You're welcome. Iam has a really good double album called Revoir un Printemps that has a track with Method Man and Redman guesting. The song is really cool but I find it funny because the guys from Iam rap in French and Method Man and Redman rap in English, and I seriously doubt one has any idea what the other is rapping about.
You're welcome. Iam has a really good double album called Revoir un Printemps that has a track with Method Man and Redman guesting. The song is really cool but I find it funny because the guys from Iam rap in French and Method Man and Redman rap in English, and I seriously doubt one has any idea what the other is rapping about.
well i am not sure but Solaar raped once with some german hip hopers over here
and i am not sure if i understand each other but that´s music no language needed music keep together right...even i don´t understand french ok a little bit now but i don´t care french hip hop sounds wow ...
Taxi movie soundtrack (not the crappy Jimmy Fallon movie, the french movie it was based on)
merci ...
anyways i kow MC Solaar ..
well i am not sure but Solaar raped once with some german hip hopers over here
and i am not sure if i understand each other but that´s music no language needed music keep together right...even i don´t understand french ok a little bit now but i don´t care french hip hop sounds wow ...
Muzion have a song with Wycleaf Jean and overall they're good.
Sans Pression is not bad.
Damien is new and his song are more with an accoustic guitar sound, not that bad.
wikipedia have something on quebec rap (all french) with some links at the bottom of the page :
Anyway i don't listen much hip hop, but i'm just trying to help
Au revoir...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Au revoir.
pas de problème, ça fait plaisir...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
ubs my erreur;):D:)