Bilderberg in Greece. Media Confronted.

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If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Jim Tucker is there, reporting on the ruse. What ruse, you ask? Apparently 2008 taught these fuckers a good lesson: the times are a changin'. With the largest public protest ever in Chantilly last year, the global-elite have decided to meet in super secret seclusion, on an island location.
Tucker reports that the security "goes on for blocks and blocks", that it is "the most security he has ever seen", and that THEY ARE PLAYING A SHELL GAME WITH THREE HOTELS.
Yes, they've rented THREE high end resorts in full, and are using two as decoys.
Little Timmy Geithner will be there again this year. Tucker says one of the agenda items will be to discuss "how to take advantage of the economic downturn", by which i'm sure he means the same as Rahm Emmanuel, "don't let a good crisis go to waste".
But of course, i'm sure Soledad O'Brien is right (WeAreChange Ohio Confronts Soledad O’Brien about Bilderberg ), it isn't a closed door policy meeting between private industry and central government. No no. Surely not in a FREE world.
Look, more SUN SYMBOLS (heh heh):
VIDEO LINK: WeAreChange Ohio Confronts Soledad O’Brien about Bilderberg
May 15, 2009
WeAreChange Ohio confronted Soledad O’Brien of CNN at the University of Cincinnati, where she was addressing a public audience. When asked about why O’Brien and CNN have not covered the Bilderberg Group, she stated that world policy meetings do not transpire behind closed doors. This bald-faced lie goes against the incontrovertible evidence that business leaders, political figures, and members of the press have been meeting at Bilderberg conferences since 1954.
During her prepared remarks, O’Brien defended the bankers on Wall Street, revealing that she is merely a smooth-talking propagandist for the corporate criminals of the Establishment. Without a hint of irony, O’Brien said that there was no divide between Wall Street and Main Street, even as $12.8 trillion dollars of taxpayer money is being funneled to the most wealthy banking institutions of the world.
O’Brien went into a brief interlude in the middle of her speech in which she said that Hurricane Katrina “illuminated” the social conditions in New Orleans. She ultimately went on to use solar imagery a total of three times, each time in reference to the deaths in the Crescent City. The second instance in which she used this astro-theological motif was when she stated that the rising sun revealed the corpses that were floating around the submerged city. The third time included a reference to FEMA and the use of GPS equipment to tag the dead bodies, which she stated were evident during the morning sunrise.
Ostensibly, this elaborate theme was used to illustrate the media’s ability to facilitate social justice. O’Brien may try to portray herself as a friend to the general populace, but as with the rest of the corporate press, she has knowingly glossed over the ways in which private interests work to crush the middle class and mass murder the Third World.
Tellingly, towards the end of her appearance at the University of Cincinnati, she told the students that they should be active in the public sector even if what they do is wrong. The question remains: in this instance, does the word “wrong” mean “incorrect,” or does it denote “Evil?”
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Once a year, it is rumoured, the global elite gather at a luxury hotel to chew the fat and fine-tune their secret plans for world domination. We sent Charlie Skelton in pursuit
Wednesday 13 May 2009 ... bilderberg
Our man at Bilderberg: 'Close, but still no cabal'
Wednesday 13 May 2009 ... rich-cabal
Bilderberg: 'One mention of Sylvester McCoy and it all kicks off'
Thursday 14 May 2009 ... n-dispatch
Our man at Bilderberg: T'hey're watching and following me, I tell you'
Friday 15 May 2009 ... n-dispatch
Our man at Bilderberg: 'I'm ready to lose control, but they're not'
Friday 15 May 2009 ... -dispatch1
Our man at Bilderberg: 'You are not allowed to take pictures of policemen!'
Sunday 17 May 2009 ... bilderberg
Our man at Bilderberg: I should be ashamed
Charlie Skelton reflects on the effectiveness, or otherwise, of his reporting on the annual secret meeting of the global elite
Monday 18 May 2009 ... n-dispatch
Thanks for playing Byrnzie.
Read the first one, and even though it is light hearted and silly as hell, it is still better than NO COVERAGE AT ALL, which is what you most certainly get from the rest of the MSM.
Got to go out and help some friends farm, but i'll be back later to read the rest.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I like this guy, he's got all the not-so-dry wit that Jim Tucker sorely misses.
I guess it's hard under the weight of all that globalist pressure to stay in good humor.
Our man at Bilderberg: I should be ashamed
Charlie Skelton reflects on the effectiveness, or otherwise, of his reporting on the annual secret meeting of the global elite
You can't quite make out the face of the Bilderberg delegate on the waterskis, but I'm pretty sure from his shape that it isn't Ken Clarke. Is it the US deputy secretary of state, James Steinberg? No, Steinberg prefers a shorter rope. "Next year I bring a bigger lens," says Paul Dorneanu, the young Romanian Bilderberg hunter who took the photo.
