Jeff has left
Mike and Matt are still inside
Ed came out and went straight to his trailer. Everyone was told that Ed was not feeling well and to leave him alone. They were told if they wait a bit he will come out.
Marcia got a picture with STONE.
They sound checked Reign and the Real Me like 3 or 4 times so its pretty obvious those will be the two
......i think that's all the important stuff i remember
Cosmo and our visiting friend Marcia (From New York) went to go check out the parking situation for the show tomorrow.....and.....
it just so happened that PEARL JAM was on their way to SOUNDCHECK! Everyone but Matt and Ed walked out...but COSMO talked to JEFF about the show...apparently they are playing two songs tomorrow....and Marcia got a picture with Mike and shook Stone's hand. There were the regular Ebay dudes there so they were moved along very quickly...but i mean WOW...
they were understandably excited, so that's all the info i got...but i thought it would be cool to share...
Marcia answer your phone and recharge it!!! Just kidding. LOL and its a good opportunity for fixing that number. If Dave Grohl shows up, tell him that there needs to be a 9:30 Club show before Virgin Festival and to bring back For All The Cows back into the setlist and give BB another raise.
Yeah.. I picked up Marcia at the airport and I wanted to show her the Pacific Ocean from Los Angeles. We went to Manhattan Beach for lunch and hung out on the peir for a while. Tuns out, we had about 4 hours to kill before PJPixie got off of work (Marcia was staying with her).
We decided to cruise UCLA to check out the parking and venue. We pulled into the wrong lot, VH1 Crew Lot, but the parking attendant let us park for free anyway. He told us the Foos and Pearl Jam were doing rehersals today, so we decided to hang out.
Mike, Stone, Jeff and Matt all showed up together and checked in. The security to totally lax so we got to greet them as they walked up the stairs. I wanted to say 'Hey...' to Jeff, because I have never met him before. I shook his hand and told him how excited I was for the gig. He said, "For two songs?"... and I said, yeah... it's Pearl Jam and Who songs, dude. He laughed and said, "Yeah... I guess you're right."
Then, I said 'Hey...' to Stone. I was surprized when he said, "Nice to see you... haven't seen you for a while." I said, yeah.. but I seen you a bunch of times since then... have a great show.
Then, I caught up with Mike and Marcia. She really wanted a picture with Mike because she had met him in a Starbucks a couple of years ago and they chatted for about 15 minutes. But, she didn't have a camera. I said, 'Hey...' to Mike and he said, "I remember you." From a previous meeting or show, I guess. Marcia finally got her picture and it turned out great... Mike give the ol' 'Shaka, Bra..' hand thing.
We didn't see Ed come in... he must have snuck in through the visitor's locker room or something. But, we heard him singing.
After rehearsals, they left one by one. Jeff left and was in a conversation with someone so we just waved. The EBay stalkerazzi went after him with a stack of crap to sign, which will eventually show up on EBay. One guy asked Jeff to sign an Ed solo poster. Jeff just looked at it and said, "Nope". Why would Jeff sign an Ed poster?
Mike and Matt headed out is a hurry and were swarmed by the stalkerazzi (again). They signed a couple of things and said, no more... gotta go.
Stone was walking out.. and the stalkerazzi didn't bother him... I guess getting shot down singed their wings. We were sitting on the stairs and waved... then, Marcia quietly asked Stone if he would take a picture with her. He said, yeah and headed over towards us. We have to be the laziest Pearl Jam fans, ever... having Stone come to us. We got off our asses and walked over and got a picture with Stone. I told him the I run into Jeremy (Toback) a lot up in L.A. and he said it's been about 9 or 10 months since they talked. I told him he should call him. After that, the stalkerazzi swarmed.
When Ed came out.. he headed the other direction, towards the trailers, and the stalkerazzi started to chase him down. We felt like yelling, "Run Eddie!!! RUN!!!" Luckily, the security guards stopped them in their tracks.
We figured, he'd do what he always does and has everyone line up and get one thing signed... and no pictures with him. So, we waited.
When Ed came out... that was the deal. Everyone lined up and I got in the back to make sure none of those guys got back in line (I mean, the guy is gracious enough to sing stuff... don't ruin it for other FANS that will meet him in the future, right?).
