Bilderberg in Greece. Media Confronted.



  • force-10force-10 Posts: 794
    Just because rich people are rich, doesn´t mean they are bad people. Although, i´ve seen it in first hand, people do change when they get rich. Money changes people. Not everyone, though.

    So, a small part of the richest people in the world, coinciding in one restricted place... well.... they can´t control us all. They might incluence goverments, put their own here and there on strategic offices... so they can profit..... and become more powerful. That is not new. They won´t allow new rich people? Bill Gates did not have much, and look at him now. He is one of the wealthiest man alive. It´s such a complicated issue (and interesting one) and we just can´t let that mess us up. Capitalism creates the opportunity for rich being empowered, and the less wealthy searching to be employed. It doesn´t restrict you from getting wealthy.

    Besides, as my grandfather says all the time, death doesn´t accept tips from no one. You can´t go to heaven in a limo. All of us will die. Including rich people.

    If the time comes when we are all enslaved (if we aren´t already), then i think we WILL be forced to unite.
  • blackredyellowblackredyellow Posts: 5,889
    jlew24asu wrote:
    yahamita wrote:
    and why would the rich need to meet in NY May 5th-including OPRAH??

    "The overwhelming reason for the meeting was need -- that was the issue that galvanized everyone to participate," Patricia Stonesifer, senior advisor to the Gates foundation's trustees, Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett, told "This was a group very committed to philanthropy coming together to see how they can join together to do more."

    HOW DARE THEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But since they didn't put out press releases about the meeting in advance, then you just know that they were up to something sinister...
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • There is no direct video link, but check out at least the first video Estulin has embedded in his webpage for his book.

    Sorry i lost you all with the eye and the pyramid ;)
    just listen to him, i know he's a little pompus, but he know's what he is talking about.
    I've gotten some real information out of Estulin,
    he's legit,
    and he will even respond to your email if you contact him.

    He just happens to think that the secretive forces (that have lots of connections back to "enlightened" monarchs or banking families -- he mentions "the Frescobaldis and the Savoys" as being two of the most powerful families in the world, in one of his speeches) who have been pulling the global strings of "democracy" and otherwise for the last godknowshowmany years are misguided.

    Is it so wrong to question the motives\intentions and world view \ ideals of your leaders?
    Particularly if you come to find that your "real" leaders are hardly the democratic forces you once were told they are?

    "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." -2x Prime Minister of Britain, Benjamin Disraeli

    PS - i'd just like to throw out an early acknowledgement that despite being right about a lot of things, Estulin is probably off the mark about the alleged "danish flag conspiracy" ... :D
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    So, I found a bit more interesting info..What can anyone share with me regarding the Jesuits???
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
    yahamita wrote:
    So, I found a bit more interesting info..What can anyone share with me regarding the Jesuits???

    They're probably just another club in the whole mix. Another pyramid that probably gets more corrupt towards the top-- I graduated from a Jesuit university, and it had little impact on who I am or how I think.
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    yahamita wrote:
    So, I found a bit more interesting info..What can anyone share with me regarding the Jesuits???

    They're probably just another club in the whole mix. Another pyramid that probably gets more corrupt towards the top-- I graduated from a Jesuit university, and it had little impact on who I am or how I think.
    Thanks for you input! I need to do a bit more digging regarding this bunch. They seem to be the "hidden" monsters behind alot of crazy shit! of course, if it's all true! I'll be looking into this over the weekend.
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • yahamita wrote:
    yahamita wrote:
    So, I found a bit more interesting info..What can anyone share with me regarding the Jesuits???

    They're probably just another club in the whole mix. Another pyramid that probably gets more corrupt towards the top-- I graduated from a Jesuit university, and it had little impact on who I am or how I think.
    Thanks for you input! I need to do a bit more digging regarding this bunch. They seem to be the "hidden" monsters behind alot of crazy shit! of course, if it's all true! I'll be looking into this over the weekend.