He shows me another: a long-range shot of two happy globalists in an inflatable doughnut ring and Speedos, skidding about behind a powerboat. If only the image was sharper we might see Peter Mandelson snatching a chat with Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank. "So how do we sell ... splooosh! ... wooo! ... the abolition of the pound to the ... sploosh! ... electorate? Again! Again! Once more round the bay!"
The names of this year's delegates are starting to drip in: the prime minister of Greece, Kostas Karamanlis, is a definite. Jim Tucker tells me that the former Swedish prime minister and thinktank whore, Carl Bildt, gave an important speech. "He spoke about the need for a worldwide department of the treasury and a worldwide department of health, brought in on the back of economic meltdown and global warming. Swine flu being the first trick they tried ..."
I ask Jim how he knows this. "I have my sources," he chuckles, his cigarette ash quivering improbably. "They've never once let me down." People on the inside. Maybe Jim and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands had a thing back in the 60s.
Anyone who takes a "fair enough they should meet in private" position on Bilderberg should at least find it odd that we don't properly know who "they" are. We know some of them, thanks in no small part to Tucker's sources, but should publicly elected officials be meeting in armed privacy to discuss global policy with unnamed private individuals? What would you say to that, George Osborne, MP for Tatton - would you say it's "fair enough"?
One of the nastiest ironies of Bilderberg is that, while every effort in the world is done to ensure the anonymity of the delegates, if you turn up to report on the conference you spend your days dipping for your driving licence and being asked your date of birth, your father's first name and whether you are staying here alone. Which hotel? Why you come here?
It isn't just me who's been hauled into police custody for daring to hang around half a mile from the hotel gates. The few journalists who've made the trip to Vouliagmeni this year have all been harassed and harried and felt the business end of a Greek walkie-talkie. Many have been arrested. Bernie, from the American Free Press, and Gerhard the documentarian (sounds like a Dungeons and Dragons character) chartered a boat from a nearby marina to try to get photos from the sea. They were stopped three miles from the resort. By the Greek navy.
This chimes with what a police officer told the Associated Press (on condition of anonymity): "The resort was being protected by hundreds of police, navy commandos, coast guard speedboatsand two F-16 fighter planes." That's right. Two F-16 fighter planes.
Now, if you're wondering why this event isn't being covered properly by the world's media when the Greek navy are turning around boats three miles from an F-16-encircled waterski paradise, keep wondering. If you're grinding your teeth at the paucity of information about Bilderberg, grind harder. Grind louder. Go online. See what Paul Dorneanu has seen. Read the American Free Press. Peek behind the bars of Prison Planet.
As for me, there's not much more I can tell you. I can tell you that (according to a policeman) many of the delegates zipped up the hill between 2am and 4am on Thursday night, to avoid being noticed. (Is it just me or is that a bit lame?) Was Baron Mandelson, the prince of darkness, one of them? How about he tell us where he's been this weekend. And whether or not he went twice on the doughnut. And if so, did he jump the queue in front of Eric Schmidt?
I can tell you that every so often coaches with blacked-out windows made their way up and down the hill. Changes of staff? Fresh hookers? I can tell you that one night I happened upon a delegate nipping out to the pharmacy in his gunproof Mercedes, bodyguard watching the pavements. I'd have gone for my camera but I remembered what Jon Ronson wrote in a kind comment to one of my earlier pieces: "no sudden moves". He wasn't kidding. I wandered off. Me and my various tails.
The thing is, I never really came here to "cover" Bilderberg. I just thought it would be funny to hang out at the cordon and wear T-shirts saying things like "NOBILIZATION!". It's really very peculiar to look back at my first report and watch myself pretending to dodge spooks on dark streets. Ha ha ha. And now? I've hidden twice in the same stairwell in Athens to try to shake off the men following me. I have a favourite bolthole in Athens city centre. That's how much my life has changed.
I've grappled with men in a Metro station; I've screamed for help in Omonoia Square; I've shouted "You're lying to me!" at detectives in an Athens police station; I've grabbed a man riding off on a motorbike and begged him – almost in tears – to "leave me alone"; I've been yelled at, arrested, followed, searched, shoved, maligned, intimidated, doubted and lied to. So many lies.
I've told the truth about what has happened to me this week. I wonder if the various British politicians who have attended Bilderberg 2009 could bring themselves to tell the truth about how they spent their time. I wonder if someone better than me, a better reporter, a more powerful voice, a politician even, could ask them. Anyone?
My dispatches on the 2009 conference, if they mean anything at all, represent nothing more acutely than the absence of thorough mainstream reporting. I am pretty much the opposite of what's needed. I am a joke. These dispatches are a travesty. A travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. A disgrace to the good name of journalism. I should be ashamed.
That said, I'm actually doing a proper bit of reporting today. I've got an early meeting with the head of Athens CID. We've got some things to discuss ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
My pleasure.