I didn't need another autograph, so when he came to me, I just offered my hand and said, "I don't want anything. It's always nice to see you, Ed... and thanx for all the music." He smiled and said, "Thanx.. I appreciate that" and handed me a pick. Wow... Thanx, Eddie. He handed out a couple more and I told Marcia to get one.. and she did.
And as an added treat... as Ed was walking to the elevator... PETE was coming in!!! They, hugged and chatted a while and you could see Ed was pretty happy to see Pete. It was cool to see the two of them together.
After they parted ways, Pete headed towards the venue and the stalkerazzi swarmed him. He seemed pissed (undoubtedly) because they were shoving WHO albums and pens in his face. He just said, "No. Go away". As he passed me, I put out my hand and said, "I want to thank you for the lifetime of music, Pete". He looked at me and smiled and said, "Thank you".
So, all in all it was a good day.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
And as an added treat... as Ed was walking to the elevator... PETE was coming in!!! They, hugged and chatted a while and you could see Ed was pretty happy to see Pete. It was cool to see the two of them together.
That would be a dream come true for me.
nice story cosmo, you are the luckiest mofo I have ever met. You always seem to find a way to get closer to the bands.
nice story cosmo, you are the luckiest mofo I have ever met. You always seem to find a way to get closer to the bands.
Thanx. And yeah... it was pure luck. I figured, we'd check out the campus and I'd show Marcia around... then, continue up Sunset to show her Beverly Hills and the Sunset Strip and into Hollywood to Guitar Center and Amoeba Records. Once that parking attendant told us the Foo Fighters and Pearl Jam were rehearsing, it pretty much set the day. We pretty much just stumbled into this when I took a wrong turn and ended up in the Crew Lot.
We saw Taylor Hawkins walking out. I have met Taylor a few times at Foo and Chevy Metal (his side gig) so he said, "Why am I not surprized to see you?" I introduced him to Marcia and she got a picture with him. We talked about the gig and he was really excited about playing. Taylor is the Foo that really loves the Who... Dave is more of a Zeppelin guy. Taylor is a real nice, unpretentious, down-to-Earth (and funny) guy. And he really nailed the Keith Moon part in their songs.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
From the Foo Fighter Bulletin Board:
Tai and I went around the back of Pauley Pavillion after the show and hung out waiting to see who would exit our way. Within seconds, a stealth Pete Townsend drove in on a golf cart, waved quietly to the crowd, and went home without fuss. We waited a bit more, then tons of other rockers came out. Roger Daltry signed a few autographs, Mike McCready of Pearl Jam spent some time with the crowd. We waved to Taylor Hawkins off in the distance. I'm fairly certain I saw Nate walk by too. Rami Jaffee walked close by unsuspected by anyone but me but I was too shy to scream out hello. Kyle Gass (Tenacious D) waddled by (no wave to anyone). Jeremy Priven was in sight. Mila Kunis from that 70s show walked by. Sean Penn gave us a wave. Probably more I'm forgetting.
My personal highlight was Brandon Boyd of Incubus (sex). He patiently went along the rails and took photos and signed autographs. He waited till I fumbled and borrowed a marker AND took a photo (which I look so scary in that I may never post it! but it makes me deliriously happy about it because he is sex and I love Incubus).
Last of all came "Mr. Vedder" whom everyone saw on and off again out in the distance. They gave us a small warning that he wanted quiet and no photographs. He came over to the rails and patiently signed autographs. I gave him Tai's ticket stub but I had nothing solid to put under the paper so he used my hand. It started slipping then he said, "No wait, please let me do this right" and proceeded to give Tai a very nice autograph all while holding my hand. How cool was that? Before he got to me, he kept telling the crowd, "Last one" so to insist on doing the autograph "right" was cool indeed. Thank you Mr. Vedder.
Eddie and Brandon were the most patient and generous of all the passerbys, I must say. I felt lucky to have a little interaction with both. I didn't really care about the others anyway and our Foo boys were nowhere to be found (except in passing). There were probably tons more rock people passing us but I was oblivious as to who they were.
As for the show itself...AMAZING. Even though it was a tv event, it wasn't that awkward. I've been to worse? It ran much like a concert with only one or two gaffes, and they'd fill the time between bands with cool footage of the Who and all the rockers who were influenced by them. Powerful performances by all involved. I don't know if I should say more. I don't want to ruin the broadcast for anyone.
