Arlen Spector Switching Parties



    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • drew0drew0 Posts: 943
    "This country is getting scarier by the day; a true totalatarian regime is coming, and don't give me that crap that the Repubs had it for 6 years. They never did anything as scary and sweeping as the Obama take over of our lives."

    How is Obama starting a totalitarian regime, when the Bush Administration used torture, passed the Patriot Act, used fear mongering to get into a war, wiretapped without a warrant, increased the size of government tremendously, and developed the "you're with us or against us" attitude to the world and domestically. Just saying ... you're acting like Obama is Big Brother while George Bush was a classical liberal ...
    Pittsburgh 6/23/06
    Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
  • jmurrayjmurray Stratham, NH Posts: 3,538
    jlew24asu wrote:
    how many other times in history has this supermajority taken place?

    does anyone see the danger in this?

    this is not a left or right issue with me at all.

    Who was it that said "I don't belong to an organized political party, I'm a democrat." ?

    The democratic party won't vote in lock step so don't worry. Take cap and trade for instance, there are too many different interests for different regions of the country. In the end most things will be watered down.
  • drew0drew0 Posts: 943
    "Im sure he wont be missed by some , Hell he should of done this years ago pro choice for embryonic stem cell research, not even close to a republican or conservative and yes he would have lost in 2010"

    When you base your opinion of whether they're a 'true' member of your party on whether or not they support stem cell and abortion, then you're not a realistic party as mentioned before. While he maybe socially on the left, what about his opposition to unions? He is still drastically opposed to the EFCA ... what if I based decision on whether was "even close" to a Democrat on whether or not they supported organized labor? I'm "pro-life"* and a Democrat. Guess if we go by your "judgment" I'm closed to a Republican than a Democrat ... which is laughable.

    *In that I oppose abortion, unnecessary war, capital punishment, torture, giving aid to those who need it, and support stem-cell research (you know, so my grandfather can live). You know, actual pro-"life".
    Pittsburgh 6/23/06
    Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
  • drew0drew0 Posts: 943
    "I don't know if that's true. I don't think the dems are as far left as people think... they swept the republicans because they were kinda centrist and the republicans had been hijacked by the Christian evangelicals."

    The Democratic Party, as a whole, is not nearly as far to the left as some of those on the right make it out to be (Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove). We still accept moderates in our party (Republicans do not: Specter ... who was ridiculed by his party over the years for occasionally voting against them. McCain ... for standing up to the tax cuts that he later supported.)

    The Democratic Party does not call those who disagree with them "fascists", for example.

    Oh, and they are still a national party. Outside of the South, the Republican Party is almost does not exist (17 of 24 states with a Republican Senator are in 'South'.)
    Pittsburgh 6/23/06
    Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
  • drew0 wrote:
    "Im sure he wont be missed by some , Hell he should of done this years ago pro choice for embryonic stem cell research, not even close to a republican or conservative and yes he would have lost in 2010"

    When you base your opinion of whether they're a 'true' member of your party on whether or not they support stem cell and abortion, then you're not a realistic party as mentioned before. While he maybe socially on the left, what about his opposition to unions? He is still drastically opposed to the EFCA ... what if I based decision on whether was "even close" to a Democrat on whether or not they supported organized labor? I'm "pro-life"* and a Democrat. Guess if we go by your "judgment" I'm closed to a Republican than a Democrat ... which is laughable.

    *In that I oppose abortion, unnecessary war, capital punishment, torture, giving aid to those who need it, and support stem-cell research (you know, so my grandfather can live). You know, actual pro-"life".

    He's not a member of my party. Don't belong to either one I think all of them should be voted out of office 2010
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    jmurray wrote:
    jlew24asu wrote:
    how many other times in history has this supermajority taken place?

    does anyone see the danger in this?

    this is not a left or right issue with me at all.

    Who was it that said "I don't belong to an organized political party, I'm a democrat." ?

    The democratic party won't vote in lock step so don't worry. Take cap and trade for instance, there are too many different interests for different regions of the country. In the end most things will be watered down.

    how about we just get rid of all republicans then ;) easy enough right? :D
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    drew0 wrote:
    "I don't know if that's true. I don't think the dems are as far left as people think... they swept the republicans because they were kinda centrist and the republicans had been hijacked by the Christian evangelicals."

    The Democratic Party, as a whole, is not nearly as far to the left as some of those on the right make it out to be (Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove). We still accept moderates in our party (Republicans do not: Specter ... who was ridiculed by his party over the years for occasionally voting against them. McCain ... for standing up to the tax cuts that he later supported.)

    The Democratic Party does not call those who disagree with them "fascists", for example.

    Oh, and they are still a national party. Outside of the South, the Republican Party is almost does not exist (17 of 24 states with a Republican Senator are in 'South'.)

    LOL can you be anymore partisan? wouldnt it be nice if that whole"South" was just gone? you would be in such a happy place. :roll: :lol:
  • drew0drew0 Posts: 943
    How am I partisan?

    17 of the 24 states with a Republican Senator come from the 'South'. They are a regional party at this point.

    I say they don't accept moderates because they don't. Specter was ridiculed for voting for the stimulus bill - Olympia Snowe & Susan Collins are basically the only two moderate Republicans left. Ed Rogers, a staffer under Reagan, has said "If you think [Specter's defection is good], put down the Ann Coulter book and go get some fresh air."