It is an interesting read, though it's a shame he didn't manage to shed any light on the thing.
Oh. See, i disagree entirely.
I think he shed as much light as could be expected, if not more.
What were your expectations?
This is, despite the BS spin you are likely to hear in lieu of any actual reporting, some of the best "information" you will actually get on Bilderberg as it happens.
If you are looking for "facts", about all you will come up with is
The *Leaked* 2009 Bilderberg Attendee List, translated from GREEK. Yikes!
TO ADD EMPHASIS TO JUST HOW MUCH COLLUSION THERE IS BETWEEN THE MEDIA (and their self imposed blackout) AND THE ELITE, ONE OF THE ATTENDEES IS DONALD E. GRAHAM, CEO OF THE WASHINGTON POST AND ANOTHER IS JOHN MICKLETHWIAT, EDITOR IN CHIEF OF "THE ECONOMIST" MAGAZINE (as well as author of the ultra-cheerleader book, "A Future Perfect: the Challenge and Hidden Promise of Globalisation")
Funny shit, huh?
Yeah, i'm not laughing either.
Add to that David Rockefeller, just about every Central Bank head you could think of, the US Treasury Secretary (as well as Larry Summers), the associate editor & chief economics commentator for the Financial Times, a whole list of diplomats (including the NATO secretary general, several current and past foreign prime ministers and Paul Wolfowitz) and mega-corporate executives, along with General David Petraeus from US CentCom and the former head of MI6 !?!?!
Now, absent of having given us the "Officialy Unofficial List of Attendees", i'm not sure what more "information" you could have asked for out of this poor soul?
Having been "to" Bilderberg 2008 i can tell you THERE IS NOTHING TO BE LEARNED outside of the EXPERIENCE and communication there of as to JUST HOW SECRETIVE AND SECURED THIS MEETING IS.
And as far as THAT is concerned, this reporter set the bar, imho.
You can't come away from the OP article and not think twice about what the fuck is really going on.
It is beyond the pale absurd.
Βασίλισσα Ολλανδίας Βεατρίκη [Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands],
Βασίλισσα Ισπανίας Σοφία [Queen Sofía of Spain]
Πρίγκιπας Κωνσταντίνος Πρίγκιπας Βελγίου
Φίλιππος Ετιέν Νταβινιόν, Βέλγιο [Étienne Davignon, Belgium]
Γιόζεφ Ακερμαν, Γερμανία [Josef Ackermann, Germany]
Κιθ Αλεξάντερ, ΗΠΑ (ΝSΑ) [Keith B. Alexander, Director of the NSA, USA]
Ρότζερ Αλτμαν, ΗΠΑ [Roger Altman, USA]
Τ. Αράπογλου, Ελλάδα (Διοικητής Εθνικής Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος) [Takis Arapoglou, National Bank of Greece, Greece]
Αλί Μπαμπατζάν, Τουρκία (αντιπρόεδρος της κυβέρνησης, υπεύθυνος για την οικονομία) [Ali Babacan, Turkey]
Φρανσίσκο Μπίντο Μπαλσεμάο, Πορτογαλία [Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, Portugal]
Νικολά Μπαβαρέζ, Γαλλία [Nicolas Baverez, France]
Φράνκο Μπερνάμπε, Ιταλία (Τelecom Ιtalia) [Franco Bernabè, Italy]
Ξαβιέ Μπερτράν, Γαλλία [Xavier Bertrand. France]
Καρλ Μπίλντ, Σουηδία (υπουργός Εξωτερικών) [Bildt, Carl, Sweden]
Γιαν Μπγιόρκλουντ, Νορβηγία [Jan Björklund, Minister for Education, Sweden]
Κριστόφ Μπλόχερ, Ελβετία [Christoph Blocher, Switzerland]
Αλεξάντερ Μπομπάρ, Γαλλία, [Alexandre Bobard, France]
Αννα Μποτέν, Ισπανία
Ανρί ντε Καστρίς, Γαλλία [Henri de Castries, AXA, France]
Χουάν-Λουίς Θεμπριάν, Ισπανία [Juan Luis Cebrián, El Pais, Spain]
Εντμουντ Κλαρκ, Καναδάς [W. Edmund Clark, TD Bank Financial Group, Canada]
Κένεθ Κλαρκ, Βρετανία [Kenneth Clark, ΤD Βank Financial Group, Great Britain]
Λυκ Κοέν, Βέλγιο [Luc Coene, National Bank of Belgium, Belgium]