I had a great time hanging out with Tai, Robin (Foo'dforThought) and Vyan. And we saw Cosmo!
Now I'm off to dream about Brandon. I know I sound like a kid, but that's how it feels to see these bands you've loved as far back as when you WERE a kid play great rock, then to see some of them 2 feet away (or closer). It was an amazing night in rock history and just plain fun.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
cosmo, thanks for taking the time to type that all out, what a GREAT read and how fantastic for you both!
ahhhhh.....someday i would love to meet one, all....whatever.....somebody.....:p i've met/ran into a couple 'celebrities'....but none that i actually CARE about. i would so love to run into some in the band and have a great convo....
one can always dream........
yield...congrats on the teaching job! and again, thanks for sharing the news. always great o hear/read stories of fellow friends/fans meeting the boys. love it, love it, love it.
Cosmo and Marcia - Great meeting you and hanging out Friday. What an afternoon!
For the life of me... I could not remember what you said your screen name was. I kept thinking it was 'Florida-something-er-other'. Must have been the Flamingoes... Florida... well, you can see the connection, right?
That was pretty decent entertainment for free, wasn't it? Aren't those EBay stalkerazzi guys funny to watch? Did you hear the one guy on the cell phone to his buddy (who I guess, was on the other side of the building)... "Abort mission... abort mission..." when they thought Ed was trying to sneak out through another door.
And were we being the laziest Pearl Jam fans of all time or what?
It was fun and it was nice meeting you two and spending that time together.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Florida! That's funny. Yes those ebayers were a piece of work. It is funny, we were lazy and like the Walmart greeter PJ fans...Hey Rainn--Hi!, Hey Jeff -- Hi!--no one can say we weren't friendly!
I did feel bad for Pete, he was swarmed by those crazy guys!
Hope to meet up again and hang out, had a great time!
Chi 3/94
SNL 4/94
CHI/Soldier Field 7/95
CHi/UC 6/98
Detroit 10/00
Allstate Arena 10/00
Atlanta 4/03
CHI/UC 6/03
Alpine Valley 6/03
Chi/UC 5/06
Chi/UC 5/06
Honolulu 12/06
Kokua (Ed) 4/07
Kokua (Ed) 4/07
Lolla 8/07
WPB 6/08
Tampa 6/08
VH1 Honors 7/08
I guess I was confused then
Jeff has left
Mike and Matt are still inside
Ed came out and went straight to his trailer. Everyone was told that Ed was not feeling well and to leave him alone. They were told if they wait a bit he will come out.
Marcia got a picture with STONE.
They sound checked Reign and the Real Me like 3 or 4 times so its pretty obvious those will be the two
......i think that's all the important stuff i remember
Summerfest 95, 06 Alpine 92, 98, 00, 03 Chicago 95, 98, 00, 03, 06, 07 Grand Rapids 04, St. John's 05 Milwaukee 08
Marcia answer your phone and recharge it!!! Just kidding. LOL and its a good opportunity for fixing that number. If Dave Grohl shows up, tell him that there needs to be a 9:30 Club show before Virgin Festival and to bring back For All The Cows back into the setlist and give BB another raise.
Destroying DC Scum.
Yeah.. I picked up Marcia at the airport and I wanted to show her the Pacific Ocean from Los Angeles. We went to Manhattan Beach for lunch and hung out on the peir for a while. Tuns out, we had about 4 hours to kill before PJPixie got off of work (Marcia was staying with her).
We decided to cruise UCLA to check out the parking and venue. We pulled into the wrong lot, VH1 Crew Lot, but the parking attendant let us park for free anyway. He told us the Foos and Pearl Jam were doing rehersals today, so we decided to hang out.
Mike, Stone, Jeff and Matt all showed up together and checked in. The security to totally lax so we got to greet them as they walked up the stairs. I wanted to say 'Hey...' to Jeff, because I have never met him before. I shook his hand and told him how excited I was for the gig. He said, "For two songs?"... and I said, yeah... it's Pearl Jam and Who songs, dude. He laughed and said, "Yeah... I guess you're right."
Then, I said 'Hey...' to Stone. I was surprized when he said, "Nice to see you... haven't seen you for a while." I said, yeah.. but I seen you a bunch of times since then... have a great show.
