Metallica - That DVD Documentry They Did

I cant remember the name of the documentry... obviously from my title, lol.
The one they did whilst making the St Anger album.
Anyone seen it?
I watched it the other day, i always thought Lars was a dick.... but this well and truly cemented that as fact.
He's like a big baby man, if he doesnt get something his way he just goes off on one.
One thing i noticed the part where they had to do the radio promo's but were reluctant to do it cause they thought their stuff was radio worthy without them having to do shit.
Next thing was his 'its not about the money' selling off his paintings, one for $5m i think, and then celebrating like fuck afterwards.
Most 'celebrities' with the money he already has would have auctioned them off for a charity or something.
That documentry didnt put him in a good light in my eyes anyway, seems like he's got the ego of 100 men in him.
The one they did whilst making the St Anger album.
Anyone seen it?
I watched it the other day, i always thought Lars was a dick.... but this well and truly cemented that as fact.
He's like a big baby man, if he doesnt get something his way he just goes off on one.
One thing i noticed the part where they had to do the radio promo's but were reluctant to do it cause they thought their stuff was radio worthy without them having to do shit.
Next thing was his 'its not about the money' selling off his paintings, one for $5m i think, and then celebrating like fuck afterwards.
Most 'celebrities' with the money he already has would have auctioned them off for a charity or something.
That documentry didnt put him in a good light in my eyes anyway, seems like he's got the ego of 100 men in him.
Post edited by Unknown User on
-John Lennon
i can understand what you're saying about lars...but i think the parts with his father helped to give us some insight into his personality and why he feels the need to control and live up to certain standards placed on him. as an artist, i can understand the thing about the paintings. i really don't think it's about the money, it's about the fact that someone values your work that much that they are willing to sacrifice "x" amount for it. it's like a stamp of approval that people get what you are doing. at least that's my take on it.
a friend of mine used to date jason newkid, so i didn't appreciate a couple of digs they made at him, but i think both parties are much happier now. rob trujillo has seemingly brought a new spark to the least judging by the live performances i saw on the last tour. looking forward to the new album!...especially a metallica album without bob rock!
Dont really agree with you about the Lars thing, although i agree his dad didnt look like the easiest of guys to get along with, lol.
I thought the same thing about Kirk though. Ive always liked him, he seems like a really well grounded guy, and a phenominal (sp?) guitarist to boot.
I was surprised Hammett took such a backseat to the other 2 in the decision making.
Untill their will grows tired
one of the best lines in the documentray was when james was talking about feeling left out of the creative process because of the rehab hours...and kirk says something like you know how i've felt for the past 20 years...i laughed my ass off. there was no comeback because they knew it was true, and kirk doesn't often "speak out" like that.
...we can disagree on lars, it's all good my friend!
It was a really good documentry and shows that even bands who have been together for as long as they have can have problems but resolve them in the end instead of just saying ah fuck it and breaking up.
It's also easy to see what bands do split up, you can see how much pressure is on people when you spend so much time with each other.
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
Yeah being in a band with either James or Lars must be tough, but having both of them must be difficult to deal with.
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
I have always thought that Lars was down-to-earth guy who was easy to get along with. But in the doc. he sometimes acts like an annoing spoiled brat. If I were to work with him I would click!
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
I don't know. All I hear from him is always, bitch bitch bitch, and "the drums need to be louder".
hey dane, i said in an earlier post that a grilfriend of mine used to date the newkid...and from what she told me it's pretty much what was said in the documentary. he really enjoyed being with metallica for a long time, but he has a very creative side that he wasn't "allowed" to let go in the band. she said he used to talk about it with her and that it always kind of bothered him that he didn't have more say in the creative process - but he just put up with it for as long as he could because he enjoyed being in the band with the guys so much. when he said that he wanted to pursue the echobrain project a little more to get some of his creativity out...james pretty much said decide between metallica and that. i think jason touched on it in the documentary - that you don't give a friend and bandmate that kind of ultimatum after so many years of being together. he didn't like feeling trapped like i guess in a way he was forced out. i think the other guys, especially james and lars, saw it as jason being disloyal.
it's really too bad that james couldn't have dealt with a lot of the demons you see him dealing with in the documentary before jason's departure because jason could very well still be in the band. from the digs they took at him in the documentary, though, i don't see much in the way of respect for jason still. from what she's told me and what i've heard he's a really good guy.
Oh, man does Lars have a huge ego, or what?
My two favorite parts are when Dave Mustaine and Lars are talking to the creep therapist and when Lars goes to see Jason Newsted's new band and Lars is all grumpy.
That was exactly my take, that all Jason wanted to do was be in another band just to get his creativity out. He had every right to do that. He was willing to suck up not having as much of a say in the creative process to be in Metallica but was so stiffled that he had to get it out somewhere. I think later in the doc they say that the band they became through therapy was actually where Jason would have liked the band to be, and that it was a shame that he wasn't able to be in the band then. From everything I have heard about Jason it has been positive and it is nice to hear stuff like what you mentioned from your friend dating him.
Lars was annoying in the movie and there were definitely times when he made me cring throughout the movie, but I thought James came off like a complete dick. One of many examples was when he didn't want anyone to even listen to songs when he wasn't around. I give them props for showing it, warts and all. It is a fascinating documentary.
yeah, i've seen it a few more times on IFC...definitely agree that i give them props on showing everything...good and bad.
good summation on the jason situation too. i was happy they presented it accurately...still had to get a couple of digs in at him though, eh? oh well, both parties seem happy with what they're doing now. jason was definitely happier with voivod and being able to involve himself creatively, and metallica seem to have learned their lesson by involving rob in the band more than they allowed jason to be.
Good movie.............very interesting.
Was it just me or did Bob Rock torpedo the movement to bring Jason back???
Give Jason Newsted the due credit for knowing when to jump ship. A lesson on how sobriety is rarely conducive to making great music.