Τζορτζ Ντέιβιντ, Ελλάδα (φάουλ της εφημερίδας, πρόκειται για τον Γ. Δαυίδ, αναφέρεται και στο τέλος)
Ρίτσαρντ Ντίαρλαβ, Βρετανία [Richard Dearlove, ex head MI6, Great Britain]
Μάριο Ντράγκι, Ιταλία [Mario Draghi, Βanca d΄Ιtalia, Italy]
Αντερς Ελντρουπ, Δανία [Eldrup, Anders, Denmark]
Τζον Ελκαν, Ιταλία (Fiat SΡΑ) [Elkann, John, Fiat SPA, Italy]
Τόμας Εντερς, Γερμανία (Αirbus SΑS) [Enders Thomas, CEO Airbus, Germany]
Χοσέ Εντρεκανάλες, Ισπανία [José Entrecanales, Spain]
Ισίντρο Φάινε Κάσας, Ισπανία [Isidre Faine Casas, La Caixa, Spain]
Νάιαλ Φέργκιουσον, ΗΠΑ (Πανεπιστήμιο Χάρβαρντ) [Niall Ferguson, Harvard Business School, USA]
Τίμοθι Γκάιτνερ, ΗΠΑ (υπουργός Οικονομίας) [Timothy Geithner, USA, Secretary of the Treasury]
Ντέρμοτ Γκλίσον, Ιρλανδία (ΑΙΒ Group) [Dermot Gleeson, Ireland]
Ντόναλντ Γκρέιαμ, ΗΠΑ [Donald E. Graham](Washington Ρost Company)
Βίκτορ Χάλμπερσταντ, Ολλανδία [Halberstadt, Victor, Professor of Economics, Leiden University, Netherlands]
Ερνστ Χιρς Μπαλίν, Ολλανδία [Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Netherlands]
Ρίτσαρντ Χόλμπρουκ, ΗΠΑ (ειδικός απεσταλμένος προέδρου Ομπάμα για Αφγανιστάν και Πακιστάν) [Richard Holbrooke, USA]
Γιαπ ντε Χουπ Σέφερ, Ολλανδία (Γ.Γ. ΝΑΤΟ) [Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO Secretary General, Denmark]
Τζέιμς Τζόουνς, ΗΠΑ (Σύμβουλος Εθνικής Ασφαλείας του Λευκού Οίκου) [James L. Jones, National Security Advisor, USA]
Βέρνον Τζόρνταν, ΗΠΑ [Vernon Jordan, USA]
Ρόμπερτ Κέιγκαν, ΗΠΑ [Robert Kagan, USA]
Γίρκι Κατάινεν, Φινλανδία [Jyrki Katainen, Minister of Finance, Finland]
Τζον Κερ, Βρετανία (Royal Dutch Shell) [John Kerr, Baron Kerr of Kinlochard, Great Britain]
Μουσταφά Κοτς, Τουρκία (Ομιλος Κοτς) [Mustafa Koç, Turkey]
Ρόλαντ Κοχ, Γερμανία [Roland Koch, Germany]
Σαμί Κοέν, Τουρκία (Δημοσιογράφος) [Sami Cohen, Journalist, Turkey]
Χένρι Κράβις, ΗΠΑ [Henry Kravis, USA]
Μαρί Ζοσέ Κράβις, ΗΠΑ (Ηudson Ιnstitute) [Marie-Josée Kravis, USA]
Νέλι Κρους, Ολλανδία (Ευρωπαία Επίτροπος για τον Ανταγωνισμό) [Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition. Netherlands]
Οδυσσέας Κυριακόπουλος, Ελλάδα (Ομιλος S&Β) [Odysseas Kyriakopoulos, S&B Group, Greece]
Μανουέλα Φερέιρα Λέιτε, Πορτογαλία (ΡSD) [Manuela Ferreira Leite, Portugal]
Μπερναρντίνο Λεόν, Ισπανία [Bernardino León, Spain]
Τζέσικα Μάθιους, ΗΠΑ [Jessica Mathews, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, USA]
Φίλιπ Μέισταντ, (Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων) [Philippe Maystadt, European Investment Bank, Belgium]
Φρανκ ΜακΚένα, Καναδάς [Frank McKenna, ΤD Βank Financial Group, Canada]
Τζον Μίκελθγουεϊτ, Βρετανία (Δημοσιογράφος, Τhe Εconomist) [John Micklethwait, The Economist, Great Britain]
Τιερί ντε Μοντμπριάν, Γαλλία (French Ιnstitute) [Thierry de Montbrial, Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI), France]
Μάριο Μόντι, Ιταλία (Πανεπιστήμιο Λουίτζι Μποκόνι) [Mario Monti, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy]
Μιγκέλ Ανχελ Μορατίνος, Ισπανία (υπουργός Εξωτερικών) [Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Spain]
Κρεγκ Μούντι, ΗΠΑ (Μicrosoft) [Craig Mundie, Microsoft, USA]
Εγκιλ Μίκλεμπαστ, Νορβηγία [Egil Myklebust, SAS Group, Norway]
Ματίας Νας, Γερμανία [Matthias Nass, Die Zeit, Germany]
Ντενίς Ολιβέν, Γαλλία [Denis Oliven, Le Νouvel Οbservateur, France]
Φρεντερίκ Ουντεά, Γαλλία [Frederic Oudea, Societe Generale, France]
Τζεμ Οζντεμίρ, Γερμανία (Κόμμα Πρασίνων) [Cem Özdemir, Alliance '90/The Greens, Germany]
Τομάζο Παντόα-Σιόπα, Ιταλία [Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Italy]
