Not a fan of Mangini, why? are you a Jets fan? what don't you like about him? It seems so far he runs a real tight ship, unlike Romeo.
I didn't like the fact that he ratted out his former mentor, but from what I can tell it didn't seem like all his fault last year,by getting Farve shoved down his throat from upper management.
we'll see I guess but the Browns track record sucks so it wouldn't surprise me if he fails, but I'm willing to give him a chance.
Hey soulsinging, again, I'm not saying Cleveland is a great place to live and that there is hundreds of things to do in the city, because there isn't. What I'm trying to convey is that this is a major U.S. city, has 3 pro sports teams and have not won a championship in any kind since 1964. AND IT IS PISSING ME OFF TO NO END! I was born in 1966, been a fan of the Browns and Indians since I was probably 7 years old, the Cavs probably at age 12, and in all those years there is only dissapointment. So please, take your Pistons(resent NBA champion), your multi championship Red Wings and your Tigers, who have won a world series(don't remember what year but I saw them do it I swear)and your super bowl shuffling Chicago Bears and leave all the wierd and odd people alone to wollow in their misery.
Who cares about hockey? I don't give a damn about the NBA and the Pistons, and my true football love is Ohio State NCAA (hard in its own right these days ). The Tigers do have the 1984 series and I'll gladly take that. So by all means wallow. I'm just bitter about the fact that I'll be moving there this fall :(
Classy coming from someone who is a fan of a team that just got out of this 'bad luck.'
I hope when the Browns finally win it all i don't pull this shit...
stop being a baby. i was obviously joking.
This picture would have been a better response to Soulsinging's, if you were trying to contradict his statements about how Clevelanders always think things are going great.
By the way, you show your age by retaliating with a simple search of 'cleveland browns suck' in google when someone calls you out.
As for the Mangini hiring, It really grew on me. The media was all over Holcomb and Frye, claiming they would take us to the playoffs, so having the media hate Mangini means to me it's a great move
anyways....this is /thread for me...., my last exit, if I wanted the immaturity i would post on the browns forums after a loss.
Hey soulsinging, again, I'm not saying Cleveland is a great place to live and that there is hundreds of things to do in the city, because there isn't. What I'm trying to convey is that this is a major U.S. city, has 3 pro sports teams and have not won a championship in any kind since 1964. AND IT IS PISSING ME OFF TO NO END! I was born in 1966, been a fan of the Browns and Indians since I was probably 7 years old, the Cavs probably at age 12, and in all those years there is only dissapointment. So please, take your Pistons(resent NBA champion), your multi championship Red Wings and your Tigers, who have won a world series(don't remember what year but I saw them do it I swear)and your super bowl shuffling Chicago Bears and leave all the wierd and odd people alone to wollow in their misery.
Who cares about hockey? I don't give a damn about the NBA and the Pistons, and my true football love is Ohio State NCAA (hard in its own right these days ). The Tigers do have the 1984 series and I'll gladly take that. So by all means wallow. I'm just bitter about the fact that I'll be moving there this fall :(
soulsinging, I'm with you on Ohio State, but I do prefer pro sports to collage sports, did you just say your moving to Cleveland? for what reason?
Hey soulsinging, again, I'm not saying Cleveland is a great place to live and that there is hundreds of things to do in the city, because there isn't. What I'm trying to convey is that this is a major U.S. city, has 3 pro sports teams and have not won a championship in any kind since 1964. AND IT IS PISSING ME OFF TO NO END! I was born in 1966, been a fan of the Browns and Indians since I was probably 7 years old, the Cavs probably at age 12, and in all those years there is only dissapointment. So please, take your Pistons(resent NBA champion), your multi championship Red Wings and your Tigers, who have won a world series(don't remember what year but I saw them do it I swear)and your super bowl shuffling Chicago Bears and leave all the wierd and odd people alone to wollow in their misery.
Who cares about hockey? I don't give a damn about the NBA and the Pistons, and my true football love is Ohio State NCAA (hard in its own right these days ). The Tigers do have the 1984 series and I'll gladly take that. So by all means wallow. I'm just bitter about the fact that I'll be moving there this fall :(
soulsinging, I'm with you on Ohio State, but I do prefer pro sports to collage sports, did you just say your moving to Cleveland? for what reason?
I don't much care for the pros generally, all flash and no heart.
I have a job offer starting in Sept, assuming I pass the bar exam.
Once I get out of this town
I didn't like the fact that he ratted out his former mentor, but from what I can tell it didn't seem like all his fault last year,by getting Farve shoved down his throat from upper management.
we'll see I guess but the Browns track record sucks so it wouldn't surprise me if he fails, but I'm willing to give him a chance.
Who cares about hockey? I don't give a damn about the NBA and the Pistons, and my true football love is Ohio State NCAA (hard in its own right these days
This picture would have been a better response to Soulsinging's, if you were trying to contradict his statements about how Clevelanders always think things are going great.
By the way, you show your age by retaliating with a simple search of 'cleveland browns suck' in google when someone calls you out.
As for the Mangini hiring, It really grew on me. The media was all over Holcomb and Frye, claiming they would take us to the playoffs, so having the media hate Mangini means to me it's a great move
anyways....this is /thread for me...., my last exit, if I wanted the immaturity i would post on the browns forums after a loss.
I don't much care for the pros generally, all flash and no heart.
I have a job offer starting in Sept, assuming I pass the bar exam.