicians, not mr. foxhole grunt, to go to war.

    Let's not forget that those politicians were kept in office while this war was ongoing. Let's give credit (or rather put the blame) where it is due: those who voted to keep them in office.

    I'll never forget the tears in my reservist neighbor the morning after Bush won. For me, it was a bummer. For him, it was potentially risking his life in a war he does not support but would have to fight.

    Soldiers are ready to give "their lives for our freedom". The least we can do is to be discerning with our vote.
    ... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
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    spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    How could it possibly get worse if we do? I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do or not but I don't see Iraq being any worse off after that. Whatever happens those poor people are fucked because of the administration's unnecessary war, the majority of the American people's apathy, and the cowardace of the American media for not calling out the President when the reasons for war all turned out to be untrue.

    "The question in my mind is how many additional American casualties is Saddam worth? And the answer is: not that damned many." --Dick Cheney, 1992

    It's not about helping those poor people. It's about making sure that when we leave, we aren't also leaving a huge power vacuum that will be filled by another Taliban or another Ayatollah Khoemeini. If that happens, then we will just end up having to go back in there and take it over again, just like we're doing in Afghanistan.

    Without a stable government, Iraq could very well end up being another Lebanon, which has been long suffering from a civil war that paved the way for extremist groups such as the Hezbollah.

    By removing Saddam, we created a huge mess. We can't ignore that mess. We have to clean it up as if it were a dinner table after Thanksgiving dinner. Otherwise, the ants will come along and bring all the crumbs back to their queen, who will then increase her production of more ants. Sooner or later, the whole house will be infested with the ants.

    Then we'll have to call the exterminator. The exterminator will ask, "Why did let the queen ant have all those thanksgiving crumbs? Why couldn't you just clean the table after you were done eating?"

    We'll respond, "Because we realized that it's evil to slaughter turkeys, and we couldn't stand to look at what we had done. Plus, we were on a diet, and we just had to get away from the dinner table as soon as possible lest we start overeating."

    The exterminator will respond, "That's the least thought-out rationale for not clearing a dinner table that I have ever heard."

    Then we'll respond, "Well, you just like to kill ants, war-monger."
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    not4unot4u Posts: 512
    bad politicians say support our troops to confuse our thought direction, to lead us away from their bullshit greedy polocy. These bad politicians saying 'support our troops' try to blind us from their (if thought about) obvious bullshit,greedy,unlawfull ways with humanitarian life and death stakes. These politicians are guilty of disrespect. Our troops have become scapegoats. Thats truley NOT supporting the troops.
    With bad people in charge still doing some justice but with the sacrifice of what makes humans good, is wrong to me.
    we don't want war, but we still want more?
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    not4u wrote:
    bad politicians say support our troops to confuse our thought direction, to lead us away from their bullshit greedy polocy. These bad politicians saying 'support our troops' try to blind us from their (if thought about) obvious bullshit,greedy,unlawfull ways with humanitarian life and death stakes. These politicians are guilty of disrespect. Our troops have become scapegoats. Thats truley NOT supporting the troops.
    With bad people in charge still doing some justice but with the sacrifice of what makes humans good, is wrong to me.

    Thank you so much for saying that, I find that true everywhere throughout the world. When politicians screw up they're always trying to save face. Very seldom to you ever see ANY political figures fess up. Awsome!
    Support the Troops
    Go Cubs!
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    keeponrockinkeeponrockin Posts: 7,446
    Jeremy2009 wrote:
    Thank you so much for saying that, I find that true everywhere throughout the world. When politicians screw up they're always trying to save face. Very seldom to you ever see ANY political figures fess up. Awsome!

    I'm sick and tired of hearing things
    From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrits
    All I want is the truth
    Just gimme some truth
    I've had enough of reading things
    By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
    All I want is the truth
    Just gimme some truth
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
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    I'm sick and tired of hearing things
    From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrits
    All I want is the truth
    Just gimme some truth
    I've had enough of reading things
    By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
    All I want is the truth
    Just gimme some truth

    Somethings just don't change, my grandkids will probably be singing that song.
    Raleigh '03; Hartford '08; Mansfield II '08; Buffalo '10; Hartford '10;
    East Troy I '11; East Troy II '11; DeLuna Fest '12; Wrigley '13; Buffalo '13;
    Toronto II '16; Wrigley I '16; Wrigley II '16; Wrigley I '18; Wrigley II '18;
    Asbury Park '21; MSG '22; Camden '22
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    keeponrockinkeeponrockin Posts: 7,446
    Somethings just don't change, my grandkids will probably be singing that song.

    I may play that for our schools show. 'This song was written along time ago. I think it's as meaningful now than ever'
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Jeremy2009 wrote:
    Call me whatever you want to, but at the end of the day I want you to remember this. I have seen the faces of the men, women and children that have been liberated or given humanitarian aid by US and allied forces.