Δημήτρης Παπαλεξόπουλος, Ελλάδα (Τιτάν) [Papalexopoulos, Dimitris, CEO, Titan Cement Co. S.A., Greece]
Ρίτσαρντ Περλ, ΗΠΑ [Richard Perle, Αmerican Εnterprise Ιnstitute, USA]
Ντέιβιντ Πετρέους, ΗΠΑ (Επικεφαλής Κεντρικής Διοίκησης αμερικανικών Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων) [David Petraeus, Commander, U.S. Central Command, USA]
Μανουέλ Πίντο, υπουργός Οικονομικών της Πορτογαλίας [Manuel Pinho, Minister of Economy and Innovation, Portugal]
Ρόμπερτ Πρίτσαρντ, Καναδάς [Robert Prichard, Τorstar Corporation, Canada]
Ρομάνο Πρόντι, Ιταλία (πρώην πρωθυπουργός Ιταλίας) [Romano Prodi, ex Prime Minister, Italy]
Χέδερ Ράισμαν, Καναδάς [Heather Reisman, Ιndigo Βooks & Μusic Ιnc., Canada]
Εϊβιντ Ρέιταν, Νορβηγία [Odd ? Reitan, Norway]
Μίκαελ Ρίντζιερ, Τσεχία [Michael Ringier, Czech Republic]
Ντέιβιντ Ροκφέλερ, ΗΠΑ [David Rockefeller, USA]
Ντένις Ρος, ΗΠΑ [Dennis Ross, USA]
Μπάρνετ Ρούμπιν, ΗΠΑ [Barnett Rubin, USA
Αλμπέρτο Ρουίθ- Γκαλαρθόν, Ισπανία [Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón ?, Mayor of Madrid, Spain]
Σούζαν Σαμπαντζί Ντιντζέρ, Τουρκία [Suzan Sabancı Dinçer, Turkey]
Ιντιρα Σαμαρασέκερα, Καναδάς [Indira Samarasekera, President of the University of Alberta, Canada]
Ρουντολ Σόλτεν, Αυστρία [Rudolf Scholten, Social Democratic Party, Austria]
Γιούργκεν Στεμπ, Γερμανία [Jürgen Steb, Germany]
Πέδρο Σόλμπες, Ισπανία (υπουργός Οικονομίας) [Pedro Solbes, Spain]
Σαμπατζί Σαράζ, Τουρκία (τραπεζίτης) [Serra Sabanci ?, Turkey]
Σανάτα Σεκέτα, Καναδάς (Πανεπιστήμιο Καναδά)
Λόρενς Σάμερς, ΗΠΑ [Lawrence Summers, USA]
Πήτερ Σάδερλαντ, Ιρλανδία [Peter Sutherland, Ireland]
Μάρτιν Τέιλορ, Βρετανία [Martin Taylor, Barclays Bank, Great Britain]
Πίτερ Θίελ, ΗΠΑ [Peter Thiel, USA]
Αγάν Ουργκούτ, Τουρκία
Μάτι Βανχάνεν, Φινλανδία, (πρωθυπουργός) [Matti Vanhanen, Prime Minister, Finland]
Ντάνιελ Βαζέλα, Ελβετία, [Daniel Vasella, Novartis AG, Switzerland]
Χέροεν βαν ντε Βιρ, Ολλανδία [Jeroen van der Veer, CEO Royal Dutch Shell, Netherlands]
Γκυ Φερχόφσταντ, Βέλγιο (πρώην πρωθυπουργός) [Guy Verhofstadt, ex Prime Minister, Belgium]
Πολ Βόλκερ, ΗΠΑ [Paul Volcker, USA]
Τζέικομπ Βάλενμπεργκ, Σουηδία [Jacob Wallenberg, Sweden]
Μάρκους Βάλενμπεργκ, Σουηδία [Marcus Wallenberg, Sweden]
Νουτ Γουέλινκ, Ολλανδία
Χανς Βίζερς, Ολλανδία
Μάρτιν Γουλφ, Βρετανία (Δημοσιογράφος) [Martin Wolf, Financial Τimes, Great Britain]
Τζέιμς Γούλφενσον, ΗΠΑ (πρώην πρόεδρος Παγκόσμιας Τράπεζας) [James Wolfensohn, USA]
Πολ Γούλφοβιτς, ΗΠΑ [Paul Wolfowitz, USA]
Φαρίντ Ζακάρια, ΗΠΑ (Δημοσιογράφος- Αναλυτής, Νewsweek) [Fareed Zakaria, USA - Newsweek]
Ρόμπερτ Ζέλικ, ΗΠΑ (Πρόεδρος Παγκόσμιας Τράπεζας) [Robert Zoellick, World Bank, USA]
Ντόρα Μπακογιάννη, Ελλάδα (υπουργός Εξωτερικών) [Dora Bakoyannis, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Greece]
Αννα Διαμαντοπούλου, Ελλάδα (βουλευτής ΠαΣοΚ) [Anna Diamantopoulou, Greece]
Ι. Παπαθανασίου, Ελλάδα (υπουργός Οικονομίας) [Yannis Papathanasiou, Minister for Economy and Finance, Greece]
Γ. Αλογοσκούφης, Ελλάδα (πρώην υπουργός) [Georgios Alogoskoufis, Greece]
Γ. Δαυίδ, Ελλάδα (επιχειρηματίας, πρόεδρος Coca-Cola 3Ε) [George David, Coca-Cola 3E, Greece]
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Where are Obama, Bush, Clinton, and all the other presidents and government officials you insist are living solely to serve this vast unified conspiracy of world domination? Why didn't they get invited? Don't they need to know the agenda for the coming fiscal year? Or do they just get the meeting minutes via email?