    Here is a good place to start (direct download link for book PDF). Understand one side, you might understand the other. Here is a page that talks about a lot of stuff, including some speculation on the nature of the relationship between the Jesuits (a Vatican order) and the Knights Templar (an organization historicaly opposed to the vatican, and with a serious vendetta against it since the time of the inquisition). Its important to note that it seems the Jesuit order has been corrupted, debased, and infiltrated by their own opposition within the last century at least.

    Specifically, on the topic of "if it's all true", skip to the section on "Propaganda Due" or the "P-2" Masonic Lodge in Italy, with direct connections to Mossad among other things.

    This (P2) is the same group that guy was talking about in the "Local News Does Story On Real Illuminati" i posted earlier this week here.

    Propaganda Due (P-2)
    In March 1981, two Milanese prosecutors were investigating a fake kidnapping incident from 1979, in which an international banker disappeared. The Sicilian-born Michele Sindona was a financial adviser to the Vatican and thought to have links to the Mafia. The prosecutors made an interesting discovery: While on the run from the authorities and hiding in Palermo, Sindona suddenly traveled to Arezzo, a town 600 miles north, where he met with the textile manufacturer Licio Gelli.

    If a personality like Sindona leaves the safety of his hiding place to meet Licio Gelli, then this Gelli must be an important person indeed. For this reason, prosecutors ordered the investigation of Gelli. On March 17th, the investigating police officer searched this industrialist's office and found a list containing the names of 962 people.

    No ordinary list, it gave the names of the members of the Propaganda Due Masonic lodge—P2, for short—of which Gelli was the Grand Master. What was really surprising was, the list contained the names of some of the most important persons in Italy: three ministers, 43 members of parliament, 43 generals, eight admirals, secret service chiefs, hundreds of top bureaucrats and diplomats, the police commanders of Italy's four largest
    cities, industrialists and financiers, the editor and publisher of the newspaper Corriere della Sera and 24 other journalists and TV personalities.
    Michele Sindona was also listed. Another member of the lodge was banker Roberto Calvi, later to be found hanged from the Blackfriars Bridge in London, in the Masonic style of ritual execution, and only a few hundred yards away from a church that in the Middle Ages had once belonged to the Templars.

    As far as could be understood, every member of the P-2 had sworn loyalty to Gelli and to do anything that he might ask of them. These 962 members were grouped into 17 cells, each with its own Master. Gelli ran the lodge with such secrecy and professionalism that even the members themselves knew no one outside their own cells; only the Grand Master of each cell knew all its members.

    But who was Licio Gelli, the Grand Master of the lodge? He was a militant who had fought in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the fascists, and had been a fervent supporter of Mussolini. Later, after the war, when his involvement in the torture of Italian partisans was discovered, he was forced to flee the country for Argentina, where he became a close friend of the president Juan Perón. And now here he was, the Grand Master of the P-2 Masonic lodge.

    These revelations shook Italy to the core. The investigation further revealed that the lodge was participating in the government affairs and was central to Italy's endless corruption scandals. With the aid of their Masonic
    cardinal brothers, the lodge had turned the Vatican into a money-laundering institution and the lodge was also the strongest branch of the legendary Italian Mafia. The P-2 was behind many assassinations, acts of terror like bombings and was closely linked to the contra-guerilla cell Gladio.

    For a long time the P-2 had been channeling CIA and Vatican funds to fascist groups in Europe and Latin America. Lodge Member Michele Sindona was later arrested on charges of the murder of an Italian lawyer, and died in prison after drinking a cup of poisoned coffee. He was not only the treasurer of the P-2, but also the investment advisor to the Vatican. Sindona was responsible for selling the Vatican's Italian assets and investing the proceeds in the US. He was working for the Mafia as well as the CIA and had previously channeled funds to his Yugoslavian "friends" and to the Greek military junta that came to power in 1967.

    The parliamentary commission investigating this affair discovered that the P-2 was an international organization influential in everything from arms trading to crude oil prices. Ligio Gelli, the dark name of banking scandals and the secret and illegal P-2 Lodge, received a prison sentence of 12 years.

