Shine On

I am the crazy diamond
A jewel in the rough
When I dance
The sun catches me
And I sparkle
Full of the life I've lived
Full of love to give
Want to touch everyone
Make your hearts smile
Fill you up with my light
A rainbow of colours
Swirling and twirling
Melding and blending
We become one
Shine On
Shine On
A jewel in the rough
When I dance
The sun catches me
And I sparkle
Full of the life I've lived
Full of love to give
Want to touch everyone
Make your hearts smile
Fill you up with my light
A rainbow of colours
Swirling and twirling
Melding and blending
We become one
Shine On
Shine On
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
Post edited by Unknown User on
like the moon
and the stars
and the sun
"want to touch everyone"
Careful. There are laws.
I give this piece 24 karats out of......say, 6400 karats. hehehehe
Damn you for being so freakin' cheerful.
Cheerfullness is contagious, you know, like herpes.
Damn me, Damn me all to hell!
I'll have a smoke and a tea with the devil
maybe make her crack a smile
maybe she'll send me back 'cause I'm just too
damn cheerful to burn
make me burn in other ways
Hot burning fire, hot burning fire
Burning with desire, burning with such desire!
feeling was that your poem was perfect
and then when i went to type those
words something weird happened to
me and i thought what if your
manipulating innocence
this has a lesson i think
i think it says we are suppossed to live
without the second thought cause it doesn't matter
who makes something beautiful but if it's loving
or not
yes i'm crazy
love x infinity