And how'd you get to go in 2008? I can envision that scene and it's a good one... 50 internet yahoos standing around outside trying to out-scare each other with unfounded speculation about plots, counter-plots, and live animal sacrifice going on behind those closed doors.
Well, i'm not sure exactly what you are trying to get at?
For starters, it's pretty clear to anyone who
a. was there
b. has half a brain
that both hillary and barack were at Bilderberg in Chantilly '08.
They both ditch the entire press corps, leave them hanging flat, and have press secretaries casually state, "they just needed a private meeting", making up several stories in the process, while dont'cha'know (and completely unreported by the ultra-local ultra-informed DC & Whitehouse press) Bilderberg is happening within spitting distance of the Capitol and what kind of security was seen barreling through the front entrance with machine guns? Presidential security, unless you know who else rates double digit federal agents, machine guns, a full limo procession, triple SUV front and rear escorts, all the lights you could think of, and more.
So, Barack and Hillary already put in there time before the obvious publicity of them both being in the highest office (hillary as the most prestigious cabinet position) and they have their marching orders in advance.
And you are saying the following people aren't important in world politics (nevertheless US politics alone) and that many ofthe following do not represent "Obama" or whatnot?
the presidents of the various central banks,
treasury secretary geithner,
and his predecessor under clinton and former world bank chief economist now turned director of Obama's National Economic Council - Larry Summers,
and Queen Beatrice (who is verifiaby high up on the old blood totem poll, and attends about as regularly as David Rockefeller),
Former Federal Reserve Chairman, and current Chariman of the National Economic Recovery Advisory Board - Paul Volcker,
former World Bank president - James Wolfensohn,
former World Bank president, State Department Policy Director, and Ass. Sec. of Defense - Paul Wolfowitz,
all around douchebag Henry Kissinger needs no further introduction,
multi-billionaire jewish american investor Henry Kravis, former business partner of JFK's dad and infamouse "bootleger" - Joe Kennedy (Kennedy being one of the alleged "13 bloodlines of the illuminati" along with Rockefeller, btw),
douchebag of many hats Richard Holbrooke (former investment banker turned political hack and UN rep., currently Obama's special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan) and,
Obama's National Security Advisor (who "takes his daily marching orders" from private citizen Kissinger) James Jones.
Yeah, you're right, among a laundry list of notable people,
the above in no way serve the establishment, and by your logic the mere fact that two drones in a bucket full (hillary and obama) are not present means everything is "on the level", does it?
What fucking planet are we on people?
can't we just own up to the sorry state of our world and pull our heads out of our asses for long enough to maybe at least consider the alternatives?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Don't even worry about it, man.
You don't really want to know, anyhow.
I can sense it.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
you're kinda right. I probably wont care, because there is no need to. but I'm still curious as to what it is.
apparently some secret meeting of the global elite that is going to soon give the signal to inject me with a mandatory swine flu vaccination and force me to live in concentration camps and only buy products from corporations whom sport a sun in their logo?
but first killing my grandparents to avoid paying them social security of course.
I think you're going to die first now Jlew. You know too much.
I just think its kind of interesting that the same exact symbol (a pyramid with an illuminated eye) appears in the context of one of the oldest known dynastic kingdoms (egypt), on the side of the oldest existing Holy Roman church in Northern Europe (the burial place of the first Holy Roman Emperor, Charlemagne himself, from whom the blood of a great many of our own presidents "coincidentally" flows), and at the top of the French Revolution Declaration of the Rights of Man and on the back of our very own dollar bill and on our very own "Great Seal of the United States", and in the British MI5 insignia, "of course". And this same symbol is "coincidentally" a very high level masonic symbol -- traditionally something that has been very secretive.