    The P-2's Secret Lodge and Strange Rituals
    The P-2's political activities and murders make horrific reading, but its organizational structure and ritualistic practices are equally so. This far from ordinary lodge had been building in great secrecy and every member
    was required to maintain this secrecy when coming or going. In his book St. Peter's Banker, Italian journalist Luigi Difonzo explains the P2, based on former members' confessions, with its activities of money laundering and links to the Mafia. About the lodge's location, he has the following to say:
    In interviews two former members have described the oaths they took. They were taken to a compound, a Villa hidden in the Apennines in the region of Tuscany. A 12-foot wall seals the neatly manicured grounds from view. In the centre of the main courtyard stands a fountain shaped like a tree trunk. The cobra-like sculpture, with its inflated hood, watches over the compound in a protective posture, as if ready to strike. The cobra's head is twice the size of a human skull. It has a single eye, which is blue during daylight and red after nightfall, for inside the cobra's hood and behind its eye there is a closed-circuit camera that follows a visitor, invited or unwelcome, as the fountain rotates in the direction the intruder moves. The fountain-camera is controlled from a room within the villa where eight monitors, each with five stations, cover eight guest rooms,
    patio, pool, dining room, sitting room, and party room. Approximately ten cameras, including the one inside the cobra, have infrared lenses. All of the exterior cameras are camouflaged by the landscaping. The Villa's interior is magnificent. Every room has marble floors and is furnished with antiques. Observing the high ceilings, the finely crafted gold-leaf moldings, the portraits of Mussolini, Hitler, and Peron, the visitor experiences a feeling, a sort of living, breathing odor of danger and power that penetrates the soul and cell by cell contaminates the mind with fear. The year is 1964.

    In this lodge were conducted hair-raising rituals:
    In the meeting room, twelve members of P-2, dressed in satin ceremonial robes and wearing black hoods reminiscent of those worn by members of the Ku Klux Klan, sit in leather chairs at a red marble conference table. They are the elite members of the Wolf Pack, Gelli's disciples—some say his execution squad. None of the black-clad disciples knows the identity of any of his eleven brothers. Grand Master Licio Gelli is the only one who bares his face. Two Masons stand post at the entrance to the meeting room. Their faces are also covered... They are ... personal bodyguards, some say his death squad—former Mussolini Fascists whose job is to protect the Grand Master and kill any of the twelve disciples who betray the cause "Il Momento di Passare all"(The Time for Real Action)... Each bodyguard carries an axe; they also bear automatic weapons.

    [lots of good pictures in actual PDF link up top]

    In the admission ceremonies for the initiates to the P-2, which is organized like the Mafia, one could witness the lodge's merciless methods and political ideals:
    The ceremony begins. There is an uneven series of knocks at the door. "Your Worshipful," a disciple announces, "a pagan wishes to enter." The Grand Master strikes the table with one blow with his axe. Immediately the oversized door swings open and slams against the inner wall. Two guards escort the initiate to the center of the room where he faces the twelve Masons with his back to the grand master's throne. The Pagan, as he is called, is wearing a plain black hood and a blindfold. His identity is known to Grand Master Licio Gelli, but to no one else. He is asked one question by each of the disciples, but the Pagan does not answer, instead, one of the guards speaks for him. Once all the ritual questions about purpose and belief and reason for wanting to become a member of Propaganda Due are answered, the Pagan is turned to face the Grand Master, who asks, "Pagan, are you prepared to die in order to preserve the secrets of Propaganda Due?" The initiate now answers for himself: "I am." "Do you have the necessary quality of contempt for danger?" "I do." "Do you have the necessary quality of courage?" "I am courageous...". "And Pagan, are you prepared to fight and perhaps face shame, even death, so that we who may become your Brothers may destroy this Government and form a Presidency?" "I am." Then the blindfold is removed. It takes a moment
    for the initiate's vision to clear, because this is the first time since entering the compound that he has been allowed to see light. The blindfold serves a purpose other than security. It also represents the power of P-2:
    "Without membership one is blind; with the help of the order, however, the way is clear."