    So have I. Here's one:

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    Byrnzie wrote:

    Just as I thought, an EDITED picture. You see a person in uniform. You assume it's a person in the US military because you chose to EDIT the picture yourself or select one that was already EDITED. You dont know the whole story with that picture because if you did you whould have added it. Why dont you put up the pics of the civilian contractors that are beheaded or the Iraqi women and children that were raped and slaughtered by Saddam Hussien. You are exactly like the newspapers and television shows that take excerpts from a presidents speech and edit it to make it sound so ignorant and unbelievable. You should be ashamed of yourself. If a democrat does get elected in this next election and people are sent off to wars and die like in Iraq and Afghanistan I cant wait for the hypocratic people like yourself to blame the president whom you have chosen.
    Support the Troops
    Go Cubs!
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    hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    Jeremy2009 wrote:
    Just as I thought, an EDITED picture. You see a person in uniform. You assume it's a person in the US military because you chose to EDIT the picture yourself or select one that was already EDITED. You dont know the whole story with that picture because if you did you whould have added it. Why dont you put up the pics of the civilian contractors that are beheaded or the Iraqi women and children that were raped and slaughtered by Saddam Hussien. You are exactly like the newspapers and television shows that take excerpts from a presidents speech and edit it to make it sound so ignorant and unbelievable. You should be ashamed of yourself. If a democrat does get elected in this next election and people are sent off to wars and die like in Iraq and Afghanistan I cant wait for the hypocratic people like yourself to blame the president whom you have chosen.
    Like this one better? Liberated children in Haditha

    And you're barking up the wrong tree if you came here to find a bunch of die-hard Democrats to argue with. The vast majority of the posters on the left have little or no use for the Democratic Party, and you'll find ample evidence of that as you read through various threads. Sure, I'd take 50 years of Clinton over another week of Bush if those were my only two options, but that says more about Bush than it does about Clinton or about my political affiliations ... I didn't vote for either one of them.
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
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    hailhailkchailhailkc Posts: 582
    hippiemom wrote:
    Like this one better? Liberated children in Haditha

    And you're barking up the wrong tree if you came here to find a bunch of die-hard Democrats to argue with. The vast majority of the posters on the left have little or no use for the Democratic Party, and you'll find ample evidence of that as you read through various threads. Sure, I'd take 50 years of Clinton over another week of Bush if those were my only two options, but that says more about Bush than it does about Clinton or about my political affiliations ... I didn't vote for either one of them.

    His point still stands though. Many people here are quick to pull up whatever picture/video suits their own political viewpoint…without pausing to give serious thought to where the picture came from, what the circumstances were, who is in it, or any other important consideration.

    Innocent people died under Clinton's Presidency also. So while we might not be dealing with a lot of people who are die-hard Democrats…we are dealing with a lot of people here who continually vote FOR Democrats. It will be interesting to see if many of the liberal voices here are as loud in the future about war atrocities and social disconnect if a Democrat gets elected to office…especially if that Democrat sends us to war.
    MOSSAD NATO Alphabet Stations (E10)
    Low Traffic CIO MIW
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    hippiemom wrote:
    Like this one better? Liberated children in Haditha

    And you're barking up the wrong tree if you came here to find a bunch of die-hard Democrats to argue with. The vast majority of the posters on the left have little or no use for the Democratic Party, and you'll find ample evidence of that as you read through various threads. Sure, I'd take 50 years of Clinton over another week of Bush if those were my only two options, but that says more about Bush than it does about Clinton or about my political affiliations ... I didn't vote for either one of them.

    First off, If you didnt vote then you should have no reason to to argue with the war or anything. You obviously dont care about education, lower healthcare costs or prescriptions drugs. Your name pretty much sums it up. Let me guess you want to legalize pot? As I said in my previous statement the picture you provided had no such explination of the situation except your title YOU wrote. It was just a picture with nothing to explain it's orgin or where a story could be found with it. You also said you would take 50 years of Clinton over a week of Bush. Clinton did nothing for this country except make Hollywood CA, The Whitehouse and the porn industry have one thing in common ...a SEX SCANDAL! But then again you didnt vote so it makes it okay. Well when we do get another democrat in office and everyone is in their little commune and everyone has become so PC that we have to "walk on eggshells" when were talking about one's race or nationaly Im sure it'll will be a lot easier for Kim Jong Ill and his other "Democratic" Peoples Army to come over here and take over since none of the money went to our national defense.
    Support the Troops
    Go Cubs!
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    hailhailkc wrote:
    His point still stands though. Many people here are quick to pull up whatever picture/video suits their own political viewpoint…without pausing to give serious thought to where the picture came from, what the circumstances were, who is in it, or any other important consideration.

    Innocent people died under Clinton's Presidency also. So while we might not be dealing with a lot of people who are die-hard Democrats…we are dealing with a lot of people here who continually vote FOR Democrats. It will be interesting to see if many of the liberal voices here are as loud in the future about war atrocities and social disconnect if a Democrat gets elected to office…especially if that Democrat sends us to war.

