Led Zeppelin--Rage Against the Machine

Don't know how I missed this before but...
I was just checking out Pandora Internet Radio (pretty cool if you don't know about it, http://www.pandora.com) and it started playing The Wanton Song off of Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti. When it started playing, I thought that it was Vietnow from Rage Against the Machine. The rolling guitar made it sound like Tom Morrelo ripped Led Zeppelin off as much as Noel Gallagher ripped Lennon off with the the beginning of Don't Look Back In Anger sounding just like Imagine.
I was just checking out Pandora Internet Radio (pretty cool if you don't know about it, http://www.pandora.com) and it started playing The Wanton Song off of Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti. When it started playing, I thought that it was Vietnow from Rage Against the Machine. The rolling guitar made it sound like Tom Morrelo ripped Led Zeppelin off as much as Noel Gallagher ripped Lennon off with the the beginning of Don't Look Back In Anger sounding just like Imagine.
AskPearlJam: PearlJama101-guest says: Who's idea was it for Eddie to play banjo on "Soon Forget"?
Eddie: I don't know whose idea it was but it was turned down.
Eddie: I don't know whose idea it was but it was turned down.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
I just did a google search for the words "Vietnow" and "Wanton" and got 459 matches. Most of them are just links to peoples blogs and message board posts, which of course is in no way evidence for me to say "I'm right, it's true!". but I can say that I am nowhere near the first person to think this.
Eddie: I don't know whose idea it was but it was turned down.
www.myspace.com/zane26 (band)
First of all, I'm not all up in arms about the fact that this is out there, merely surprised (maybe even disappointed) by the fact that I had never noticed it before. I've listened to a lot of Led Zeppelin in my days, and even more Rage Against the Machine. Somehow this never clicked to me.
And I can hear inspirations from one song in another, and no, I don't immediately go running to the message board to report them, but this time around the main guitar riffs of the two songs are extremely similar, in my opinion of course. (man, that's a lot of commas) To my ears, this is one of the most blatant "inspirations" I've ever heard.
"Ripped-off" is a harsh term to use though, you're right.
Eddie: I don't know whose idea it was but it was turned down.
That was intentional.
The song is about Lennon afterall.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
Good point. Everybody has their influences and their tributes, right?
Eddie: I don't know whose idea it was but it was turned down.
Plus Noel Gallagher is brilliant and Oasis is amazing.
Some die just to live.