Man Beaten at Family Values Show Dies...

A 30-year-old man beaten in the mosh pit at Sunday night's (July 30th) Family Values show in Atlanta, Georgia has died from his injuries, according to local television station WSB-TV. Andy Richardson was earlier declared brain dead and listed in critical condition after two unidentified men attacked him at the show, headlined by Korn, when Richardson asked the men to be careful around his pregnant girlfriend and a mentally challenged child accompanying them. Richardson has now been declared dead, although his body was still being kept on life support so that his organs could be harvested for donation.
Richardson's mother, Gloria Richardson, told the station, "Can you imagine your child goes to a concert and be killed for it, because of people out there fighting to have a quote unquote good time? And I'm angry. I'm very angry. Why were the police not there to stop them?"
The two men left the area after Richardson had asked them to be careful, according to a friend who also attended the show, but returned later. According to eyewitnesses, one of them punched Richardson in the head and knocked him head first onto the concrete floor. The friend reported that Richardson was "unconscious" and "had blood all over his face."
There has been no comment from Korn or the venue. Atlanta police are investigating the incident and asking the public for help, as they reportedly have only a vague description of the suspects.
The Family Values tour, which also features Deftones, Stone Sour, 10 Years and others, arrives in Pensacola, Florida tonight (Wednesday, August 2nd).
Richardson's mother, Gloria Richardson, told the station, "Can you imagine your child goes to a concert and be killed for it, because of people out there fighting to have a quote unquote good time? And I'm angry. I'm very angry. Why were the police not there to stop them?"
The two men left the area after Richardson had asked them to be careful, according to a friend who also attended the show, but returned later. According to eyewitnesses, one of them punched Richardson in the head and knocked him head first onto the concrete floor. The friend reported that Richardson was "unconscious" and "had blood all over his face."
There has been no comment from Korn or the venue. Atlanta police are investigating the incident and asking the public for help, as they reportedly have only a vague description of the suspects.
The Family Values tour, which also features Deftones, Stone Sour, 10 Years and others, arrives in Pensacola, Florida tonight (Wednesday, August 2nd).
Post edited by Unknown User on
1. Ten
2. Vs.
3. Pearl Jam
4. Binaural
5. No Code
6. Riot Act
7. Yield
8. Vitalogy
Pearl Jam Song Rankings
1. Black
2. Rearviewmirror
3. Light Years
4. Given to Fly
5. Severed Hand
Am I the only one who thinks this was a pretty unconscionable place to put an ad for the tour?
It really sucks for this guy hopefully they find out who did this and they are punished.
The real blame here is with Hi Fi Buys Security. They so not have proper raido equipment for ALL of their security and they are somewhat thing. Also that being said they are not prepared to handle this kind of crowd.
I went to the Unholy Alliance tour and it was out of control. People started moshing back in the ailses on slanted concrete between the seats. This was a problem it was dangerous and out of control. The guys trying to break it up were skinny little twigs. I hate to say it but for a heavy rock band you need big muscled bound guys that can handle those kind of situations.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
The dirty south needs a fix.
Suspects sought in attack at Lakewood Amphitheatre
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 08/01/06
People were drinking and having fun as the heavy-metal band, Korn, played. Then a ball cap was grabbed, a single punch thrown and Andy Richardson lay sprawled, with a head injury, just where the seats meet the lawn at Lakewood Amphitheatrer.
A senseless dispute over a little thing ended Richardson's life. At 2:15 p.m. Tuesday, doctors pronounced him dead even though his body was being kept alive so recipients for his organs could be found.
His mother, Gloria Richardson, was in the intensive care unit at Grady Memorial Hospital when doctors told her one of her two children was gone.
"He was a sweet-spirited, strong, fiercely loyal young man," the mother said of her 30-year-old son. "He marched to the tune of his own drum. He really did love his friends and family. He didn't deserve this."
Richardson's friends, who had worked with him as a roofer and were with him at the Sunday night concert, waited at home for the news.
"We just went out there to have a good night," said one friend, Eddie Arellano . "It was starting off fun. And then this whole thing turned into nightmare."
According to Arellano and others at the concert, there was a group of rowdy men acting up during the show.
"These guys were just way too drunk. They had too many fights," Arellano said.
Earlier in the evening, some of the rowdies tumbled down a hill, crashing into Richardson and his friends. There was a brief scuffle, according to Bernice Averil, who was in Richardson's group. A little later, the rowdies returned and one of them snatched Richardson's cap.
"When they took his hat he stood up and said 'We've already had a fight. I don't want to have any problems.'" Arellano said, describing the moments just before the punch. "The guy threw the hat back at him. And when he [Richardson] caught it, the guy hit him in the face and he [Richardson] hit the ground and hit the concrete with the back of his head. He just collapsed.
