Been listening to Binaural

Totally into it, anyone else know what I mean??
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
Post edited by Unknown User on
I mean it is becoming like Dark Side for me. Very weird, but loving it.
That is all.
Boring songs, boring production.
Some decent songs:
Sleight of Hand
At least Riot Act has:
Save you
Love Boat Captain
I am Mine
Green Disease
You Are
Agreed. I am a fan of Save You and You Are. In defense of Binaural, Parting Ways is a great song but I prefer the acoustic version over the album version.
Avacado is just watered down versions of things theyve done before.....
yet another "fan" with shitty taste.
this was an album that grew on me and now i love it!!!!!
sleight of hand is one of my top 5 PJ songs.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
What was new on both of those albums?
Nothing As It Seems
Of The Girl
Sleight of Hand
Soon Forget
i don't remember hearing anything like those songs before Binaural. They tried some really cool things with that album.
San Francisco - July 15/16/18, 2006 Bridgeschool - October 21/22, 2006
Lollapalooza - August 5,2007
EV Berkley - April 7/8, 2008 The Who Rock Honors - July 12, 2008
Outside Lands - August 28, 2009 Seattle - September 21/22, 2009 San Diego - October 9, 2009
Sleight of Hand
Save you
Love Boat Captain
I am Mine
Green Disease
You Are
You Are an ass jockey and need to give up your PJ player card immediately.
as is the entire album, especially of the girl.
the best way to experience binaural in my opinion.
Where is the love for "Insignificance"?
Binaural grew on me, I like it better than Vitalogy.
*runs and hides*
right here
i absolutely love the way it builds.
Insignificance is one of my top 5!
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
Light Years is it right now for me.
Just the overall sound....the things people diss these two albums for are to me their strenghts.....New production techniques.....more political.....different sounds.....the whole package....I just think they are far superior records to Avacado, that record doesnt effect me emotionally, even the 'soft one' 'Parachutes' leaves me cold, only Come Back touches me.....
And then I think..'Hell F*ck*n Yeah I can!!!!"
Back in the day, I rolled one up and had the first listen of Binaural with a friend of mine. After about four songs she declared she wasn't impressed...But she liked Hair Metal.
Being a big fan of Los Lobos, I was familiar with Tchad Blake and a big fan when I heard PJ had teamed up with him, I was delirious with anticipation...and I wasn't disappointed. The texture, the ambience, the detail..check out the tinkling of bouncing coins on 'Of a Girl' (hands down the best ,mellow ,show opener)...just the whole thing is so deep and layered, that I still hear new things in it...
I think the emotional depth they plunge are just brutal, and the rockers sound raw like an open wound...If you don't dig 'Breakerfall' you don't like rock and roll, and you have to turn in your card...
I knew a lot of fans wouldn't get it, but I'm also pretty sure those are the fans who also love 311, and think Lincoln Park is an important band...
Hey everyone is entitled to their opinion...
My opinion is Binuaral is one of the best albums ever made, and it is second only to Yield in my heirarchy of PJ discs...but that's just me.
But the fact that fans blast it reiterates how hard it is for a band of PJ's size to keep such a huge fanbase happy...
They go outside their box and half the folks don't get it...but if they revisit their box and play it straight they sound uninspired, ie: Riot Act -Not that I think that at all, but that's a different thread...
If they revamp some tricks they've pulled out before, people say it's rehashing..sure Unemployable steals it's groove from Porch, but hey, it was their groove to nic...
For my money though, they contiue to put out interesting work, which always finds a way into my soul and heart, and mind...and after 8 albums, what more do people's only a band,...they can't actually save anyones wretched life...
And the next time things don't go your way...go listen to 'Nothing As It Seems' and see if you don't feel better...
If you haven't don't know what your missing...
And I still say 'Evacuation' is the jam...
Binural = fabulous!! My third fav album after Ten and Yield!
Chin of Stone, Heart of Clay!
Organised his few things, coat and keys, any new realisations would have to wait, until he had more time, more time.........
Love this ALBUM!!
~~Wembley 2000, Reading 2006, Paris 2006, Wembley 2007~~
Time to dream,...... to himself..... he waves goodbye,
To himself..... I'll see you on the other side
How the fuck can anyone NOT like this song????!!!!!!!!
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
Ha! I know, its up there as a top ten PJ track for me!! Just amazing!
~~Wembley 2000, Reading 2006, Paris 2006, Wembley 2007~~
Christ, we are all huge PJ fans. I love every song byt hte band, no matter what album. Each of my PJ Cd's must be dizzy after all the times ive spun them. But its all relative, relative to all the other albums, Binaural and Riot Act are the worst PJ albums. But I would much rather go to a desert island with Riot Act or Binaural than In Rainbows or Elephant, which btw are 2 albums I adore. Its all about perspective.
You nailed it my friend. The sound of that disk is just magical. I really would advise anyone who has not listened to this CD with headphones on to go out and buy some. Also, "Of the Girl" is my second favorite concert opener to "Release".