And yet you dismiss this out of hand as some sort of lunatic delusion of mine?
I'm just pointing out weird circularities.
I certainly wouldn't say i'm psychotic.
Bilderberg is verifiable as an institution of the ultra-elite.
It is provably the genesis of some high level policy,
and was founded by a group that includes the "best" of the old world blood, new world wealth, and some quite unsavory nazi connections to boot.
So keep laughing like a bunch of chuckleheads and dismissing to the excessive imaginations of some paranoid tinfoilers the oh-so-very real closed-door policy institutions and democratically-destructive forces of the quazi-autocratic central-policy loving ultra-elite.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
dunkman has given you several explanations.
I can appreciate you and "your people" keeping an eye on this bunch. I will agree that this is never in the media and does have a certain sketchyness to it. I wholeheartedly mean this....stay on em. expose it for whatever it is.
but I will ask, what exactly can this group/meeting do that effects us? in what practical way?
I see money as a form of control, as something they use to keep us in debt. with inflation and interest, if every debt was paid off there would be no currency circulating anywhere.
its wage slavery in a sense. and with a single currency being used in europe its much easier to control, they can adjust inflation through by printing-and can hedge their investments based on that inflation. they get more we get less, essentially.
i don't put much effort into checking out the bilderbergs and skull and bones etc...i think its obvious someone or something is behind the scenes, pulling the strings, but even if they weren't, this isn't a economic system i can get behind-secret societies or no. but maybe they had a hand in shaping the system from birth in the US it was designed to be libertarian capitalism basically, which gave them -the companies and managers-free reign.
its all about money and control.
Wishlist Foundation-
I was referring to the list you posted, which does not have Obama's name on it. I thought he was their drone? Doesn't he need to know the master plan to help them carry it out?
I love your point about their non-attendance proving nothing. It's so logical, like my point that a bunch of rich bastards getting together to hobnob and figure out how they can all get richer does not prove there is some evil world conspiracy to enslave humanity.
But, you know, we wouldn't want to consider the alternative possibility that people, as they have since the dawn of civilization, stratify themselves socially and try to get a bigger slice of the pie for themselves and that it has nothing to do with ancient secret societies and complex plots for world domination that involve perfect control of every major event in world history.
i didn´t know either.
to say that you miss the point is understatement in the extreme.
the so called secret societies that you dismiss out of hand are one in the same with this rich elite you seek to exemplify as nothing more or less than naked self interest (which in itself makes you more like one of them, sounding quite "objectivist" in the Randian sense).
A shard of the truth you seem to relentlessly obscure with your self-serving skepticism and oversimplifications is that these are not strange and disconnected fantasies about vague and disparate plots as you make it out. In a very real sense much of this springs from the same and (to some extent) traceable history and, surprise surprise, often involves the same characters. Several of the founders of Bilderberg have Skull & Bones roots, and one of them was also involved in setting up a Rockefeller "peace" trust. The conference itself, besides having confused Nazi ties through founder Prince Bernhard and his associates (which only further goes to illustrate the apparent conflict between claims of a "new world order" and the obvious nature of its ties right back to old world "order" - ie. dynastic feudalism), also is thick with the involvement of Wall Street and its again dueling sources of funding (part American industrial wealth - ie Rockefeller - and part old world money - ie the House of Morgan as a front for ancient Merovingian dynastic wealth).
Anywho, i can give book sources for anyone who sees fit to question any of this.
You can simply google "Morgan Merovingian" for enough interesting links to at least see that i'm not TOTALLY crazy. JP Morgan was mildly obsessed, and had a pretty decent collection of Merovingian artifacts, and was apparently of relation (yeah yeah, we know guys, he was "7th cousin" or something, and EVERYONE is 7th cousins of a king. Yeah RIGHT)!
going to bed, and not going to think twice about all them boogie men out der.
zzz zzz.
ps. and besides missing the point, you actualy missREAD my posts.
Obama and Hillary were BOTH at Bilderberg ... LAST YEAR.
What fucking difference does it make?
They are puppets, low level families in a high level game.
The Clintons are a petty dynasty that got their shot because Bill was big time corrupt and they had all the dirt they could possibly need to keep him in line -- hell he proved that to be the case.
Obama and Hillary got their marching orders last year, though their press secretaries deny it.
And why shouldn't they? And why should anyone believe me over the media?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
'The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an unofficial, annual, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of politics, business, and banking. The participants talk about a variety of global issues, economic, military, and political.[1]
The group meets annually at luxury hotels or resorts throughout the world — normally in Europe, and once every four years in the United States or Canada. It has an office in Leiden in the Netherlands.[2] The 2008 conference took place in Chantilly, Virginia.[3][4] and the 2009 meeting took place from May 14-16 in Athens, Greece.[5]
The original Bilderberg conference was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg, near Arnhem in The Netherlands, from 29 May to 31 May 1954...