"His face was bloody. It was bad. It was horrible," said Arellano, who also was Richardson's roommate.
The person who threw the punch and his friend ran off, Arellano said.
Atlanta police spokesman Officer Steve Coleman said homicide detectives "have people of interest" but no arrests had been made. Police have a "vague description" of the person who threw the punch, according to Sgt. Kevin Iosty.
Jack Gannon, a spokesman for House of Blues, a California-based company that has a sponsorship deal with the HiFi Buys Amphitheater, said the incident was "unfortunate and tragic" and that the company is "cooperating fully with the Atlanta police department investigation."
"This was a total shock," said Richardson's mother, Gloria, who was widowed several years ago. "It's not right that someone could go a concert for a good time and wind up dead. I want justice. Those two people need to be caught. There needs to be more security [at the venue] or they need to not have these concerts at all. I'm going to pursue this. My voice will be heard."
I was on the perimeter of a pit at Lollapalooza in 1996...just trying to get close enough to the stage that I could rock out to some Kim Thayil. Dudes were grabbing at a girl's body in front of me and she started freaking out, so I pushed a few guys off of her and got her out of there. Next thing I know, I get kicked in the eye.
I won't get into what happened to that piece of shit, because I was a different person then, but I bet he never acted like an asshole at a concert again. If he did, I hope that he got what he deserved...again.
The moral of this story is that this guy didn't have to die. He should have handled the problem during the initial incident. Those guys were obviously too drunk to be allowed to reamin at the venue. He should have located security, and pointed those fucks out. He'd still be alive, and someone wouldn't be a murderer today.
old music:
I've made and ass of myself and embarressed myself but never started a fight with anyone.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
THe difficulty of getting security to react cannot be understated(remember Woodstock, this stuff is expected at that type of show (OZzfest, Family Values, etc) so the security right away starts out accomodating the surfers/moshers. Actually never been at that type of show where security would get involved, even in fights, usually they cant even see anything, would have a hard time getting to the altercation. So basically I see it as every man for himself. Too bad this happened, there is no excuse these guys should do time for involuntary manslaughter at least.
It is a real shame this man died but going to a pussy heavy metal show was not the smartest idea when your wife is pregnant....
Anyhow, its a senseless murder and hope the man is found and spends the rest of his life behind bars.
I don't think a mosh pit leads to someone being an idiot. If people mosh in an area that is expected to happen and there is room for people who don't watn to be apart of it to enjoy the show from anotehr area that is cool.
Moshing is fine as long as the people doing it are not morons.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
The dirty south needs a fix.
sounds like this was out on the lawn, by the wall not in the pit up front. Lots of lunatics at a show like that. What sucks is now they will probably curb tailgating out there and not allow people to drink at all in the parking lot, all because some poor excuse for a human decided to get drunk and someone had to pay for that losers indiscretions with his life. I hope they find this asshole and prosecute the shit of of him.
Hifi buys security does suck balls, beyond if you're depending on the APD you're pretty much already screwed.
It's really not security that is the problem, most of the time we want them seen and not heard. It's the poor excuses for humanity, that ruin it for everyone
wtf is wrong with people? has that shitty music made them that stupid?
Korn and the rest of the bands on the Family Values tour have issued a joint statement regarding the death of a fan who was beaten by two men during the tour's stop in Atlanta on Sunday (July 30th). The statement read in part, "All the bands on the Family Values tour offer their sincerest condolences and prayers to the family of 30-year-old Andy Richardson...Korn are appalled at the actions of these men and are imploring anyone who witnessed this senseless act or has any information about the attack to please immediately come forward by contacting local authorities."
According to initial reports, Richardson was attacked by two unidentified men after he asked them to be careful around his pregnant girlfriend and a mentally challenged child accompanying them. A friend of Richardson described the attackers to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution as "way too drunk."
One of the men punched Richardson in the head and knocked him head first onto the concrete floor, said eyewitnesses. The friend reported that Richardson was "unconscious" and "had blood all over his face."
Richardson, who never regained consciousness and was declared brain dead, succumbed to his injuries on Tuesday (August 1st).
Atlanta police are reportedly investigating "people of interest" in the incident, although they have only a vague description of the suspects.
I was at this show too. The black dude crowdsurfed and ended up going over the barrier. Security then escorted him out. During the last show of the main set, an argument happened between a white dude in front and a black security dude. The white dude shoved the black dude in the chest (dumb move). The black security dude then came over the barrier to get at the dude & take him out of there. Some other fans tried to stop him (another dumb move). It didn't work & the dude was escorted out.
- Al Swearengen
Yeah, I'm guessing murder isn't a "family value."
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
what dude hit what dude?... Whoa dude, that dude was wrong dude.
hey thanks for sharing that, its great to hear
and as the question asked on the link, yes he should be tried for murder