Then, I caught up with Mike and Marcia. She really wanted a picture with Mike because she had met him in a Starbucks a couple of years ago and they chatted for about 15 minutes. But, she didn't have a camera. I said, 'Hey...' to Mike and he said, "I remember you." From a previous meeting or show, I guess. Marcia finally got her picture and it turned out great... Mike give the ol' 'Shaka, Bra..' hand thing.
We didn't see Ed come in... he must have snuck in through the visitor's locker room or something. But, we heard him singing.
After rehearsals, they left one by one. Jeff left and was in a conversation with someone so we just waved. The EBay stalkerazzi went after him with a stack of crap to sign, which will eventually show up on EBay. One guy asked Jeff to sign an Ed solo poster. Jeff just looked at it and said, "Nope". Why would Jeff sign an Ed poster?
Mike and Matt headed out is a hurry and were swarmed by the stalkerazzi (again). They signed a couple of things and said, no more... gotta go.
Stone was walking out.. and the stalkerazzi didn't bother him... I guess getting shot down singed their wings. We were sitting on the stairs and waved... then, Marcia quietly asked Stone if he would take a picture with her. He said, yeah and headed over towards us. We have to be the laziest Pearl Jam fans, ever... having Stone come to us. We got off our asses and walked over and got a picture with Stone. I told him the I run into Jeremy (Toback) a lot up in L.A. and he said it's been about 9 or 10 months since they talked. I told him he should call him. After that, the stalkerazzi swarmed.
When Ed came out.. he headed the other direction, towards the trailers, and the stalkerazzi started to chase him down. We felt like yelling, "Run Eddie!!! RUN!!!" Luckily, the security guards stopped them in their tracks.
We figured, he'd do what he always does and has everyone line up and get one thing signed... and no pictures with him. So, we waited.
When Ed came out... that was the deal. Everyone lined up and I got in the back to make sure none of those guys got back in line (I mean, the guy is gracious enough to sing stuff... don't ruin it for other FANS that will meet him in the future, right?).
I didn't need another autograph, so when he came to me, I just offered my hand and said, "I don't want anything. It's always nice to see you, Ed... and thanx for all the music." He smiled and said, "Thanx.. I appreciate that" and handed me a pick. Wow... Thanx, Eddie. He handed out a couple more and I told Marcia to get one.. and she did.
And as an added treat... as Ed was walking to the elevator... PETE was coming in!!! They, hugged and chatted a while and you could see Ed was pretty happy to see Pete. It was cool to see the two of them together.
After they parted ways, Pete headed towards the venue and the stalkerazzi swarmed him. He seemed pissed (undoubtedly) because they were shoving WHO albums and pens in his face. He just said, "No. Go away". As he passed me, I put out my hand and said, "I want to thank you for the lifetime of music, Pete". He looked at me and smiled and said, "Thank you".
So, all in all it was a good day.
Hail, Hail!!!
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
That would be a dream come true for me.
nice story cosmo, you are the luckiest mofo I have ever met. You always seem to find a way to get closer to the bands.
Thanx. And yeah... it was pure luck. I figured, we'd check out the campus and I'd show Marcia around... then, continue up Sunset to show her Beverly Hills and the Sunset Strip and into Hollywood to Guitar Center and Amoeba Records. Once that parking attendant told us the Foo Fighters and Pearl Jam were rehearsing, it pretty much set the day. We pretty much just stumbled into this when I took a wrong turn and ended up in the Crew Lot.
We saw Taylor Hawkins walking out. I have met Taylor a few times at Foo and Chevy Metal (his side gig) so he said, "Why am I not surprized to see you?" I introduced him to Marcia and she got a picture with him. We talked about the gig and he was really excited about playing. Taylor is the Foo that really loves the Who... Dave is more of a Zeppelin guy. Taylor is a real nice, unpretentious, down-to-Earth (and funny) guy. And he really nailed the Keith Moon part in their songs.
Hail, Hail!!!
Is this true? Did you tell him about me??
Sorry. He was being hushered in (they all were) by the production 'Talent Escorts'.
Next time, for sure.
Hail, Hail!!!
