Safe World.

The children have been sent up to the moon so we won't abuse them anymore. The Matrix has become real for them. Our machines will take care of them. All they have is each other, our machines and androids. They are being monitored by A.I. and government groups on earth. They are separated by age in many different dome bases. The shortest term program is for 12 year olds, right on the brink of puberty. When they reach puberty they are sent back. All around the world babysnatchers are coming to take your babies to the moon.
Signed it, grind it.
Corroding and foreboding.
Corroding and foreboding.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Corroding and foreboding.
Corroding and foreboding.
Well done, as in nicely done,
not the well done like the cooking of meat, no, not that kind.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Corroding and foreboding.
Corroding and foreboding.
That is all.
When you see me on the street, yell out "FAVO!!!"
I've been to alot of Pearl Jam shows;So fucking what.
Corroding and foreboding.
Corroding and foreboding.
Corroding and foreboding.
but i want some!
*stomps feet*
When you see me on the street, yell out "FAVO!!!"
I've been to alot of Pearl Jam shows;So fucking what.
Corroding and foreboding.
Corroding and foreboding.
Corroding and foreboding.
Avery's abductor's have intercepted the transmissions and are trying to compromise a way to keep Avery without an all out lunar War of the Worlds. They are offering space suits for the puppies and other technology, such as their homeo stasis cold storage, maps of uncharted worlds, many ancient secrets, and better cloning. But we will not trade Avery for cool technology. The aliens, or natives, are in control of the moon. Though the children attribute that designation to themselves. Both groups did come here from another planet, actually. The aliens came from a planet which imploded right after they left. When they went into homeo stasis the moon was turning uninhabitable due to war from other species. The lunarians were not masters of space travel, and their resources were running out. They devised a giant homing beacon, ingeniously a machine which sends out algorythmic frequencies designed to speed up evolution of consciousness, which explains the heightened I.Q.'s of the kids lately. They had given up, though with that device the other occupants of the moon went back to their own planets, namely Mars. The Martians later accidently made a tachyon monitor which explained their peacekeeping for the prior few thousand years and built a shield which protected them from the frequencies. They went back to their warring ways and cost themselves so much that had to go into homeostasis for the past few more thousands of years, until the Mars rover landed and woke them up. The evolution beacon, as we call it, also explains our accelerated evolution on earth. Intellects have side-stepped problems which would have impeded us for years. The lunarians, or green people, are thankful for our presence and considered the sight of moonwalkers outside the base a homage to them, and their only grabbing one as a symbol of their passivity, as desperate as they are. They are a little muddle minded. They are very persistent, which has us in a bind. The respect we must give them contradicts our requirement to get the boy back. The green people have mixed their DNA with all that of all the animals which used to live on the moon. The boy is watching movies of the golden age of their culture. The animals were emissaries from other planets, sent in pods many years ago, many of which they brought from their home world. Still, with all that, they are strained from all the cloning. We are not sure we want to mix out DNA with them, but they are an interesting species, and Avery is getting interested.
Corroding and foreboding.
A puppy, which has been identified as Avery's puppy, has been stolen from the puppy domicile, and, which is more upsetting, we can't figure out how it happened, which leads us to believe there is a mole, an android baby, or that the aliens have heightened technology. The puppy was sent by Avery's birth mother, and is a Black Labrador, named Black, after Pearl Jam''s Black, Avery's favorite song. He likes to sit out and look at the stars. They both do, actually. There is no comment from Avery wether the puppy is at his location.
In other Pearl Jam and political news, a dove recently picked a ballot, flew off with it, voted for Eddie Vedder, who is running with Ralph Nader, and deposited it in the ballot box, in New York City.
Corroding and foreboding.
Please send me back to my Mom and Dad.
I promise I never meant to bad.
Which one of you is it anyway?
I'm so confused, I'm here to stay.
How could you, you're scrooged, me betray?
The porridge doesn't taste good without you, Daddy.
And I miss you telling me what the stars are, Mommy.
Please please please play for me.
I'm too sad to do it now.
Pry into my heart, whisper scream and shout.
I'm not without the feeling of falling a cliff.
But I know you'll hold me an uplift.
Because you really love me, don't you?
I didn't mean to touch you, I reproach my arms.
Know I'm someone who could do know harm.
I wish I could trade mine for your bad karma.
I hope you find your farm, Old McDonald.
Corroding and foreboding.
Corroding and foreboding.