    Thanks for the comment. All I know is that there is no one correct party who will restore America, it takes sacrafices on both ends. And when the two are too stubborn to see whats right, things get fucked up!
    Support the Troops
    Go Cubs!
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    hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    Jeremy2009 wrote:
    First off, If you didnt vote then you should have no reason to to argue with the war or anything. You obviously dont care about education, lower healthcare costs or prescriptions drugs. Your name pretty much sums it up. Let me guess you want to legalize pot? As I said in my previous statement the picture you provided had no such explination of the situation except your title YOU wrote. It was just a picture with nothing to explain it's orgin or where a story could be found with it. You also said you would take 50 years of Clinton over a week of Bush. Clinton did nothing for this country except make Hollywood CA, The Whitehouse and the porn industry have one thing in common ...a SEX SCANDAL! But then again you didnt vote so it makes it okay. Well when we do get another democrat in office and everyone is in their little commune and everyone has become so PC that we have to "walk on eggshells" when were talking about one's race or nationaly Im sure it'll will be a lot easier for Kim Jong Ill and his other "Democratic" Peoples Army to come over here and take over since none of the money went to our national defense.
    This is why people should lurk for a while and get to know who they're talking to before they start shooting their mouths off.

    Clinton was not the only guy running in '92 or '96, nor Bush in '00 or '04. I'd be interested to hear your logic behind your assumption that because I did not vote for them, I did not vote at all. In fact, I have not missed a single primary or general election since turning 18 in 1980.

    If you'd like to search for my old posts, I think you'll be satisified that I do ineed care a great deal about health care, education and prescription drugs. In fact, I think I've posted more on those topics than on any others.

    My name was a joke given by a friend. It replaced my old Pearl Jam related name. I do think pot should be legalized, although I don't smoke it myself. I have met several people on this board in person, and I think they'd all agree that I'm no hippie.

    I'm going to have to address the rest of your nonsense tomorrow, since my daughter needs to use the computer, and it's getting late anyway. See ya then!
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
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    hippiemom wrote:
    This is why people should lurk for a while and get to know who they're talking to before they start shooting their mouths off.

    Clinton was not the only guy running in '92 or '96, nor Bush in '00 or '04. I'd be interested to hear your logic behind your assumption that because I did not vote for them, I did not vote at all. In fact, I have not missed a single primary or general election since turning 18 in 1980.

    If you'd like to search for my old posts, I think you'll be satisified that I do ineed care a great deal about health care, education and prescription drugs. In fact, I think I've posted more on those topics than on any others.

    My name was a joke given by a friend. It replaced my old Pearl Jam related name. I do think pot should be legalized, although I don't smoke it myself. I have met several people on this board in person, and I think they'd all agree that I'm no hippie.

    I'm going to have to address the rest of your nonsense tomorrow, since my daughter needs to use the computer, and it's getting late anyway. See ya then!
    Outstanding! Im going to put on my uniform and help some people today. But I'm going to carry my weapon with me just incase someone over here who has decided that ALL Americans(even you who oppose this war) are evil and should be killed. God forbid but if I do die I hope EV wont mention it in another song of his, that just makes people more pissed off in general.
    Support the Troops
    Go Cubs!
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Jeremy2009 wrote:
    Just as I thought, an EDITED picture. You see a person in uniform. You assume it's a person in the US military because you chose to EDIT the picture yourself or select one that was already EDITED. You dont know the whole story with that picture because if you did you whould have added it. Why dont you put up the pics of the civilian contractors that are beheaded or the Iraqi women and children that were raped and slaughtered by Saddam Hussien. You are exactly like the newspapers and television shows that take excerpts from a presidents speech and edit it to make it sound so ignorant and unbelievable. You should be ashamed of yourself. If a democrat does get elected in this next election and people are sent off to wars and die like in Iraq and Afghanistan I cant wait for the hypocratic people like yourself to blame the president whom you have chosen.

    Right! Because anything which you don't happen to agree with, or which doesn't fit your conservative outlook, must necessarily be a fabrication.
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Jeremy2009 wrote:
    First off, If you didnt vote then you should have no reason to to argue with the war or anything. You obviously dont care about education, lower healthcare costs or prescriptions drugs. Your name pretty much sums it up. Let me guess you want to legalize pot? As I said in my previous statement the picture you provided had no such explination of the situation except your title YOU wrote. It was just a picture with nothing to explain it's orgin or where a story could be found with it. You also said you would take 50 years of Clinton over a week of Bush. Clinton did nothing for this country except make Hollywood CA, The Whitehouse and the porn industry have one thing in common ...a SEX SCANDAL! But then again you didnt vote so it makes it okay. Well when we do get another democrat in office and everyone is in their little commune and everyone has become so PC that we have to "walk on eggshells" when were talking about one's race or nationaly Im sure it'll will be a lot easier for Kim Jong Ill and his other "Democratic" Peoples Army to come over here and take over since none of the money went to our national defense.

    I wish I were a die hard Republican. It seems that the world would appear so much more simple and black and white through Republican eyes.
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