Pelosi knew about waterboarding... and denied it.



  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    JB811 wrote:
    Staceb10 wrote:
    Where's the uproar from the left around here??? Bush and Cheney are considered the anti-christ for things like this but Pelosi its like "oh it doesn't surprise me" lol typical

    They don't want to shit in the bed that they made.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    JB811 wrote:
    Staceb10 wrote:
    Where's the uproar from the left around here??? Bush and Cheney are considered the anti-christ for things like this but Pelosi its like "oh it doesn't surprise me" lol typical

    They don't want to shit in the bed that they made.
    I think you've got it mixed up... It's 'They don't want to sleep in the bed they shit in.'
    Picture it like this... George W. Bush made the bed by getting his salad tossed by his devoted, torture loving supporters... his dangling balls straddling their wanting tongues.
    These extremist left wingers like a buck naked Nancy Pelosi and bare-ass Barney Frank jump in the bed and shit on is because they think it is horrible what Bush is doing.
    Now, Pelosi has to sleep in the same bed she shit on because she also knew about the heinous acts that were being done in our name by Bush & Co. She is doing the same thing as Bush, giving the green light to torture tactics administered by Americans. The only problem... no one supports Nancy Pelosi because we all know what a lying piece of shit she is and always has been. And we all feel that torturing people in the Name of America is NOT what America is all about.
    The only people making a political issue out of this are more than likely the same ones that licked George W, Bush's hairy ass for 8 years... although... no one admits it. They are now, 'Independents' all of a sudden. Just like the Milli Vanilli fans before the the whole Grammys thing... some one bought those CD... someone voted for Bush. But, no one is willing to admit to either.
    But, you were on the right track...
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    Well I didn't vote for Bush, either time. Call it how you want but until about 2005 I was a strict voting Democrat. I even voted for Obama for Illinois Senate in 2004. But see in, or around 05 I got a little smarter with my vote. I decided I was going to vote as a taxpayer who was sick of waste, sick of lies, sick of both parties giving this country away, sick of illegal aliens, sick of Chicago politicians thinking they know what is best for my entire state. I could go on but it disgusts me what this state and country have become, it really is sad.

    Now I vote for the candidate. I also firmly believe anyone that votes blind party faith is a fool.

    on edit:
    Things are so bad here in Illinois that if my company gets what they want I'm going to be able to move to the 14th District in Texas, I can't wait for that day. I'll finally be represented by a politician that I believe in.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Staceb10 wrote:
    Where's the uproar from the left around here??? Bush and Cheney are considered the anti-christ for things like this but Pelosi its like "oh it doesn't surprise me" lol typical

    I love it...suddenly Pelosi i the anti-Christ and the torture lovers want to send her to if she were the person conducting the water boarding....

    oh, the outrage...the OUTRAGE....

    the bed we've made, woe is me....!!!!! woe is me... :cry:
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    inmytree wrote:
    Staceb10 wrote:
    Where's the uproar from the left around here??? Bush and Cheney are considered the anti-christ for things like this but Pelosi its like "oh it doesn't surprise me" lol typical

    I love it...suddenly Pelosi i the anti-Christ and the torture lovers want to send her to if she were the person conducting the water boarding....

    oh, the outrage...the OUTRAGE....

    the bed we've made, woe is me....!!!!! woe is me... :cry:
    I don't understand either... am I supposed to be outraged? Why?
    And does this mean that the people who supported the Bush/Cheney Administration are siding with Nancy Pelosi???
    I don't get it.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • gabersgabers Posts: 2,787
    inmytree wrote:
    Staceb10 wrote:
    Where's the uproar from the left around here??? Bush and Cheney are considered the anti-christ for things like this but Pelosi its like "oh it doesn't surprise me" lol typical

    I love it...suddenly Pelosi i the anti-Christ and the torture lovers want to send her to if she were the person conducting the water boarding....

    oh, the outrage...the OUTRAGE....

    the bed we've made, woe is me....!!!!! woe is me... :cry:

    Exactly! As if Pelosi might have actually known we were waterboarding it makes it all okay or something?! Bill Maher said it like this: "First, the Republicans denied they tortured, then they admitted it, and now they're trying to justify it by saying Nancy Pelosi said it was okay". How true.
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    I think it has more to do with her hypocrisy and the fact that she wanted to have an investigation and put together a truth commission when she allegedly knew all along what methods were being used.

    I could be wrong :|
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I think it has more to do with her hypocrisy and the fact that she wanted to have an investigation and put together a truth commission when she allegedly knew all along what methods were being used.

    I could be wrong :|
    Wouldn't an investigation by a 'Truth Commission' ultimately reveal the truth that she knew of the torture? Wouldn't that be good thing?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Staceb10Staceb10 Posts: 675
    I'm not trying to justify anything. I have mixed feelings on the whole torture issue. However, I think its hypocritical of some to crucify Bush and Cheney and then act like it was no big surprise that Pelosi was involved as well when they have been acting like the Republican's are the "torture lovers".