Many of the children want to take the genetic treatments to breathe cosmic gases that Avery has. So, President Vedder put it to a vote. For the first time, earth minors were asked to participate in a national vote. It is a sign of tremendous progress. Even some kids who were in hiding have turned up knowing they will be subject to deportation. Pres. Vedder also announced in a press conference today that he will be a passenger on the next shuttle to the moon, that he will stow himself in the cargo bay if he has to. He is going to find a means to end this terrible qualm, to visit his children, and more importantly, bring them back with him. He says that's the reason he was elected president, to reclaim his children. He says this set up of extraditing preabused babies to the moon gratifies Hitler. He says the moon is now a symbol of fascism. The automated baby shuttles, with their smiley faces at the nose, custom rainbow paint-jobs, and disco balls, are leaving full every day, so the president is going to have to boot one of the babes off the flight, much to some parents' pleasure. The president knows the risks in going to the child moon. But, he says, "I'm bringing candy; What could happen?" We hope they treat you well, Ed.
Corroding and foreboding.
Corroding and foreboding.
Eddie, upon meeting Fred, threw the alien a pack of Reese's pieces, instead of throwing him through a window, as everyone expected, and said, "Phone home."
The moment sank in for a minute, then Ed continued, "If you don't present the child, a ton of chaos is going to land", pointing to the alien, "on your green ass, and it won't be pretty." Good presidential speech; strong leader. Then, producing a non-leather baseball mitt, Ed said, "Al Gore said to give you this", and placed the glove on the alien's head. Sensing neurological disturbance, a robot removed the mitt from the alien's head, removing what appeared to be a hair-piece.
The alien replied, "Clever, human, but I'll readily inform you that there are green militia waiting, hoping, to use their ions on your species and.. pets", putting back on his hair-piece, "if you harm a hair on my head, which I won't say you've done based on your last gesture. But, I am an ambassador of peace and I would like to see this issue resolved."
The president spoke, "We cannot stand to see what you are planning on doing to the boy happen. According to our studies, your race is not that desperate, but more obsessed", then added, "These robots can easily be programmed to attack", and with that the mitt-bot grabbed Fred by the neck, in a preliminary headlock grip, and, just as soon as it had him, and his brainwaves registered the grasp, which didn't take long, since he was already embarrassed, it let him go, and patted him on the head. The alien listened to Ed say, "We don't want this trade, so go back home and make your community understand that we don't morally agree with your scientific tactics, and, while Avery was sent away from his parents, we want him to be under the care we have set out and prescribed for him. Now go."
Will Eddie return green? What's in store for Avery? Inquiring puppies want to know. Find out in the next installment of Purple Puppy's Safe World.
Corroding and foreboding.
President Ed and Fred started out having a nice talk about homeostasis, music, jetlag, politics, and then the subject turned darker, "So, how did you get into child abduction?" A smile ran away from Fred's face, "My fellow beings perpetrated that insensible act without my consent, I assure you. That's why I came here. I'm sorry his disappearance has alarmed you."
"I believe you", said Ed, "but a bunch of robots and I are going to need to go with you to the boy and bring him back. Even now, senates are passing laws initiating the programming of these robots toward warfare. And I don't want to see that happen. I am in the seat of leadership, for the moment. They listen to me, but that can change, and sooner than six months, I'm afraid."
Fred said, "How could you leave your children without protection?"
Ed screamed, "Now, you take me to that boy, and show me that evolution beacon, or there's going to be hell to pay!"
"Alright", said Fred. "If they don't hide him from me. But they can't go far. Ok, let's go."
Ed, realizing the aliens were devastated by war and almost became extinct, said, "I hope we can be friends after all this.", and gave him a sterilized baseball mitt. Fred gave him a soft look, with his purple eyes.
The journey to the center of the moon was harsh, but a drilling dunebuggy did most of the work. Accompanied by 5 or 6 robots, they took the same route Avery did. A bloodhound also partnered with them. When he smelled Avery, he made an inquisitive yowl, and Ed fed him a granola bar, no chocolate. When they finally arrived at a large cavern, Ed said, "Let me out. Is he here?"; he asked the dog the latter. There were living pods and crystals on the walls. Fred was talking to his wife on the phone, but had time to say, "He's in that big pod, there, in the aquarium", pointing, "you must understand that we saw your babies unprotected as a sign of a gift from you. We have been living science for so long that it just seemed.."
"Yada-yada", Ed said, and exited the vehicle.