    Olympia Snowe reflects my same point of views in her NYT column: "There is no plausible scenario under which Republicans can grow into a majority while shrinking our ideological confines and continuing to retract into a regional party."

    While some in the Democratic Party may be far to the left, the party at the whole is not. There are still many prominent Democrats that are moderate (Bob Casey, Evan Bayh, Arlen Specter, Mark Warner, Jim Webb, Harold Ford Jr ... the entire DLC). I can count the number of 'moderate' prominent Republicans senators on one hand ... they're either ridiculed (Hagel, Snowe, Collins) or leave/thrown out of the GOP (Specter, Chaffee).
    Pittsburgh 6/23/06
    Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    jlew24asu wrote:
    jmurray wrote:
    jlew24asu wrote:
    how many other times in history has this supermajority taken place?

    does anyone see the danger in this?

    this is not a left or right issue with me at all.

    Who was it that said "I don't belong to an organized political party, I'm a democrat." ?

    The democratic party won't vote in lock step so don't worry. Take cap and trade for instance, there are too many different interests for different regions of the country. In the end most things will be watered down.

    how about we just get rid of all republicans then ;) easy enough right? :D

    They're well on their way to rendering themselves obsolete. It's not like America will end if the republican party goes away. We've had plenty of political parties that just disappeared when their relevance deserted them. Ever heard of the Whigs and the Federalists? I think it would be best for this country if they republicans disappeared. Maybe then the libertarians could step up and we'd be back to 2 parties, only neither of them spends all their time talking about Jesus and creationism.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    jlew24asu wrote:
    That's actually kinda my dream. Then we could let the white trash redneck evangelicals duke it out with the psychopathic suicide-bombing towelheads and the rest of the world could do something important without our retarded inbred cousins dragging us down.

    dude, this is just a Class A asshole thing to say.

    Truth is ugly. And truth is I'm sick of the moronic, superstitious, un-evolved dregs of modern society holding the rest of us back.
    jlew24asu wrote:
    That's actually kinda my dream. Then we could let the white trash redneck evangelicals duke it out with the psychopathic suicide-bombing towelheads and the rest of the world could do something important without our retarded inbred cousins dragging us down.

    dude, this is just a Class A asshole thing to say.

    Truth is ugly. And truth is I'm sick of the moronic, superstitious, un-evolved dregs of modern society holding the rest of us back.

    You're going to be a lawyer, right? I'd say you have great potential to be a really successful one, you put up great arguments all the time on this board, after all. Statements like those above lead me to believe that maybe one day, if wealthy enough, you may just join the "They" club yourself :) We'll be talking about YOU when we post our crazy shit here on the board.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    You're going to be a lawyer, right? I'd say you have great potential to be a really successful one, you put up great arguments all the time on this board, after all. Statements like those above lead me to believe that maybe one day, if wealthy enough, you may just join the "They" club yourself :) We'll be talking about YOU when we post our crazy shit here on the board.

    It's a possibility. I'm generally pretty moderate, but sometimes I get that crazy Bill Hicks urge in me and I lash out with the hatred I feel for dumb people. And I am kind of a subscriber to the Ayn Rand/Machiavelli school of thinking with respect to just how (not) valuable most other people are when you get down to it.
    You're going to be a lawyer, right? I'd say you have great potential to be a really successful one, you put up great arguments all the time on this board, after all. Statements like those above lead me to believe that maybe one day, if wealthy enough, you may just join the "They" club yourself :) We'll be talking about YOU when we post our crazy shit here on the board.

    It's a possibility. I'm generally pretty moderate, but sometimes I get that crazy Bill Hicks urge in me and I lash out with the hatred I feel for dumb people. And I am kind of a subscriber to the Ayn Rand/Machiavelli school of thinking with respect to just how (not) valuable most other people are when you get down to it.

    It might just be the fundamental difference between you and Driftin. He thinks the elites are holding us back, you think the morons are holding us back.

    I think you're both right!
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    You're going to be a lawyer, right? I'd say you have great potential to be a really successful one, you put up great arguments all the time on this board, after all. Statements like those above lead me to believe that maybe one day, if wealthy enough, you may just join the "They" club yourself :) We'll be talking about YOU when we post our crazy shit here on the board.

    It's a possibility. I'm generally pretty moderate, but sometimes I get that crazy Bill Hicks urge in me and I lash out with the hatred I feel for dumb people. And I am kind of a subscriber to the Ayn Rand/Machiavelli school of thinking with respect to just how (not) valuable most other people are when you get down to it.

    It might just be the fundamental difference between you and Driftin. He thinks the elites are holding us back, you think the morons are holding us back.

    I think you're both right!

    Perhaps. Though I actually do agree that the wealthy and powerful fuck the rest of us over. My big difference with him is that he thinks it's because they're all engaged in some big, ongoing, coordinated conspiracy designed to rule the world... I think it's just because they're all rich and powerful and thus share many similar goals in terms of wanting to become more rich and powerful, just like any other organized social or political group. They're just more effective because they have more influence. But it's short-sighted and solely about helping themselves, not some sort of true believers cult like he seems to suggest.
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