    You can't say have your cake and eat it too. Wrong is wrong, no matter what side you are on.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Staceb10 wrote:
    I'm not trying to justify anything. I have mixed feelings on the whole torture issue. However, I think its hypocritical of some to crucify Bush and Cheney and then act like it was no big surprise that Pelosi was involved as well when they have been acting like the Republican's are the "torture lovers".

    You can't say have your cake and eat it too. Wrong is wrong, no matter what side you are on.

    I don't think it's hypocritical, I think the outrage has just died down. The masterminds behind designing, implementing, and defending it are gone. It's been brought to light. It's clear the public is appalled, and now heads are starting to roll. I don't think things would be any different if it was a Republican Senator or Rep under the gun about this at the moment. The fact is, the Bush admin pushed it, they're gone, and now people are starting to be held accountable. We won. You don't see anyone on the left defending Pelosi, do you? Because we're all satisfied that she, and everyone else that signed off on this, is going to get what's coming to them.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Staceb10 wrote:
    I'm not trying to justify anything. I have mixed feelings on the whole torture issue. However, I think its hypocritical of some to crucify Bush and Cheney and then act like it was no big surprise that Pelosi was involved as well when they have been acting like the Republican's are the "torture lovers".

    You can't say have your cake and eat it too. Wrong is wrong, no matter what side you are on.
    Who is doing this... other than sleazy ass politicians trying to back-peddle out of their decisions to side with the Bush/Cheney torture crowd?
    Most people agree... Pelosi is a skank politician and a lying sack of shit. The only ones that seem to be up in arms about this Pelosi crap are the ones who supported these torture tactics. They act like Pelosi agreeing is like some sort of justification.
    And the wrong you are speaking of... are you saying it is wrong for people like Pelosi to agree with Bush Doctrine, then come up with a witch hunt that would reveal that she participated in these games... or that using tactics that are normally associated with people like the Soviet KGB, Nazi Gestapo and Vietnamese Jungle prisons are being green lighted in our names?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Staceb10Staceb10 Posts: 675
    I'm saying that if you think it was wrong for Bush and Cheney to allow the torture then you have to think Pelosi is no better than them regardless of her political party. Again, I have mixed feelings on the torture issue. I have a hard time sympathizing with terrorrists being tortured but I also am uneasy about the possiblity that some of these people might not be terrorists.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Staceb10 wrote:
    I'm saying that if you think it was wrong for Bush and Cheney to allow the torture then you have to think Pelosi is no better than them regardless of her political party. Again, I have mixed feelings on the torture issue. I have a hard time sympathizing with terrorrists being tortured but I also am uneasy about the possiblity that some of these people might not be terrorists.
    Which is exactly what most people (people who are not politicians) are saying... Bush/Cheney/Pelosi are all in the same bed. I don't know of many people defending Pelosi, except fellow politicians. Everyone here is in agreement... Pelosi is scum... just like Bush and Cheney.
    And we all walk that line regarding torture... do we trade our reputaion as good-doers for our security? It isn't easy.
    The one thing I hear mostly from the 'Any Means Necessary' crowd goes something like this...
    If you have someone who knows about... insert some immediate threat here... and blah-blah-blah...
    The basic flaw is the assumption that you KNOW that he knows the information you are seeking. The truth is... you don't know. And if he in fact, does not know anything... he is going to give you whatever he thinks you'll accept in order to get you to stop. Bad information that may end up using resources to chase down bogus threats.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • puremagicpuremagic Posts: 1,907
    The Bush administration planned, executed, circumvented and broke the laws of the U.S. to justify and carry out the use of torture. No one 'allowed' them to torture.

    Bush/Cheney, just like Boehner, Newt, and yes even Steele, knows that whatever Pelosi or any other member of Congress was told in those briefings could not be disclosed or they'd be subject to treason. Hell, even Cheney admits he doesn't know to what extent the details were shared with Pelosi, nor does the CIA.

    This Pelosi show isn't about what she knew or even when she knew it. This is a political tactic taken straight out of Karl Rove's handbook on how to maneuver the players to get rid of a political obstacle, in this case, Pelosi as House Speaker?

    I don't really care who gets caught in the mixing pot, screw the politics. The bottom line is that the United States of America admittedly used torture on prisoners held in their custody and, on their authorization in violation of the U.S. and International Treaty laws. This makes those that planned, executed and carried out these actions - war criminals. We can either clean it up ourselves or leave it to other nations to do it because the more Cheney talks, the more memos that come out, the more pictures that are leaked -all in the name of getting Pelosi- the evidence just piles higher to support the charge of war crimes.
    SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
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