Tai and I went around the back of Pauley Pavillion after the show and hung out waiting to see who would exit our way. Within seconds, a stealth Pete Townsend drove in on a golf cart, waved quietly to the crowd, and went home without fuss. We waited a bit more, then tons of other rockers came out. Roger Daltry signed a few autographs, Mike McCready of Pearl Jam spent some time with the crowd. We waved to Taylor Hawkins off in the distance. I'm fairly certain I saw Nate walk by too. Rami Jaffee walked close by unsuspected by anyone but me but I was too shy to scream out hello. Kyle Gass (Tenacious D) waddled by (no wave to anyone). Jeremy Priven was in sight. Mila Kunis from that 70s show walked by. Sean Penn gave us a wave. Probably more I'm forgetting.
My personal highlight was Brandon Boyd of Incubus (sex). He patiently went along the rails and took photos and signed autographs. He waited till I fumbled and borrowed a marker AND took a photo (which I look so scary in that I may never post it! but it makes me deliriously happy about it because he is sex and I love Incubus).
Last of all came "Mr. Vedder" whom everyone saw on and off again out in the distance. They gave us a small warning that he wanted quiet and no photographs. He came over to the rails and patiently signed autographs. I gave him Tai's ticket stub but I had nothing solid to put under the paper so he used my hand. It started slipping then he said, "No wait, please let me do this right" and proceeded to give Tai a very nice autograph all while holding my hand. How cool was that? Before he got to me, he kept telling the crowd, "Last one" so to insist on doing the autograph "right" was cool indeed. Thank you Mr. Vedder.
Eddie and Brandon were the most patient and generous of all the passerbys, I must say. I felt lucky to have a little interaction with both. I didn't really care about the others anyway and our Foo boys were nowhere to be found (except in passing). There were probably tons more rock people passing us but I was oblivious as to who they were.
As for the show itself...AMAZING. Even though it was a tv event, it wasn't that awkward. I've been to worse? It ran much like a concert with only one or two gaffes, and they'd fill the time between bands with cool footage of the Who and all the rockers who were influenced by them. Powerful performances by all involved. I don't know if I should say more. I don't want to ruin the broadcast for anyone.
I had a great time hanging out with Tai, Robin (Foo'dforThought) and Vyan. And we saw Cosmo!
Now I'm off to dream about Brandon. I know I sound like a kid, but that's how it feels to see these bands you've loved as far back as when you WERE a kid play great rock, then to see some of them 2 feet away (or closer). It was an amazing night in rock history and just plain fun.
Hail, Hail!!!
HAHAHA...Lucky for him. That wouldn't have been an awkward conversation at all.
cosmo, thanks for taking the time to type that all out, what a GREAT read and how fantastic for you both!
ahhhhh.....someday i would love to meet one, all....whatever.....somebody.....:p i've met/ran into a couple 'celebrities'....but none that i actually CARE about. i would so love to run into some in the band and have a great convo....
one can always dream........
yield...congrats on the teaching job!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
SNL 4/94
CHI/Soldier Field 7/95
CHi/UC 6/98
Detroit 10/00
Allstate Arena 10/00
Atlanta 4/03
CHI/UC 6/03
Alpine Valley 6/03
Chi/UC 5/06
Chi/UC 5/06
Honolulu 12/06
Kokua (Ed) 4/07
Kokua (Ed) 4/07
Lolla 8/07
WPB 6/08
Tampa 6/08
VH1 Honors 7/08
For the life of me... I could not remember what you said your screen name was. I kept thinking it was 'Florida-something-er-other'. Must have been the Flamingoes... Florida... well, you can see the connection, right?
That was pretty decent entertainment for free, wasn't it? Aren't those EBay stalkerazzi guys funny to watch? Did you hear the one guy on the cell phone to his buddy (who I guess, was on the other side of the building)... "Abort mission... abort mission..." when they thought Ed was trying to sneak out through another door.
And were we being the laziest Pearl Jam fans of all time or what?
It was fun and it was nice meeting you two and spending that time together.
Hail, Hail!!!
I did feel bad for Pete, he was swarmed by those crazy guys!
Hope to meet up again and hang out, had a great time!
SNL 4/94
CHI/Soldier Field 7/95
CHi/UC 6/98
Detroit 10/00
Allstate Arena 10/00
Atlanta 4/03
CHI/UC 6/03
Alpine Valley 6/03
Chi/UC 5/06
Chi/UC 5/06
Honolulu 12/06
Kokua (Ed) 4/07
Kokua (Ed) 4/07
Lolla 8/07
WPB 6/08
Tampa 6/08
VH1 Honors 7/08