The pod was an opening to another huge area much more elaborately decorated. Walking up to the aquarium, horrified, Ed saw a green boy with the name Avery knitted onto his bathing suit and a little girl with a bikini, who waved to Ed, then dove in. Avery turned around in the water, and screamed, "Eddie! They're going to clone me!"
Ed almost pounded on the glass, then just stared, and said, "You have to come with me." The boy was retrieved.
"I heard your song on the radio. My song. Can Sara come with us?", Avery asked; he hadn't stopped smiling.
Eddie nodded, "Where are her parents? We don't want to start this thing all over again. Can they turn you back?" Avery replied, "There's no turning back. The ages of the clones of her parents are 4 and 5, but she's 4,056 years old next thursday, isn't she old enough to go out on her own?"
Ed's quick retort was, "I wouldn't let my daughter go out like that, even if I was a toddler."
So Avery whispered to Sara, "Put some clothes on, Sara.", and then said, "Her aunt takes care of her, we can ask her. She lives in the next town.. cavern."
"Ya", Ed said.
A:"I can still breathe oxygenated air".
E:"That's good. They didn't do anything else to you, did they?"
A:"Not yet".
Sara:"Ok, I'm packed. Let's go." She was wearing a robe, and a robot was carrying her luggage in a steel crate.
E:"What's your aunt's name?", when they were safely in the dunebuggy.
S:"Sally Guberon Axtyleptovik."
E:"Mm-hm.", polishing his space helmet.
When they arrived at Sally Axtyleptovik's apartment, the Aunt said to Eddie, "There you are; I've been expecting you. Welcome to the lair of the evolution beacon. I designed it."
E:"I'm honored. I wish I could shake your hand without the space suit." In the back ground was a 400 foot metal cube, with something on top.
Sally:"I wish you could touch the beacon".
A:"Is that my dog?"
Black barked, and jumped off the beacon, but since there's no gravity, he floated. Sally said, "He's the first human, er.. earth man, well, earthling to touch the evolution beacon. We have been monitoring his wave patterns. He's making alot of progress, and doing things we don't understand, since he is a new species. Good dog. You'll see that..", the dog then landed on her head. "Ah!", she screamed. Recovering, noticeably embarrassed, she said, " You are all welcome to touch our beacon, of course. It recalls you, and delivers your psyche unto you, as it becomes you. It belongs to all universals."
"Fat", Avery said.
"We haven't built one on earth yet", Ed said.
"Well, you're partially right. There hasn't been one on earth since Stonehenge was excavated. But you, and your contemporaries, haven't built one", Sally said.
Avery had taken his sticky-shoes, a replacement for a weighted space suit, off and had jumped up to the beacon.
"Careful", Ed said.
"It had a larger effect on the dog", Sally said, a few seconds after
Avery landed on the beacon. Avery did seem amused though.
"We have to go.", Ed said. "I might have to come back and do some evolution myself."
"Though I do want to go back with you. I think something is going to happen.", Fred said.
Will Fred make up with his wife? Will Avery be accepted by his four parents and forefathers? What will we see about Black? Tune in next time, and send your suggestions to Purple Puppy.
Corroding and foreboding.
Avery wants to change his name to Giacomo
In a communication with Avery's mother:
Mother: Did they do anything else to you?
Avery: No, but I've seen green porn! And when the planets are aligned I glow.
"What we haven't understood was related to your treatment of dogs. They would have been more communicable if you hadn't said the mean thing of "play dead". They don't mind fetch though", said Sally.
Sally also said, "It appears there is a conspiracy on earth. The names of anti-schizophrenic drugs on your planet are the names of frequencies coming from the counter-evolution beacon on Mars. It's possible that some of them were intuited, but to have so many.. We suspect German fascism."
SETI has picked up a communication from Pluto, a peaceful message saying they received the signal from a young Labrodor, detailing their landing on the Moon. They can be there as early as next week, and just need the clearance. Children are voting wether they want to share the space with them. A scanning voting terminal is being made for the dogs, incorporating evolution beacon technology. SETI has also received a message from Mars. It's a desperate distress signal. The report is that their A.I. has overridden the controls, and the robots are using the counterevolution beacon as a weapon against themselves. Some of them have gone crazy. Their brains are totally fried, and their dogs are tired. We are asking them to change the battery on the Mars rover so we can see for ourselves.
Fred says the children who have what's known as terminal diseases can be contacted by the evolution beacon and it will have a bolstering psychological impact for all affected. They are born that way for the spiritual benefit of all species.
Corroding and foreboding.