Bilderberg agenda
Because of its secrecy and refusal to issue news releases, the group is frequently accused of secretive and nefarious world plots. This thinking has progressively found acceptance within both elements of the populist movement and fringe politics.[15] Critics include the John Birch Society,[16] the Canadian writer Daniel Estulin, British writer David Icke, American writer Jim Tucker and radio host Alex Jones. Alex Jones, in his movie Endgame,[17] contends that the Bilderberg Group intends to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States and other countries into a supra-national structure called the North American Union, similar to the European Union.[18]
Bilderberg founding member and, for 30 years, a steering committee member, Denis Healey has said:[19]
“ "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing." ”
On the other hand, Bilderberg frequent participant David Rockefeller has said in his book “Memoirs”, on page 405: [20]
“ "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."" ”
Origins of conspiracy theories
Jonathan Duffy, writing in BBC News Online Magazine states:
"No reporters are invited in and while confidential minutes of meetings are taken, names are not noted... In the void created by such aloofness, an extraordinary conspiracy theory has grown up around the group that alleges the fate of the world is largely decided by Bilderberg."[21]
This secrecy, and lack of reporters in attendance was also noted by Guardian writer Charlie Skelton in his reports on the 2009 conference held in Athens, Greece. Skelton himself was detained by police on three occasions for taking photographs in the vicinity of the conference resort. [22]
According to the investigative journalist Chip Berlet, the origins of Bilderberger conspiracy theories can be traced to activist Phyllis Schlafly. In his 1994 report Right Woos Left, published by Political Research Associates, he writes:
"The views on intractable godless communism expressed by Schwarz were central themes in three other bestselling books which were used to mobilize support for the 1964 Goldwater campaign. The best known was Phyllis Schlafly's A Choice, Not an Echo which suggested a conspiracy theory in which the Republican Party was secretly controlled by elitist intellectuals dominated by members of the Bilderberger group, whose policies would pave the way for global communist conquest."
It always ends up coming back to this and I say... who gives a fuck? Why should I give a shit about US sovereignty? Why shouldn't I be outraged that the USA robbed my beloved Ohio of its sovereignty? Why shouldn't I be outraged that Ohio robbed my beloved municipality of its sovereignty? Does one like make any more sense than another?
Totalitarianism is on the rise everywhere because advocates of big government have taken leadership control of the power centers within every society. It has taken many years for them to achieve this dominance over society, but they have succeeded. It does no good to complain or to theorize about what should be done. As long as advocates of big government hold the power, nothing will change. The identities of these elitists are known. They have names. They belong to organizations. They meet together to create strategies and they work jointly to implement them. They dominate the power centers of society. We will not escape their plans by looking only at what they are doing. We must focus on them and remove them from their present positions of power. Any other plan of action is doomed to failure.
That, however, is not enough. If we focus solely on the identities and personalities of those who are promoting the decline of liberty, we will be stumped by the fact that, even if we should succeed in removing them from their positions of influence, there are many more just like them waiting to step into their places. The solution is simple. It is to take back control of the power centers of society, one-by-one, just the way they were captured in the first place. Replace the collectivists with people who have no personal agendas except to defend freedom. This will unleash the vast human potential for prosperity and happiness that can be realized only in the absence of government oppression. However, to reach that goal, it will be necessary for those who cherish freedom to do more than complain and far more than just casting a vote every few years. They must reach for power. That is the reason for the motto of Freedom Force: Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt, which is Latin for “Those without power cannot defend freedom.”
JOIN FREEDOM FORCE!!! http(colon)//freedom-force(dot)org
Freedom Force is a global brotherhood of the most enlightened and dedicated people in the world. We are building an international network of leaders who, in spite of differences in nationality and culture, are in solidarity with the principles expressed in The Creed of Freedom. We now have members in sixty countries, and the number continues to grow. Nothing like this has happened before in history. It is a powerful force that cannot be stopped. Welcome to the Brotherhood of Freedom
Wishlist Foundation-
Wow, who knew it was that simple to stop centuries of social development? Anyway, it's a good call, replace one insular international coop with another.
the EU ceratinly seems to be working out just fine. but I havent found any proof about the groups intentions of a NA union.
Yeah... and the best part of that paragraph is "The solution is simple..."
Completely eliminating the structure of our society that has been built over generations and decades and centuries, and replacing it with people with completely opposite priorities could never be done... but apparently it's a "simple" solution.
Not to mention the fact that this writer thinks that somehow all of these new "leaders" will be completely altruistic and somehow play nice together is a pipe dream of the biggest kind.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Wishlist Foundation-
"The overwhelming reason for the meeting was need -- that was the issue that galvanized everyone to participate," Patricia Stonesifer, senior advisor to the Gates foundation's trustees, Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett, told "This was a group very committed to philanthropy coming together to see how they can join together to do more."
HOW DARE THEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!