    P-2 and Mossad
    Along with the darker sides of the P-2, the lodge had also an Israeli connection. The July 1981 issue of The Middle East International Journal established that the P-2 had close links with Israel, especially with Mossad, and that the Jewish community in Italy played an important role in this connection. In later years, Carlo de Beneditti, the second richest man in Italy, was discovered to have had a close relationship
    with the P-2 Lodge and also very good contacts with the Jewish communities in Europe and the US. The foremost names who had contact with the P-2 are Henry Kissinger, Edmond de Rothschild, and David Rockefeller.

    The Italian journal Panorama wrote that Ellie de Rothschild arranged the necessary amount of money for the Masonic hanging of banker Roberto Calvi, who either had or was about to "talk" against the P-2.

    Henry Kissinger was directly involved at the top of the lodge. In Papa, Mafya, Agca (The Pope, The Mafia and Agca), Ugur Mumcu, a prominent Turkish journalist wrote, "Henry Kissinger is a member of the Monte Carlo lodge, which is the P-2's 'board of directors,' also known as the Monte Carlo Committee. All the members of this lodge are Grand Masters and Masons of the 33rd degree."

    The alliance between the P-2 and Israel or to be more specific, with Mossad is illustrated by ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky in The Other Side of Deception, published in 1994 after his other greatly controversial book, By Way of Deception. Ostrovsky writes that Licio Gelli, P-2's Grand Master, was the ally of Mossad in Italy and that Gelli also had a close relationship with the Gladio contra-guerilla group, allied with Mossad and that Mossad used this Gelli-Gladio alliances for its arms dealings with Italy in the 1980s.

    [it goes on more, folks should read this hit. it isn't "crazy talk". its the world as we don't know it]
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    Fucking Henry Kissinger- every corner I turn and find something corrupt, his name seems to be all up in the mix.
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    jlew24asu wrote:
    yahamita wrote:
    and why would the rich need to meet in NY May 5th-including OPRAH??

    "The overwhelming reason for the meeting was need -- that was the issue that galvanized everyone to participate," Patricia Stonesifer, senior advisor to the Gates foundation's trustees, Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett, told "This was a group very committed to philanthropy coming together to see how they can join together to do more."

    HOW DARE THEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And here is What Kevin Trudeau had to say about their meeting. Global population control? Hmmmm
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    yahamita wrote:
    jlew24asu wrote:
    yahamita wrote:
    and why would the rich need to meet in NY May 5th-including OPRAH??

    "The overwhelming reason for the meeting was need -- that was the issue that galvanized everyone to participate," Patricia Stonesifer, senior advisor to the Gates foundation's trustees, Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett, told "This was a group very committed to philanthropy coming together to see how they can join together to do more."

    HOW DARE THEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And here is What Kevin Trudeau had to say about their meeting. Global population control? Hmmmm

    This guy has a history of just making shit up left and right, so why should we (or you) care what he has to say about this? Because he says something you agree with?
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    This guy has a history of just making shit up left and right, so why should we (or you) care what he has to say about this? Because he says something you agree with?[/quote]

    I know nothing about him, just seen him on TV trying to sell his book. Didn't even know he was a millionaire, but found it interesting he mentioned the Bilderbergs..
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    yahamita wrote:
    This guy has a history of just making shit up left and right, so why should we (or you) care what he has to say about this? Because he says something you agree with?

    I know nothing about him, just seen him on TV trying to sell his book. Didn't even know he was a millionaire, but found it interesting he mentioned the Bilderbergs..[/quote]

    A little research will show you that the guy is totally full of shit. Not the type of guy I would want vocally supporting any cause I was associated with
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    yahamita wrote:
    and why would the rich need to meet in NY May 5th-including OPRAH??
    And to bump this....
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    Info overload..WTF is this guy trying to say???
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
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